Startup switches are commands that allow you to control what happens when WordPerfect starts. Some of these commands are for your convenience, but others may be necessary to run WordPerfect on your particular system. For example, you can ensure that WordPerfect always starts with the same startup switches by setting up a permanent startup switch.
In section, you'll learn about
using WordPerfect startup switches
starting WordPerfect using a startup switch
setting a permanent startup switch for WordPerfect
To use WordPerfect startup switches
Startup switch Function
: Starts WordPerfect without displaying the startup screen.
/d-path Redirects the overflow files and temporary buffer files to the specified folder (for example, wpwin11 /d-x:\temp).
/DM=90 Reduces the size of the text displayed on screen to 90% of true WYSIWYG. This can fix some display problems, such as normal text appearing bolded or words appearing as if they run together.
"file extension" and "filename" Opens the specified file from the documents folder that is specified in File Settings (for example, wpwin11 "x:\my documents\my letters\business.ltr"). You must include quotation marks around the file extension and filename.
filename/bk-bookmark name Opens the specified file and moves to the specified bookmark (for example, wpwin11 business.ltr/bk-opening).
/fl Tells WordPerfect to send text directly to the screen. This startup option corrects some display problems and may be required for using screen readers. It also prevents General Protection Faults and Invalid Page Faults that occur when opening or editing documents in WordPerfect with a 256-color graphics card driver. However, it may increase screen flickering.
/l-language code Identifies which entry in the Language Resource File (wp.lrs) and which language .dll WordPerfect uses (for example, wpwin11 /l-DK).
/m-macroname Starts the specified macro when .dll WordPerfect opens (for example, wpwin11 /m-x:\program files\corel\wordperfect office 11\macros\wpwin\heading1.wcm).
/mt-macroname Starts the specified macro from the default template when .dll WordPerfect opens (for example, wpwin11 /mt-heading2.wcm).
/nb Turns off original document backup option for the current session.
/recover Rebuilds table information in the prefix of the document upon retrieval.
/u-name Identifies the user initials for use on your network (for example, wpwin11 /u-GRB). This lets multiple users run WordPerfect on a network, although this option is not necessary for correct network operation.
To start WordPerfect using a startup switch
1 On the Windows taskbar, click Start Run.
2 In the Open box, type wpwin11, followed by a space, and type the startup switches you want.
If you use more than one startup switch, add a space between each command.
To set a permanent startup switch for WordPerfect
1 Create a shortcut to WordPerfect on your desktop.
2 Right-click the WordPerfect shortcut icon, and click Properties.
3 In the Target box, type the startup switches you want at the end of the command line.
Startup switches are placed outside any quotation marks in the command line.
For information about creating a desktop shortcut, see the Windows online Help.
If you use more than one startup switch, add a space between each command.