Quattro Pro lets you edit and format cells, rows or columns, or an entire spreadsheet. For example, you can check the spelling in a spreadsheet, copy cells to different parts of a notebook, change the color of a cell or text within the cell, change the text orientation of a cell, and resize rows and columns. You can also create and edit headers, footers, and margins in a spreadsheet.
In this section, you'll learn about
checking spelling
protecting data
editing cell content
undoing actions
editing grouped data
moving selected cells by dragging
moving cells, rows, and columns
resizing rows and columns
resizing rows and columns to fit a specific cell
hiding rows and columns
using formatting tools to format a spreadsheet
wrapping text
joining cells
changing text font and appearance
working with fills, patterns, and borders
changing colors in the notebook palette
aligning data
working with numeric formats
creating custom formats
creating a bar format
working with page breaks
creating headers and footers
customizing margins
working with styles
For more information about editing and formatting a spreadsheet, see "Reference: Editing and formatting a spreadsheet."
Checking spelling
Checking the spelling in a Quattro Pro spreadsheet lets you search for misspelled or duplicate words and irregular capitalization. Quattro Pro also lets you automatically replace common spelling and typing errors. For example, you can automatically replace "adn" with "and." Quattro Pro comes with a list of commonly misspelled words linked to the correct spelling. You can add and delete words from the list.
You can disable the automatic replacement of commonly misspelled words.
To check spelling
Click Tools Spell checker.
To add words to the list of commonly misspelled words
1 Click Tools QuickCorrect.
2 In the Replace box, type the incorrect spelling of a word.
3 In the With box, type the correct spelling of the word.
4 Click Add entry.
5 Enable the Replace words as you type check box.
If you frequently type a phrase, you can type an abbreviation in the Replace box, and type its expanded form in the With box to automatically expand to the full phrase each time you type the abbreviation.
To delete words from the list of commonly misspelled words
1 Click Tools QuickCorrect.
2 Choose a word from the list.
3 Click Delete entry.
To disable automatic replacement of commonly misspelled words
1 Click Tools QuickCorrect.
2 Disable the Replace words as you type check box.
Protecting data
You can prevent users from changing any data in a spreadsheet by protecting spreadsheet cells.
You can allow users to edit only specific cells, unlocking specific cells in a protected spreadsheet.
Protecting spreadsheet objects prevents users from moving, resizing, editing, or deleting objects on the active spreadsheet. Protected objects include floating charts and graphic objects, linked and embedded objects using Dynamic Data Exchange or OLE, drawn objects, and form controls. However, if you disable the sheet protection for objects, Quattro Pro ignores the status of unprotected objects.
To protect all spreadsheet cells
1 Click Format Sheet properties.
2 Click the Protection tab.
3 Enable the Enable cell locking check box.
To unlock a cell in a protected spreadsheet
1 Select a cell.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Constraints tab.
4 In the Cell protection area, enable the Unprotect option.
You can also unlock a cell by right-clicking the cell, and clicking Selection properties.
You can select multiple noncontiguous cells by holding down Ctrl and selecting the cells.
To protect all spreadsheet objects
1 Click Format Sheet properties.
2 Click the Protection tab.
3 Enable the Enable object locking check box.
Editing cell content
Quattro Pro lets you overwrite, replace, or edit cell content. Cell entries can be changed in various ways. You can replace the entire content and formatting of a cell, or you can modify only the content or the formatting.
You can also clear the values in a range of cells without clearing the formulas.
Quattro Pro lets you quickly find a cell and automatically replace the data it contains. You can look for data in cell formulas or cell values. You can also set conditions for the search criteria. For example, in an expenses spreadsheet, you can look only for expenses greater than $300.
To overwrite data
1 Click a cell.
2 Press Insert.
The Typeover button on the application bar appears pressed when the typeover mode is on.
You can return to inserting data by pressing Insert.
To replace the entire content of a cell
1 Click a cell.
2 Type a new entry.
3 Press Enter.
To edit the content and formatting of a cell
1 Click a cell.
2 Click Edit Clear, and click one of the following:
Cells-lets you erase the content and the formatting of a cell
Values-lets you erase the content but not the formatting of a cell
Format-lets you erase the formatting but not the content of a cell
Clicking Edit Clear Format does not affect column width or row height.
Unnecessary cell formatting can add significantly to the size of a notebook file; clearing cell formatting reduces the size of the file.
You can also erase the content of a cell but not the formatting by selecting the cell, and clicking Delete.
To modify part of a cell's content
1 Double-click a cell.
2 Click where you want to edit.
3 Edit the cell content.
4 Press Enter.
You can also
Delete part of the cell content before the cursor Click after the content to delete and press Backspace.
Delete part of the cell content after the cursor Click before the content to delete and press Delete.
Return the cell content to its original state Press Esc before you press Enter.
You can move the insertion point within a cell by using the arrow keys.
To clear values in a range of cells without clearing formulas
1 Select a range of cells.
2 Click Edit Cut.
3 Click Edit Paste special.
4 Disable the Number cells check box.
5 Click Paste.
To find and replace data
1 Click Edit Find and replace.
2 Type the text or value to find in the Find box.
3 Type the replacement text or value in the Replace box.
4 Type the cells to search in the Cell(s) box.
5 In the Look in area, enable one of the following options:
Formula-finds data in a formula
Value-finds data in a value
Condition-compares cells in the spreadsheet with any conditions specified in the Find box
6 Click one of the following buttons:
Find next
7 Click Replace.
You can also
Search down columns before searching across rows Enable the Columns first check box.
Find an exact match Enable the Match whole check box.
Match the capitalization of the text in the Find box Enable the Case sensitive check box.
Quattro Pro makes replacements from the cursor position to the end of a document, so you must position the cursor at the beginning of a document before you search.
You can replace all occurrences of the search item with the replacement text or value by clicking Replace all.
When using conditional searches, type a question mark (?) before the search condition (e.g. ? > 300).
Undoing actions
Quattro Pro lets you undo most actions in reverse order of performance. For example, if you create a cell entry, and then you want to remove it, undoing the entry restores any previous content in the cell. You can undo one action at a time. You can also undo multiple actions simultaneously.
You can reinstate a change by redoing an action. You can also reinstate multiple actions simultaneously.
