Returns the unparsed form of a referenced formula. If the cell is a number, it will return the numeric text. If the cell is a label, it will be prefixed by the prefix char (', ", or ^). If the cell is a formula, it will return the formula itself.
Cell The cell
GetCellValue(Cell As String) As String
PerfectScript Syntax
GetCellValue (Cell: String)
Retrieves the cell contents as it is displayed, not as its value. If the cell contains a formula, it returns the result of the formula, including its numeric format.
Cell The cell
GetDirectoryContents(Block As String, [Path As String])
{GETDIRECTORYCONTENTS} enters an alphabetized list of file names (determined by the path and DOS wildcard specified by Path) into Block; if Path is not included, {GETDIRECTORYCONTENTS} lists all the files in the current directory. Path must contain a DOS wildcard like *.BAT or *.*.
{GETDIRECTORYCONTENTS A2,"C:\*.*"} fills column A (starting at row 2) with a list of the files in the root directory of drive C.
{GETDIRECTORYCONTENTS A2..C7,"C:\COREL\SUITE8\*.*"} fills the cells A2..C7 with a list of the files in the Quattro Pro directory on drive C. The first filename is stored in A2, the second in B2, and so on. If more than 18 files are found, the cells are only filled with the first 18.
{GETDIRECTORYCONTENTS C7,"C:\COREL\SUITE8\SAMPLES\*.W??"} fills column C (starting at row 7) with a list of the files in the COREL\SUITE8\SAMPLES directory on drive C that have file extensions beginning with W.
Block Cells to enter list of files into
Path Path and wildcard specifying the list (optional)
¿ If Block is one cell, {GETDIRECTORYCONTENTS} overwrites any information beneath the cell (if it finds more than one file). To restrict the file names to specific cells, set Block to more than one cell.
GetObjectPageContents(Block_ As String, [Object_ As String])
{GetObjectPageContents} stores a list of the objects contained on the Object Page on the Quattro Pro desktop in Block. Objects are charts, dialogs, maps, and slideshows.
Block Cells in which to store object names
ObjectType All (default), Dialog, Chart, Map, and SlideShow.
¿ If Block is one cell, {GetObjectPageContents} overwrites any information beneath the cell if it finds more than one open window. To restrict the window names to specific cells, set Block to more than one cell.
GetObjectProperty(Cell As String, ObjectProperty As String)
{GETOBJECTPROPERTY} lets you view objects in Quattro Pro without using the mouse, including objects normally not selectable (like the application title bar). You can also study selectable objects, such as blocks and annotations, with {GETPROPERTY}. See {SETOBJECTPROPERTY} for the syntax of Object.Property.
{GETOBJECTPROPERTY A23,"Active_Notebook.Zoom_Factor"} stores the Zoom Factor property's current setting in cell A23.
{GETOBJECTPROPERTY B42,"/File/Exit.Enabled"} stores whether Exit is operational or not in the cell B42.
Cell Cell in which to store the property setting
Object Name of the object to study
Property Property of the object to study
GetProperty(Cell As String, PropertyName As String)
PerfectScript Syntax
GetProperty (Cell:String; PropertyName:String)
{GETPROPERTY} lets you study the property settings of whatever object is selected. Property is the property to view (see Property Reference for a list of properties); its setting is stored in Cell.
{GETPROPERTY A23,"Text_Color"} stores the Text Color setting of the selected object in the cell A23.
{GETPROPERTY B42,"Box_Type"} stores the border style of the selected object in cell B42.
Cell Cell in which to store the property setting
Property Property of the selected object to study
GetWindowList(Block As String)
PerfectScript Syntax
GetWindowList (Block:String)
{GETWINDOWLIST} stores a list of the windows open on the Quattro Pro desktop in Block, including dialog windows and chart windows. Windows currently hidden are not included.
If Block is one cell, {GETWINDOWLIST} overwrites any information beneath the cell (if it finds more than one window open). To restrict the window names to specific cells, set Block to more than one cell.
{GETWINDOWLIST A2..C5} stores a list of open windows in the cells A2..C5. The first window name is stored in A2, the second in B2, and so on. If more than twelve windows are open, only the first twelve are stored in the cells.
Block Cells to store window names in
GraphCopy(FromGraph As String, DestGraph As String, [Style_ As _GraphCopy_Style__enum], [Data_ As _GraphCopy_Data__enum], [Annotations_ As _GraphCopy_Annotations__enum])
{GraphCopy} copies the style, data, and/or annotation objects from one chart to another (within a notebook or between notebooks).
You can use {GraphCopy?} or {GraphCopy!} to display the Paste Special Chart dialog box. {GraphCopy?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {GraphCopy!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
FromChart Chart containing the style, data, or annotation objects to copy
DestChart New chart (the copy)
Style? Whether to copy properties that affect the appearance of the chart: yes (1), no (0)
Data? Whether to copy chart data: yes (1), no (0)
Annotations? Whether to copy annotation objects: yes (1), no (0)
{GraphDeactivate} deactivates a floating chart that has been activated for editing.
The following macro activates a floating chart for editing, creates a rectangle in the chart, makes a copy of the rectangle, then deactivates editing.
