WordPerfect allows you to count elements of a document. You can also change the appearance of numbering and use counters to count elements of a document.
In this section, you'll learn about
numbering pages
changing the appearance of page numbers
forcing, suppressing, and stopping page numbers
inserting chapter, volume, and page total numbers
numbering paragraphs
numbering lines in a document
changing the appearance and position of line numbering
using counters
Numbering pages
WordPerfect allows you to insert page numbers in a document and to choose where to position page numbers on a page. When you begin page numbering, you can also specify which number to begin with. For example, you may want the first page of a document to be labeled page 3 instead of page 1.
You can also insert secondary page numbers, which allow you to start a new page numbering scheme in a document. For example, suppose you are creating a document in WordPerfect, but in the middle of the document, you need to add maps that were not created in WordPerfect. The WordPerfect document is 10 pages, but the maps need to be added as pages 7 and 8. To accomplish this, you can start page numbering at 1 at the beginning of the document and insert a secondary page number, number 9, on the document's page 7. This would allow for the addition of the maps without disrupting the page numbering.
The following image displays various page numbering options: 1) no page number, 2) page number in the bottom-right corner, 3) page number at the bottom center, and 4) page number in the top-right corner.
To insert page numbers
1 Click Format Page Numbering.
2 From the Position list box, choose a position for the page numbers.
3 From the Page numbering format list, choose a format for the page numbers.
To specify an alternate starting page
1 Click Format Page Numbering.
2 Click Set value.
3 In the Values dialog box, click the Page tab.
4 Type a new page number in the Set page number box.
5 Enable one of the following options:
Always keep number the same-ensures that the number remains the same when the document is edited
Let number change as pages are added or deleted-lets the number change as the document is edited
When you merge a multiple-page form document, you can restart the page numbering for each merged record by enabling the Always keep number the same option.
To insert a secondary page number
1 Click Format Page Insert page number.
2 Choose Secondary page from the list.
3 Click Value/Adjust.
4 In the Values dialog box, click the Secondary tab.
5 Choose a numbering format from the Secondary page number method list box.
6 Type a value in the Set secondary page number box.
7 Click Insert.
Changing the appearance of page numbers
You can change the font size and style, which includes attributes, such as bold or italic, of page numbers. In addition, you can also create custom page numbering formats. For example, you can add the name of a document or a chapter number to a page number.
If you no longer need the custom format, you can delete it. However, you cannot delete the default page numbering formats provided with WordPerfect.
To change the font attributes of page numbers
1 On a page, click where you want the font change to begin.
2 Click Format Page Numbering.
3 Click Font.
4 In the Page numbering font dialog box, choose a font from the Face list.
5 Choose a font size from the Size list box.
You can also
Change page number style In the Appearance area, enable one or more check boxes.
Change page number color Open the color picker, and click a color.
Change page number shading Type a value in the Shading box.
To customize a page number format
1 Click Format Page Numbering.
2 Click Custom format.
3 In the Custom page numbering dialog box, delete the text that displays in the Custom page numbering format (numbering codes with text) box.
4 Choose a number format from one of the following lists:
Total pgs
Secondary pg
5 Click Insert in format.
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the Custom page numbering format (numbering codes with text) box contains the numbers you want.
7 In the Custom page numbering format (numbering codes with text) box, type the text that you want to display with the number codes.
If you wanted to display the name of a document, Snowboarding 101, with the chapter number and page number, you would type Snowboarding 101 beside the number codes in the Custom page numbering format (numbering codes with text) box. The text in the box would appear as: Snowboarding 101 [Chpt #] [Page #].
If you wanted to include the words Chapter and Page in the customized format, you would type Snowboarding 101, Chapter, and Page beside the number codes in the Custom page numbering format (numbering codes with text) box. The text in the box would appear as: Snowboarding 101 Chapter [Chpt #] Page [Page #].
The five most recently used formats display at the top of the Page numbering format list box so that you can quickly apply them to a document.
For each custom format you create, you can choose only one type of number from each list box.
To delete a page numbering format
1 Click Format Page Numbering.
2 Choose a format from the Page numbering format list box.
3 Press Delete.
Forcing, suppressing, and stopping page numbers
By forcing a page number, you can insert a new page or make sure that a certain page in a document always has an odd or even page number. In addition, you can suppress page numbering on one page in a document. You can also stop the page numbers so that they are removed from the entire document.
To force a page number
1 Click on the page where you want to force a page number.
2 Click Format Page Force page.
3 Enable one of the following options:
None-numbers the page sequentially in the document. This is the default setting.
Current page odd-inserts a blank page when necessary to make sure the current page always has an odd page number
Current page even-inserts a blank page when necessary to make sure the current page always has an even page number
Start new page-inserts a new page
For information about forcing a chapter or section in a master document to start on an odd numbered page, see "Working with master documents and subdocuments."
To suppress a page number
1 Click Format Page Suppress.
2 Enable the Page numbering check box.
To stop page numbering
1 Click Format Page Numbering.
2 Choose No page numbering from the Position list box.
Inserting chapter, volume, and page total numbers
With WordPerfect, you can insert chapter and volume numbers, and a document's total number of pages.
When you insert the numbering for a chapter or volume, the numbering begins with the new number from that point forward.
In addition, for any document, you can insert the document's total number of pages, which is automatically updated as the document is edited.
To insert a chapter number
1 Click Format Page Insert page number.
2 Choose Chapter from the list.
3 Click Value/Adjust.
4 In the Values dialog box, click the Chapter tab.
5 Choose a numbering format from the Chapter number method list box.
6 Type a value in the Set chapter number box.
7 Click Insert.
You can also
Ensure that the chapter numbers remain the same even if you add or delete chapter numbers Enable the Always keep number the same option.
