15 Nothing assigned to Split Y axis, assigning half arbitrarily.
16 No data found.
17 Illegal series address reference.
18 Passed structure wrong size.
19 Illegal value.
20 QQQDDE initialization failure.
512 QQQUnknown 2D Engine Error.
513 Meory allocation problem.
514 Error bars not supported by stacked chart types.
515 Legend box not applicable to group colored area chart.
516 Logarithmic scale not applicable to percent chart.
517 Negative values not possible on logarithmic scale.
518 Zero value requires infinite range with logarithmic scale.
519 Less than two number of vertices on BSplines.
520 Zero or negative values require infinite range with logarithmic scale.
521 Zero or negative intervals are not applicable.
522 Zero or negative number of Contour Levels are not applicable.
523 Zero or negative number of Contour Surfaces are not applicable.
524 Negative number of Contour Points are not applicable.
525 QQQCurrent table chart overflows DC - set to all autofit.
768 More topo lines (grids, contours.) were generated than predicted. This error is a sign of a corrupted .3D3 file and should never occur in real life.
769 This error indicates an internal program bug - helpful during development, but, like the error above, should never occur.
770 Invalid color mapping code (trapped when calculating area and line ID bins).
771 Invalid object ID, probably out of range.
772 A Mac-specific error indicating that the program was unable to obtain graph device information from the O/S. This one's not our fault.
773 WINDOWS didn't let us allocate a color table probably due to memory shortage.
774 WINDOWS didn't let us allocate an offscreen picture handle.
775 Unable to allocate memory for a text string. Usual reason is lack of memory, as is the case for all the _MEM_ error codes below.
