104 Select either the Import or Export button, then choose a type from the list box.
105 Import file:
107 Export file:
108 Select source address book.
109 source
110 destination
111 Select the destination address book.
112 Please wait while the source information loads...
113 Import &To
114 Export &From
115 Import &From
116 Export &To
117 Number of entries
118 Unknown
119 OK
120 Cancel
121 &Address Book:
122 0 Fields Mapped
123 Fields Mapped
124 &Mapped:
125 Import From File:
126 Import To File:
127 Export From File:
128 Export To File:
129 Mapped From:
130 Mapped To:
131 Mapping Summary:
132 Choose delimiters for fields and records. A delimiter is punctuation that separates fields and records. Text Qualifiers are quotes around fields.
133 Choose source address book on the left, and destination address book on the right.
134 Choose the location of the file you wish to import in the Look in list box, then click on the file you wish to import. Select a destination address book from the Import To box.
135 Choose a source address book from the Export From box. Choose the location where you want the file saved in the Save in list box, then type a file name in the File Name box and choose a format from the File of Type list box.
136 Select a field in the Import Fields list, then choose the corresponding field in the Address Book Fields list box and hit Add. The mapped field will display in the Mapped box. To unmap a field, select the field in the Mapped box then click Delete.
137 Comma
138 Tab
139 <CR><CF>
140 '
141 "
142 None
143 Text file (*.txt)
288 Always &qualify text
289 Record delimiter:
290 Field delimiter:
291 Text delimiter:
292 Custom:
293 Treat &consecutive text qualifiers as one
294 All Files (*.*) |*.*|
295 Import/Export Start
296 Source and Destination
297 Text File Options
298 Field Mapping
299 Summary
300 Import/Export Status
301 Export in progress...
302 Import in progress...
303 Export done.
304 Import done.
305 Import To
306 Export From
307 Import From
308 Export To
309 Select a field in the Address Book Fields box, then choose the corresponding field in the Exported Fields list and hit Add. To unmap a field, select the field in the Mapped box, then click Delete.
310 &Exported Fields
311 Address Book &Fields
312 Address Book &Fields
313 &Imported Fields
314 Tip: It is recommended that Display Name be mapped.
315 Export Failed.
316 Import Failed.
317 Choose the folder containing the contact items you wish to import in the Folders box. Select a destination address book in the Address Books box.
318 Select the address book containing the records you wish to export in the Address Books box. Select a destination folder in the Folders box.
319 Folders
320 Address Books
321 To select which field will be exported, select the field name in the Address Book Fields box and then hit the Add button. If you do not wish a field to be exported, select it from the Mapped box, then hit the Delete button.
322 Import To Address Book:
323 Export From Address Book:
324 You must enter a file name in the File name box, or select one from the file list.