In WordPerfect, you can use a variety of formatting tools to control the design and arrangement of text.
In this section, you'll learn about
modifying font settings
copying the format of text
using font mapping
using character maps for non-Roman languages
creating subscript and superscript text
using hidden text
highlighting text
reversing the color of text and background
working with drop caps
inserting characters and symbols
importing objects
indenting text
justifying text
centering text vertically
keeping text together
correcting capitalization
editing quotation marks
correcting the spacing between words and sentences
making text fit a specific number of pages
changing the spacing between letters and words
changing the spacing between lines and paragraphs
advancing text to a different position
using baseline placement for typesetting
hyphenating text
setting hyphenation prompts and notifications
changing hyphen options and position
inserting and changing hyphens by using codes
Modifying font settings
You can apply formatting to text to change the font and its attributes, such as style, size, and color.
You can also apply relative font sizes, which allows you to format text relative to the specified font size. Suppose you want to add a heading to a document that has a 12-point paragraph font. If you select the heading text and specify a large relative font size, the text displays proportionately larger that the 12-point font.
Using Corel RealTime Preview lets you view text fonts and sizes before you apply them. For example, you can view text as it will display in various fonts before choosing which is the most suitable. If you do not want to preview fonts and their sizes, you can disable Corel RealTime Preview.
WordPerfect lets you format text using recent font settings, including the font and its size. You can also change the default font and font size for the active document or for all documents.
The following image displays examples of different fonts and font styles.
To change the font
1 Click in the document.
2 Click Format Font.
3 Click the Font tab.
4 Choose a font from the Face list.
You can also
Change the font style In the Appearance area, enable any of the check boxes.
Change the font size Choose a font size from the Size list box.
Change the relative font size Click Relative size, and click a font size.
Change the font color Open the Color picker, and click a color.
You can also change the font color by clicking the Font color button on the property bar, and clicking a color.
You can also change the underline font style by opening the Underline picker on the property bar and clicking an underline style.
To change the font using Corel RealTime Preview
1 Click in a document.
2 Open the Font face list box on the property bar, and point to a font.
Changes to the font display in the font face preview window.
3 Choose a font from the Font face list box.
You can change the font size using Corel RealTime Preview by opening the Font size list box on the property bar, viewing the font sizes in the font size preview window, and choosing a font size.
To disable Corel RealTime Preview
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 Click the Display icon.
3 Click the Document tab.
4 In the Show area, disable the RealTime Preview check box.
Corel RealTime Preview is enabled by default.
To reuse a recent font
1 Select the text you want to format.
2 Click the QuickFonts button on the property bar, and choose a font from the list.
The QuickFonts list displays the 10 most recently used fonts.
To change the default font and font size
1 Click File Document Default font.
2 Choose a font from the Face list.
3 Choose a font size from the Size list box.
If you want to change the default font and font size for all new documents, click Settings, and click Set as default for all documents.
You must install a printer before you can change the default font.
You can view the available attributes for each font by clicking the plus sign (+) to the left of a font in the Face list.
Copying the format of text
You can copy the format of text and apply it to other text in a document. If you want to copy selected text, then formatting attributes, such as font, font size, and font style, are all copied. If you want to copy the heading in a paragraph, the paragraph style as well as the font and its attributes are copied.
When you copy the format of text, you automatically create a text style. Changing text that has been formatted using a text style also changes other text in the document that uses that style. For information about text styles, see "Applying and editing text styles."
To copy the format of text
1 Click in the text whose format you want to copy.
2 Click Format QuickFormat.
3 Enable one of the following options:
Selected characters-copies the format of the font and its attributes
Headings-copies the format of the paragraph and its styles, and the font and its attributes
4 Click OK.
5 Drag the QuickFormat paintbrush pointer over the text to which you want to copy the format.
6 Click Format QuickFormat.
QuickFormat is disabled when no check mark displays beside the QuickFormat menu command.
You can also enable or disable QuickFormat by clicking the QuickFormat button.
Using font mapping
You can control font substitutions by changing them for specific font attributes, styles, character sets, and print orientations. This is known as font mapping.
You can use font mapping to
change the printer font settings
specify a replacement font when a certain font is not available on the printer
change the display font settings
display a document in a different font, style, or size than the one used to print it
apply a non-Roman alphabet font
To change printer font settings
1 Click Format Font.
2 Click Settings, and click Edit font mapping.
3 In the Edit printer/document font mapping dialog box, click the Automatic font change tab.
4 In the Printer font area, choose the current printer font from the Face list.
5 In the Print font area, choose the font substitute from the Face list.
You can also
Change relative sizes, appearance attributes, character sets, or print orientations Choose a setting from the Automatic font change list.
