You can edit the properties of 3-D charts. For example, you can change the viewing angle and the fill of the walls of a 3-D chart.
In this section, you'll learn about
changing the viewing angle of 3-D charts
managing viewing angles
changing the fill and border of 3-D chart walls
Changing the viewing angle of 3-D charts
You can change the appearance of a 3-D chart by modifying its viewing angle. You can apply a preset viewing angle from the list provided in Quattro Pro, or you can create a custom look by rotating, panning, and moving the chart. You can also change the length and thickness of the chart walls.
To apply a preset viewing angle to a 3-D chart
1 Click a 3-D chart.
2 Click Chart 3-D options.
3 Choose a viewing angle from the list.
To rotate a 3-D chart
1 Click a 3-D chart.
2 Click Chart 3-D options.
3 Click Advanced options >>.
4 Click the Rotate tab.
5 Click any of the following:
X arrows-let you rotate the chart around the x-axis
Y arrows-let you rotate the chart around the y-axis
Z arrows-let you rotate the chart around the z-axis
You can also rotate a 3-D chart by clicking the purple arrows to the left of the X, Y, and Z arrows, or by dragging the chart in the preview window.
To pan a 3-D chart
1 Click a 3-D chart.
2 Click Chart 3-D options.
3 Click Advanced options >>.
4 Click the Pan tab.
5 Click any of the following:
X arrows-let you move the chart to the left and right
Y arrows-let you move the chart up and down
Zoom arrows-let you zoom in on and out of the chart
You can also pan a 3-D chart by clicking the purple arrows to the left of the X, Y, and Zoom arrows, or by dragging the chart in the preview window.
To move a 3-D chart
1 Click a 3-D chart.
2 Click Chart 3-D options.
3 Click Advanced options >>.
4 Click the Move tab.
5 Click any of the following:
X arrows-let you move a chart along the x-axis
Y arrows-let you move a chart along the y-axis
Z arrows-let you move a chart along the z-axis
You can also move the chart by clicking the purple arrows to the left of the X, Y, and Z arrows or by dragging the chart in the chart preview window.
To change the length of a 3-D chart wall
1 Click a 3-D chart.
2 Click Chart 3-D options.
3 Click Advanced options >>.
4 Click the Walls tab.
5 In the Length area, click any of the following:
X arrows-let you change the length of a wall along the x-axis
Y arrows-let you change the length of a wall along the y-axis
Z arrows-let you change the length of a wall along the z-axis
If you want to adjust the length of all the chart walls proportionally, enable the Link check box in the Length area.
You can also change the length of a 3-D chart wall by clicking the purple arrows to the left of the X, Y, and Z arrow buttons, or by dragging the chart walls in the preview window.
To change the thickness of a 3-D chart wall
1 Click a 3-D chart.
2 Click Chart 3-D options.
3 Click Advanced options.
4 Click the Walls tab.
5 In the Thickness area, click any of the following:
X arrows-let you change the thickness of a wall along the x-axis
Y arrows-let you change the thickness of a wall along the y-axis
Z arrows-let you change the thickness of a wall along the z-axis
If you want to adjust the thickness of all the chart walls proportionally, enable the Link check box in the Thickness area.
You can also change the thickness of a 3-D chart wall by clicking the purple arrows to the left of the X, Y, and Z arrow buttons.
Managing viewing angles
After you create a custom viewing angle, you can save it so that you can use it for new charts. You can also rename and delete viewing angles.
To save a viewing angle
1 Click a 3-D chart.
2 Click Chart 3-D options.
3 Click Advanced options >>.
4 Create the viewing angle you want.
5 Click Save as.
6 In the Enter 3-D viewing angle preset name dialog box, type a name in the Preset name box.
You can edit the viewing angle you save by choosing it from the presets list box, making any changes, and clicking Save.
To rename a viewing angle
1 Click a 3-D chart.
2 Click Chart 3-D options.
3 Click Advanced options >>.
4 Choose a viewing angle from the list box under the chart preview window.
5 Click Rename.
6 In the Enter 3-D viewing angle preset name dialog box, type a name in the Preset name box.
To delete a viewing angle
1 Click a 3-D chart.
2 Click Chart 3-D options.
3 Click Advanced options >>.
4 Choose the viewing angle from the list box under the chart preview window.
5 Click Delete.
Changing the fill and border of 3-D chart walls
You can apply a pattern or gradient fill to a 3-D chart wall. A pattern fill consists of two colors arranged to form a design. A gradient fill creates smooth transitions between two colors by gradually changing their transparency as it progresses from one color to another.
You can also apply a texture or picture fill to a 3-D chart wall. Quattro Pro provides a selection of texture and picture fills that you can use.
Gradient fill and picture fill properties can be changed. For example, you can choose from three different gradient types: linear, circular, and rectangular. Each gradient type creates a unique transition between the two colors.
You can also change the border of the 3-D chart wall, by specifying the border's width and color.
To apply a pattern fill to a 3-D chart wall
1 Click a 3-D chart, and click a chart wall.
2 Right-click the selected wall, and click 3-D wall properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Pattern.
5 In the Colors area, open the Foreground color picker, and click a color.
6 Open the Background color picker, and click a color.
If you want to reverse the foreground and background colors, click Reverse colors.
7 Click a pattern on the pattern palette.
To apply a gradient fill to a 3-D chart wall
1 Click a 3-D chart, click a chart wall.
2 Right-click the selected wall, and click 3-D wall properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Gradient.
5 In the Colors area, open the Foreground color picker, and click a color.
6 Open the Background color picker, and click a color.
If you want to reverse the foreground and background colors, click Reverse colors.
7 Click a gradient style on the gradient palette.
To apply a texture fill to a 3-D chart wall
1 Click a 3-D chart, and click a chart wall.
2 Right-click the selected wall, and click 3-D wall properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Texture.
5 Choose a texture category from the Category list box.
6 Click a texture style on the texture palette.
You can apply a custom texture not included with Quattro Pro by clicking Browse and choosing a texture.
To apply a picture fill to a 3-D chart wall
1 Click a 3-D chart, and click a chart wall.
2 Right-click the selected wall, and click 3-D wall properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Picture.
5 Choose a picture category from the Category list box.
6 Click a picture on the picture palette.
You can apply a custom picture not included with Quattro Pro by clicking Browse and choosing a picture.
To modify the gradient fill properties of a 3-D chart wall
1 Click a 3-D chart, and click a chart wall.
2 Right-click the selected wall, and click 3-D wall properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Gradient.
5 Click Gradient settings.
6 In the Gradient settings dialog box, change any options.
To modify the picture fill properties of a 3-D chart wall
1 Click a 3-D chart, and click a chart wall.
2 Right-click the selected wall, and click 3-D wall properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Picture.
5 Click Picture settings.
6 In the Picture settings dialog box, change any options.