776 Unable to allocate mem for autofit struct.
777 Unable to allocate mem for graph frame info structure.
778 Unable to allocate mem for array of header strings.
779 Unable to allocate mem for buffer for grid-, topo- etc. lines.
780 Unable to allocate mem for struct for sorting cells in matrix-type graphs (ordinal x & z axes) = non-scatters.
781 Unable to allocate mem for copy of polygon for clipping purposes.
782 Unable to allocate mem for 3D object definition structure.
783 Unable to allocate mem for pixel buffer for 3D raytracing.
784 Unable to allocate mem for info struct for 3D raytracing.
785 Unable to allocate mem for list of data point location in scatter graphs (used to improve rotation speed).
786 Unable to allocate mem for struct for sorting marker points by distance from viewer in scatter graphs.
787 Unable to allocate mem for table of 90 precalc'ed sine values.
788 Unable to allocate mem for table of strings for ATM type text.
789 Unable to allocate mem for list of endpoints of topo lines.
790 Unable to allocate mem for list of topolines themselves.
791 OUT-OF-RANGE error for object attribute.
792 OUT-OF-RANGE error for invalid graph type for matrix graphs.
793 OUT-OF-RANGE error for reserved for invalid scatter type.
794 QQQNo or bad data for scatter point.
795 QQQFIXME FIXME 07dec90/ksk YOU fix me, Keith! What does this meanQQQ.
1280 Error creating anode. Probably Mem.
1281 Error grouping anodes. Probably Mem.
1282 Error duplicating. Probably Mem.
1283 Invalid text handle encountered or out of mem. while setting text.
1284 Invalid GraphPtr passed to engine.
1285 Attribute passed was not valid.
1286 An Invalid Annotation handle was passed.
1287 The selection list contained no annotations to act upon.
1288 No DetNode was found for given Anode.
1289 Hot-Link found no graph object to link to in the selection list.
1290 Attr codes are menu info is invalid.
1291 QQQLast annotation error code.
1536 Standard Access Error.
1537 Series address out of range.
1538 Group address out of range.
1539 Entry address out of range.
1540 Insuffient space in buffer.
1541 Chart type not found in data structures.
1542 Attempt was made to query an empty item.
1543 Storage device was unable to retrieve data.
1544 Storage device was unable to store data.
1545 Operation failed due to lack of data.
1546 Function not implemented in this version.
1547 Item not valid in context used.
1548 No data items active in node.
1549 QQQData range undefined.
1550 QQQInsufficient data to form any risers.
1551 QQQAt least two series required for this graph.
1552 QQQAt least two groups required for this graph.
1792 QQQStandard Draw Error.
2304 Error creating SFXHandle. Probably Mem.
2305 Error opening picture file.
2306 TDGPATH not set to pict's path.
2307 Unrecognized picture format.
2308 Metafile extents are zero'd.
2309 A NULL SFXHandle was passed.
2310 An out-of-range palette index was ref'd.
2311 Error opening preset file.
2312 Error writing preset file.
2313 Error reading preset file.
2314 No preset by that name exists.
2315 No layers were drawn in SFX.
2316 QQQLast SFX error code.
2318 WARNING :
2319 FATAL :
2320 CONFIRM :
2321 SPECIAL :
2322 STATUS :
2336 Title
2337 Subtitle
2338 X-Axis Title
2339 Y-Axis Title
2340 Legend or Z-Axis Title
2341 Legend Title
2342 X-Axis Title
2343 Footnote
2344 Z-Axis Title
2345 Secondary Y-Axis Title
2346 X-Axis Labels
2347 Y-Axis Labels
2348 Secondary Y-Axis Labels
2349 Z Axis-Labels
2350 Legend Text
2351 Data Text
2352 Area
2353 Bar
2354 Line
2355 Line and Marker
2356 Marker
2357 Pie
2358 Doughnut
2359 Column
2360 X - Axis
2361 Curve Formula
2362 Y1 - Axis
2363 Y2 - Axis
2364 Z - Axis
2365 None
2366 Aggregation
2367 Moving Average
2368 Linear Fit
2369 Exponential Fit
2370 Standard Deviation
2371 Common Log Fit
2372 Natural Log Fit
2373 Polynomial Fit
2374 Could not find the Corel Chart help file location inside the registry.
57535 Pyramid (True 3D)
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57610 Area
57611 Overlapped
57612 Stacked
57613 Stacked100%
57614 Bar
57615 Cluster
57616 Error Cluster
57617 Error Overlapped
57618 Bubble
57619 Bullet
57620 Column
57621 Standard
57622 Exploded
57623 Gantt
57624 Histogram
57625 Risers
57626 Sample Divisions
57627 Line
57628 Markers
57629 Mixed
57630 Lines + Bar
57631 Marker + Lines + Bar
57632 Markers + Bar
57633 Markers + Area
57634 Lines + Area
57635 Line + Stacked Bar
57636 Marker + Stacked Bar
57637 Marker + Stacked Area
57638 Marker + Lines
57639 Line + Cluster Bars
57640 Bar + Stacked Area
57641 Pie
57642 First Slice Out
57643 Doughnut
57644 Doughnut First Slice Out
57645 Doughnut Exploded
57646 Polar
57647 Lines Only
57648 Markers Only
57649 Lines and Markers
57650 Radar/Spider
57651 Radar Overlapped
57652 Radar Stacked
57653 Radar Stacked100%
57654 Spider Overlapped
57655 Spider Stacked
57656 Spider Stacked100%
57657 Scatter/XY
57658 Spectral
57659 Colors
57660 Shapes
57661 Colors and Shapes
57662 Stock
57663 High/Low
57664 High/Low/Open
57665 High/Low/Close
57666 High/Low/Open/Close
57667 High/Low/Open/Close/Volume
57668 High/Low/Open/Close/Volume/Base
57669 Line High/Low
57670 Line High/Low/Close
57671 Surface
57672 Series Surface
57673 Contour
57674 Shaded
57675 Text
57676 Software\Corel\Graphics\11\Location of Files
57794 The chart data file you are loading contains errors.\n\nPlease open the file using the application you created it in and check your data.
57795 Use Regional Settings
58624 Clear all current data?
58627 <None>
58628 Absolute Value
58629 Average
58630 Cosine
58631 Cumulative Total
58632 Difference
58633 Fit Exponential
58634 Fit Linear
58635 Fit Log
58636 Fit Polynomial
58637 Fit Power
58638 Maximum
58639 Minimum
58640 Moving Average
58641 Percent of Total
58642 Sine
58643 Sum
58644 of
58645 R&ow(s):
58646 C&olumn(s):
58647 Ro&w:
58648 Co&lumn:
58649 Presentations cannot apply the formula as specified.\n\nPlease make sure you specify rows with numbers separated by commas, and columns with letters separated with a colon. For example, Rows 1,2,3 or Columns A:C.
58650 Presentations needs a numeric value greater than zero as the Number to Forecast.
58651 Presentations needs a numeric value greater than zero as the Order of Curve Fit.
58654 Correlation coeff :
58655 r-squared :
58656 Fit type :
58657 c%-2d :
58658 chi square :
58659 No curve fit defined
58660 Linear
58661 Log
58662 Exp
58663 Power
58664 Poly n=
58665 Please select one or more Datasheet cells, then try again.
58666 &Key Row:
58667 &Key Column:
58670 Presentations cannot use the number in the Step field.\n\nPlease specify another number. Step numbers can be positive or negative whole numbers, or fractions.
58672 Presentations cannot use the value in the Start field.\n\nPlease specify another value. Start can include positive or negative whole numbers, fractions, or dates in the following format: MM/DD/YY.
