You can open Lotus 1-2-3 files in Quattro Pro to work on them. When you finish working on a file, you can save it to a Quattro Pro file format.
In this section you'll learn about
opening and saving Lotus 1-2-3 files in Quattro Pro
For more information about moving between Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro Pro, see "Reference: Moving between Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro Pro."
Opening and saving Lotus 1-2-3 files in Quattro Pro
You can open a Lotus 1-2-3 file, including version 2 and 3, in Quattro Pro. Once you have opened and worked on a file, you can save it as a Quattro Pro notebook. You can also use Lotus 1-2-3 menus in Quattro Pro if you are switching to Quattro Pro from Lotus 1-2-3. This lets you work in a familiar environment until you are accustomed to the Quattro Pro menu structure.
Lotus 1-2-3 workbooks that contain custom spreadsheet names may not open in Quattro Pro if characters used in the names are not recognized by Quattro Pro. If this happens, Quattro Pro displays a message warning you about the invalid spreadsheet name. You can change the spreadsheet name to make it compatible with Quattro Pro. To change a spreadsheet name to a valid Quattro Pro spreadsheet name, see "To fix invalid spreadsheet names."
To open a Lotus 1-2-3 file in Quattro Pro
1 Click File Open.
2 Choose the drive and folder where the Lotus 1-2-3 file is stored.
3 Choose a Lotus 1-2-3 file type from the File type list box.
4 Double-click the filename.
When you open a Lotus 1-2-3 file version 3.x, any Impress file it includes also opens. When you open other Lotus 1-2-3 files, any included Impress or Allways files also open. For information about Impress and Allways files, see "WYSIWYG/Impress options supported by Quattro Pro" or "Allways options supported by Quattro Pro."
If the only version 3 features in a Lotus 1-2-3 file are Lotus Multibyte Character Set (LMBCS) characters or 3-D worksheets, Quattro Pro opens the file and converts it. If, however, there are other version 3 features in a Lotus 1-2-3 file, any of the following may happen:
Any @function not in Quattro Pro converts to the value (string or numeric) of the original cell;
Any .wk3 chart feature not supported in Quattro Pro is lost;
Due to the way Quattro Pro stores numbers, any number larger than 10 to the power of 308 converts to ERR, and any number smaller than 10 to the power of negative 308 converts to zero;
The numeric formats automatic, negative color, label, and parenthesis convert to the general format in Quattro Pro;
Numeric formatting of blank cells is not identical to the original cells when they are converted.
To save a Lotus 1-2-3 file as a Quattro Pro notebook
1 Click File Save as.
2 Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
3 Type a filename in the Filename box.
By default, the file is given a .qpw filename extension.
To use the Lotus 1-2-3 menu in Quattro Pro
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 Click WorkSpaces.
3 Enable the Lotus 1-2-3 check box in the WorkSpaces list.
Reference: Moving between Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro Pro
Many features and menu items in Lotus 1-2-3 are similar to those in Quattro Pro, despite different naming conventions. Quattro Pro translates most Lotus 1-2-3 formats, navigational tools, and print options. You can also import graphics and draw layer objects from Lotus 1-2-3 to Quattro Pro.
Quattro Pro also supports many Lotus 1-2-3 formulas and functions. Any 1-2-3 @functions that are not imported are translated as values. The cells containing these values are shaded red to warn you that the formula has not been brought into Quattro Pro.
Quattro Pro has limited ability to recognize Lotus 1-2-3 passwords and file versions. However, Quattro Pro can import Lotus 1-2-3 files created with either the WYSIWYG or Impress add-in. Spreadsheets created with Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x and designed using Allways can be opened directly in Quattro Pro.
Lotus 1-2-3 file formats supported by Quattro Pro
In Quattro Pro, you can open and save files in the following Lotus 1-2-3 file formats:
Lotus file extension Lotus version
.123 Lotus 1-2-3 97/9
.wk4 Lotus 1-2-3, versions 4, 5
.wk3 Lotus 1-2-3, version 3.x, and 1-2-3 for Windows
.wk1 Lotus 1-2-3, version 2.x
.wks Lotus 1-2-3, version 1.0
.wke Lotus 1-2-3, educational version
Read/write support
Quattro Pro includes read/write support for Lotus 1-2-3 files created from the DOS version 4.0+ and Windows version 5.0+. These files have a .wk4 extension. Support continues for .wk1, .wk3, .fm3, .all, and .wks formats.
