WordPerfect lets you insert graphics, such as shapes, drawings, and clipart images, into documents. You can size, move, and modify graphics to suit your needs.
In this section, you'll learn about
creating graphics
inserting graphics
creating drawings
modifying shapes
modifying graphics
arranging graphics
aligning and distributing graphics
working with color
changing the appearance of images
positioning images
Creating graphics
You can create shapes in a WordPerfect document. A shape is any object created using WordPerfect drawing tools.
The following image is an example of a picture created using WordPerfect basic shapes.
You can create basic shapes, such as triangles, circles, or rectangles, as well as lines, arrows, stars, and more. You can also create polylines.
The following image shows examples of preset shapes: 1) basic shapes and 2) flowchart shapes.
WordPerfect lets you save a graphic as a separate files, which you can insert into other documents. For information about exporting files, see "Import and export file formats for WordPerfect."
You can delete graphics from a document. WordPerfect also allows you to hide or display graphics.
You can also apply graphic effects to text using TextArt. For information about TextArt, see Using TextArt. You can also create graphical representations of equations using the Equation Editor For information about the Equation Editor, see Using Equation Editor .
To create a shape
1 Click Insert Shapes.
2 Enable one of the following options:
Lines-lets you create shapes such as straight or curved lines
Basic-lets you create shapes such as circles, rectangles, or cubes
Arrows-lets you create various types of arrows
Flowchart-lets you create shapes used in a flowchart
Stars-lets you create various types of stars
Callout-lets you create callouts, which can be used to enclose text
Action-lets you create shapes used to denote action
3 Open the shape picker, and click a shape.
4 Click OK.
5 Drag to draw the shape.
Enabling the lines option also allows you to create polylines. For more information about creating polylines, see "To create a polyline."
You can insert precise horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines by holding down Ctrl while you draw a line.
You can create a square by holding down Shift while you draw a rectangle.
To create a polyline
1 Click Insert Shapes.
2 Enable the Lines option.
3 Open the shape picker, and click a polyline.
4 Click OK.
5 Drag and click to build the shape.
6 Double-click to complete the shape.
To save a graphic
1 Select a graphic.
2 Click File Save as.
3 Enable the Selected image option.
4 Click OK.
5 In the Save image as dialog box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the graphic.
6 Type a filename in the Filename box.
7 Choose a file type from the File type list box.
If you want to save fonts with a graphic, enable the Embed fonts check box.
8 Click Save.
To delete a graphic
1 Select a graphic.
2 Press Delete.
To hide or display graphics
Click View Graphics.
A check mark next to the Graphics command indicates that graphics are displayed.
By default, graphics are visible in the document window.
Inserting graphics
You can insert clipart images into a WordPerfect document, such as those included with WordPerfect. Clipart images are images that can be brought into a WordPerfect document and edited or used as is. You can also insert pictures from the WordPerfect Office CD.
You can link to an image on disk. When you link to an image on disk, the location of the image, not the image itself is inserted into the document. This way, you can considerably reduce the size of the file, especially if the image is used in several places throughout the document.
Inserting Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) objects into a document lets Windows applications exchange information with each other. You can link or embed a picture that was created in another program in a WordPerfect document. If you link the picture, the same information exists in two files: the application where the picture was created (the source application) and the application where it was copied (the destination application). When you change the information in the source application, the information is updated in the destination application as well. When you embed a picture, the picture becomes part of the document. You can edit the picture directly, without affecting the source file. For more information about Object Linking and Embedding, see "Linking and embedding objects."
You can scan an image, such as a picture or drawing, directly into WordPerfect as a bitmap. You can also adjust the properties of your scanner.
To insert a clipart image
1 Click where you want to insert an image.
2 Click Insert Graphics Clipart.
The Scrapbook opens.
3 Browse through the folders in the Scrapbook until you find the image you want to insert.
4 Select the clipart image.
5 Click Insert.
You can also insert a clipart image by dragging the image from the Scrapbook into a document.
To insert a picture from the WordPerfect Office CD
1 Insert the WordPerfect Office CD into your CD drive.
2 Click where you want to insert a picture.
3 Click Insert Graphics From file.
4 Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.
Pictures have a .jpg filename extension.
