In this tutorial, you will create a certificate of achievement. Click here to see what the final certificate will look like.
During this tutorial, you will learn how to
start a drawing
display rulers
add text to the certificate
change font alignment
change the text font, color, and size
add lines to the certificate
add text under the lines
add a seal graphic text
save and print the certificate
print the certificate
Starting a certificate
Corel Presentations drawings can contain data charts, bitmapped images, clipart and drawn objects. Drawings, unlike Corel Presentations slide shows, cannot contain transitions, animation, sound files, or movie files.
Certificates can be used to reward a job well done, show appreciation or to reward an achievement.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to start the certificate.
Start the certificate
1 Click File menu New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 From the top list box, choose Corel Presentations 11.
4 From the bottom list box, choose Corel Presentations drawing.
5 Click Create.
Displaying rulers
Rulers can be used to help you place objects on your drawings more accurately.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to display the rulers.
Click View menu Ruler.
A horizontal and a vertical ruler are displayed.
Adding text to the certificate
In the procedure below, you will learn how to add text to the certificate.
1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 1-inch mark and the 1-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 10.2-inch mark.
3 Type Certificate of Achievement in the text box.
Click outside of the text box.
4 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
5 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 2.5-inch mark and the 2.5-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 8.5-inch mark.
6 Type This is to certify that in the second text box.
Click outside of the text box.
7 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
8 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 5-inch mark and the 1.5-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 9.5-inch mark.
9 Type Has successfully completed this tutorial in the third text box.
Click outside of the text box.
Click here to see what your certificate should now look like.
Changing the font style
In the procedures below, you will learn how to change the text justification, font, color, and size.
Change the text justification
1 Click Edit menu Select all.
2 Click Format menu Justification Center.
Change the text font and color
1 Click Edit menu Select all.
2 Click Format menu Font.
3 Click the Font tab.
4 Choose Dauphin from the Face list.
5 Open the Color picker, and click the blue color swatch.
6 Click OK.
Change text size
1 Select the Certificate of Achievement text box.
You will know that the text box has been selected when handles display around the box.
2 Click Format menu Font.
3 Click the Font tab.
4 Choose 66 from the Size list box.
5 Click OK.
Click here to see what your certificate should now look like.
Adding lines to the certificate
In the procedure below, you will add three lines to the certificate.
1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, open the Line shapes flyout, and click the Draw a line tool.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 4-inch mark and the 3.5-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 7.5-inch mark.
3 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Draw a line tool.
4 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 6.5-inch mark and the 1-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 4-inch mark.
5 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Draw a line tool.
6 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 7-inch mark, and the 1-inch horizontal mark and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 4-inch mark.
Click here to see what your certificate should now look like.
Adding text below the lines
In the procedure below, you will add text below the lines on the certificate, center it and then resize it.
Add text below the lines
1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 4-inch mark and the 4-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 7-inch mark.
3 Type Print your name here in the text box.
Click outside of the text box.
4 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
5 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 6.5-inch mark and the 1-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 4-inch mark.
6 Type Signature in the second text box.
Click outside of the text box.
7 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
8 Line up the pointer with vertical ruler's 7-inch vertical mark and the 1-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 4-inch mark.
9 Type Date in the third text box.
Click outside of the text box.
The text will be quite large and off center, but this will be fixed in the next step.
10 Resize and center the text.
11 Hold down CTRL, and select the three text boxes that you just inserted.
12 Click Format menu Justification Center.
13 Click Format menu Font.
14 Choose Dauphin from the Face list.
15 Choose 12 from the Size list box.
16 Click OK.
Click here to see what your certificate should now look like.
Adding a seal graphic and changing its color
In the procedures below, you will learn how to add a seal graphic to the certificate and how to change its color.
Add a seal graphic
1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, open the Star shapes flyout, and click the Insert a 24-point star tool.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 6-inch mark and the 8-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 10.2-inch mark and then and drag it down until you get to the 8-inch vertical mark.
Change the seal color
1 Select the seal graphic.
You will know that the graphic has been selected when handles display around the box.
2 Click Format menu Object properties Fill.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click the Pattern button.
5 Open the Foreground picker, and click the yellow color swatch.
6 Click OK.
Click here to see what your certificate should now look like.
Adding and formatting seal text
In the procedures below, you will learn how to add text to the seal and then you will format the text.
Add text to the seal
1 On the Slide show/drawing tool palette, click the Create a text box button.
2 Line up the pointer with the vertical ruler's 6.9-inch mark and the 8-inch horizontal mark, and drag it to the horizontal ruler's 10.2-inch mark.
3 Type Congratulations! in the text box.
The text will be quite large and off center, but this will be fixed in the next step.
Change the text justification
1 Click Format menu Justification Center.
2 Click outside of the text box.
Change the text font, and color
1 Select the Congratulations! text box.
2 You will know that the graphic has been selected when handles display around the box.
3 Click Format menu Font.
4 Click the Font tab.
5 Choose Dauphin from the Face list.
6 Choose 22 from the Size list box.
7 Open the Color picker, and click the blue color swatch.
8 In the Appearance area, enable the Bold check box.
9 Click OK.
Click here to see what the finished certificate should look like.
Saving the certificate
In the procedure below, you will learn how to save the certificate.
1 Click File menu Save.
2 Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
3 Type a filename for the certificate in the Filename box.
4 Click Save.
Printing the certificate
In the procedure below, you will learn how to print the certificate.
1 Click File menu Print.
2 In the Destination area, choose a printer from the Name list box.
3 Click Print.
For more information about drawings
In this tutorial, you have learned some basic techniques that you can use to create a certificate that can be used to reward a job well done, show appreciation or to reward an achievement. For more information about the topics and tools discussed in this tutorial, refer to the online Help. To access the online Help, click Help menu Help topics.
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