WordPerfect can save you time accessing many of the dialog boxes and commands by using keystrokes. Included in this section are the default shortcut keys that come with WordPerfect.
In this section, you'll learn about
using WordPerfect shortcut keys
Using WordPerfect shortcut keys
You can use default shortcut keys for File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Table, Tools, and Help menu commands. You can also use default shortcut keys for the property bar, navigation, and other commands. For information about customizing shortcut keys, see "Customizing WordPerfect."
You can use CUA or DOS keystrokes to move around in WordPerfect or to select text. If you are using the WPWin 7, WPWin 8, WPWin 9, or WPWin 10 keyboards, you use CUA keystrokes. If you are using the WPDOS 6.1 keyboard, you use DOS keystrokes.
To use File menu shortcut keys
Press To
Ctrl + N Create a new document (New)
(Ctrl + Shift + N) or (Ctrl + T) Create a new document from a template (New from project)
(Ctrl + O) or (F4) Open an existing document in a new window (Open)
Ctrl + F4 Close the current document window (Close)
(Ctrl + S) or (Shift + F3) Save the current document (Save)
F3 Save the current document with a different name or file format (Save as)
(Ctrl + P) or (F5) Specify how you want to print the document (Print)
Alt + F4 Quit WordPerfect (Exit)
To use Edit menu shortcut keys
Press To
Ctrl + Z Reverse the last change (Undo)
Ctrl + Shift + Z Reverse the last undo (Redo)
Ctrl + X Move the selection to the Clipboard (Cut)
Ctrl + C Copy the selection to the Clipboard (Copy)
Ctrl + V Insert the Clipboard contents at the cursor (Paste)
Ctrl + Shift + V Insert the contents of the Clipboard into a document as a selected format (Paste special)
Ctrl + Alt + C Insert the contents of the Clipboard into a document as unformatted text (Paste special)
Ctrl + A Select all of the contents in an active document (Select All)
Ctrl + F Search for words or codes and replace them with new words or codes (Find and replace)
Ctrl + G Jump to a specified place in the active document (Go to)
To use View menu shortcut keys
Press To
Ctrl + F5 Hide headers, footers, watermarks, and so on (Draft)
Alt + F5 Display headers, footers, watermarks, and so on (Page)
Alt + Shift + F3 Display or hide the ruler (Ruler)
Alt + Shift + F5 Display or hide all bars (Hide bars)
Ctrl + Shift + F3 Display or hide symbols for space, hard return, tab, and so on (Show)
Alt + F3 Display or hide all codes used in the document (Reveal Codes)
To use Insert menu shortcut keys
Press To
Ctrl + W Insert a symbol (Symbol)
Ctrl + F11 Create a line in a document from the left margin to the right margin (Line Horizontal line)
Ctrl + Shift + F11 Create a line in a document from the top margin to the bottom margin (Line Vertical line)
To use Format menu shortcut keys
Press To
F9 Change the font (Font)
Shift + F7 Center the selected text, the current line only, or all text from the cursor forward (Line Center)
Alt + F7 Right justify a line of text (Line Flush right)
F7 Indent the current paragraph one tab stop (Paragraph Indent)
Ctrl + F7 Indent all but the first line of the active paragraph one tab stop (Paragraph Hanging indent)
Ctrl + Shift + F7 Indent the current paragraph equally from both margins (Paragraph Double indent)
Ctrl + L Align text on the left margin (Justification Left)
Ctrl + R Align text on the right margin (Justification Right)
Ctrl + E Center text between the margins (Justification Center)
Ctrl + J Align text on the left and right margins (Justification Full)
Ctrl + F8 Change the left, right, top, and bottom margins (Margins)
Alt + F8 Create, edit, and select styles (Styles)
To use Table menu shortcut keys
Press To
F12 Create a table or floating cell (Create)
Ctrl + F12 Format a table (Format)
Shift + F12 Add borders or fill to a table (Borders/fill)
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Fill a table with incrementing numbers or dates (QuickFill)
Ctrl + = Add values in a table (QuickSum)
Some Table menu shortcut keys will not be available unless a table is first created.