5 Double-click a filename.
You can also insert a picture by dragging. Enable the Shadow Cursor, drag across the area of the document in which you want the picture, and click Image from file in the QuickMenu.
You can preview a picture before you insert it by clicking Toggle preview, and clicking the picture filename.
To link to an image on disk
1 Click where you want to insert a link to an image.
2 Click Insert Graphics From file.
3 Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.
4 Click the image you want to link to the document.
5 Enable the Image on disk check box.
6 Click Insert.
If you want to display the name of the image file, right-click the image, and click Content.
You can link to images copied from the Scrapbook by saving them to your hard disk.
To insert an OLE object
1 In the source application, save a file that contains an OLE object.
2 Select the object.
3 Click Edit Copy.
4 Start WordPerfect.
5 Click Edit Paste special.
6 Enable one of the following options:
Paste-embeds the object
Paste link-links the object between the two documents
The source file has to be saved before you can link to it. If the Paste link option is grayed in the Paste special dialog box, switch back to the source application and save the file, and copy the object again.
To scan images into WordPerfect
Click Insert Graphics Acquire image.
See your scanner software documentation for instructions on manipulating the image and pasting it into WordPerfect.
You need a TWAIN-compatible driver connected to your computer in order to scan images.
To adjust the properties of your scanner
1 Click Insert Graphics Select image source.
2 Choose an image scanner from the Sources list.
3 Click Select.
4 Adjust any properties.
The dialog box will vary depending on the scanner you are using. See your scanner documentation for more information about the different options.
Creating drawings
WordPerfect lets you create complex drawings and modify them.
To create a drawing
1 Click Insert Graphics Draw picture.
Corel Presentations opens.
For more information about creating drawings in Corel Presentations, refer to the Corel Presentations Help.
To modify a drawing
1 Right-click the graphic, and click Edit image.
Corel Presentations opens.
2 Modify the drawing.
3 Click File Save.
You can also modify a drawing or clipart image by double-clicking it.
Modifying shapes
In WordPerfect, you can modify a shape in several ways; for example, you can add drop shadows, and change the color of lines, shadows, and fills.
You can skew or distort a shape. Some shapes can be altered using glyphs. The following image demonstrates the different forms a shape can take when altered using a glyph.
An ellipse can be altered using the mode toggle. The following image demonstrates the three forms an ellipse can take when altered using the mode toggle.
Lines and polylines can be modified using editing points.
To modify a shape
1 Double-click a shape.
2 Click one of the following tabs:
Fill-to change fill options
Line-to change line style options
Shadow-to change drop shadow options
3 Modify any settings.
You can also modify a shape by using the property bar to change the attributes of a shape.
2 Drag a skewing handle until you obtain the effect.
To modify a shape by using a glyph
1 Select a shape.
2 Drag a glyph until you obtain the desired effect.
To modify an ellipse by using the mode toggle
1 Click an ellipse.
2 Click the mode toggle to shift between the different modes.
To modify a line or polyline by using editing points
1 Right-click a line or polyline, and click Edit points.
2 Drag any of the points until you obtain the desired effect.
Modifying graphics
WordPerfect lets you modify a graphic by sizing it and moving it.
To size a graphic
1 Select a graphic.
2 Drag a corner handle until the graphic is the size you want.
You can also
Stretch a graphic Drag a side handle until you achieve the effect you want.
Size a graphic proportionally Hold down Shift, and drag a handle.
To move a graphic by using the keyboard
1 Select a graphic.
2 Press any of the Arrow keys to move the graphic in the direction you want.
Arranging graphics
When two or more graphics overlap in a document, you can arrange their order by moving them in front of or behind the others in the stack. You can also move graphics behind text (like a watermark) or in front of text (like a sticky note). You can also select a graphic that is over or under another graphic.
You can group graphics so that they remain together when they are moved, sized, or edited. The following image is an example of grouped graphics.
To reorder overlapping graphics
1 Right-click a graphic.
2 Click Order, and click one of the following:
To front-moves a graphic in front of the overlapping graphics
To back-moves a graphic behind the overlapping graphics
Forward one-moves a graphic forward one layer
Back one-moves a graphic back one layer
You can also reorder overlapping graphics by selecting a graphic, and clicking the Object(s) forward one button or the Object(s) back one button on the property bar.