Quattro Pro lets you set the levels for undoing and redoing actions.
To undo one action
Click Edit Undo.
Some actions cannot be reversed. (The Undo menu command appears grayed immediately after you perform one of these actions.)
To undo multiple actions
1 Click Edit, and click the Undo flyout.
2 Choose an action from the list.
When you choose an action from the list, all actions performed after that action will be undone.
You can also undo multiple actions by clicking the Undo flyout on the notebook toolbar.
To redo an action
Click Edit Redo.
To redo multiple actions
1 Click Edit, and click the Redo flyout.
2 Choose an action from the list.
When you choose an action from the list, all actions performed after that action will be redone.
You can also redo multiple actions by clicking the Redo flyout on the notebook toolbar.
To set the undo and redo level
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 In the list of categories, double-click Workspaces, Application, and click General.
3 Type a value in the Undo/Redo level (0 to 200) box.
In all situations, except where program speed and available memory are absolutely crucial, the level for undoing and redoing actions should be set to a minimum of one.
Editing grouped data
When a notebook contains similar text or formats in several spreadsheets, you can create spreadsheet groups to edit multiple contiguous spreadsheets at once. A change to one spreadsheet in a group affects all spreadsheets in the group. For example, you can simultaneously change the properties of the same cell in spreadsheets A, B, C if you group these spreadsheets together. A spreadsheet can belong to only one group.
The group mode for spreadsheets can be enabled or disabled. When you enable group mode, a blue line displays below the spreadsheet tabs to identify the spreadsheet group. By disabling the group mode, you can perform tasks that use 2-D references.
Quattro Pro lets you copy data to spreadsheets in a group.
You can delete a spreadsheet group.
To create a spreadsheet group
1 Click Insert Name Name group of sheets.
2 Enter a group name in the Group name box.
3 Type the name of the first spreadsheet in the First sheet box.
4 Type the name of the last spreadsheet in the Last sheet box.
You can use letters and numbers, as well as these characters:
~ ` ! % _ | \ ' ?
You can use spaces, but not as the first character in a name.
You can also create a spreadsheet group by selecting any cell in the first sheet, holding down Shift and clicking the tab of the last spreadsheet to include in the group.
You can create a new spreadsheet group by changing the entries in the First sheet and Last sheet boxes.
To enable or disable Group mode
Click View Group mode.
When group mode is enabled, a blue line displays below the spreadsheet tabs in the group.
To copy data to spreadsheets in a group
1 Click View Group mode to disable group mode.
2 Select the source data to copy.
3 Click Edit Copy.
4 Click View Group mode to enable group mode.
5 Select the destination cell in any spreadsheet in the group.
6 Click Edit Paste.
To delete a spreadsheet group
1 Click Insert Name Name group of sheets.
2 Choose a group from the Defined groups box.
3 Click Delete.
Moving selected cells by dragging
Quattro Pro lets you visually choose exactly where to move selected cells by dragging the cells. You can move cells anywhere on the active spreadsheet, to another spreadsheet, or to another notebook. A colored outline of the cell selection moves with a four-way arrow as a guide to help you locate an area to which to move cells.
You can modify the delay time of the arrow that displays when you drag a selection of cells.
To move cells by dragging
1 Select a cell or cells.
2 Point to an edge of the cells until a four-way arrow displays.
3 Drag the cells to the destination area.
You can use the colored outline as a guide when you move cells.
You can copy a cell by holding down Ctrl as you drag.
To move cells to another spreadsheet by dragging
1 Click Window New view.
2 Click Window Tile side to side.
3 In the window view that represents the destination spreadsheet, click the tab for the spreadsheet to which you want to drag the cell.
4 In the window view that represents the source of the cells, select a cell or cells.
5 Point to an edge of the cells until a four-way arrow displays.
6 Drag the cells to the destination area.
To move cells to another notebook by dragging
1 Open the notebook to which you want to drag the selected cells.
2 Select the cell or cells that you want to move.
3 Point to an edge of the cells until a four-way arrow displays.
4 Drag the cells onto the notebook name on the application bar that is the notebook you want to move the cells to.
5 Hold down the left mouse button until the second notebook displays, and drag the cells into the notebook.
To change the delay time for the Drag and Drop arrow
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 In the list of categories, double-click Workspaces, Application, and click General.
3 Type a new interval time in the Cell drag and drop delay time box.
Moving cells, rows, and columns
Quattro Pro lets you copy or move cells. You can copy or move cells by selecting the cells directly on a spreadsheet or you can copy cells by specifying the location of the cell.
You can control what you copy or move by specifying the type of data or cell properties to be moved. For example, you can copy data without copying its properties, or you can copy properties without copying data.
Quattro Pro also lets you transpose columns to rows and rows to columns. For example, after transposing columns and rows, all data in a column can be transposed to display as a row.
The following example shows a column transposed to appear as a row.
To copy cells
1 Select the cells to copy.
2 Click Edit Copy.
3 Select the destination cells within the active spreadsheet.
4 Click Edit Paste.
When you copy a selection of cells to a specific cell, the Clipboard uses that cell as the upper-left position of the copied information.
You can also copy a cell to the input line of another cell, a text box, another spreadsheet in the notebook, or another notebook.
To move cells
1 Select the cells to move.
2 Click Edit Cut.
3 Select the destination cells within the active spreadsheet.
4 Click Edit Paste.
You can also move a cell to the input line of another cell, a text box, another spreadsheet in the notebook, or another notebook.
To copy cells to a specified location
1 Click Edit Copy cells.
2 In the From box, specify the cells to copy.
3 In the To box, specify the destination cells.
If you copy cells containing absolute references, enable the Model copy check box.
Instead of specifying the cells you want to copy, you can press F3 and choose a named cell from the Cell names dialog box.
To copy specific types of data, cell properties and cell comments in a cell selection
1 Select the cells to copy.
2 Click Edit Copy.
3 Select the destination cells.
4 Click Edit Paste special.
5 Enable any of the check boxes in the Paste area to specify what to copy.
If you want the copied cells to be updated when the source cells are, link the copied cells to the source cells by clicking Link in the Paste special dialog box.