To use Tools menu shortcut keys
Press To
Ctrl + F1 Check and correct spelling (Spell checker)
Alt + Shift + F1 Check and correct grammar and spelling (Grammatik)
Alt + F1 Get synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and usage examples for a word (Thesaurus)
Alt + Ctrl + F1 Look up words in the dictionary (Dictionary)
Alt + F10 Play back a recorded series of commands (Macro Play)
Ctrl + F10 Record a series of commands (Macro Record)
Shift + F9 Create and combine data files and form files (Merge)
Alt + F9 Order text alphabetically or numerically (Sort)
Ctrl + F9 Generate a list, Index, cross-reference, table of contents, or table of authorities (Reference Generate)
Alt + F12 Change WordPerfect settings (Settings)
To use Help menu shortcut keys
Press To
F1 Display a list of Help topics (Help topics)
Shift + F1 Enable the What's This Help button
To use property bar shortcut keys
Press To
Ctrl + B Turn on/turn off bold
Ctrl + I Turn on/turn off italic
Ctrl + U Turn on/turn off underline
Alt + Ctrl + P Find the previous occurrence of the current word or selection
Alt + Ctrl + N Find the next occurrence of the current word or selection
To use navigation shortcut keys
Press To
Tab Move between controls in a dialog box; move between jumps in a Help window (press Enter to activate jumps)
Page up Move up a screen
Page down Move down a screen
Home Move to the beginning of a line
Ctrl + Home Move to the top of a document
Shift + Page up Select the above screen
Shift + Page down Select the screen below
Ctrl + Page up Scroll to the left
Ctrl + Page down Scroll to the right
Alt + Page up Move to the previous page
Alt + Page down Move to the next page
Alt + Shift + Page up Select the previous page
Alt + Shift + Page down Select the next page
End Move to the end of a line
Shift + End Select the end of a line
Ctrl + End Move to the bottom of a document
Ctrl + Shift + End Select the bottom of a document
Alt + End Move to the bottom of a column
Alt + Shift + End Select the bottom of a column
Left Move left
Shift + Left Select the previous character
Ctrl + Left Move to the previous word
Ctrl + Shift + Left Select the previous word
Alt + Left Move to the previous column
Alt + Shift + Left Select the previous column
Up Move up
Shift + Up Select the previous line
Ctrl + Up Move to the previous paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + Up Select the previous paragraph
Alt + Up Move up one cell
Alt + Shift + Up Select the above cell
Right Move right
Shift + Right Select the next character
Ctrl + Right Move to the next word
Ctrl + Shift + Right Select the next word
Alt + Right Move to the next column
Alt + Shift + Right Select the next column
Shift + F5 Zoom to the full page
F6 Move to the next pane
Shift + F6 Move to the previous pane
Ctrl + F6 Move to the next open document
Ctrl + Shift + F6 Move to the previous open document
Alt + F6 Move to the next window
Alt + Shift + F6 Move to the previous window
To use other shortcut keys
Keystroke Function
F2 Find and replace
F4 Opens a file management dialog box from such dialog boxes as Publish to HTML, Compare documents, File settings, Define index, and Merge. To use F4, the cursor has to be positioned in a file management box; for example, if you are in the Publish to HTML dialog box (File Publish to HTML), click in the HTML file name box and press F4 to open the Open file dialog box.
F8 Select
F11 From file
Insert Typeover
Delete Delete
Ctrl + Delete Delete to end of line
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Delete to end of page
Alt + Delete Delete table row
Alt + Down arrow Expand list box/access Browse
Alt + F2 Find previous
Alt + F11 Open Visual Basic Editor
Alt + Shift + F7 Tab hard decimal
Alt + Shift + F12 Calculate document
Alt + Shift + (underlined letter) Perform a command from the List, Index, Cross-reference, Table of contents, or Table of authorities toolbar
Ctrl + F3 Redisplay
Ctrl + Shift + F5 Insert paragraph number
Ctrl + D Date text
Ctrl + H Outline body text
Ctrl + K Case toggle
Ctrl + Q Find quick mark
Ctrl + Shift + B Insert bullet
Ctrl + Shift + C Change the first letter in a paragraph to a drop capital
Ctrl + Shift + D Automatic date
Ctrl + Shift + H Print history
Ctrl + Shift + L Insert line break
Ctrl + Shift + O Define outline
Ctrl + Shift + P Print document
Ctrl + Shift + Q Set QuickMark
Ctrl + Shift + S Save all
Ctrl + , Decrease width of table column
Ctrl + - Character hyphenation
Ctrl + . Increase width of table column
Ctrl + / Cancel hyphenation
Ctrl + Shift + - Soft hyphenation
Ctrl + Alt + 1 Inserts the Heading 1 style
Ctrl + Alt + 2 Inserts the Heading 2 style
Ctrl + Alt + 3 Inserts the Heading 3 style
Ctrl + Alt + 4 Inserts the Heading 4 style
Ctrl + Alt + 5 Inserts the Heading 5 style
Shift + F2 Find next
Shift + F8 Select cell
Shift + F10 Display pop-up menu
If you are using a French-Canadian keyboard and want to insert Heading styles, you must also press Shift with the other keys.
To move the cursor using CUA (WPWin10) and DOS keystrokes
To move the cursor to the Press (CUA keystroke) Press (DOS keystroke)
Beginning of a document Ctrl + Home Home, Home, Up Arrow
Beginning of a document (before codes) Ctrl + Home Home, Home, Home, Up Arrow
Beginning of a line Home Home, Home, Left Arrow
Beginning of a line (before codes) Home, Home Home, Home, Home, Left Arrow
Bottom of the screen Page down Home, Down arrow
End of the document Ctrl + End Home, Home, Down arrow