In addition to helping you set up your document, PerfectExpert can help you prepare yourself before creating documents. Using the online Help, you can learn how to write documents for school, work, or personal use. PerfectExpert online Help also gives you tips on writing and giving speeches, as well as how to make your presentations, documents, greeting cards, signs, and more look professional.
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In addition to helping you set up your document, PerfectExpert can help you prepare yourself before creating documents. Using the online Help, you can learn how to write documents for school, work, or personal use. PerfectExpert online Help also gives you tips on writing and giving speeches, as well as how to make your presentations, documents, greeting cards, signs, and more look professional.
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Writing documents
PerfectExpert offers tips and suggestions on how to make your documents look professional. You can use PerfectExpert to coach you on how to create documents, write letters, newsletters, resumes, and many different types of reports. PerfectExpert also offers tips on writing and giving speeches, how to overcome writer's block, and how to proofread and edit documents.
Using line spacing
Double-spacing is strongly recommended for all academic papers, and all the basic text in a dissertation must be double-spaced. You can single-space indented block quotations. It is also conventional to single-space footnotes, itemized lists, and bibliographies or reference lists, leaving a blank line between notes, items, or entries. You can also single-space run-over lines in tables of contents, lists of tables and illustrations, and subheads.
Adding acknowledgments to a document
In an acknowledgment section of a document, thank mentors and colleagues, list the individuals or institutions that supported your research, and give credit to works cited in the text for which permission to reproduce has been granted. Although you might want to acknowledge special assistance, such as consultation on technical matters or aid in securing special equipment and source materials, you may omit formal thanks for the routine help given by an adviser or a thesis committee.
Adding a title page to a document
Most universities and colleges have their own style of title page for theses and dissertations. You should follow this style exactly for content, capitalization, and position and spacing of the elements. For term papers, if a sample sheet is not provided, a title page might include the name of the university or college (usually centered near the top of the sheet), the full title of the paper, the course (including its department and number), the date, and your name. Although the title page counts as page one, the number is not shown.
Adding a blank page or a copyright page to a document
A blank sheet prevents the text of the following page from showing through the white space on the title page. You can also use the sheet as a copyright page, with the copyright notice, in the following form, placed near the bottom. For example:
Copyright (c) 1999 by Brownfoot Publications
All rights reserved
In either case, the sheet is counted in the pagination, but the page number is not shown. You can include a copyright notice even if the copyright is not registered.
Adding a dedication to a document
Dedications are usually brief and need not include the word dedicated. "To" is sufficient. For example:
To Lori
You do not have to identify (or even give the whole name of) the person to whom the work is dedicated or give such other information as life dates, though both are permissible. Extravagant dedications are no longer used, and humorous dedications rarely stand the test of time. You should not use final punctuation. If you use "To" to introduce the dedication, begin with a capital. A dedication is not listed in the table of contents. No number appears on the page, but it is counted in the pagination of the preliminaries.
Adding an epigraph to a document
If you add an epigraph (a pertinent quotation at the beginning of a work or of one of its parts to vaguely outline its theme), do not italicize, underline, or put it in quotation marks. If an epigraph heads a whole paper, format it the same way as a dedication. Place the source on the line following the quotation and use only the author's name (just the last name of a well-known author) and, usually, the title of the work. Epigraphs are usually self-explanatory: you should include any explanation in the preface or other introductory matter. An epigraph is not listed in the table of contents. No number appears on the page, but it is counted in the pagination of the preliminaries.
Adding a table of contents to a document
The table of contents, usually headed "CONTENTS" (in uppercase), lists all the parts of the paper except the title page, blank page or copyright page, dedication, and epigraph, which all precede it. No page numbers appear on any of these four pages, but all are counted in the pagination of the front matter.
When you include more than one level of subhead in the contents, they must appear in order of rank; that is, you must begin with the first-level subhead, and skip from the first to the third or fourth level.
