Welcome to Corel Presentations, an application used to create high-quality slide shows and drawings that can include text, data charts, and graphic objects.
In this tutorial, you will create a birthday banner for a party. Click here to see what the final banner will look like.
During this tutorial, you will learn how to
start a drawing
set a banner size
add text to a banner
apply special effects to the banner
apply 3-D effects to banner text
add a graphic to a banner
resize a banner graphic
save the banner
Starting a drawing
Corel Presentations drawings can contain data charts, bitmapped images, clipart and drawn objects. Drawings, unlike Corel Presentations slide shows, cannot contain transitions, animations, sound files, or movie files.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to start the drawing.
Start a drawing
1 Click File menu New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose Presentations 11 from the top list box.
4 Choose Corel Presentations drawing from the bottom list box.
5 Click Create.
Setting the banner size
In the procedure below, you will learn how to set the size for your banner.
Set a banner size
1 Click File menu Page setup.
2 Click the Poster tab.
3 Click the Poster size button.
4 Drag to select 4x2.
5 Each square in the Poster size table represents one 8 1/2 by 11 inch page.
6 Click OK.
Adding and modifying text
In the procedures below, you will learn how to add text to the banner and apply special effects to the text.
Add text to the banner
1 Open the Text object tools flyout, and click the Create text with special effects tool.
2 In the Type here box, type Happy Birthday.
3 Click Close.
4 Drag the handles to expand the drawing to fit exactly over the page.
Add special effects to the text
1 Right-click the text, and choose TextArt document object Edit.
2 Click the More button, and click the horseshoe shape.
3 Choose Benguiat Bk BT from the Font list box.
4 Choose Bold from the Font style list box.
5 Choose Center from the Justification picker.
6 Choose Normal from the Smoothness list box.
7 Enable the 3D mode check box.
8 Click Close.
Click here to see what your banner text should now look like.
Apply 3-D effects to text
1 Right-click the text, choose TextArt document object Edit.
2 Click the 3D Options tab.
3 In the Lighting 1 area, click the Primary text color picker, and click this shade of pink.
4 In the Lighting 1 area, click the Direction of Primary light picker, and click this direction.
5 In the Lighting 2 area, click the Additional text color picker, and click this shade of blue.
6 In the Lighting 2 area, click the Direction of additional light picker, and click this direction.
7 Click the Bevel picker, and click this bevel.
8 Click Close.
Click here to see what your banner text should now look like.
Adding and resizing a graphic
In the procedures below, you will add a graphic with a birthday theme to the banner; for example, a cake or party hat. You will then resize the graphic.
Add a graphic to the banner
1 Click Insert menu File.
2 From the File type list box, choose Corel Presentations ("*.shw" "*.wpg").
3 Choose the drive and folder where the graphic you want to insert is stored.
4 Click the filename, and click the Insert button.
After inserting the graphic, click here to see what the banner should now look like.
Resize the graphic
1 Click the top center handle and drag it down.
2 Click the left middle handle and drag it right.
3 Click the right center handle and drag it left.
Experiment with these three handles until the graphic is centered properly and is not overlapping any text.
After resizing the banner, click here to see the position that the graphic should now be in.
Saving your banner
Now that you have finished creating the banner, you can save the file.
To save the file
1 Click File menu Save.
2 From the Save in list box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
3 In the File name box, type a filename.
4 Click Save.
For more information about creating banners
In this tutorial, you have learned some basic techniques that you can use to create a banner for any occasion. For more information about the topics and tools discussed in this tutorial, refer to the online Help. To access the online Help click Help Help topics.
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