Restore the default font settings Enable the Automatic selection check box.
To change replacement font settings
1 Click Format Font.
2 Click Settings Edit font mapping.
3 Click the Automatic font change tab.
4 In the Printer font area, choose a typeface from the Face list.
5 In the Extra large printer font area, choose a typeface from the Face list.
6 Choose one of the following:
To change settings for font sizes and styles, enable the Map individual styles check box.
To change relative sizes, appearance attributes, character sets, or print orientations, choose an option in the Automatic font change list.
7 Choose the replacement font settings from the corresponding Face list.
When substituting fonts, WordPerfect changes the [Font...] code (visible in the Reveal Codes window) to reflect both font names. The font name that WordPerfect used to replace the original font appears first, followed by the original font in square brackets. For information about Reveal Codes, see "Displaying Reveal Codes."
To restore the default settings, enable the Automatic selection check box.
To change display font settings
1 Click Format Font.
2 Click Settings, and click Edit font mapping.
3 In the Edit printer/document font mapping dialog box, click the Display tab.
4 From the Face list box in the Printer font area, choose the font for which you want to specify a substitute.
5 In the Display font area, choose the font substitute from the Face list box.
The display font appears onscreen when the printer font is used.
If you want to map specific font styles and sizes for your display font, enable the Map individual styles check box.
If you do not map specific font styles and sizes for your display font, they will be selected for you based on the existing text.
If the current font is a printer font, you can replace it with a graphics font (ATM, TrueType, etc.), which may produce a sharper display resolution.
To change document and printer font substitutions
1 Click Format Font.
2 Click Settings, and click Edit font mapping.
3 In the Edit printer/document font mapping dialog box, click the Document tab.
4 In the Document font area, choose a font from the Face list box.
5 Choose a size from the Size list box.
6 In the Printer font area, choose a font substitute from the Face list box.
7 Choose a style substitute from the Style list box.
8 Choose a size substitute from the Size list box.
You can also
Prevent font substitutions when opening a document. Click Tools Settings. Click the Environment icon. Click the General tab. Disable the Reformat documents for the WordPerfect default printer on open checkbox. Click OK.
Restore default document font mapping settings Click Format Font. Click Settings Edit font mapping. Click the Document tab. Enable the Automatic selection check box.
To use a non-Roman alphabet font
1 Click Format Font.
2 Click Settings, and click Edit font mapping.
3 In the Edit printer/document font mapping dialog box, click the Code pages tab.
4 In the Printer font area, choose a typeface from the Face list box.
5 In the Code pages area, choose an alphabet font from the Code page list box.
It is recommended to edit the Code pages mapping table only if you are using a font that does not match your computer's code page.
Using character maps for non-Roman languages
You can use a character map to reduce document size when you edit documents in non-Roman alphabets, such as Greek or Cyrillic. You can choose a character map for the current document and for all new documents created with the default template.
To choose a character map for the current document
1 Click Tools Language Character mapping.
2 Choose a character map from the Character map list.
3 Click Apply.
4 Click Close.
To choose a character map for all new documents created with the default template
1 Click File Document Current document style.
2 Click Tools Language Character mapping.
3 In the Document character map dialog box, choose a character map from the Character map list.
4 Click Apply.
5 Click Close.
6 In the Styles editor dialog box, enable the Use as default check box.
Creating subscript and superscript text
You can create subscript and superscript text to use with footnotes, endnotes, and ordinals. QuickOrdinals automatically replaces ordinals, such as 1st or 2nd, with superscript text. QuickOrdinals can be disabled.
To create subscript or superscript text
1 Select the text.
2 Click Format Font.
3 Click the Font tab.
4 Click Position, and click one of the following:
Subscript-positions the text below the baseline of other characters in a word or line of text
Superscript-positions the text above the height of other characters in a word or line of text
To disable QuickOrdinals
1 Click Tools QuickCorrect.
2 Click the Format As-You-Go tab.
3 In the Format As-You-Go choices area, disable the QuickOrdinals check box.
QuickOrdinals is enabled by default.
Using hidden text
You can hide or display hidden text in a WordPerfect document. When you hide hidden text, you cannot view it in a document or print it. When hidden text is displayed, it displays the same way as document text. You can insert hidden text in a document. Converting document text to hidden text and hidden text to document text can also be performed.