Subheads, when included, are indented a consistent distance (for example, three spaces) beyond the beginning of the chapter title. If you use more than one level of subhead, indent each level another three spaces, and begin the spaced periods (leaders) that run to each page number at the end of the last run-over line.
You should capitalize titles in both the table of contents and the body for the paper as follows:
For the titles of all major divisions (acknowledgments, preface, contents, list of illustrations, list of tables, list of abbreviations, glossary, editorial method, abstract, introduction, parts, chapters, appendix, notes, and bibliography or reference list), use uppercase (for example, PREFACE).
For subheads, use headline style, capitalizing the initial letter of the first and last words and of all other words except articles, prepositions, and coordinate conjunctions. An alternative is to use sentence style, capitalizing only the initial letter of the subhead and of any proper nouns or proper adjectives.
Page numbers are usually aligned on the right, following a line of spaced periods (leaders) that separate the title from the page number. Note that only the beginning page number of each chapter or other section is given. You may omit page numbers for subheads. When they are included with run-in subheads, page numbers are best placed in parentheses immediately following each subhead.
Adding a list of illustrations to a document
In a list of illustrations, headed "ILLUSTRATIONS," Arabic numerals are used for figure numbers and followed by a period. The captions follow the period. The page numbers are usually separated from the caption by period leaders. Double-space between captions and single-space within captions.
The captions in the list of illustrations should agree with those given beneath illustrations unless the captions are long, in which case it is best to shorten them in the list. For a thesis or dissertation, consult the dissertation office. Even if a descriptive or explanatory statement follows the caption under an illustration, do not include it in the list of illustrations.
Adding a preface to a document
In the preface, explain your motivation for the study, the background of the project, the scope of the research, and the purpose of the paper. You may also include acknowledgments. If you have nothing significant to add to what is covered in the body of the paper and want only to acknowledge the various sorts of assistance and permission you received, title these remarks ACKNOWLEDGMENTS rather than PREFACE.
Adding a list of abbreviations to a document
It is best to add a list of abbreviations only if you have devised new abbreviations instead of using commonly accepted ones, such as standard abbreviations of titles of professional journals. You should arrange a list of abbreviations alphabetically by the abbreviation, not the spelled-out term.
Double-space between items, single-space within items. A list of abbreviations helps the reader who looks at only a portion of the paper instead of reading it from beginning to end. Even when a paper includes a list of abbreviations, you should use the spelled-out version the first time a term appears, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
Adding an introduction to a document
The text usually begins with an introduction, which may be called CHAPTER 1. If it is short, you may prefer to head it INTRODUCTION and reserve the more formal generic heading "CHAPTER" for the longer sections of which the main body of the paper is composed. Whatever the introduction is titled, it is equivalent to the first chapter and is not part of the preliminaries. Therefore, the first page of the introduction is page 1 (Arabic numeral) of the paper.
Writing a document in parts
If a work is divided into parts, each comprising one or more chapters, you should precede each by a part-title page. Part-title pages display only the generic heading, the part number, and any part title. Since the introduction is to the entire paper, regardless of what it is titled, it is not included in PART 1. The first part-title page therefore follows rather than precedes the introduction.
Writing chapters
The main body of the paper is divided into chapters, each beginning on a new page. The generic heading chapter is followed by a number, which may be either spelled out in uppercase or given as a numeral (Arabic or uppercase Roman). Conventionally, the entire heading is centered. Some writers omit the word chapter and use only numerals (Roman or Arabic) in sequence before the headings of the main divisions. The form of the chapter numbers should be different from that used for part numbers (for example, PART II, CHAPTER 4). The title, which describes the content of the chapter, is also in uppercase, centered below the generic heading.
Writing sections and subsections
In some papers, the chapters or their equivalents are divided into sections, which may in turn be divided into subsections, and then into sub-subsections. Such divisions are customarily given titles, called "subheads" or "subheadings," which are differentiated typographically and designated "first-," "second-," and "third-level" subheads. The principal, or first-level, subdivision should have greater attention value than the lower levels. Centered headings have more attention value than side heads (beginning at the left margin), and italic, underlining, or bold font style has more value than text type. You can enhance attention value by leaving some blank space above and below all but run-in subheads.