Older versions of Lotus 1-2-3 that used companion .fmt files to store formats and attributes are not supported; data imports without the formatting stored within the .fmt file.
Lotus 1-2-3 links in Quattro Pro
When opening a Lotus 1-2-3 file, links are converted to the syntax used by Quattro Pro.
Here is an example:
Quattro Pro syntax Lotus 1-2-3 2.x syntax
[filename]celladdress <<filename>>celladdress
Macro conversion
Quattro Pro does not support Lotus 1-2-3 macros.
Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS menu items and Quattro Pro equivalents
To access Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.01... In Quattro Pro
Format Click Format Styles. Click Format in the Includes properties area.
Label prefix Click Format Styles. Click Alignment in the Includes properties area.
Global column width Click Format Sheet. Click the Default width tab.
Recalculation Click Format Notebook. Click the Recalc settings tab.
Protection Click Format Notebook. Click the Password level tab.
Left margin setting Click File Page Setup. click the Print margins tab and type a value in the Left box in the Margins area.
Right margin setting Click File Page Setup. click the Print margins tab and type a value in the Right box in the Margins area.
Top margin setting Click File Page Setup. click the Print margins tab and type a value in the Top box in the Margins area.
Bottom margin setting Click File Page Setup. click the Print margins tab and type a value in the Bottom box in the Margins area.
Page Length Click File Page Setup. click the Paper type tab.
Setup Click File Print
Directory Click Tools Settings. Click the File options tab. Choose a folder form the Default folder box
International Tools Settings. Click the International tab.
Help Click Help Help topics.
Zero Click Format Sheet. Click the Display tab. Enable an option in the Display zeros area.
Insert Click Insert
Column Click Insert Column
Row Click Insert Row
Delete Click Edit Delete. Enable the Rows or Columns option in the Dimension area.
Set Width Click Format Selection. Click the Row/column tab. Enable the Set width option.
Hide Click Format Selection. Click the Row/column tab. Enable the Hide option in the Reveal/hide area.
Display Click Format Selection. Click the Row/column tab. Enable the Reveal option in the Reveal/hide area.
Erase Click File Close
Titles Click View Locked titles
Windows Click View Split window
Iterations Click Format Notebook. Click the Recalc Settings tab. Type a value in the # of Iterations box.
Format Click Format Styles.
Label Prefix Click Format Styles Click Alignment.
Protection Click Format Sheet. Click the Protection tab.
Page Click Insert Page break
Fixed Click Format Selection. Click the Numeric format tab.
Label Click Format Styles Click Alignment.
Erase Click Edit Clear Values.
Name Click Insert Name Cells.
Justify Click Format Text reformat.
Protect Click Format Selection. Click the Constraints tab. Enable the Protect option in the Cell Protection area.
Unprotect Click Format Selection. Click the Constraints tab. Enable the Unprotect option in the Cell Protection area.
Transpose Click Tools Numeric tools Transpose.
Copy Click Edit Copy.
Retrieve Click File Open.
Save Click File Save.
Xtract Click Tools Data tools Extract to file
List Click File Open.
Worksheet Click File Open.
Print Click File Open.
Import Click File Open.
Printer Click File Print.
Range Click File Print. Click the Print tab. Type a value in the To and From boxes in the Range area.
Print Options Click File Page setup.
Header Click File Page setup. Click the Header/footer tab and enable the Header check box.
Footer Click File Page setup. Click the Header/footer tab and enable the Footer check box.
Borders Click File Page setup. Click the Options tab. Enable the Row/column borders check box.
Pg Length Click File Page setup. Enable the Paper type tab.
Formatted Click File Page setup. Click the Print margins tab. Enable the Break pages check box.
Unformatted Click File Page setup. Click the Print margins tab. Disable the Break pages check box.
Clear Click File Page setup. Click any tab and click Load defaults.