To move a graphic behind or in front of text
1 Select a graphic.
2 Click the Graphics button on the property bar, and click one of the following:
In front of text-moves the selected graphic in front of the text
Behind text-moves the selected graphic behind the text
To navigate between graphics
1 Select a graphic.
2 On the property bar, click one of the following:
Next box-selects the next graphic box that displays in the document
Previous box-selects the previous graphic box that displays in the document
The Next box button and the Previous box button on the property bar are available only when there is more than one graphic in the document.
You can also navigate between graphics by selecting a graphic, and pressing Tab.
To group graphics
1 Hold down Shift, and click the graphics you want to group.
2 Right-click one of the selected graphics, and click Group.
When you click one of the graphics, one set of sizing handles displays around the grouped graphics. You can size, move, or edit the group of graphics. For information about sizing and moving graphics, see "Modifying graphics."
You can separate grouped graphics by right-clicking grouped graphics, and clicking Separate.
Aligning and distributing graphics
WordPerfect lets you align and distribute graphics in relation to themselves and the page. You can, for example, align a series of objects horizontally and vertically.
To align a graphic
1 Select a graphic.
2 Click Tools Align and distribute.
3 Click the Align tab.
4 In the Horizontal alignment area, enable one of the following check boxes:
Left - aligns the graphic horizontally relative to the left margin
Center - centers the graphic horizontally relative to the right and left margins
Right - aligns the graphic horizontally relative to the right margin
5 In the Vertical alignment area, enable one of the following check boxes:
Top - aligns the graphic vertically relative to the top of the page
Center - centers the graphic vertically relative to the top and bottom of the page
Bottom - aligns the graphic vertically relative to the bottom of the page
6 In the Align in relation to page area, enable one of the following check boxes:
Edge of page - aligns objects with the edge of the page
Center of page - centers objects on the page
Edge of column - aligns objects with the edge of a column
Center of column - centers objects in a column
WordPerfect displays a warning explaining that the object's anchor position may be changed. If you wish to skip this warning, enable the Do not show this warning again check box.
You can also align a series of objects by pressing Shift, and selecting the objects.
To distribute objects
1 Hold down Shift, and select the objects you want to distribute.
2 Click Tools Align and distribute.
3 Click the Distribute tab.
4 In the Horizontal distribution area, enable one of the following check boxes:
Left - Distributes the selected graphics horizontally by spacing their left edges evenly
Center - Distributes the selected graphics horizontally by spacing their center points evenly
Right - Distributes the selected graphics horizontally by spacing the right edges evenly
Spacing - Distributes the selected graphics horizontally by placing equal spaces between them
5 In the Vertical distribution area, enable one of the following check boxes:
Top - Distributes the selected graphics vertically by spacing their top edges evenly
Center - Distributes the selected graphics vertically by spacing their center points evenly
Bottom - Distributes the selected graphics vertically by spacing the bottom edges evenly
Spacing - Distributes the selected graphics vertically by placing equal spaces between them
6 In the Distribute to area, enable one of the following check boxes:
Extent of selection - Distributes the selected graphics to the extent of the marquee box that surrounds them when they are selected
Extent of page - Distributes the selected graphics to the extent of the current page
Extent of column - Distributes the selected graphics to the extent of the column
WordPerfect displays a warning explaining that the object's anchor position may be changed. If you wish to skip this warning, enable the Do not show this warning again check box.
Working with color
You can create colors to use when working with fonts, highlighting, and graphics in WordPerfect. You can also use color models to create colors. Three color models are available: RGB, HLS, and CMYK. WordPerfect lets you preview color changes to a selection before the changes actually take place, and then apply the colors you created to graphics.
To create a color
1 Click Format Font.
2 Click the Font tab.
3 Open the color picker, and click More.
4 Drag the pointer on the color wheel until the color you want displays on the luminosity bar.
5 Click the color on the luminosity bar.
6 Drag the pointer on the luminosity bar until the shade you want displays in the Current color box.
To create a color by using color models
1 Click Format Font.
2 Click the Font tab.
3 Open the Color picker, and click More.
4 Choose a color model from the Color model list box.
5 In the Color values area, type values in the boxes until the color you want displays in the Current color box.
The color model you select determines the options available in the Color values boxes.