Adding an appendix to a document
An appendix, although not an essential part of every paper, is a useful device to make available material that is relevant to the text but not suitable to include in it. An appendix is a group of related items. Appendixes, for example, may contain: tables too detailed for text presentation; a large group of illustrations; technical notes on method; schedules and forms used in collecting materials; copies of documents not generally available to the reader; case studies too long to be put into the text; and figures or other illustrative materials. When you gather all the paper's illustrations, include them in a group titled ILLUSTRATIONS and place it just before the back matter. If you place some illustrations in the text, you must group any that are in the back matter and place them in an appendix.
All appendixes go at the end of a paper, not at the ends of chapters.
You should place materials of different categories in separate appendixes. When you add more than one appendix, give each one a number or a letter (for example, Appendix 1, Appendix One, or Appendix A).
If you add only one appendix, giving it a title is optional. If a paper has more than one appendix, each must have a descriptive title, which also appears in the table of contents. On the opening page of each appendix, the generic heading and the title are both centered and typed in uppercase.
Whether an appendix should be single-spaced or double-spaced depends on the nature of the material; spacing need not be the same for each of the appendixes. You can single-space documents and case studies, whereas you can double-space explanations of methods and procedures.
When photocopied documents, such as previously published articles, facsimiles of manuscripts, or questionnaires, appear as separate pages in appendixes, add a page number to each photocopy. Use Arabic numerals within brackets in the upper-right comer of the page. The brackets show that the page number is not part of the original document. The photocopied documents within an appendix may or may not contain original pagination.
Adding footnotes and endnotes to a document
If you use footnotes rather than endnotes or parenthetical references, readers can read a paper from beginning to end without searching for references in the back matter. For theses and dissertations that are held and distributed on microfilm, particularly those in the humanities, footnotes and a bibliography are preferred.
The place in the text where you introduce a note, whether footnote or endnote, mark it with an Arabic numeral typed slightly above the line (superscript).
Do not put a period after a superscript note number or use parentheses, brackets, or slash marks with it. The note reference follows any punctuation mark except the dash, which it precedes, and goes outside a closing parentheses.
Note numbers preceding the footnotes are preferably typed on the line, followed by a period.
Endnotes are more common in term papers than in theses or dissertations. In term papers, number endnotes consecutively throughout the paper. In longer works that are divided into chapters, number endnotes consecutively from 1 within each chapter. Use superscript Arabic numerals as indicators in text, but use full-sized online Arabic numerals, followed by periods, preceding the endnotes. Group all endnotes in the back matter under the generic heading notes, with the chapter numbers in subheads.
Adding a title to a document
In adding titles of published works to text, notes, reference list, or bibliography, you should retain the spelling of the original. However, you may change capitalization and punctuation to conform to the style used in the paper. In most scientific fields, sentence-style capitalization is used. In the humanities and many of the social sciences, it is customary to use headline style.
Capitalizing titles
In the titles of works in English, capitalize the first and last words and all other words except articles, prepositions, "to" used as part of an infinitive and coordinating conjunctions (for example, and, but, or, nor, for). Note that the subtitle following a colon is capitalized the same way as the main title. For example:
How to Overcome Urban Blight: A Twentieth-Century Problem
Capitalizing compounds in titles may be simplified by the following rule: First elements are always capitalized; subsequent elements are capitalized unless they are articles, prepositions, or coordinating conjunctions.
Capitalizing reference lists
In reference lists, capitalize titles of books and articles sentence style; that is, capitalize the first word of the title or subtitle, and only proper nouns and proper adjectives thereafter. For example:
Natural crisis: Symbol and imagination in the American farm crisis
Using block quotations
In general, a prose quotation of two or more sentences that runs to eight or more lines of text in a paper should be set off from the text in single-spacing and indented, with no quotation marks at the beginning or end. Exceptions to this rule are allowable when, for emphasis or comparison, it is best to set off shorter quotations. Paragraph indentation in the original text should be indicated by an indentation within a block quotation but single-space between the paragraphs. When you include material from different sources in a single block quotation, double-space between separate passages.