Allow the chapter numbers to change when chapter numbers are added or deleted Enable the Let number change as chapters are added or deleted option.
To insert a volume number
1 Click Format Page Insert page number.
2 Choose Volume from the list.
3 Click Value/Adjust.
4 In the Values dialog box, click the Volume tab.
5 Choose a numbering format from the Volume number method list box.
6 Type a value in the Set volume number box.
7 Click Insert.
You can also
Ensure that the volume numbers remain the same even if you add or delete volume numbers Enable the Always keep number the same option.
Allow the volume numbers to change when volume numbers are added or deleted Enable the Let number change as volumes are added or deleted option.
To insert a document's total number of pages
1 Click where you want to insert the total number of pages.
2 Click Format Page Insert page number.
3 Choose Total pages from the list.
4 Click Value/Adjust.
5 In the Values dialog box, click the Total pages tab.
6 Choose a numbering format from the Total pages method list box.
7 Click OK.
8 Click Insert.
9 Click Close.
Numbering paragraphs
You can insert paragraph numbers in a document.
To number a paragraph
1 Click where you want to insert the paragraph number.
2 Click Format Paragraph Paragraph numbering.
3 Type a level number in the Outline level box.
4 Type a starting number in the Start value box.
5 Choose a numbering format from the Number type list box.
If you want to specify that numbers update automatically if a paragraph is added or deleted, enable the Automatic check box.
You can also number a paragraph in a document by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + F5.
Numbering lines in a document
You can number the lines in a document, including newspaper columns. When you number lines, you can specify the numbering method and the starting line.
To number lines in a document
1 Click in a paragraph.
2 Click Format Line Numbering.
3 Enable the Turn line numbering on check box.
You can also
Choose a numbering method Choose a numbering method from the Numbering method list box.
Set the starting line Type a number in the Starting line number box.
Set the first printed line Type a number in the First printed line number box.
Specify which line numbers to print Type a number in the Numbering interval box.
Include blank lines when numbering Enable the Count blank lines check box.
Restart line numbers on each page Enable the Restart numbering on each page check box.
Line numbering begins with the first line of the paragraph in which the cursor is positioned.
The line numbering settings you choose are displayed in the preview window in the bottom-right corner of the Line numbering dialog box.
To number lines in newspaper columns
1 Click in a column.
2 Click Format Line Numbering.
3 Enable the Turn line numbering on check box.
4 Enable the Number all newspaper columns check box.
5 In the Position of numbers area, enable the Outside left margin option.
6 Type a value in the Outside left margin box to specify the distance between the line numbers and the left edge of text in each column.
The line numbers for the column on the right cannot move farther left or right than the center of the space between columns.
Changing the appearance and position of line numbering
You can change the font size and style, which includes attributes such as bold or italic, of line numbers. You can also change the position of line numbers.
To change the font attributes of line numbers
1 Click in a paragraph.
2 Click Format Line Numbering.
3 Click Font.
4 In the Line numbering font dialog box, choose a font from the Face list.
5 Choose a font size from the Size list box.
You can also
Change line number style In the Appearance area, enable one or more check boxes.
Change line number color Open the color picker, and click a color.
Change line number shading Type a value in the Shading box.
To change line number position
1 Click in a paragraph.
2 Click Format Line Numbering.
3 In the Position of numbers area, enable one of the following options:
From left edge of page - specifies the distance from the left edge of the page (or from the center of the space between columns) to the line number
Outside left margin - specifies the distance from the left margin to the line number
4 Type a position value in the box.
Using counters
WordPerfect uses several built-in counters to keep track of the total number of pages, paragraphs, lines, figures, and other numbered items in a document. You can count equation boxes, figure boxes, table boxes, text boxes, and user boxes. You can display counter numbers in a document. You can also set the initial counter value, this is useful if you want the starting value to be something other than one. In addition, you can create counters to number items, including chapters.
To display a counter number in a document
1 Click where you want to display the counter number.
2 Click Insert Other Counter.
3 Choose one of the following counters from the Counter list:
Equation box
Figure box
Table box
Text box
User box
If you created a custom counter, you can choose it.
4 Click Display in document.
You can also
Increase the counter by one and display it in the document Click Increase and display.
Decrease the counter by one and display it in the document Click Decrease and display.
For more information about creating counters, see To create a single level counter and To create a multiple level counter.
To set the initial counter value
1 Click where you want to set the value of the counter, such as at the beginning of the document.
2 Click Insert Other Counter.
3 Choose from the following counters in the Counter list:
Equation box
Figure box
Table box
Text box
User box
4 Click Value.
5 In the Set value/Number method dialog box, choose a numbering method from the Numbering method list box.
6 Type a new value in the Value box.
If you want the number to begin at 1, set the value to 0.
To create a single level counter
1 Click Insert Other Counter.
2 Click Create.
3 In the Create counter definition dialog box, type a counter name in the Counter name box.
4 Choose a numbering method from the Single level method list box.
To create a multiple level counter
1 Click Insert Other Counter.
2 Click Create.
3 In the Create counter definition dialog box, type a counter name in the Counter name box.
4 Type a value in the Number of levels box.
5 Type a level name in the 1 box.
6 Choose a numbering method for the level from the Numbering method list box.
7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each additional level.
To create a counter for chapters
1 Click Insert Other Counter.
2 Click Create.
3 In the Create counter definition dialog box, type Chapter in the Counter name box.
4 Choose a numbering method from the Single level method list box.
If you change the order of chapters or remove one from a document, the counters will reflect the changes and display the correct numbers.