{QUERY} repeats the last Notebook Query operation performed.
PerfectScript Syntax
Query_Assign_Names ()
Query_Criteria_Table (Block:String)
Query_Database_Block (Block:String)
Query_Delete ()
Query_EndLocate ()
Query_Extract ()
Query_Locate ()
Query_Output_Block (Block:String)
Query_Reset ()
Query_Unique ()
{Query} lets you set up a Quattro Pro database and search for records in that database. {Query.Locate} enters FIND mode and stays under macro control until {PAUSEMACRO} is used or {Query.EndLocate}, which exits FIND mode.
You can use {Query?} or {Query!} to display the Notebook Data Query dialog box. {Query?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {Query!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
The following macro sets up database cells and criteria table (A2..G37 and H1..H2), searches for records using the criteria table, sets up output cells at J2..P2, and copies any records found there.
{Query.Database_Block A2..G37}
{Query.Criteria_Table H1..H2}
{Query.Output_Block J2..P2}
{Query.Assign_Names} Assigns cell names to fields so you can use them in search queries
{Query.Criteria_Table Block} Specifies cells containing search conditions, including field names
{Query.Database_Block Block} Specifies the data, including field names, to search
{Query.Delete} Deletes all records that meet the search criteria
{Query.Extract} Copies all records that meet the search criteria to the output cells
{Query.Locate} Highlights all records that meet the search criteria
{Query.Output_Block Block} Specifies the cells where you want to copy records and field names that meet the search criteria
{Query.Reset} Removes all selection settings
{Query.Unique} Copies records like Extract, but skips duplicate records
QuickCorrect(Enable_ As _QuickCorrect_Enable__enum)
PerfectScript Syntax
QuickCorrect (Enable?:Enumeration {1!; 0!})
{QuickCorrect} replaces common spelling errors and mistyped words; it can also be used to automatically expand abbreviations. {QuickCorrect 1} activates the QuickCorrect feature; {QuickCorrect 0} turns it off.
QuickFilter_Go([Block_ As String], [OpCode1_ As String], [Value1_ As String], [Conditional1_ As String], [OpCode2_ As String], [Value2_ As String], [Conditional2_ As String], [OpCode3_ As String], [Value3_ As String])
Performs QuickFilter operations on cells. You can have 2, 5, or 7 optional args.
{QuickFilter.Go A:A1}
Equivalent to "Show All." Flushes ALL filters associated with Column A
{QuickFilter.Go A:B5;equal to""}
Equivalent to "Blanks." Filters all rows out except for those with blanks in Column B.
{QuickFilter.Go A:F24;not equal to""}
Equivalent to "Non Blanks." Filters out all rows except for those without blanks in Column F.
OpCode# "Equal to," or "not equal to," "greater than," "less than," "greater than or equal to," "less than or equal to," "begins with," "does not begin with," "ends with," "does not end with," "contains," "does not contain."
Arg# Can be numeric, or a string. Wildcards are not valid.
Conditional# AND or OR
QuickFilter_Toggle([Block_ As String])
PerfectScript Syntax
QuickFilter_Toggle ([Block?:String])
Turns on/off QuickFilters for the current cells.
QuickFilter_TopGo([Block_ As String], [OpCode1_ As String], [Value1_ As Integer])
QuickFunction(Name_ As String, [Block_ As String])
PerfectScript Syntax
QuickFucntion(Name?: String!, Block?: <Block>)
{QuickFunction} is equivalent to selecting cells and clicking the QuickFunction button on the toolbar. Block includes rows and/or columns to sum plus adjacent empty cells to hold the results. The default Block is the current selection.