Adding punctuation with quotation marks to a document
Place periods and commas inside quotation marks; semicolons and colons go outside. Place question marks and exclamation points outside quotation marks unless the question or exclamation is part of the quotation. For example:
How does he show "evil leading somehow to good"?
One may well ask, "Is it really necessary to lose the world in order to find oneself?"
Eva replied, "Did he really say, 'Nothing will come of nothing'?"
Adding omissions and ellipses to a document
Any omission of words, phrases, or paragraphs in quoted matter is shown by ellipsis points, which are period dots, not asterisks. Use a space before each dot, unless the first dot is the period after an abbreviation or sentence, and a space after the last dot if a word follows. Since ellipsis points substitute words omitted from the quotation, always place them within quotation marks. When quotation marks either precede or follow ellipsis points, do not leave a space between the quotation mark and the dot.
Show an omission within a sentence by three spaced dots.
If other punctuation comes immediately before the ellipsis, place it next to the word.
If other punctuation comes immediately before a word that is preceded by ellipsis points, place that punctuation mark before the word, with the usual intervening space. For example:
"All this is not exactly in S's tradition . . . ; and it was not, as I recall, your style."
Indicate an omission following a sentence by four dots. The first, placed immediately after the last word, is the period. If, in the original source, the sentence preceding the ellipsis ends with a question mark or an exclamation point, use that mark rather than the period.
In current practice, the period (or other mark of terminal punctuation) and three spaced dots may indicate the omission of
the last part of a quoted sentence
the first part of a quoted sentence
the last part of one sentence and the first part of the next sentence
a whole sentence or more
a whole paragraph or more
In general, no ellipsis points should be used
before or after an incomplete sentence
before or after a run-in quotation of one or more complete sentences
before a block quotation
after a block quotation ending with a complete sentence
Adding a full reference to a document
For a book, the first, full reference should include the following information in the order shown:
name of author(s)
title and subtitle, if any
name of editor, compiler, or translator, if any
number or name of edition if other than the first
name of series in which book appears, if any, with volume or number in the series
facts of publication, consisting of a
place of publication
name of publishing agency
date of publication
page number(s) of the specific citation
In note reference, separate the elements above by commas or, in the case of the facts of publication, parentheses. Note that the comma following the book title or the designation of edition is replaced by the opening parenthesis of the publication facts. The comma following the publication facts and preceding the page reference is retained. In bibliographies, separate the elements by periods. For example:
3. Arthur Waley, Chinese Poems (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1946), 51.
Adding shortened references to a document
Reference to a work that has already been cited in full form, but not in a note immediately preceding, is made in one of two styles, here called method A and method B. Method A uses the author's family name; title of book, chapter, or article (sometimes shortened); and specific page reference. Method B uses the author's family name and a specific page reference, and includes the title of the book, chapter, or article only when two or more works by the same author are cited.
In both methods, for multiple-author works, use the family name of each author up to three, and the first author's name plus "et al." for more than three.
You can shorten subsequent references to articles, reviews, and other pieces published in periodicals by omitting the periodical title and issue information. If necessary, shorten the title of the piece. When no author is given, place the title first.
Adding a full reference to a journal
The first, full reference to an article includes, in general, the following facts in the order shown:
title of article
title of periodical
volume and issue number
publication date
page number(s)
In note citations, separate these information elements by commas. However, enclose dates in parentheses, and use a colon to introduce the page reference. As with books, in bibliographic entries, separate the elements by periods.
Place article titles in quotation marks, and italicize or underline the titles of periodicals and capitalize them headline style. For example:
2. W. Edmund Farrar, "Antibiotic Resistance in Developing Countries," Journal of Infectious Diseases 152 (December 1985): 1103.