To hide or display hidden text
Click View Hidden text.
A check mark beside the Hidden text menu command indicates that hidden text is displayed.
To insert hidden text
1 Click View Hidden text.
2 Click Format Font.
3 In the Appearance area, enable the Hidden check box.
4 Click OK.
5 Type the text.
If you delete a hidden code in the Reveal Codes window when hidden text is not displayed in the document, you delete the text. For information about Reveal Codes, see "Displaying Reveal Codes."
To convert hidden text to document text
1 Select the hidden text.
2 Click Format Font.
3 In the Appearance area, disable the Hidden check box.
You can also convert hidden text in a document by dragging the Hidden code out of the Reveal Codes window. For information about Reveal Codes, see "Displaying Reveal Codes."
You can convert document text to hidden text by selecting the document text, clicking Format Font, and enabling the Hidden check box.
Highlighting text
Highlighting text adds a bar of transparent color over text, which is useful for editing documents or for distinguishing words and paragraphs. You can highlight and remove the highlighting from part or all of a document, and you can change the highlight color. You can also hide highlighting in a document.
To highlight text
1 Click Tools Highlight On.
The cursor changes to a highlighting pen.
2 Select the text.
3 Click Tools Highlight On.
Highlighting is disabled when no check mark displays beside the On menu command.
You can also highlight text by selecting text and clicking the Highlight button.
To remove highlighting from text
1 Select the highlighted text.
2 Click Tools Highlight Remove.
You can also remove highlighting by clicking anywhere in the highlighted text and clicking the Highlight button. Highlighting is removed from the entire highlighted section.
To change the highlight color
1 Click Tools Highlight Color.
2 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
3 Type a value in the Shading box.
Higher values darken the highlight color. Lower values lighten it.
The color change does not apply to text that has already been highlighted. To change the color of highlighted text, you must first select the text.
You can also change the highlight color by opening the Highlight picker on the toolbar, and clicking a color.
To hide highlighting
Click Tools Highlight Print/show.
The absence of a check mark beside the Print/show menu command indicates that highlighting is hidden.
Highlighting is displayed by default.
Reversing the color of text and background
You can reverse the color of the text and background so that light-colored characters are visible against a dark background.
To reverse the color of text and background
1 Click View Toolbars.
2 In the Available toolbars list, enable the Shipping macros check box.
3 Click OK.
4 Select the text.
5 Click the Reverse text button on the Shipping macros toolbar.
6 In the Reverse text options dialog box, choose a text color from the Text color list box.
7 In the Fill style/color area, choose a fill style from the Fill style list box.
8 Choose a fill color from the Color list box.
9 In the Text options area, enable one of the following options:
Place selected text in text box-reverses only selected text
Apply attributes to whole paragraph-reverses the paragraph in which the cursor is positioned
If the text is difficult to read, you can add bold attributes to make the letters thicker. For information about formatting text, see "Modifying font settings."
Working with drop caps
Drop caps are letters that you can use to decorate text at the beginning of a line or paragraph. You can add and remove drop caps from a document, and you can edit their size, position, and style.
The following image shows a paragraph without a drop cap (on the left) and a paragraph with a drop cap (on the right).
To add or remove a drop cap
To Do the following
Add a drop cap to a blank line Click in a document. Click Format Paragraph Drop cap. Type a letter.
Add a drop cap to an existing paragraph Click at the beginning of a paragraph. Click Format Paragraph Drop cap.
Remove a drop cap Click before a drop cap. Click the Drop cap style button on the property bar. In the Style area, click No drop cap.
You can also remove a drop cap by clicking the Drop cap style picker and clicking the No drop cap style.
To change the size of a drop cap
1 Click before a drop cap.
2 Click the Drop cap size button on the property bar.
3 In the Height area, type a value in the Lines box.
You can also change the size of a drop cap by clicking the Drop cap size picker on the property bar and clicking a drop cap size.
To determine the space between a drop cap and the first line in the paragraph
1 Click before a drop cap.
2 Click Format Paragraph Drop cap.
3 In the Move paragraph down area, type a value in the Lines box.
To change the position of a drop cap
1 Click before a drop cap.
2 Click the Drop cap position button on the property bar.
3 In the Position area, type a value in the Position drop cap in margin box.
You can also specify the position of a drop cap by moving the slider in the Position area.
You can also change the position of a drop cap by clicking the Drop cap position picker on the property bar and clicking a drop cap position.
