2 Exploring the WordPerfect DTD Compiler=Exploring the WordPerfect DTD Compiler@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To display the WordPerfect DTD Compiler=To display the WordPerfect DTD Compiler@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Exploring the WordPerfect XML Project Designer
2 Exploring the WordPerfect XML Project Designer=Exploring the WordPerfect XML Project Designer@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To display the WordPerfect XML Project Designer=To display the WordPerfect XML Project Designer@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Exploring the WordPerfect XML Editor
2 Exploring the WordPerfect XML Editor=Exploring the WordPerfect XML Editor@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To display the XML Tree=To display the XML Tree@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To dock the XML Tree=To dock the XML Tree@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To resize the XML Tree=To resize the XML Tree@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To display the XML Content Model=To display the XML Content Model@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Creating XML documents
2 Creating XML documents=Creating XML documents@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To create an XML document=To create an XML document@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To create an XML document from a template=To create an XML document from a template@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To open an XML document=To open an XML document@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To open an XML document as text=To open an XML document as text@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Saving XML documents
2 Saving XML documents=Saving XML documents@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To save an XML document=To save an XML document@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To automatically save an imported XML document in its original file format=To automatically save an imported XML document in its original file format@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To define where graphics are saved=To define where graphics are saved@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Compiling a DTD
2 Compiling a DTD=Compiling a DTD@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To compile a DTD=To compile a DTD@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To add a catalog file to the compile=To add a catalog file to the compile@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
1 Formatting XML documents
1 Formatting XML documents=Formatting XML documents@wp11xlen.hlp>main
2 Working with page size definitions and layout
2 Working with page size definitions and layout=Working with page size definitions and layout@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To choose a page size definition=To choose a page size definition@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To choose a paper orientation=To choose a paper orientation@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To set margins for an element=To set margins for an element@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To start an element on a new page=To start an element on a new page@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To maintain the white space between selected elements=To maintain the white space between selected elements@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Centering and spacing text
2 Centering and spacing text=Centering and spacing text@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To center text between the top and bottom margins=To center text between the top and bottom margins@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To change the spacing between lines of text=To change the spacing between lines of text@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Keeping text together
2 Keeping text together=Keeping text together@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To keep words together=To keep words together@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To keep a paragraph together=To keep a paragraph together@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To insert a line break=To insert a line break@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To associate a WordPerfect feature with an element=To associate a WordPerfect feature with an element@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To associate a macro with an element=To associate a macro with an element@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Editing element attributes
2 Editing element attributes=Editing element attributes@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To display element attribute values=To display element attribute values@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To add an element attribute constraint=To add an element attribute constraint@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To delete an element attribute constraint=To delete an element attribute constraint@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To edit an element attribute=To edit an element attribute@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
1 Using references, notations, cross-references, and tables of contents
1 Using references, notations, cross-references, and tables of contents=Using references notations crossreferences and tables of contents@wp11xlen.hlp>main
2 Inserting text references
2 Inserting text references=Inserting text references@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To insert text references=To insert text references@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Working with file references
2 Working with file references=Working with file references@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To create file references=To create file references@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To insert file references=To insert file references@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To edit file references=To edit file references@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To delete file references=To delete file references@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Using notations to identify external data
2 Using notations to identify external data=Using notations to identify external data@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To specify an attribute value for a notation=To specify an attribute value for a notation@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To edit a notation attribute=To edit a notation attribute@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To mark a target for cross-references=To mark a target for crossreferences@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To mark a reference for cross-references=To mark a reference for crossreferences@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To mark a cross-reference=To mark a crossreference@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To generate a cross-reference=To generate a crossreference@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Creating a table of contents
2 Creating a table of contents=Creating a table of contents@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To define a table of contents=To define a table of contents@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To mark elements for the table of contents=To mark elements for the table of contents@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To create a table of contents=To create a table of contents@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Creating lists of document items
2 Creating lists of document items=Creating lists of document items@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To mark elements for a list=To mark elements for a list@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To create and insert a list definition=To create and insert a list definition@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Marking sections in a document
2 Marking sections in a document=Marking sections in a document@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To mark a CDATA section in XML documents=To mark a CDATA section in XML documents@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To create a processing instruction=To create a processing instruction@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To tag information for inclusion in WordPerfect documents=To tag information for inclusion in WordPerfect documents@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