Volume numbers and issue numbers are in Arabic numerals following the name of the journal. When the citation is to specific pages, do not precede the volume number or the page numbers with an abbreviation. However, precede an issue number by "No.". The issue number is required only if issues are paginated separately rather than in sequence throughout the volume. Enclose the date of publication in parentheses and place it after the volume and any issue number. You can usually omit the month or season if an issue number is given.
Referencing magazines
Magazines of general interest, even though they may carry volume numbers, are best identified by date alone. For example:
4. Anne B. Fisher, "Ford Is Back on the Track," Fortune, 23 December 1985, 18.
Referencing newspapers
For reference to a newspaper, the name of the paper and the date are sufficient; however, many large metropolitan papers (especially Sunday editions) are made up of sections that are separately paginated. For these, include a section number (or letter), page number, and edition letter (often in uppercase). For example:
7. Tyler Marshall, "200th Birthday of Grimms Celebrated," Los Angeles Times, 15 March 1985, sec. 1A, p. 3.
If the name of an American newspaper does not include the city, add the city before the newspaper title. Italicize or underline both. If the city is not widely known, give the state in parentheses.
Omit an initial "The" in English-language newspaper titles, but retain its equivalent in a foreign language.
Adding content notes to a document
Content (or substantive) notes explain or amplify the textual discussion and therefore resemble the text more closely than reference notes. You can work the source of material into a sentence, or place it after the sentence as a separate item. Whether you cite the title in full and whether you include the facts of publication depends on whether you referred to the source in a previous note. For example:
1. Detailed evidence of the great increase in the array of goods and services bought as income increases is shown in S. J. Prais and H. S. Houthaker, The Analysis of Family Budgets (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1955), table 5, 52.
2. Ernest Cassirer takes importance notice of this in Language and Myth (59-62) and offers a searching analysis of man's regard for things on which his power of inspirited action may crucially depend.
3. In 1962 the premium income received by all voluntary health insurance organizations was $6.3 billion. Health Insurance Institute, Source Book of Health Insurance Data (New York: Health Insurance Institute, 1963), 36, 46.
Adding a bibliography to a document
The bibliography lists the sources used in writing the paper. Since a bibliography rarely includes everything that has been written about a given topic, you can use a more accurate heading, for example, "Selected Bibliography," "Works Cited," or "Sources Consulted."
The simplest, most accessible, and most broadly useful type of bibliography is a single alphabetical list. If dividing sources into various categories seems more appropriate to the work, you can use a classified bibliographical style. For example, in a paper using manuscript sources as well as printed works, put the two kinds of sources in separate sections, with manuscripts arranged either by depository or by name of collection.
Single-space the bibliography with one blank line between entries. Flush-left the first line of each entry, and indent any run-over lines.
Adding bibliography entries to a document
Bibliographies are usually arranged in alphabetical order by family names of authors.
Where you have two or more authors' names, invert only the first name in order to alphabetize the item.
Use periods at the end of each main part: author's name, title of work, and facts of publication. You should leave a single space after each period. For bibliographical references to periodicals, use parentheses around dates of publication following volume numbers.
List page numbers only when the item is part of a whole work: a chapter in a book or an article in a periodical.
In a succession of works by the same author, use the author's name for the first entry, and an eight-space line (the underscore key struck eight times) followed by a period for subsequent entries. You can arrange the entries alphabetically by title or chronologically.
For example:
Rosecrance, Richard, ed. The Dispersion of Nuclear Weapons Strategy and Politics. New York: Columbia University Press, 1964.
________. Problems of Nuclear Proliferation. UCLA Security Studies Project no. 7. Los Angeles: University of California, 1966.
Singer, David, Stuart Bremer, and John Stuckey. "Capability Distribution, Uncertainty, and Major Power War, 1820-1965." In Peace, War, and Numbers, ed. Bruce Russet, 193-206. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1972.