To transpose columns to rows
1 Select the column of cells to transpose.
2 Click Tools Numeric tools Transpose.
3 In the To field, specify the top-left cell where you want to copy the transposed data.
If you transpose cells containing formulas, cell references do not adjust properly.
If you specify a cell within the source cells, the data will not display properly.
You can transpose rows to columns by selecting cells in a row instead of a column.
Resizing rows and columns
Quattro Pro lets you change the row height in a spreadsheet. You can also change the width of a column.
Quattro Pro uses a default column width for all columns in a spreadsheet. This default width of an active spreadsheet is wide enough to display nine characters in the default font. You can change the default width of an active spreadsheet.
Values that are wider than the cell display either in scientific notation or as a row of asterisks (*********), depending on the numeric format and width of the cell. You can automatically increase the column width as you type so that number values are always visible.
Columns whose widths you explicitly adjust are not controlled by the default width of the active spreadsheet. Before those columns can be affected by a change in the default width of the active spreadsheet, you must reset the column width of the active cell. You can also return row heights to the active cell default size, which is determined by the largest font used in the row.
To change row height
1 Select a cell in each row you want to resize, or select the row borders.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Row/column tab.
4 In the Row options area, enable the Set height option and type a value in the box.
5 Enable one of the following options:
You can also change row height by moving the pointer to the bottom edge of a row border until it changes to a double arrow, and dragging the double arrow to resize the row.
You can select noncontiguous rows by pressing Ctrl before selecting the rows.
To change column width
1 Select a cell in each column you want to resize, or select the column borders.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Row/column tab.
4 In the Column options area, enable the Set width option and type a value in the box.
5 Enable one of the following options:
You can also change column width by moving the pointer to the right edge of a column border until it changes to a double arrow, and dragging the double arrow to resize the column.
You can select noncontiguous columns by pressing Ctrl before selecting the columns.
To change the active spreadsheet default column width
1 Click Format Sheet properties.
2 Click the Default width tab.
3 Type a value in the Column width box.
4 In the Unit area, enable one of the following options:
You can also change the default column width by right-clicking a spreadsheet tab and clicking Sheet properties.
To increase the column width while typing values
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 In the list of categories, double-click Workspaces, Application, and click General.
3 Enable the Fit As-You-Go check box.
To restore the active cell default column width
1 Select a cell in each column whose width you want to restore to default.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Row/column tab.
4 Enable the Reset width option.
Click the Property button to access the Row/column tab.
You can select noncontiguous columns by pressing Ctrl before selecting the columns.
To restore the active cell default row height
1 Select a cell in each row whose height you want to restore to default.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Row/column tab.
4 Enable the Reset height option.
Click the Property button to access the Row/column tab.
You can select noncontiguous rows by pressing Ctrl before selecting the rows.
Resizing rows and columns to fit a specific cell
To accommodate long entries, Quattro Pro lets you increase the column width to one character wider than the longest entry in a selection. You can also increase the row height to fit the tallest entry in a selection.
You can adjust the row height and column width at the same time.
To increase the column width to fit the longest entry
1 Select a column.
2 Click the Column QuickFit button on the toolbar.
You can also increase the column width to fit the longest entry by clicking Format QuickFit Column QuickFit.
You can also double-click the column letter to increase column width.
You can also increase the column width to fit the longest entry in a selection of cells by selecting a partial column.
To increase the row height to fit the tallest entry
1 Select a row.
2 Click the Row QuickFit button on the toolbar.
You can also increase the row height to fit the tallest entry by clicking Format QuickFit Row QuickFit.
You can also double-click the row letter to increase row height.
You can also increase the row height to fit the tallest entry in a selection of cells by selecting a partial row.
To adjust the column width and row height simultaneously
1 Select a cell.
2 Click the Column/row QuickFit button on the toolbar.
You can also adjust the column width and row height simultaneously by clicking Format QuickFit Column/Row QuickFit.
Hiding rows and columns
Quattro Pro lets you hide rows or columns from view on the screen. Hidden rows and columns do not print. Although they are hidden from view, they are still used in calculations. Columns move left to fill in the space left by the hidden column, and rows move up; however, row numbers and column letters do not change. For example, if you hide column B, the columns on the screen are labeled A, C, D, and so on.
You can reveal rows and columns that are hidden.
To hide rows or columns
1 Select the rows or columns to hide.
2 Right-click the rows or columns, and click Hide.
To reveal hidden columns
1 Click Edit Select all.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Row/column tab.
4 Enable the Reveal option in the Column options area.
You can also reveal a hidden column by placing the pointer slightly to the right of where the hidden column should be and dragging.
You can reveal hidden rows by enabling the Reveal option in the Row options area.
Using formatting tools to format a spreadsheet
Quattro Pro lets you format a spreadsheet by copying the formatting (background color, font, numeric format, and so on) of one cell to another cell or selection of cells.
You can apply a predesigned format to data. You can also add a format to the predesigned format list. This formatting overrides any existing cell property settings.
To copy cell formatting
1 Click the cell or cells with the format you want to copy.
2 Click the QuickFormat button on the toolbar.
3 Select the cell or cells where you want to copy the formatting.
To turn off QuickFormat, click the QuickFormat button on the toolbar.
To apply a predesigned format
1 Select the cells to format.
2 Click Format SpeedFormat.
3 Choose a format from the Formats list.
You can also apply a predesigned format by clicking the SpeedFormat button on the toolbar.
You can revise a predesigned format by disabling any properties that you do not want applied to the cells.
To add a format to the predesigned format list
1 Click Format SpeedFormat.
2 Choose a format to customize from the Formats list.
3 Click Add.
4 Type the name of the new format in the Format name box.
5 Select the cells that contain the format using the Range picker tool in the Example cells box.
Wrapping text
Text that displays wider than a column width overflows to the next cell when that cell is empty. If the next cell contains data, the overflow text is hidden and the text appears truncated. To fix this, you can wrap text within a cell or enter short lines of text in one cell.
You can redistribute text in a cell to display as a paragraph covering multiple rows or columns. Although the text displays in several rows or columns, the data is stored in the left-most cells of each row. Redistributed text maintains the original row height unless you reformat entries with different font sizes; the font size of the entry in the first row determines the font size of the redistributed text. You can redistribute only existing text; text entered later is not affected.