To change the style of a drop cap
1 Click before a drop cap.
2 Click the Drop cap style button on the property bar.
3 In the Style area, click one of the following:
No drop cap
Drop cap in margin
50% in margin
Drop cap in text
You can also
Change the font of a drop cap Click before a drop cap. Click the Drop cap font button on the property bar. Choose a font from the Face list. In the Appearance area, enable any of the attribute check boxes.
Change the color of a drop cap Click before a drop cap. Click the Drop cap font button on the property bar. Open the Color picker, and click a color. Type a percentage in the Shading box.
You can also change the style of a drop cap by clicking the Drop cap style picker on the property bar and clicking a drop cap style.
Inserting characters and symbols
You can insert characters, such as iconic symbols, phonetic characters, and characters from other alphabets, into your document. You can also find some characters and symbols quickly by composing two-character combinations using letters, numbers, or symbols found on every standard keyboard.
The following table lists character combinations and the resulting symbols, characters, or diacritical marks.
Mark Characters Result
' Acute 'e Θ
, Cedilla ,c τ
^ Circumflex ^a Γ
` Grave `e Φ
@ Ring above @a σ
/ Slash /o °
~ Tilde ~n ±
" Umlaut "u ⁿ
The following table lists the character combinations, the result, and the number combination to use.
Characters Result Number
AE ╞ 1,36
ae µ 1,37
ox ñ 4,24
ss ▀ 1,23
L- ú 4,11
P| ╢ 4,5
<< ½ 4,9
>> ╗ 4,10
Y= Ñ 4,12
c/ ó 4,19
+- ▒ 6,1
<= ú 6,2
>= │ 6,3
tm Σ 4,41
ro (r) 4,22
co (c) 4,23
/2 1/2 4,17
/4 1/4 4,18
** ╖ 4,0
ao σ 1,35
a= ¬ 4,15
o= ║ 4,16
?? ┐ 4,8
!! í 4,7
n- - 4,33
m- - 4,34
Creating custom symbols is another option. You can do so by superimposing two or more characters or symbols to create one character or symbol using the overstrike feature. The following image shows the number 7 combined with a hyphen to create a new character.
For example, you can combine characters to create mathematical symbols, language symbols, and other character combinations. You can also edit a custom symbol.
To insert a character or symbol
1 Click in the document where you want to insert a character or symbol.
2 Click Insert Symbol.
3 Choose a symbol type or a character set from the Set list box.
4 Choose a symbol from the Symbols list.
5 Click one of the following:
Insert-inserts the symbol and leaves the Symbols dialog box open
Insert and close-inserts the symbol and closes the Symbols dialog box
Depending on the font you are using, some WordPerfect characters may not display in the document window. These characters are represented by a hollow box on your screen; however, they will display and print correctly if your printer supports graphics.
You can view all available characters by printing Charmap.wpd, a document stored in the Programs folder.
You can also insert a symbol by clicking the Symbols button on the property bar and clicking a symbol. If the Symbols button is not visible on the property bar, you can add it. For information about adding a button to the property bar, see "Customizing the property bar."
You can also insert a character or symbol by pressing Ctrl + W.
To insert a character or symbol quickly
1 Click in the document where you want to insert a character or symbol.
2 Click Insert Symbol.
3 Type a number combination in the Number box.
4 Click one of the following:
Insert-inserts the symbol and leaves the Symbols dialog box open
Insert and close-inserts the symbol and closes the Symbols dialog box
To create a custom overstrike symbol
1 Click in a document.
2 Click Format Typesetting Overstrike.
3 In the Overstrike characters list box, type the characters you want to use as an overstrike, without spaces, in any order.
If you want to use other symbols as part of the overstrike symbol, press Ctrl + W, and insert a symbol.
4 Choose attributes for the symbol from the Overstrike characters list box.
To edit a custom overstrike symbol
1 Click Format Typesetting Overstrike.
2 Click one of the following:
Previous-displays the previous overstrike symbol
Next-displays the next overstrike symbol
3 In the Overstrike characters list box, edit the symbol.
4 Choose attributes for the symbol from the Overstrike characters list box.
Previous and Next show only the custom symbols in the active document.
You can also edit a custom overstrike symbol by double-clicking an overstrike code in the Reveal Codes window. For information about Reveal Codes, see "Displaying Reveal Codes."
Importing objects
You can import an object into a WordPerfect document. The object can be text, graphics, sound clips, video clips, or spreadsheet cells-anything that you can copy from one application to another.
By importing an object in a document, you copy it from one application to the same application or another Windows application. You can use this method when you do not plan to make changes to the object. You can also select a specific format when you import an object from another application into WordPerfect.