{GraphEdit Chart1, 1}
{CreateObject Rect,147,176,416,427}
{Duplicate 269,338}
GraphDelete(Name As String)
PerfectScript Syntax
GraphDelete (Name:String)
{GraphDelete} deletes the specified chart from the active notebook.
You can use {GraphDelete?} or {GraphDelete!} to display the Delete Chart dialog box. {GraphDelete?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {GraphDelete!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
Name Name of the chart to delete
GraphEdit(Name As String, [InPlace_ As _GraphEdit_InPlace__enum])
{GraphEdit} displays the specified chart in a chart window for editing. Use the InPlace? argument to edit a floating chart on the notebook sheet.
You can use {GraphEdit?} or {GraphEdit!} to display the Edit Chart dialog box. {GraphEdit?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {GraphEdit!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
The following macro selects the floating chart named Inserted1 and then activates its source chart (Chart1) for editing on the notebook sheet.
{SelectFloat Inserted1}
{GraphEdit Chart1,1}
Name Name of the chart to edit
InPlace? Whether to edit the chart in place on a notebook sheet; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 0
GraphGallery(GraphStyle As String, ColorScheme As String)
{GraphGallery} applies a chart style and color scheme to selected charts.
Available choices for ColorScheme are:
¿ No change Pastels
¿ Default Fire and Ice
¿ Grayscale Bright and Bold
¿ Icy Blues Color Washes
¿ Deep Reds Black and White Patterns
¿ Autumn Leaves Color Patterns
¿ Tangerine Tiled Men
You can use {GraphGallery?} or {GraphGallery!} to display the Chart Gallery dialog box. {GraphGallery?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {GraphGallery!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
The following macro selects a 3-D Bar chart style and a "Tangerine" color scheme:
{GraphGallery "3dbar","Tangerine"}
ChartStyle The style of chart; see {GraphSettings.Type} for a list of chart types
ColorScheme The color scheme used for the chart
GraphNew(Name As String, [UseCurrentBlock_ As _GraphNew_UseCurrentBlock__enum])
{GraphNew} creates a new chart and displays it in a chart window. If UseCurrentBlock? is 1, any selected data is shown in the chart; if it is 0, {GraphNew} creates a new chart without data.
You can use {GraphNew?} or {GraphNew!} to display the New Chart dialog box. {GraphNew?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {GraphNew!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
Name Name of the new chart
UseCurrentBlock? Whether to chart the current selected cells; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 0name of the new chart
PerfectScript Syntax
GraphSettings_Check ()
PerfectScript Syntax
GraphSettings_Reset ()
GraphSettings_Titles(Main As String, Sub As String, XAxis As String, YAxis As String, Y2Axis As String)
{GraphSettings.Titles} sets the titles of the active chart (or selected floating chart or chart icon). Each argument is a string; to reset a title, use an empty string ("").
The following macro command displays the chart Profit99 in a chart window and sets its main title and subtitles. The empty strings ("") indicate that there are no axis titles.
Sub Title appearing below the main title of the chart
X-Axis Title of the chart's x axis
Y-Axis Title of the chart's y axis
Y2-Axis Title of the chart's secondary y axis
GraphSettings_Type(type As String)
PerfectScript Syntax
GraphSettings_Type (Type:String)
{GraphSettings.Type} lets you specify how the data in a chart is displayed. It affects the active chart (or chart icon or floating chart). Class specifies the class of chart type being used. Class can be one of six settings: Area/Line, Bar, Stacked Bar, Pie, Specialty, and Text.
{GraphView} displays a full-screen chart (or series of charts). {GraphView} without an argument displays the active chart (or chart icon or floating chart).
You can use {GraphView?} or {GraphView!} to display the View Chart dialog box. {GraphView?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {GraphView!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
The following macro displays the named charts Profit90 through Profit94.
ChartName1 Name of the first chart to display (optional)
ChartName2 Name of the second chart to display (optional)
PerfectScript Syntax
GraphWindow_Aspect_Ratio (Mode:String)
GraphWindow_Grid (Settings:String)
{GraphWindow} is equivalent to right-clicking the title bar of a chart window to set its Aspect Ratio or Grid properties.
{GraphWindow.Aspect_Ratio Option} sets the aspect ratio of the active chart. Option can be one of the following settings: "35mm Slide," "Floating Chart," "Full Extent," "Printer Preview," or "Screen Slide."
{GraphWindow.Grid GridSize,DisplayGrid,SnapToGrid} sets the grid size of the active chart window. Use GridSize to specify the percent of chart window between grid points; DisplayGrid specifies whether the grid is visible; SnapToGrid specifies whether the grid is active.
This macro sets up a 10 by 10 grid, displays the grid, and enables it.
Once you have defined a sheet group, you can use {Notebook.Group_Mode "On"} to activate Group mode. Use "Off" to cancel Group mode.
You can use {Group?} or {Group!} to display the Define/Modify Group dialog box. {Group?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {Group!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
{Group.Define GroupName, StartPage, EndPage} Creates sheet groups
{Group.Delete GroupName} Deletes the currently selected sheet group
{Group.ResetNames} Clears all group names in the notebook
{GroupObjects} groups selected objects in a chart window so they can be treated as one object in subsequent operations. Use {UngroupObjects} to treat them independently again.