To wrap text within a cell
1 Click the cell in which you want to wrap text.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Alignment tab.
4 Enable the Wrap text check box in the Cell options area.
Wrapping text works only on text, not on numeric data. You can include up to 4096 characters (4 KB) in a single cell.
You can also wrap text by clicking the Property button on the toolbar.
To enter short lines of text in one cell
1 Click a cell.
2 Type a line of text.
3 Press Alt + Enter.
4 Continue typing.
5 Press Enter.
To redistribute text over multiple rows or columns
1 Select the first cell to redistribute.
2 Click Format Text reformat.
3 Select the cells in which you want the redistributed text to appear using the Range picker tool in the Cells box.
The first cell you selected to reformat will be the upper-left cell.
If you specify both columns and rows as the destination cells for the redistributed text, Quattro Pro redistributes the text within those cells if enough space exists.
If you include blank cells between the cells to redistribute, the cells following a blank cell are not redistributed.
Joining cells
Quattro Pro lets you join cells to create a title across multiple cells or a vertical side bar. In joined cells, you can center and align text and numbers as you would in a single cell. You can join cells in rows, columns, or rows and columns. You can also perform calculations and use formulas in a joined cell as you would in a regular cell.
To join cells
1 Drag across the cells you want to join.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Alignment tab.
4 Enable the Join cells check box in the Cell options area.
You can also join cells by selecting the cells to join and clicking the Join cells button on the toolbar. The data in cells joined with this method is automatically centered.
Changing text font and appearance
You can change the text in one or more cells by adjusting its font face, font size, or text color. Changing the color of text does not affect cell color or shading. Custom colors can also be used to color text.
When you choose a font or appearance option, Quattro Pro automatically displays a preview of the change using Corel RealTime Preview.
You can also change the appearance of text. For example, you can underline and italicize text, or you can set text to superscript or subscript.
For information about creating custom colors, see "Changing colors in the Notebook palette."
For more information about Corel RealTime Preview, see "Zooming data and hiding and displaying screen components."
To change text font and style
1 Select the cells with text to format.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Cell font tab.
4 Choose a font face from the Face list.
5 Choose a font size from the Size list box.
6 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
If a font face has a TrueType (TT) or Adobe Type Manager (a) symbol beside it, text displays in print as it does on the screen. Font faces with a printer symbol beside them print but may not display in the correct font face on the screen. Font faces without a symbol display accurately on the screen, but may not display in the correct font when printed.
If text does not appear on your printout, choose a darker color; light colors print as white on some printers.
To change text appearance
1 Select the cells with text to format.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Cell font tab.
4 Enable any of the following check boxes in the Appearance area:
You can also change the text appearance by clicking the Bold, Italic, Underline, or Strikeout buttons on the property bar.
To set text to superscript or subscript
1 Double-click a cell.
2 Select the data to change.
3 Click one of the following buttons on the property bar:
Working with fills, patterns, and borders
Quattro Pro lets you fill the cell backgrounds with colors and patterns. You can also use colors to identify data ranges and change the color of specific types of data, such as values above or below a specified range and ERR values. You can also color-code spreadsheet tabs. For example, you can make all tabs for expenses one color and all tabs for revenue another color.
Quattro Pro also lets you add borders to cells setting the style, thickness, and color of the border lines. You can also add lines for total and grand total columns in a spreadsheet.
To fill the cell background
1 Select a cell.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Fill/pattern tab.
4 Click a pattern button on the pattern palette.
5 Open the Pattern color picker and click a color.
6 Open the Background color picker and click a background color.
To add color to a range of data
1 Click Format Sheet properties.
2 Click the Conditional color tab.
3 In the Smallest normal value box, type the smallest value to which you want to apply conditional color.
4 In the Greatest normal value box, type the largest value to which you want to apply conditional color.
5 In the Options area, enable one of the following options:
Below normal color-sets the color of cells whose values are below the smallest normal value
Normal color-sets the color of cells whose values fall within the range set in the Smallest normal value and Greatest normal value boxes
Above normal color-sets the color of cells whose values are above the greatest normal value
ERR color-sets the color to use for ERR and NA values generated by formula errors
6 Click a color on the color palette.
7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 to enable a different color for as many options as you want to color code.
8 Enable the Enable check box.
You can also add color to a range of data by right-clicking a spreadsheet tab, and clicking Sheet properties.
To color-code a spreadsheet tab
1 Click Format Sheet properties.
2 Click the Tab color tab.
3 Disable the Use system color check box.
4 Open the color picker and click a color on the color palette.
You can also color-code a spreadsheet tab by right-clicking a spreadsheet tab, and clicking Sheet properties.
To add a border to cells
1 Select the cells to which you want to add a border.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Border tab.
4 In the Border properties area, open the Type picker, and click a border type.
5 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
6 Click one of the following buttons:
All-applies the borders to all the grid lines of the cell selection
Outline-applies the borders to only the exterior grid lines of the cell selection
Inside-applies the borders to only the interior grid lines of the cell selection
Verticals-applies the border to only the vertical gridlines of the cell selection
Horizontals-applies the border to only the horizontal gridlines of the cell selection
You can use the sample box to indicate where to draw lines on selected cells.
You can remove lines in a border by clicking a line, opening the Type picker in the Border properties area and clicking No line.
You can also clear all segments of a selection by clicking Clear selection.
To add a line for totals and grand totals
1 Select the cells to which you want to add lines.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Cell font tab.
4 In the Accounting style area, enable one of the following options:
Single line
Double line
Changing colors in the notebook palette
You can define your own colors in a color palette. You can save custom colors in the notebook palette. This palette gets saved with the notebook. If you customize the colors in the palette and want to delete the new colors, you can reset the palette to the default palette that comes with Quattro Pro.
The following table lists color values types and their descriptions.
Color Description
HLS Hue, luminosity, and saturation-Hues is the basic color: red, yellow, orange, or green, for example. Saturation is the amount of white mixed with the hue. Brightness is the amount of light energy present. When brightness is zero, no light is present, and the result is black for every hue and saturation value. by adjusting the saturation and brightness, you can easily control the amount of gray in a color.
RGB Red, green, and blue-You mix different amounts of red, green, and blue to form all other colors.