To import an object
1 Select the object.
2 Click Edit Copy.
3 Click in the document to which you want to copy the object.
4 Click Edit Paste.
To import an object using a specific format
1 Select the object.
2 Click Edit Copy.
3 Click in the document to which you want to copy the object.
4 Click Edit Paste special.
5 Enable one of the following options:
Paste-to embed the object with no connection to its origin
Paste link-to insert the object with a link to the original document
6 Choose a paste format from the As list.
Indenting text
Indenting arranges text on a page by moving one or more lines to the left or the right of the paragraph margin. You can indent a line or paragraph manually or you can indent lines or paragraphs using the ruler or automatically.
To move the first line of a paragraph farther to the left than subsequent lines, you can apply a hanging indent. To indent an entire paragraph one tab stop from both the left and right margins, you can apply a double indent. A double indent is often used to format lengthy quotations.
The following image shows the indent options that WordPerfect provides: 1) a paragraph that is not indented, 2) an indented paragraph, 3) a paragraph to which a double indent has been applied, and 4) a paragraph to which a hanging indent has been applied.
To apply a single indent to text
To indent Do the following
A line of text Click at the beginning of a line of text. Press Tab.
A paragraph Click at the beginning of a paragraph. Click Format Paragraph Indent.
The first line of a paragraph using the ruler Click in a paragraph. Drag the First line indent marker to a new position on the ruler.
The first line of every paragraph automatically Click in a paragraph. Click Format Paragraph Format. In the First line indent box, type a value to specify the distance to indent.
To apply a hanging or double indent
1 Click at the beginning of a paragraph.
2 Click Format Paragraph, and click one of the following:
Hanging indent-indents all but the first line in the paragraph
Double indent-indents the paragraph equally from both margins
You can also apply a hanging indent by clicking at the beginning of any line in a paragraph, except the first line, and pressing Tab.
To remove an indent
1 Click at the beginning of a line of text.
2 Press Shift + Tab.
Justifying text
You can justify text in a document. Doing so aligns the text horizontally between the left and right margins of the page.
The following image shows the justification options that WordPerfect provides: 1) a left-justified paragraph, 2) a right-justified paragraph, 3) a center-justified paragraph, 4) a fully justified paragraph, and 5) a paragraph with all lines justified.
To justify text
1 Click in a paragraph.
2 Click Format Justification, and click one of the following:
Left-aligns text evenly with the left margin
Right-aligns text evenly with the right margin
Center-centers text between the right and left margins
Full-aligns text, excluding the last line, along both the right and left margins
All-aligns text, including the last line, along both the right and left margins
Justification is applied to all text from the cursor location forward. If you want to apply justification to a word, line, or paragraph, you must first select the text.
You can also justify text by clicking the Justification picker on the property bar and clicking a justification.
Centering text vertically
You can center the content vertically, from top to bottom, on a page and on all subsequent pages.
To center text vertically
1 Click Format Page Center.
2 Enable one of the following options:
Center page-centers the content vertically on the page
Current and subsequent pages-centers the content on the current page and all subsequent pages
No centering-inserts text as you type it from the top margin down, without centering it vertically
Keeping text together
To keep words together, you can insert a hard space between them. You can also prevent the first and last lines of a paragraph from being separated from the rest of the paragraph across a page break.
You can also insert a line break to begin a new line without ending the paragraph.
To keep words together
1 Click between two words.
2 Click Format Line Other codes.
3 Enable the Hard space [HSpace] option.
4 Click Insert.
To keep a paragraph together
1 Click at the beginning of a paragraph.
2 Click Format Keep text together.
3 In the Widow/orphan area, enable the Prevent the first and last lines of paragraphs from being separated across pages check box.
You can also
Keep several lines of text together In the Conditional end of page area, enable the Number of lines to keep together check box, and type the number of lines you want to keep together, including any blank lines.
Keep selected text from dividing between pages In the Block protect area, enable the Keep selected text together on same page check box.
If you keep several consecutive paragraphs together, you must separate each paragraph by at least one soft or hard return; otherwise, they are treated as one large block of text.
To insert a line break
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 Click Customize.
3 Click the Edit button.
4 Click the Features tab.
5 Choose Insert from the Feature categories list box.
6 Choose Line Break from the Features list box.
7 Click the Add button.
8 Click the Line Break button.
You can also press Ctrl + Shift + L to insert a line break.