Go Click File Print. Click Print
Type Click Chart Galery
X Click Chart Axes X-axis
A-F Chart Series.
View Click Chart View Chart
Save Click File Save
Legend Click Chart Legend
Format Select the series. Right-click, and click Series properties Type options
Titles Click Chart Titles
Grid Click Chart Axes, and choose an axes type. Click the Grids and ticks tab. Enable the Major grid style or Minor grid style check boxes.
Scale Click Chart Axes, and choose an axes type. Click the Scale tab.
Color Not supported by Quattro Pro
B&W Not supported by Quattro Pro
Data Labels Select the series. Right-click and click Series properties Data labels.
Fill Click Edit Fill Fill Series.
Table Click Tools Numeric Tools What-If.
Sort Click Tools Sort.
Query Click Tools Data tools Notebook query.
Distribution Click Tools Numeric Tools Frequency.
Invert Click Tools Numeric Tools Invert.
Multiply Click Tools Numeric Tools Multiply.
Regression Click Tools Numeric Tools Regression.
Parse Click Tools Data tools QuickColumns
Lotus 1-2-3 features and Quattro Pro equivalents
Many features in Lotus 1-2-3 are similar to those in Quattro Pro, despite different naming conventions. The following table can assist you in moving from Lotus 1-2-3 to Quattro Pro.
For Lotus 1-2-3 features Quattro Pro reference
Templates Working with project templates
Background recalc Working with formulas
Automatic column widths To increase the column width while typing values
Automatic summing Performing running calculations
Automatic sort Sorting data
QuickFill/AutoFill Filling cells and spreadsheet tabs automatically
Automatic formats Using formatting tools to format a spreadsheet
Mail enabled To send a notebook by email
Center across block To center text across multiple cells
Nameable sheet tabs Naming spreadsheets
@Functions Working with spreadsheet functions
Matrix operations Performing matrix operations
What-If tables Analyzing data
Goal Seeker Using goal seeking
Nonlinear Solver Finding optimum solutions for linear and nonlinear problems
Multi-variable Backsolver Finding optimum solutions for linear and nonlinear problems
Floating text boxes Creating text box graphics
Notebook drawing layer Drawing shapes and lines
Trace mode To set a trace cell for a Quattro Pro macro
Visual Dialog Builder Working with custom dialog boxes and controls
Toolbar Designer To create a toolbar
Impress WYSIWYG/Impress options supported by Quattro Pro
Allways Allways options supported by Quattro Pro
Comma separated values (CSV) To import a text file
Search/replace To find and replace data
Queried import Querying external databases
Visual Query-By-Example (QBE) To use Query By Example
Sort databases Sorting data
Auto filter Filtering data
Group and outline Working with outlines
Password-protect file Using password protection
Cell notes Restricting and annotating cell data
External range links Creating notebook links
Automatic file backup To back up your notebooks automatically
Lotus 1-2-3 97/9 spreadsheet attributes imported by Quattro Pro
The spreadsheet attributes that you can import include cell attributes, general spreadsheet attributes, and chart attributes.
Cell attributes
label cell (cell text)
number cell
formula cell
font face, size, color, alignment and orientation
numeric format
cell color (background and foreground)
cell pattern
cell border (line style and color)
General spreadsheet attributes
Spreadsheet and notebook defaults (currently row height and column width only)
grouped sheets
named sheet (custom sheet name)
row height
column width
hidden row/column
locked row/column
cell pointer location
named style (customization of cell using named style)
named range
Chart attributes
chart type
chart data series (series by row or column)
chart title
text (font and attributes)
frame size and origin
frame location
border (style, width, and color)
frame background and patterns
axis title
text, font, and attribute
Text, font, and attributes
frame size and origin
frame location
border (style, width, and color)
frame background and pattern
chart frame
frame size and origin
border (style, width, and color)
background color and pattern
plot frame
frame size and origin
border (style, width, and color)
background color and pattern
axis properties
check mark attributes
scaling information-max, min, major, minor, and so on.