CMYK Cyan, magenta and Yellow. You mix different amounts of these colors to form all other colors. commercial printing houses often use this model to mix colors.
To define a new color for the notebook palette
1 Click Format Notebook properties.
2 Click the NBPalette tab
3 Click a color on the Notebook palette.
4 Click Edit color.
5 In the Select color dialog box, move the slider in one or both of the following:
Circle color wheel-lets you choose lighter or darker settings, as well as different color sectors of the wheel
Vertical scale-lets you select lighter or darker settings with the selected area displayed in the color wheel
You can also define a new color by typing values in the Red, Green and Blue boxes in the Color values area of the Select color dialog box.
To reset the default palette
1 Click Format Notebook properties.
2 Click the NBPalette tab
3 Click Reset defaults.
Aligning data
You can align data horizontally and vertically in a cell. The default alignment setting for numbers and formula results is right-aligned; the default setting for labels and dates is left-aligned. You can change the default alignment of all labels.
You can also center data across multiple cells; for example, you can center a title across columns C, D, and E. You can also change the orientation of text in a cell by rotating it horizontally, vertically, or by a specific degree.
To align data in a cell
1 Select a cell.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Alignment tab.
4 In the Horizontal alignment area, enable one of the following options:
General-right-aligns values and left-aligns labels
Left-left-aligns all types of data
Right-right-aligns all types of data
Center-centers cell data
Indent-moves data in from the edge of a cell
5 In the Vertical alignment area, enable one of the following options:
You can also click the Alignment button on the property bar to change horizontal cell alignment.
To set the default alignment of all labels
1 Click Format Define styles.
2 Choose Normal from the Define style for list box.
3 Click Alignment.
4 In the Alignment dialog box, modify the alignment settings.
To center text across multiple cells
1 In the left-most cell, type the text to be centered.
2 Select the cells over which to center the text starting with the cell containing the text.
3 Click Format Selection properties.
4 Click the Alignment tab.
5 In the Horizontal alignment area, enable the Center across block option.
If you type text in a second cell where text is centered across cells, the first entry is centered over cells to the left of the next entry.
To display the centered text in the input line, click the cell where the text was originally entered.
To rotate text
1 Click a cell with text to rotate.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Alignment tab.
4 In the Orientation area, enable one of the following options:
Horizontal-orients text horizontally
Vertical-orients text vertically
Rotated-rotates text to the degree you specify
If you enable the Rotated option, specifying 90 or -90 rotates the text vertically.
Working with numeric formats
Quattro Pro uses two types of numeric formats: number formats and date/time formats. Numeric formats do not change cell values; they change only the way values display.
When you type numbers, Quattro Pro by default rounds off fractional numbers as necessary to fit in the cell. You can change the numeric format of a cell to accommodate, for example, scientific, currency, decimal, and percent formats.
Quattro Pro lets you hide all values that equal zero on a spreadsheet. Hiding zeros does not remove zero values from the sheet; rather, zeros remain in memory and will display if you choose to unhide them. It is easy to accidentally overwrite cells containing formulas that evaluate to zero. To prevent this, make sure you are able to undo actions or consider protecting the spreadsheet.
Quattro Pro also lets you change the number of decimal places in a value.
For information about undoing actions, see "Undoing actions." For information about protecting a spreadsheet, see "Protecting data."
Quattro Pro lets you format dates and times in a spreadsheet. For example, by default, Quattro Pro displays times in long form as HH:MM:SS (for example, 09:32:30), or in short form as HH:MM (for example, 09:32) when no seconds are specified, but you can change this format. You can also change the default date format or change the short date style.
For more information about time formats, see "Default date and time formats." You can also change the default date format and the short date style.
To change the numeric format of a cell
1 Select a cell.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Numeric format tab.
4 Choose one of the following formats from the Numeric formats list:
General-to display numbers exactly as you type them (unless the column width is too narrow)
Number-to choose a negative number and number of decimal places formats, and separate thousands with commas.
Currency-to choose a country whose currency symbol you want to use
Scientific-to display numbers as scientific notations
Fraction-to choose a fraction format
Hidden-to prevent a cell from displaying its contents
Percent-to display numbers in a percent format
Custom-to choose a customized format
Quattro Pro has added the Euro to the available currency formats. You can view the Euro currency symbol if you are using Microsoft Windows 98, or later, or if your system has a Euro-compliant font installed.
Enabling the Hidden option, hides cells. To prevent cells from being accidentally overwritten, protect the cells by locking them. For information about locking cells see "To protect all spreadsheet cells."
To hide zeros on a spreadsheet
1 Click Format Sheet properties.
2 Click the Display tab.
3 Enable the No option in the Display zeros area.
To change the number of decimal places in a value
1 Select a cell.
2 On the property bar, click the Change the number of decimal places button.
3 Type a value in the box.
4 Press Enter.
You can also
Increase the decimal place by one Click the Up arrow.
Decrease the decimal place by one Click the Down arrow.
To format dates and times
1 Select a cell to format.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Numeric format tab.
4 Click one of the following formats from the Numeric formats list:
Date-lets you choose a date format from the Date formats options
Time-lets you choose a time format from the Time formats options
If you edit dates from previous versions of Quattro Pro, you should change two-digit year date format to a four-digit year date format to explicitly indicate the century. For example, edit the date "1/1/20" as "1/1/1920".
In order to format dates and times to properly display in a chart, you must first concatenate the date and time as a single number as follows: YYYYMMDDhhmmss. For example, 20011231235959 = December 31st, 2001 at 11:59:59 pm.
To change the default date format
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 In the list of categories, double-click Workspace, Customize, and click International.
3 Enable the Date format option from the Selection area.
4 Enable one of the date format options in the Date format area.
To change the short date style
1 Click Start Settings Control panel.
2 Double-click Regional settings.
3 Click the Date tab.
4 Choose a date format from the Short date style list box.
Creating custom formats
With custom formats, you can change the way dates, times, or numeric values display in a spreadsheet by using a format statement. A format statement must contain format codes. These codes, when applied to values in the spreadsheet, change the way values are formatted. For information about specific format code functions, see "Numeric format codes," "Date format codes", and "Time format codes."