Correcting capitalization
You can quickly change a word or selected text to all uppercase or lowercase letters, or to lowercase letters with initial caps.
Lowercase and initial capitals exceptions are as follows:
Words beginning with "I", such as, "I'm," "I'd," "I've," and the first word in each sentence, remain capitalized when you convert text to lowercase.
When you convert text to initial capitals, the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and some pronouns. If you want to specify additional capitalization exceptions, you can edit the Wt9xx.icr file (where xx is a language code) in Program files\Corel\Shared\Writing tools\9.0.
You can change capitalization after the end of a sentence. You can specify that, when you change capitalization after the end of a sentence, the entry is automatically added as an exception item. You can also remove exception items.
To change capitalization
1 Select the text for which you want to change capitalization.
2 Click Edit Convert case, and click one of the following:
Lowercase-changes all letters to lowercase
Uppercase-changes all letters to uppercase
Initial capitals-changes only the first letter of each word to uppercase
You can add buttons to the toolbar for capitalization. For information about toolbars, see "Customizing toolbars."
You can also change the selected text to uppercase or lowercase by pressing Ctrl + K.
To automatically correct capitalization
1 Click Tools QuickCorrect.
2 Click the Format-As-You-Go tab.
3 In the Sentence corrections area, enable the Capitalize next letter after end-of-sentence punctuation check box.
You can also
Automatically correct two initial capital letters in a sentence Enable the Correct two irregular capitals (make a second letter lowercase) check box.
Automatically correct Caps lock capitalization Enable the CapsFix check box.
Automatically correct capitalization after a period Click Exceptions. In the Do not capitalize next letter after this word box, type a word. Click Add entry. Click Close.
To add exceptions to capitalization exception list
1 Click Tools QuickCorrect.
2 Click the Format-As-You-Go tab.
3 In the Sentence corrections area, click Exceptions.
4 In the Exceptions list dialog box, type a word in the Do not capitalize next letter after this word box.
5 Click Add entry.
6 Click Close.
You can also
Automatically add exceptions to the exception list Enable the Add exceptions when you correct them in document check box.
Remove exceptions from the exception list From the Exception list box, choose the word that you want to delete. Click Delete entry.
Editing quotation marks
You can use SmartQuotes to change the appearance of double, single, and straight quotes in a document.
To edit quotation marks
1 Click Tools QuickCorrect.
2 Click the SmartQuotes tab.
3 Enable any of the following check boxes:
Use double quotation marks as you type-inserts double quotes for opening and closing quotes
Use single quotation marks as you type-inserts single quotes for opening and closing quotes
Use straight quotation marks after numbers - 6'-lets you use straight quotes, rather than curly quotes, when the quote character follows a number
If you enabled the Use double quotation marks as you type check box, choose a quote type from the Open and Close list boxes.
If you enabled the Use single quotation marks as you type check box, choose a quote type from the Open and Close list boxes.
Correcting the spacing between words and sentences
WordPerfect lets you correct the spacing between words and sentences. You can delete double spaces between words in a sentence, and you can convert one space between sentences to two or two spaces to one.
To automatically delete double spaces between words in a sentence
1 Click Tools QuickCorrect.
2 Click the Format As-You-Go tab.
3 In the Sentence corrections area, enable the Change two spaces to one space between words check box.
To automatically convert spaces between sentences
1 Click Tools QuickCorrect.
2 Click the Format As-You-Go tab.
3 In the End of sentence corrections area, enable one of the following options:
Change one space to two spaces between sentences
Change two spaces to one space between sentences
Making text fit a specific number of pages
You can make selected text or all text in a document fit a specific number of pages.
To make text fit a specific number of pages
1 Click in a document.
2 Click Format Make it fit.
3 Type a value in the Desired number of pages box.
The number of pages you set must be within 50 percent of the document's current page count.
4 In the Items to adjust area, enable any of the following check boxes:
Left margin
Right margin
Top margin
Bottom margin
Font size
Line spacing
5 Click Make it fit.
To make only a certain block of text fit, select the text.
Changing the spacing between letters and words
Word and letter spacing adjustments affect the distance between all letters, whether or not they are kerned. You can change the spacing between letters, and between words in fully justified text. In fully justified text, which is text that is aligned on the left and right margins, you can change the space that appears between letters by compressing and expanding the letters to fit on a line.
Kerning is the process of adjusting the space between letter pairs. Certain letter pairs appear to have more space between them than others because of the shape and slant of each letter. Automatic kerning adjusts the distance between all occurrences of certain letter pairs depending on the font used. Large font sizes tend to make the distance between certain letter pairs more obvious. You can enable automatic kerning or use manual kerning in WordPerfect. Manual kerning lets you change the spacing between one instance of a kern pair that you select.