1 Working with catalog files
1 Working with catalog files=Working with catalog files@wp11xlen.hlp>main
2 What is a catalog file?
2 What is a catalog file?=What is a catalog file@wp11xlen.hlp>main
2 Mapping to filenames
2 Mapping to filenames=Mapping to filenames@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To map a public identifier to a filename=To map a public identifier to a filename@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To map an entity name to a filename=To map an entity name to a filename@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To map a system identifier to a filename=To map a system identifier to a filename@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To map the document type name to a filename=To map the document type name to a filename@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Mapping to WordPerfect template files
2 Mapping to WordPerfect template files=Mapping to WordPerfect template files@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To map the public identifier to a WordPerfect template file=To map the public identifier to a WordPerfect template file@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To map the system identifier to a WordPerfect template file=To map the system identifier to a WordPerfect template file@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To map the document type name to a WordPerfect file=To map the document type name to a WordPerfect file@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Catalog entries not supported by WordPerfect
2 Catalog entries not supported by WordPerfect=Catalog entries not supported by WordPerfect@wp11xlen.hlp>main
2 Performing a catalog lookup
2 Performing a catalog lookup=Performing a catalog lookup@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 Example of a catalog lookup=Example of a catalog lookup@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 How the WordPerfect DTD Compiler uses catalog files
2 How the WordPerfect DTD Compiler uses catalog files=How the WordPerfect DTD Compiler uses catalog files@wp11xlen.hlp>main
2 How WordPerfect uses catalog files
2 How WordPerfect uses catalog files=How WordPerfect uses catalog files@wp11xlen.hlp>main
2 External entities and catalog entries
2 External entities and catalog entries=External entities and catalog entries@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 Entity Declaration with PUBLIC identifier=Entity Declaration with PUBLIC identifier@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 Entity Declaration with SYSTEM identifier=Entity Declaration with SYSTEM identifier@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 Entity Declaration with both PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers=Entity Declaration with both PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 Entity Declaration with SYSTEM keyword but no SYSTEM identifier=Entity Declaration with SYSTEM keyword but no SYSTEM identifier@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 BASESET section in the SGML Declaration=BASESET section in the SGML Declaration@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 CAPACITY section in the SGML Declaration=CAPACITY section in the SGML Declaration@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 DOCTYPE statement with a PUBLIC identifier=DOCTYPE statement with a PUBLIC identifier@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 DOCTYPE statement with a SYSTEM identifier=DOCTYPE statement with a SYSTEM identifier@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 DOCTYPE statement with neither a PUBLIC nor a SYSTEM identifier=DOCTYPE statement with neither a PUBLIC nor a SYSTEM identifier@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 No DOCTYPE statement, but first start tag represents the root element=No DOCTYPE statement but first start tag represents the root element@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
1 Working with layouts
1 Working with layouts=Working with layouts@wp11xlen.hlp>main
2 Creating and editing layouts
2 Creating and editing layouts=Creating and editing layouts@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To create a document layout=To create a document layout@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To create a generic layout=To create a generic layout@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To specify the layout for an element=To specify the layout for an element@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To copy layout definitions=To copy layout definitions@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To edit a layout=To edit a layout@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Opening and saving layouts
2 Opening and saving layouts=Opening and saving layouts@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To open a layout=To open a layout@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To save a new layout=To save a new layout@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To save layout information for all elements in a file=To save layout information for all elements in a file@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
1 Customizing the XML environment
1 Customizing the XML environment=Customizing the XML environment@wp11xlen.hlp>main
2 Customizing WordPerfect for XML
2 Customizing WordPerfect for XML=Customizing WordPerfect for XML@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To change the appearance of XML tags in WordPerfect=To change the appearance of XML tags in WordPerfect@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To specify import options for XML documents in WordPerfect=To specify import options for XML documents in WordPerfect@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To specify the default location for XML WordPerfect templates in WordPerfect=To specify the default location for XML WordPerfect templates in WordPerfect@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To add XML options to the application bar in WordPerfect=To add XML options to the application bar in WordPerfect@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To add a button to the XML toolbar in WordPerfect=To add a button to the XML toolbar in WordPerfect@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To add a button to the XML property bar in WordPerfect=To add a button to the XML property bar in WordPerfect@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Customizing the WordPerfect DTD Compiler
2 Customizing the WordPerfect DTD Compiler=Customizing the WordPerfect DTD Compiler@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To set default folder in the WordPerfect DTD Compiler=To set default folder in the WordPerfect DTD Compiler@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To save a log file in the WordPerfect DTD Compiler=To save a log file in the WordPerfect DTD Compiler@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To set the case for elements in the WordPerfect DTD Compiler=To set the case for elements in the WordPerfect DTD Compiler@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
2 Customizing the WordPerfect XML Project Designer
2 Customizing the WordPerfect XML Project Designer=Customizing the WordPerfect XML Project Designer@wp11xlen.hlp>main
3 To set the default folder for layout files in the WordPerfect XML Project Designer=To set the default folder for layout files in the WordPerfect XML Project Designer@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To add a button to the toolbar or property bar in the WordPerfect XML Project Designer=To add a button to the toolbar or property bar in the WordPerfect XML Project Designer@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4
3 To change the appearance of the toolbar or property bar in the WordPerfect XML Project Designer=To change the appearance of the toolbar or property bar in the WordPerfect XML Project Designer@wp11xlen.hlp>proc4