You can create a custom format. When you create a custom format, you modify an existing format and save it with a new name. By default, when you modify an existing format the format name changes. Once you have created a custom format, you can apply it to a cell. You can edit an existing custom format.
Quattro Pro lets you set a condition for a custom format. When you set a condition, you must specify the condition and the resulting format to apply when the conditions are true; For example, if X is greater than Y, then apply the Z format.
A custom format can contain multiple conditions. When you apply a custom format to cells, all conditions within the custom format are evaluated. Quattro Pro evaluates conditions from top to bottom until it finds a condition that is "true" or reaches the default format statement.
The following figure is an example of a custom format that contains multiple format statements with conditions. The first column contains the conditions, and the second column contains the formats to be applied when each condition is true. The third column specifies how to adjust the value before displaying it in the spreadsheet.
You can delete format statements when you no longer need them.
To create a custom format
1 Click Format Selection properties.
2 Click the Numeric format tab.
3 Click Custom from the Numeric formats list.
4 From the Custom list, choose the format that most closely resembles the one you want to create.
5 Click Add.
6 In the Add format dialog box, type a format name in the Format name box.
7 Choose a numeric format code from the Add numeric code list box.
You can also
Add a date or time format code Choose a date or time format code from the Add date/time code list box.
Add rich text formatting Select the format code in the Format Code box, and apply formatting using the text formatting buttons.
Add text to be displayed with the format Click inside the Format Code box, and type the text.
A summary of the format statement. displays in the box under the Format name box.
To apply a custom format
1 Select the cells to which you want to apply a custom format.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Numeric format tab.
4 Click Custom from the Numeric formats list, and select a format from the Custom list.
To edit a custom format
1 Click Format Selection properties.
2 Click the Numeric format tab.
3 Click Custom from the Numeric formats list, and select a format from the Custom list.
4 Click Edit.
5 In the Edit format dialog box, modify any of the custom formats settings.
When you edit a custom format, Quattro Pro applies the formatting changes to all cells that use that custom format.
If a custom format contains multiple format statements, you can edit a specific statement by choosing the statement from the list under the Format name box, and making any changes.
To set a condition for a custom format
1 Select a cell formatted with a custom format.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Numeric format tab.
4 Click Custom from the Numeric Formats list.
5 Click Edit.
6 In the If condition area, choose one of the following first terms of the condition from the First term list box:
Value-Quattro Pro uses the value you type in the box
This cell-Quattro Pro uses the currently selected cell
Other cell-Quattro Pro lets you select a cell from the spreadsheet by using the Range picker tool
7 Choose an operator from the Operator list box.
8 Choose the second term of the condition from the Second term list box.
You can also
Add a format statement after the currently selected statement. Click Add.
Insert a format statement before the currently selected statement. Click Insert.
If you choose a bar format, you can adjust the limits of the bar range in the Bar format values area.
You can enable the Adjust value before display check box to adjust how the value of the currently selected format statement displays in the notebook.
To delete a format statement
1 Click Format Selection properties.
2 Click the Numeric format tab.
3 Click Custom from the Numeric formats list, and select a format from the Custom list.
4 Click Edit.
5 In the Edit format dialog box, choose a format statements, from the list under the Format name box.
6 Click Delete.
Creating a bar format
Applying a bar format to numeric values lets you visually identify patterns or anomalies in numeric data. By displaying numeric values as horizontal bars you create a graphical representation of your data. For example, consider a mousetrap company that tracks monthly sales for 1998. By viewing these figures using a bar format, you can view any sales trends for the year and quickly identify the month with the highest and lowest sales records.
You can also change the color of the bar and the limits of the bar range. By default, Quattro Pro colors bars red and uses a bar range of 0 to 100.
To apply a bar format to numeric values
1 Select the cells to which you want to apply the format.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Numeric format tab.
4 Click Custom from the Numeric formats list.
5 Choose one of the following bar formats from the Custom list:
Left bar-displays the number as a red bar starting at the left of the cell
Right bar-displays the number as a red bar starting at the right of the cell
Center bar-displays the number as a red bar starting in the center of the cell
To change the color of a bar format
1 Select the cells for which you want to edit the bar color.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Numeric format tab.
4 Click Edit.
5 Select the format statements, from the list under the Format name box.
6 In the Format code area, select the bar format code in the Format code box.
7 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
To change the range limit of a bar format
1 Select the cells for which you want to edit the bar range.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Numeric format tab.
4 Click Edit.
5 Select the format statements, from the list under the Format name box.
6 In the Bar format values area, choose one of the following limits from the Lower limit list box:
Value-Quattro Pro uses as the lower limit the value you type in the box.
Other cell-Quattro Pro uses as the lower limit the value of another cell you specify in the box that is either relative to the current cell or an absolute cell address.
7 Choose one of the following limits from the Upper limit list box in the Bar format values area:
Other cell
Working with page breaks
You can change the look of a spreadsheet by specifying page breaks. There are two kinds of page breaks: soft page breaks and hard page breaks. Quattro Pro lets you view and find page breaks in spreadsheets. Page breaks display as solid blue lines.
Quattro Pro automatically creates soft page breaks at the bottom of each page, according to the page size. You can insert either horizontal or vertical hard page breaks to start a new page.
Quattro Pro lets you convert soft page breaks to hard page breaks and hard page breaks to soft page breaks. You can also delete a hard page break.
To view page breaks
Click View Page breaks.
To find page breaks
1 Click Edit Find breaks.
2 In the Break type area, choose a type of page break from the list box.
3 In the Break classification area, choose a page break classification from the list box.
4 Click Find next.
To insert hard page breaks
1 Click the cell where you want to insert a page break.
2 Click Insert Page break Create.
3 Choose a break type from the Break type list box.
The page break is inserted before the cell you click.
If you click below or to the right of an existing hard page break, the new page break created has the opposite orientation. For example, if you click next to a horizontal page break, a vertical page break is created.
You can create a horizontal page break by selecting a row and clicking Insert Page break Create.
You can also insert a hard page break by clicking where you want to insert a page break and pressing Ctrl + Enter. This only applies if you are not in edit mode.