To change spacing between letters
1 Click between two letters.
2 Click Format Typesetting Word/letter spacing.
3 In the Letter spacing area, enable one of the following options:
Normal-determines the settings for the spacing used between letters, based on the font used
Percent of optimal-uses a percentage of the Optimal (default) spacing.
The default setting for compressing text is 60%. This means that the space between words in justified text can be compressed to at least 60% of the original space. The default setting for expanding text is 400%. This means that the space between words in justified text will be expanded to at least 400% of the original space.
Specifying values of less than 100 for the percentage of optimal spacing decreases the space between words. Values of more than 100 increase the space between words.
You can also set the spacing by typing a value in the Set pitch box to specify the number of characters per inch.
You can change the spacing between words by enabling options in the Word spacing area.
To adjust spacing between words in fully justified text
1 Click Format Typesetting Word/letter spacing.
2 Type a value in the Compress to box.
This value specifies the maximum percent of distance between text.
3 Type a value in the Expand to box.
This value specifies the maximum percent by which the distance between words can increase.
To enable automatic kerning
1 Click Format Typesetting Word/letter spacing.
2 Enable the Automatic kerning check box.
To use manual kerning
1 Click between the two letters.
2 Click Format Typesetting Manual kerning.
3 Choose a unit of measure from the Units of measure list box.
4 Type a value in the Add/remove space box.
Positive values increase the distance between letters, and negative values decrease it.
Changing the spacing between lines and paragraphs
The space between lines, or the amount of white space that appears between the bottom of one line and the top of the next line, is referred to as leading. You can change the leading by changing the line spacing, changing the line height to a fixed size, and changing the space between paragraphs.
To adjust the leading
1 Click in a paragraph.
2 Click Format Typesetting Word/letter spacing.
3 Enable the Adjust leading check box.
4 Type a value in the Between lines box.
A positive value increases the leading; a negative value decreases it.
To change the line spacing
1 Click in a paragraph.
2 Click Format Line Spacing.
3 Type a value in the Spacing box.
You can also change the line spacing of selected text.
To change the line height to a fixed size
1 Click in a paragraph.
2 Click Format Line Height.
3 Enable the Fixed option, and type a value in the box.
Line height is determined by multiplying the current line height by the number you specify.
You can also change the line height of selected text.
To change the space between paragraphs
1 Click in a paragraph.
2 Click Format Paragraph Format.
3 In the Spacing between paragraphs area, enable one of the following options:
Number of lines-inserts the number of lines you specify
Distance in points-inserts the spacing you specify measured in points
There are 72 points in 1 inch.
Advancing text to a different position
You can move text horizontally or vertically a certain distance relative to the cursor or place text at an absolute position on the page. You can also delete an advance.
To advance a certain distance from the cursor
1 Click in front of the text you want to advance.
2 Click Format Typesetting Advance.
3 In the Horizontal position area, enable one of the following options:
Left from insertion point-moves the cursor to the left of its current position by the distance you specify
Right from insertion point-moves the cursor to the right of its current position by the distance you specify
4 Type a value in the Horizontal distance list box.
5 In the Vertical position area, enable one of the following options:
Up from insertion point-moves the cursor above its current position by the distance you specify
Down from insertion point-moves the cursor down from its current position by the distance you specify
6 Type a value in the Vertical distance list box.
To advance to an absolute position on the page
1 Click in front of the text you want to advance.
2 Click Format Typesetting Advance.
2 Enable any of the following options:
From left edge of page-moves the cursor from the left edge of the page by the distance you type in the Horizontal distance box.
From top of page-moves the cursor from the top of the page by the distance you type in the Vertical distance box.
The Text above position check box is enabled automatically when you enable the From top of page option. If you want to place the advanced text below the position measured from the top margin of the page, disable this check box.
When you advance text from the top of the page, the distance is measured from the baseline of the first line of text. For information about baselines and baseline placement, see "Using baseline placement for typesetting."
You cannot advance text past the edges of the page.
To delete an advance
1 Click View Reveal Codes.
2 Drag the Advance code out of the Reveal Codes window.
For more information about Reveal Codes, see "Displaying Reveal codes."
Using baseline placement for typesetting
The baseline is the invisible horizontal line on which characters sit. The top of the first line of text is placed even with the top margin. This way, the first baseline of the top line is a specified distance below the top margin. The distance between the top margin and the first baseline varies, depending on which font and size you are using.