series properties
color, border and pattern
graph type
series label text and attributes
Plot against axis
chart name
multiple chart in multiple spreadsheets
3-D and specialty charts
Cell attributes and styles imported and exported between Quattro Pro and Lotus 1-2-3
Importing cell attributes
The following cell attributes are supported by Quattro Pro when importing a Lotus 1-2-3 file:
font-name, style, size, color, bold formatting, italic formatting, underline. double underline and wide underline are treated as underline. Strikethrough is not supported.
line drawing (single, double, thick, color)
cell width
row height
wrap text
align across columns
horizontal alignment-general, left, right, and center. Evenly spaced text alignment is not supported.
vertical alignment-top, middle, bottom
orientation-horizontal, vertical, and angle text. However, the three kinds of vertical orientation are all imported as a single vertical type.
cell pattern
cell pattern color (foreground color)
cell background color
hidden rows and columns
numeric format (minor limitations exist)
named styles (font color property of the named style is not stored during import)
Exporting cell attributes
Most of the cell attributes that can be imported can also be exported from Quattro Pro to Lotus 1-2-3 in all versions but Lotus 1-2-3 97/9. Here are some exceptions:
cell text-Accounting styles and StrikeThrough are not supported.
alignment-Indent is not supported by Lotus 1-2-3.
orientation-Vertical and angle text are not exported.
row height and column width-Row height and column width are not supported by Lotus 1-2-3.
Named styles
Only four customized named styles are exported. Quattro Pro imports and exports styles up to the maximum the file format allows:
.fm3, .wk1, .wk3, and .all files can contain up to eight named styles.
.wk4 files can contain up to 16 named styles.
Print options, windows, and navigation tools imported and exported between Quattro Pro and Lotus 1-2-3
Print options
On import and export, the following print options are converted:
margins (top, left, right, bottom)
header size (inches)
footer size (inches)
header text
footer text
print grid lines
Window split
Quattro Pro imports the window split attribute from Lotus 1-2-3 files. Quattro Pro exports the window split attribute to all Lotus 1-2-3 files that support it.
Locked titles
Quattro Pro imports Lotus 1-2-3 frozen titles. Quattro Pro exports its locked titles as Lotus 1-2-3 frozen titles.
Lotus 1-2-3 does not have a zoom setting for each spreadsheet; it has a single setting. This setting is applied to each spreadsheet on import to Quattro Pro. When exporting to Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro takes its zoom setting and writes it as zoom setting in Lotus 1-2-3.
Objects imported and exported between Quattro Pro and Lotus 1-2-3
Charts types
Lotus 1-2-3 charts that match Quattro Pro chart types convert; otherwise, Quattro Pro converts the Lotus 1-2-3 chart to the Quattro Pro chart that it most closely resembles, adding properties where it can to make the chart look as much as possible like the Lotus 1-2-3 chart.
Lotus 1-2-3 chart attributes not supported by Quattro Pro
axis titles-subtitles
The following shapes and controls are imported and exported:
text box
font attributes-color, size, bold formatting, underline, and so on
frame attributes-foreground and background colors and patterns (including gradient fill)
border attributes-color, width, and style only import into Quattro Pro.
button text/macro text font attributes-color, size, bold formatting, underline, and so on
drawing shapes
rectangles (filled)
rounded rectangles (filled)
ellipses (filled)
Area attributes (foreground and background colors and patterns (including gradient fill)) and line/border attributes (color, width, and style) are supported.
Quattro Pro does not support importing and exporting shapes such as polylines, polygons, and freehand drawings.
Export of line/arc with proper orientation is not supported.
When saving Lotus 1-2-3 .wk4 files, Quattro Pro includes the Quattro Pro objects. No object information is written to .wk3 or .wk1 files.
Inserted graphs
When importing files, Quattro Pro converts Lotus 1-2-3 inserted graphs to the nearest Quattro Pro graph type. When exporting files, Quattro Pro converts its inserted graphs to the nearest Lotus 1-2-3 equivalent.
Quattro Pro imports the following graphic formats:
Windows bitmap (.bmp)
Windows metafile (.wmf)
Graphics Interchange format (.gif)
JPEG (.jpeg)
Lotus 1-2-3 does not support the import of graphics from Quattro Pro.