To convert soft page breaks to hard page breaks
1 Move the pointer over the displayed page break until it changes to a double arrow.
2 Right-click the page break, and click Set hard page break.
To convert hard page breaks to soft page breaks
1 Move the pointer over the displayed page break until it changes to a double arrow.
2 Right-click the page break, and click Remove hard page break.
To delete hard page breaks
1 Click below or right of the page break.
2 Click Insert Page break Delete.
You can also delete all page breaks by clicking Insert Page break Delete all.
Creating headers and footers
Headers and footers are lines of text that print at the top and bottom of each page. Adding headers and footers provides a place to include such information as page numbers, title, date, time, and filename on each notebook page. Using links, you can even enter the contents of a cell in a header or footer.
You can change the distance between a header or footer and the first or last row of data.
After creating a header or footer, you can edit it as required.
To add a header or footer
1 Click View Page.
2 Right-click the top or bottom margin, and click one of the following:
Create header
Create footer
3 Type the header or footer text.
4 Click Format Selection properties.
5 Choose a font face from the Face list.
6 Choose a font size from the Size list box.
7 Enable any of the following check boxes in the Appearance area:
To link the contents of a cell to a header or footer
1 Click File Page setup.
2 Click the Header/footer tab.
3 In the Header or Footer area, enable the Create check box.
4 Type the cell address preceded by a back slash.
For example, \A:A1.
You cannot enter text or insert positioning characters on the same line as the cell content.
To adjust the space above or below a header or footer
1 Click File Page setup.
2 Click the Header/footer tab.
3 Type a height value in the Height box.
You can also adjust the space between the header or footer and the first or last row of data by dragging the dotted line that borders the top or bottom of the spreadsheet data.
To edit a header or footer
1 Click View Page.
2 Double-click in the header or footer dotted area.
3 Make any change.
4 Click outside the header or footer.
You can also edit headers or footers by clicking File Page setup, clicking the Header/footer tab and typing the appropriate changes in either the Header or Footer box.
Customizing margins
Quattro Pro lets you display all margins on a page. You can also change margin settings to best present data.
To display all margins on a page
1 Click View Page.
2 Click View Zoom.
3 Enable the 50% option.
You can also display all margins on a page by clicking the Zoom button on the toolbar and choosing 50% from the list.
To change margin settings
1 Click File Page setup.
2 Click the Print margins tab.
3 Type the margin measurements in the following boxes:
Top-the distance between the top of the page and the header
Bottom-the distance between the bottom of the page and the footer
Right-the distance between the right-edge of the paper and the data
Left-the distance between the left-edge of the paper and the data
If "in" displays next to the default margin settings, the measurements you type are recorded in inches. If "cm" displays, the measurements are recorded in centimeters. Using decimals indicates partial inches or centimeters; for example, 0.5 centimeters.
You can also change a margin by clicking View Page and dragging a dotted margin line.
Working with styles
A style consists of several text properties that can be modified and used to create a uniform look for notebooks. You can define a style for cells in a notebook and enable or disable properties. Disabled properties have no effect on cells to which you apply the new style.
Quattro Pro lets you copy a style to another notebook. You can also copy property settings for one style with those for another style or formatted cell. For example, you can copy a cell that has purple text color properties with the Normal style. When you apply the Normal style to cells in that notebook, the cells display the Normal style properties and purple text.
To define a new style
1 Click Format Define styles.
2 Type a new name in the Define style for list box.
3 In the Include properties area, enable any of the check boxes corresponding to properties to change.
4 Click any of the following buttons to set the properties for the style:
Alignment-sets the alignment properties for the cell
Format-sets the cell format properties
Protection-enables or disables cell protection
Line drawing-sets the properties for cell lines
Shading-sets the shading, pattern, and color properties for the cell
Font-sets the font for the text in the cell
Text Color-sets the font color for text in the cell
You can also delete a style by choosing a style from the Define style for list box and clicking Delete. Cells using this style revert to the Normal style.
To apply a predefined style
1 Select a cell.
2 Choose a style from the Style list box on the property bar.
To copy a style to another notebook
1 Select a cell that has a style format.
2 Click Edit Copy.
3 Select a cell or group of cells in another notebook.
4 Click Edit Paste.
The style name appears in the Style list box for that notebook.
To copy style settings from a cell or style
1 Click Format Define styles.
2 Select a style from the Define styles for list box.
3 Click Merge.
4 In the Merge style dialog box, enable one of the following options:
Style-merges another style you choose from the Select style list box
Cell and -merges a formatted cell you specify in the Select cell box
Reference: Editing and formatting a spreadsheet
To create a uniform look for notebooks, Quattro Pro has default styles available. Quattro Pro also has numeric format codes, date format codes, and time format codes which can be used to set conditions.
You can type codes in a header or footer to add items such as page numbers and dates instead of adding them from the property bar. For example, when you type text in a header or footer, you can use the bar character (|) to change the text alignment from the left to either centered or right-aligned. On some keyboards, the vertical bar character appears broken in the middle.
If you want to type a number sign (#) or an at sign (@) as a symbol and not as a header or footer code, type a backslash ( \ ) in front of the symbol. For example, typing \@ displays @.
Styles available in Quattro Pro
The following is a list of default styles available in Quattro Pro.
Style Result
Comma Sets the numeric format to a comma with two decimals
Comma0 Sets the numeric format to a comma with no decimals
Currency Sets the numeric format to currency with two decimals
Currency0 Sets the numeric format to currency with no decimals
Date Sets the numeric format to user-defined (with the date format specified)
Fixed Sets the numeric format to fixed with two decimals
Heading 1 Sets the font to Arial (or Helvetica) 18-point bold
Heading 2 Sets the font to Arial (or Helvetica) 12-point bold
Normal Sets the numeric format and alignment to general; sets the font to Arial (or Helvetica) 10-point regular; sets shading to white; turns on protection; and sets the text color to black
Percent Sets the numeric format to percent
Total Inserts a double line above the active cell
Numeric format codes
The table below outlines and describes each numeric format code available in Quattro Pro.
Numeric format code Description
0 Always displays a digit. If the number does not have a digit in this position, a zero displays. If there are more digits in the number than zeros in the format code, extra digits in the integer portion are displayed and the fraction portion is rounded.
9 Displays a digit if the number has one. If there are more digits in the number than nines in the format code, extra digits in the integer portion are displayed and the fraction portion is rounded.