You can set the first baseline on the page to become the top margin, rather than have the baseline vary according to the font size used in the first line of text on the page.
To set the baseline placement
1 Click Format Typesetting Word/letter spacing.
2 Enable the Baseline placement for typesetting check box.
When Baseline placement for typesetting is enabled, the first baseline occurs at the same location on every page.
Hyphenating text
Hyphenation divides words that span the hyphenation zone, a narrow area that surrounds the right margin of a document. You can enable automatic hyphenation. You can also change the width of the hyphenation zone. Increasing the hyphenation zone hyphenates fewer words, and decreasing the hyphenation zone hyphenates more words. As well, you can create a nonbreaking hyphen.
To enable automatic hyphenation
1 Click in a document.
2 Click Tools Language Hyphenation.
3 Enable the Turn hyphenation on check box.
To change the width of the hyphenation zone
1 Click in a document.
2 Click Tools Language Hyphenation.
3 Type a value in the Percent left box.
4 Type a value in the Percent right box.
If hyphenation is enabled before you change the hyphenation zone percentages, you may be prompted to rehyphenate some words in the active document.
To insert a nonbreaking hyphen
Press Ctrl + hyphen (-).
Setting hyphenation prompts and notifications
Setting a prompt for hyphenation lets you choose whether to be prompted when a word needs hyphenation. You can also set a notification sound when a word needs hyphenation.
To set a prompt for hyphenation
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 Click the Environment icon.
3 In the Environment settings dialog box, click the Prompts tab.
4 In the Prompt area, choose one of the following settings from the On hyphenation list box:
Always-displays a prompt every time a word is hyphenated
Never-never displays a prompt when a word is hyphenated
When required-displays a prompt when a word must be hyphenated but is not found in the main word list
5 Click OK.
6 Click Close.
Prompting when required is enabled by default.
To set a sound notification for hyphenation
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 Click Environment.
3 In the Environment settings dialog box, click the Prompts tab.
4 In the Beep area, enable the On hyphenation check box.
5 Click OK.
6 Click Close.
Beep notification is enabled by default.
Changing hyphen options and position
You can choose how words are hyphenated. Words can be separated with a hyphen, space, or soft return. You can also ignore the hyphenation prompt and let the word wrap to the next line. You can change the position of hyphens in words.
Hyphenation options are available only when automatic hyphenation is enabled and when the document is set to prompt you when a word needs hyphenation. For information about enabling hyphenation, see "Hyphenating text." For information about hyphenation prompts, see "Setting hyphenation prompts and notifications."
To choose a hyphenation option
1 Type text in a document.
The Position hyphen dialog box displays when a hyphen is required.
2 Click one of the following:
Insert hyphen-inserts a hyphen, which displays and prints only when the word spans the hyphenation zone
Insert space-divides the word by adding a space between the letters you specify
Hyphenation SRt-divides the word by putting a soft return between the letters you specify when the word spans the hyphenation zone
Ignore word-prevents the word from being hyphenated
Suspend hyphenation-halts hyphenation temporarily
When the prompt for hyphenation is set to Never, the Position hyphen dialog box does not display. For information about setting a prompt for hyphenation, see "To set a prompt for hyphenation."
To position the hyphen in a word
1 Type text in a document.
The Position hyphen dialog box displays when a hyphen is required.
2 Click in the Use mouse or arrow keys to position hyphen box, and press any of the following keys:
Left arrow-moves the hyphen to the left of the displayed word
Right arrow-moves the hyphen to the right of the displayed word
To reposition the hyphen, click where you want the hyphen to display in the word in the Use mouse or arrow keys to position hyphen box.
Inserting and changing hyphens by using codes
You can insert hyphens, soft hyphens, and soft returns by using codes. You can also use codes to keep the text together on either side of a hyphen.
To insert hyphenation by using codes
1 Click in a word.
2 Click Format Line Other codes.
3 In the Divide word with area, enable one of the following options:
Hyphen [- Hyphen]-inserts a hyphen in the word
Soft hyphen [- Soft hyphen]-divides the word with a hyphen only when the word spans the hyphenation zone
Hyphenation soft return [HyphSRt]-divides the word without using a hyphen only when the word spans the hyphenation zone
4 Click Insert.
To keep hyphenated text together by using codes
1 Click in a word.
2 Click Format Line Other codes.
3 In the Do not divide word area, enable the Hyphen character - option.