Get the hyperbolic tangent of an angle in radians.
Return Value
Hyperbolic tangent of an angle in radians.
Angle: numeric The angle in radians
numeric := TimeHour
([Time: numeric])
Return a number representing the hour on a 24-hour clock.
Return Value
Number if successful, or DateAndTime.Error! if not.
Time: numeric (optional) If missing, the current system time is used.
* To pass a specific time, use the DateAndTime function.
numeric := TimeHundredth
([Time: numeric])
Return a number representing hundredths of a second.
Return Value
Number if successful, or DateAndTime.Error! if not.
Time: numeric (optional) If missing, the current system hundredths of a second is used.
numeric := TimeMinute
([Time: numeric])
Return a number representing the minute.
Return Value
Number if successful, or DateAndTime.Error! if not.
Time: numeric (optional) If missing, the current system minute is used.
* To pass a specific time, use the DateAndTime function.
date := TimePart
([Time: date])
Remove the date from the specified time, returning a date/time with only the time part in it. The date portion of the returned date/time value is cleared, which represents an invalid date.
Return Value
The time part of the specified date/time.
Time: date The date/time to return the time part of. If missing, then the current date/time is used.
numeric := TimeSecond
([Time: numeric])
Return a number representing the second.
Return Value
Number if successful, or DateAndTime.Error! if not.
Time: numeric (optional) If missing, the current system second is used.
* To pass a specific time, use the DateAndTime function.
string := TimeString
([Time: numeric]; [Format: string])
Return the time in a string.
vCurrentTime := TimeString (; "h:m:ss tt")
MessageBox (x; "TimeString"; vCurrentTime)
Result (format): 3:52:34 PM
Return Value
String if successful, or empty string ("") if not.
Time: numeric (optional) If missing, the current system time is used.
Format: string (optional) Specify a time-string format. If missing, the current Windows Control Panel format is used. See the example above, and see the table below for details.
Time Enumerations
Hours h (hours without leading zeros for single digit hours, 12-hour clock)
hh (hours with leading zeros for single digit hours, 12-hour clock)
H (hours without leading zeros for single digit hours, 24-hour clock)
HH (hours with leading zeros for single digit hours, 24-hour clock)
Minutes m (minutes without leading zeros for single digit numbers)
mm (minutes with leading zeros for single digit minutes)
Seconds s (seconds without leading zeros for single-digit seconds)
ss (seconds with leading zeros for single-digit seconds)
Time Marker t (one-character time marker: 'a' or 'p')
tt (multi-character time marker: 'am' or 'pm')
* To pass a specific time, use the DateAndTime function.
Return information about the current time zone and time change.
Return Value
Requested information. InfoItem parameter describes the type of data returned for each item.
InfoItem: enumeration Item on which to get information. Some items use the TimeChangeoverType parameter to specify Standard or Daylight time. The first five items ignore this parameter.
TimeZoneNumber! (numeric) Time zone number for this time zone. Time zones West of Greenwich are negative. Times zones East of Greenwich are positive. Some local time zones have offsets that include half hours. The time zone number is the TimeZoneUTCOffset divided by 60 minutes (number of offset hours). If the offset includes a half hour, the returned time zone is some number plus 0.5.
TimeZoneUTCOffset! (numeric) The offset in minutes from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), or Greenwich mean time. This value is constant, and does not depend on Standard or Daylight Saving time. It is the solar offset of the time zone relative to Greenwich. To find the total offset from UTC for a time changeover, add TimeChangeoverOffset! to this value for that time changeover type.
IsStandardTime! (boolean) True if the current time changeover is Standard Time, False if not.
IsDaylightSavingTime! (boolean) True if the current time changeover is Daylight Saving Time, False if not.
TimeChangeoverType! (enumeration) The current time changeover. The following items use the TimeChangeoverType parameter to determine the time changeover type on which to return information.
UnknownTime! Unable to determine current time changeover.
StandardTime! Standard Time is in effect.
DaylightSavingTime! Daylight Saving Time is in effect.
TimeZoneName! (string) Name of the current time zone, including the specified time changeover type designator.
TimeChangeoverStartDate! (numeric) Start date and time of the specified time changeover.
TimeChangeoverOffset! (numeric) The offset added to TimeZoneUTCOffset for the specified time changeover in the current time zone. This gets the current local time in relation to UTC (Greenwich mean time).
TimeChangeoverType: enumeration (optional) Time changeover type for which to get information. If missing, CurrentTime! is used.
CurrentTime! Use the current time changeover information.
StandardTime! Use standard time changeover information.
DaylightSavingTime! Use daylight saving time changeover information.
string := ToInitialCaps
(String: string; [Style: enumeration])
Capitalize the first character in a string, or the first character of the words in a string.
Return Value
Return the mixed-case equivalent of a specified string.