, (comma) Inserts a thousands separator (a comma, unless specified otherwise with the application's International properties). If not part of a number code, the comma is inserted wherever it is positioned in the format.
. (period) Inserts a decimal separator (a period, unless specified otherwise with the application's International properties)
E- or e- Displays the number in scientific notation, preceding negative exponents with a minus sign. If the format includes at least one zero or nine following this symbol, the number displays in scientific notation with E or e. If the exponent contains more digits than nines or zeros following this symbol, the extra digits are displayed.
E+ or e+ Displays numbers in scientific notation, preceding positive exponents with a plus sign. If the format includes at least one zero or nine following this symbol, the number displays in scientific notation with E or e. If the exponent contains more digits than nines or zeros following this symbol, the extra digits are displayed.
?//M Displays a fraction followed by the maximum number of digits for the denominator
?// Displays a fraction followed by the denominator to use. The fraction is not reduced
?//R Displays a fraction followed by the base denominator to use. The fraction is reduced if possible.
* (asterisk) Fills the column by repeating the character to the right of the asterisk
_ (underscore) Skips the space that would have been required to display the character that follows the underscore. This lets you align numbers for formats with optional trailing characters, such as negative numbers with parentheses.
| (bar) Displays the first character following the bar code in the space that would have been required to display the second character following the bar code. This allows the alignment of formats with different trailing characters, such as the K Meg Gig predefined format.
LeftBar Displays the number as a red horizontal bar starting at the left of the cell using the range 0 to 100.
CenterBar Displays the number as a red horizontal bar starting in the center of the cell. Uses the range 0 to 100 from the center to the left, and 0 to 100 from the center of the cell to the right.
RightBar Displays the number as a red horizontal bar starting at the right of the cell using the range 0 to 100.
General Uses the General numeric format
Date format codes
The table below outlines and describes the date format codes available in Quattro Pro.
Date format codes Description
d Displays the day of the month as a one- or two-digit number (1-31)
dd Displays the day of the month as a two-digit number (01-31)
wday, Wday, WDAY Displays the day of the week as a four-character abbreviation in lowercase, with the first letter capitalized, or in uppercase.
1wday, 1Wday, 1WDAY Displays the day of the week as an abbreviation using a number and four-characters in lowercase, with the first letter capitalized, or in uppercase
weekday, Weekday, WEEKDAY Displays the day of the week in lowercase, with the first letter capitalized, or in uppercase
mo Displays the month as a one- or two-digit number (1-12)
mmo Displays the month as a two-digit number (01-12)
mon, Mon, MON Displays the month as a three-character abbreviation in lowercase, with the first letter capitalized, or in uppercase
1mon, 1Mon, 1MON Displays the month as an abbreviation using a number and
four-characters in lowercase, with the first letter capitalized, or in uppercase
month, Month, MONTH Displays the name of the month in lowercase, with the first letter capitalized, or in uppercase
yy Displays the last two digits of the year (00-99)
yyyy Displays all four digits of the year (0001-9999)
* (asterisk) Fills the column by repeating the character to the right of the asterisk
_ (underscore) Skips the space that would have been required to display the character that follows the underscore. This lets you align numbers for formats with optional trailing characters, such as negative numbers with parentheses.
| (bar) Displays the first character following the bar code in the space that would have been required to display the second character following the bar code. This lets you align formats with different trailing characters, such as the K Meg Gig predefined format.
Time format codes
The table below outlines and describes the time codes available in Quattro Pro.
Time format codes Description
s Displays seconds as a one- or two-digit number (1-59)
Displays seconds as a two-digit number (01-59)
[ss] Displays a count in seconds that can exceed 60 (for example, formats 00:01:01 as 61 seconds). This format should not be used with year, month, day, hour, or minute codes.
mi Displays minutes as a one- or two-digit number (1-59)
mmi Displays minutes as a two-digit number (01-59)
[mmi] Displays a count in minutes that can exceed 60 (for example, formats 01:01:01 as 61 minutes). This format should not be used with year, month, day, or hour codes.
h Displays the hour as a one- or two-digit number (1-24). If the format includes am/pm or AM/PM, the number is between 1-12. If am/pm or AM/PM is not included, the 24-hour format (0-24) is used.
hh Displays the hour as a two-digit number (01-24). If the format includes am/pm or AM/PM, the number is between 01-12. If am/pm or AM/PM is not included, the 24-hour format (00-24) is used.
[hh] Displays a count of hours that can exceed 24 (for example, formats one day and one hour as 25 hours). This format should not be used with year, month, or day codes.
.s Displays the decimal portion of seconds (the number of digits to display is specified following this format).
.mi Displays the decimal portion of minutes (the number of digits to display is specified following this format). This format should not be used with seconds codes.
.h Displays the decimal portion of hours (the number of digits to display is specified following this format). This format should not be used with minutes or seconds codes.
a or A Displays a shortened version of am/pm, and sets the time to a 12-hour instead of a 24-hour format in either lowercase or uppercase
am or AM Displays am/pm in either lowercase or uppercase, and sets the time to
12-hour format instead of 24 hour
Header and footer codes
The following table outlines header and footer codes and their function.
Code Description
| (vertical bar) Centers text that follows
|| (two vertical bars) Right-aligns text that follows
#p Displays the current page number
#p+n Displays the current page number plus the number n
#P Displays the number of pages in the document
#P+n Displays the number of pages plus the number n
#d Displays the current date in the short format specified in Tools Settings International Date format
#D Displays the current date in the long format specified in Tools Settings International Date format
#ds Displays the current date in Short date format
#Ds Displays the current date in Long date format
#t Displays the current time in the short format specified in Tools Settings International Time format
#T Displays the current time in the long format specified in Tools Settings International Time format
#ts Displays the current time in Short time format
#Ts Displays the current time in Long time format
#f Displays the notebook filename with no path (for example, BUDGET.WB3)
#F Displays the notebook filename, including the path (for example, C:\DATA\BUDGET.WB3)
#n Displays the moves to a new line
# (number sign) Displays the current page number; use for compatibility with Quattro Pro for DOS
@ Displays the current date (as found in your computer's calendar); use for compatibility with Quattro Pro for DOS