58673 <Spreadsheet>
58677 The block on the Clipboard is a different shape from the selected block.\n\nPlease select a block with the same number of rows, columns, and cells as the block you want to paste.
58678 Presentations could not find the cell you specified.\n\nPlease specify the cell by column letter then row number. For example, A1.
58683 The Order of Curve Fit value must be at least one less than the total number of data points in your Datasheet. For example, if you have 10 data points, the Order can be any number from 1 to 9.
58684 Your application cannot allocate enough memory to continue.\n\nPlease free some system memory by shutting down one or more applications.
58685 Presentations cannot complete this formula, because the formula requires numbers to be divided by zero.\n\nPlease choose another formula.
58686 Presentations cannot complete this formula.\n\nPlease choose another formula.
58698 Your application could not access the selected file. It may be password protected, already open, or deleted.\n\nPlease select another file.
58699 You can only import text files and supported spreadsheet files into the Datasheet.\n\nPlease select a text file or spreadsheet.
58700 Your application cannot find the range in the spreadsheet file linked to your chart, and cannot update the data.\n\nPlease choose Import from the Data menu to re-import the data file.
58701 This file contains data in a format other than ASCII, so it cannot be imported.\n\nPlease open the file in another application and save it as ASCII text.
58702 There is not enough memory to paste the data from the Clipboard into the Datasheet.\n\nPlease free some system memory by closing applications, then try again.
58703 This PlanPerfect file is password-protected.\n\nPlease open it in PlanPerfect and save it without a password, then import it into the Datasheet.
58704 ERROR
58705 N/A
58706 Please enter formulas in a single row or column.
58708 Your application cannot find the spreadsheet file linked to your chart, and cannot update the data.\n\nPlease choose Import from the Data menu to re-import the data file.
58709 The row or column you selected as the sort key must be within the block of data you want to sort.
58710 Error calculating curve fit.
58711 Presentations cannot enter formulas in the Legend or Labels area.\n\nPlease choose another row or column for your formula results.
58712 The values in the Average Before, After box must be numbers greater than zero.
58713 Please specify only one row or column for this formula.
58714 Please specify only one or two rows for this formula. Separate two row numbers with a comma.
58716 Do you want to replace all the data in row %d with the results of the selected formula?
58717 Do you want to replace all the data in column %s with the results of the selected formula?
58718 Do you want to remove the formula in row %1 and leave the existing data?
58719 Do you want to remove the formula in column %1 and leave the existing data?
58720 Presentations cannot include the results row in the formula.\n\nPlease change your entry in the Row(s) box so that it does not include the results row.
58721 Presentations cannot include the results column in the formula.\n\nPlease change your entry in the Column(s) box so that it does not include the results column.
58722 Presentations cannot calculate the formula as defined.\n\nPlease check your formula for proper formatting or errors.
58723 Please specify ranges in ascending order (1:4 instead of 4:1).
58724 <Chart %d>
58725 <Chart>
58726 Pie %d
58727 X Data
58728 <XY>
58729 <BAR>
58730 <PIE>
58731 <AREA>
58732 <LINE>
58733 <STACKED>
58734 <COLUMN>
58735 <HI-LO>
58737 <TEXT>
58738 Filling Data...
58739 The block on the Clipboard is a different shape from the selected block.\n\nPlease select a block with the same number of rows, columns, and cells as the block you want to transpose.
58740 Please specify only one row or column when you want to forecast values.
58741 Importing Spreadsheet...
58742 General
58743 User Defined
58744 #
58745 #%s##
58746 #%s###
58747 #%s###%s##
58748 (#%s###)
58749 (#%s###%s##)
58750 (%s#%s###%s)
58751 (%s#%s###%s##%s)
58752 #%
58753 #%s##%%
58754 #%s##E+##
58755 Exporting Data...
58758 Presentations cannot import multiple spreadsheets into the same chart.
58759 y = c0+c1*x+c2*x^2+...+cn*x^n
58760 y = a + b * x
58761 LN(y) = a + b * x
58762 LN(y) = a + b * LN(x)
58763 y = a + b * LN(x)
58764 a :
58765 b :
58767 Your application cannot allocate enough memory to continue.\n\nPlease free some system memory by shutting down one or more applications.
58768 Pasting a block of data at the current cell will leave data outside the bounds of the spreadsheet.\n\nPlease select an area that leaves enough room for the pasted data.
58769 <Sheet %s>
58770 Load String Failed
58771 Datasheet
58773 Do you want to delete all cells in the selected rows?
58774 Do you want to delete all cells in the selected columns?
58775 Your chart is linked to this file, %s, which your application cannot find.\n\nPlease re-import the data into your chart.\n\nPressing cancel will remove the link to this file.