You can open the Select color dialog box from any color palette in WordPerfect.
To preview color changes
1 Select a graphic.
2 On the property bar, click one of the following buttons:
Foreground color-lets you change the foreground color of a shape
Background color-lets you change the background color of a shape
Shadow color-lets you change the color of a drop shadow
Outline color-lets you change the color of a graphics line
3 Point to a color on the color palette.
When you pause on a color, a preview of the graphic in that color displays on the page.
If you want to apply the color to the graphic, click the color.
Corel RealTime Preview is enabled by default. For more information about Corel RealTime Preview see, "Modifying font settings."
Changing the appearance of images
WordPerfect includes tools that let you change the way an image looks. You can enlarge or reduce an image. You can crop an image. You can adjust the color attributes and change the fill for an image. You can also convert a color image to black and white. After you make changes, you can restore an image to its original appearance.
To enlarge or reduce an image
1 Right-click an image, and click Image tools.
2 Open the Zoom flyout, and click the Zoom in/zoom out tool.
A scroll bar displays at the right side of the image.
3 Click the arrows at the top or bottom of the scroll bar to enlarge or reduce the image.
You can click the Zoom actual size tool in the Zoom flyout to restore the image to its original size.
You can use precise values to change the image size by clicking Edit attributes, enabling the Scale image option, and specifying a value in the Scale X and Scale Y boxes.
To crop an image
1 Right-click an image, and click Image tools.
2 Open the Zoom flyout, and click the Crop image tool.
3 Point to the image until the pointer changes to a magnifying glass.
4 Using the magnifying glass pointer, marquee select the part of the image that you want to crop.
The area you select fills the graphics box.
Click the Zoom actual size tool in the Zoom flyout to restore the image to its original size.
To adjust color attributes for an image
Adjust the contrast Right-click an image, and click Image tools. Open the Contrast picker, and click a contrast level.
Adjust the brightness Right-click an image, and click Image tools. Open the Brightness picker, and click a brightness level.
Invert colors Right-click an image, and click Image tools. Click Invert colors.
Clicking Invert colors a second time returns the colors to their original values.
You can specify a precise value for brightness or contrast by clicking Edit attributes, enabling the Color attributes option, and specifying a value in the Contrast and Brightness boxes.
To change the fill for an image
1 Right-click an image, and click Image tools.
2 Open the Fill picker, and click one of the following attributes:
Normal-displays the image normally
Transparent-displays text or a background through the image
White-displays an outline of the image
To convert a color image to black and white
1 Right-click an image, and click Image tools.
2 Open the BW threshold picker, and click a gray value.
Any colors darker than the threshold become solid black. Any colors lighter than the threshold become solid white.
You can specify a precise threshold value by clicking Edit attributes, enabling the B&W attributes option, and typing a value in the Threshold box. Higher numbers produce a darker image.
To restore an image to its original appearance
1 Right-click an image, and click Image tools.
2 Click Reset attributes.
Positioning images
WordPerfect allows you change the position of an image. You can move images that are placed in boxes. You can also flip an image, so that it displays its mirror image, or you can rotate an image. You can also change the center of rotation for an image.
To move an image inside a graphics box
1 Right-click an image, and click Image tools.
2 Click Move.
3 Drag the image to move it inside the graphics box.
You can specify a precise horizontal and vertical position for the image by clicking Edit attributes, enabling the Move image option, and typing a value in the Horizontal or Vertical boxes.
To flip an image
1 Right-click an image, and click Image tools.
2 Click one of the following:
Vertical flip-flips or reverses the image on its vertical axis
Horizontal flip-flips or reverses the image on its horizontal axis
You can also flip an image by clicking the Horizontal flip button or the Vertical flip button on the property bar.
To rotate an image
1 Right-click an image, and click Image tools.
2 Click Rotate.
Rotation handles display at each corner of the graphics box.
3 Drag a corner rotation handle in the direction you want to rotate the image.
You can specify a precise angle of rotation for the image by clicking Edit attributes, enabling the Rotate image option, and typing a value in the Amount box.
To change the center of rotation for an image
1 Right-click an image, and click Image tools.
2 Click Rotate.
A center handle displays in the middle of the graphics box and on top of the image.
3 Drag the center handle to change the center of rotation.