OLE 2 links and objects
Quattro Pro does not support Lotus 1-2-3 OLE 2 links and objects.
Formulas and functions imported and exported between Quattro Pro and Lotus 1-2-3
@Function conversion
Quattro Pro converts Lotus 1-2-3 @functions to Quattro Pro spreadsheet functions when there is a functional match. That is, if Quattro Pro has an @function that takes the same parameters and returns the same result, the Lotus 1-2-3 @function is converted, even if it has a different name. If a Lotus 1-2-3 @function does not have an equivalent in Quattro Pro, the formula is converted as a value and cell shading is set to red. Quattro Pro also exports its @functions to Lotus 1-2-3 @functions when there is a functional match. For a list of all the Lotus 1-2-3 @functions that Quattro Pro supports, see "Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet functions supported by Quattro Pro".
Formula annotations
Quattro Pro supports formula annotations (comments after a semicolon).
Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet functions supported by Quattro Pro
Quattro Pro imports the following Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet functions:
File management features imported and exported between Quattro Pro and Lotus 1-2-3
Password protection
When importing .wk3 and .wk4 files, Quattro Pro cannot decipher passwords, so it displays a warning message. However, Quattro Pro can decipher passwords in .wk1 files and, when it opens them, prompts the user for the password.
Quattro Pro does not export passwords to Lotus 1-2-3 .wk3 or .wk4 files; a warning message appears indicating this attribute cannot be saved. Passwords can be exported to .wk1 files.
Version information
Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows version 5 and later can contain several different versions within a spreadsheet file. You can select which version to see and edit. Quattro Pro opens only data from the version that was active when the file was last saved in Lotus 1-2-3.
WYSIWYG/Impress options supported by Quattro Pro
When you open a Lotus 1-2-3 .wk1, .wks, or .wk3 file with a corresponding .fmt or .fm3 file, you can choose whether to read the .fmt or .fm3 file and apply the WYSIWYG/Impress formatting to it.
When opening a .wk1 or .wks file, you can choose to open a corresponding .all file if there is one in the current folder. If there is also a corresponding .fmt file, you must confirm your choice. The .enc and .cnf files created by WYSIWYG/Impress are not imported.
WYSIWYG/Impress options
Quattro Pro imports the following WYSIWYG/Impress options:
format options-assigned fonts, lines (except shadow), shading, bold formatting, underlining (except double and wide), and italic formatting
inserted charts
blank charts (usually containing annotations)
print settings-configuration/orientation, layout/compression (which converts to Print-to-fit), layout margins, layout titles, print scaling, and grid on printing
label alignment (except spillover to the left)
worksheet settings-row height
colors (global negative, lines, text color)
up to 255 different combinations of font, bold formatting, underline, and italic formatting. Any additional combinations convert to the font used in the Quattro Pro Normal style.
Quattro Pro does not import the following WYSIWYG/Impress options:
column page breaks
label alignment with spillover to the left
formatting embedded in text
display options-colors, mode, font directory, and rows
format options-line shadow and colors (except global negative, line, double or wide underline, and text color)
print layout settings-page size and borders on bottom
print settings-frame and settings
print configuration settings (printer type, port bin, and so on)
Allways options supported by Quattro Pro
When you open a .wk1 file that has a corresponding .all file Allways formatting is automatically added to the .wk1 file.
Allways options
Quattro Pro imports the following Allways options:
format-font selection, line style, shading, bold formatting, underline, and font colors
layout options-margins, titles, borders, line weight, paper type, and grid on printing
print range
worksheet-column width and row heights
up to 255 different combinations of font, bold formatting, underline, and italic formatting. Any additional combinations convert to the font specified as Normal style.
Quattro Pro does not import the following Allways options:
inserted charts
worksheet-page breaks, column page breaks, and display zoom
label alignment with spillover to the left (usually found in centered labels)
display (screen) colors
layout options-page size and borders on the bottom
print-printer type, orientation, print settings, and port bin
Quattro Pro imports only .ALL files (not .AFS, .ALS, or .ENC files). To import multiple saved formats or font sets, create a separate .WK1 file for each saved file format with a corresponding .ALL file.