Project templates provide a basic format and structure for spreadsheets and data entry forms commonly used in business and at home.
In this section, you'll learn about
creating projects using templates
working with project template categories
Creating projects using templates
Project templates let you create new notebooks from preformatted spreadsheets.
For information about creating a notebook from a project templates see "To create a notebook using a project template."
You can view a list of all the Quattro Pro files you've worked. Quattro Pro can display project templates each time you open the application. If you plan to use a project template often, you can add it to the Favorites list. You can also change the description of a project, including its name.
To display a list of previous projects
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Work on tab.
You open a project from list of previous projects by double-clicking on the project.
To display project templates when Quattro Pro opens
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click Options Show this dialog at startup.
A check mark beside the command name indicates that this feature is enabled.
To copy templates from previous versions of WordPerfect and Quattro Pro
1 Open Windows Explorer, and browse to find the template file you want to copy.
2 Select the file, and click Edit Copy.
3 Open the template folder where you want to place the copy.
The path is C:\program files\corel\wordperfect office 11\template.
4 Click Copy Paste.
You can access the copied files by clicking File New from project.
You can also obtain additional predefined project templates from the Corel Web site at
To add a project to the Favorites folder
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose a category from the Categories list box.
4 Choose a project from the Projects list.
5 Click Copy to favorites.
You can display items in the Favorites folder by clicking File New from project, and choosing Favorites from the Categories list box.
To change a project description
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose a category from the Categories list box.
4 Choose a project from the Projects list.
A description of the project appears below the Projects list.
5 Click Options, and click Project properties.
6 In the Modify a project dialog box, type new information in any of the following boxes:
Display name-to change the project name
Description-to change the project description
Working with project template categories
The default project template categories are based on WordPerfect Office applications. You can create new categories and rename or delete existing categories. You can also add project templates to categories.
Adding a document, or executable file such as a spreadsheet or slide show to a project template category lets you use that file as a template on which to base similar documents, spreadsheets, or slide shows.
Moving project templates among categories gives you flexibility in organizing your work.
To create a project template category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Click Options, and click Create category.
4 In the Display name box, type a name for the new category.
If you want the category to appear near the top of the list, begin the name with a bracket ( [ ) or asterisk ( * ).
To rename a project template category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose a category from the Categories list box.
4 Choose a project from the Project list.
5 Click Options, and click Rename category.
6 Type a new name in the Display name box.
To delete a project template category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose a category from the Categories list box.
4 Choose a project from the Project list.
5 Click Options, and click Remove category.
Deleting a category does not delete project templates from the hard drive. If you delete a category that contains project templates not stored in another category, Quattro Pro creates a new category, "[Deleted Projects]," that contains these project templates.
To add a project to a project template category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 From the Categories list box, choose the category to which you want the project.
4 Click Options, and click Add project.
5 Enable the I want to add an existing project option.
6 Click Next.
7 Type the project's filename.
You can also click Browse to search for a filename.
To add a document or executable file to a project template category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 From the Categories list box, choose the category where you want the new project to appear.
4 Click Options, and click Add project.
5 Enable the I want to add another document option.
6 Click Next.
7 In the first box, type a project name.
8 In the second box, type a project description, and click Next.
9 Type the projects filename.
The new project is added to the Quattro Pro custom templates category.
When you open a document that you added to a project templates category, it opens in its own application.
You can also click Browse to search for a filename.
To move a project to another project template category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose a category from the Categories list box.
4 Choose a project from the Projects list.
5 Click Options Move project, and click a category.
You can copy a project to another project template category by clicking Options Copy project. A copied project exists in both the original and the new category; a moved project exists only in the new category.