{ } does nothing; use it to reserve space or insert blank lines in the macro without stopping it. Quattro Pro continues running the macro command following { }.
See { ; } and {STEPON} for examples.
Related topics
{ ; } lets you add explanatory remarks or comments to a macro. When Quattro Pro encounters this macro command, it skips over it.
{ ; } is a convenient way to temporarily hide other macro commands, such as a branch to an incomplete macro.
This example runs the _int_update subroutine, which calculates interest to date, then branches to the_print_inv subroutine to print the invoice. Notice how the comments embedded in the macro help make it easier to follow.
{; calculate interest to date}
{ }
{; print the invoice}
{BRANCH _print_inv}
String Numbers or letters up to 1020
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{ ? }
{ ? } pauses macro execution and lets you press function keys, access menus, and choose commands until Enter is pressed. At that point the macro resumes execution.
Since this command gives you complete program control, use it with caution.
You must append a {CR} or ~ command after the { ? } to complete any user entry that requires Enter. For example, if the macro { ? } was used, and you typed 67 then pressed Enter, the value would remain on the input line at the top of the application window even though the macro resumes. {CR} or ~ (or pressing Enter again) would then enter 67 into the cell.
This macro selects cell E15, enters the label Check Number? in the cell to act as a prompt, then passes control to the keyboard so you can enter a check number. The information you enter replaces the Check Number? prompt.