Using Turabian Formatting
Turabian style guide helps you correctly format reports, term papers, theses, and dissertations. If you decide to use Turabian style in your writing, refer to these topics for helpful hints, formatting techniques, examples, and other helpful information.
Setting up a document
If all your documents start with the same codes, you can add them to the Document Style. Click Document. Once you put the codes there, you won't have to add them to any future documents.
For more information about setting up a document, see the following online Help topics:
Setting page size definitions and orientation
Setting page margins
Changing the default font face and font size
Justifying text
Inserting page numbers
Using headers and footers
Displaying and hiding guidelines
For more information about setting up other formats, see the following online Help topics:
Merging documents
Merging to envelopes
Merging to labels
Publishing to HTML
Typing text
When you have to move or change text, you can use the mouse to quickly select a block of text. Click where you want to start selecting text. Click and drag the mouse across the text. To delete the selected text, press DELETE. To move the selected text, drag it where you want it to go. To copy the text, press CTRL while you release the mouse button.
For more information about typing text, see the following online Help topics:
Changing font type and font style
Using master documents
Working with tabs
Inserting and creating characters and symbols
Working with text styles
Creating bulleted lists, numbered lists, and outlines
Creating cross-references
Creating an index
Creating a table of contents
Creating a table of authorities
Using lists
Formatting a document
Formatting a document lets you change the layout of the text.
For more information about formatting a document, see the following online Help topics:
Using tables
Creating and deleting columns
Creating bulleted lists, numbered lists, and outlines
Changing the spacing between lines and paragraphs
Making text fit a specific number of pages
Displying and hiding guidelines
Writing good letters
Letters are one of the principal forms of communication. Letters give an impression to the reader, which might make the difference between gaining and losing a client, customer, or friend. Some simple ways to ensure that you write a good letter are
include the most important points at the beginning of the letter
refer to previous conversations, meetings, or documents after the important points
organize the letter logically and clearly
be concise; if you have additional information, include it in attachments
emphasize key ideas
avoid clichΘs
For more information about letter styles, see Using letter styles in the online Help.
For more information about punctuation, see Punctuating letters in the online Help.
For more information about salutations, see Using salutations in the online Help.
For more information about signature blocks, see Using signature blocks in the online Help.
For more information about postal abbreviations, see the following online Help topics:
Australian state abbreviations
Canadian province and territory abbreviations
Using U.S. state abbreviations
For more information about United Kingdom postal towns and information, see the following online Help topics:
United Kingdom postal towns where no county name is required
United Kingdom postal information
For more information about merging letters, see Merging documents in the online Help.
Using letter styles
Styles that you can use to write a letter are block, modified block, and simplified block.
Block style
The block style letter, sometimes called a "full block", is typed with all lines at the left margin. Paragraphs are not indented.
Modified block style
The modified block style places the date, closing, and the sender's name and title at the center of the page. Paragraph indentation is optional.
Simplified style
The simplified style does not have a salutation or a complimentary closing. A subject line is typed below the inside address in all capital letters, which replaces the salutation. All lines begin at the left margin.
Punctuating letters
Styles of punctuation in business letters are mixed and open. In mixed punctuation, a colon is placed after the salutation and a comma is placed after the closing. In open punctuation style, there is no punctuation after the salutation or the closing.
Using salutations
Here are some sample salutations when you know the addressee's name and title:
Dear Mr. Mason:
Dear Stuart: (or Dear Stuart,)
Dear Mrs. Cziszler:
Dear Miss Greenwood:
Dear Ms. Kerfoot:
Dear Dr. Orr:
Dear Professor McCook:
Dear President Dufour:
Dear Ms. Guttman and Mr. Wright:
When you don't know the name, you can use these options:
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Gentlemen and Ladies:
Dear Sir or Madam:
Dear Madam or Sir:
Ladies: (all women)
Gentlemen: (all men)
Dear Colleagues:
Dear Friends:
Dear Members of the Council:
Dear Landowners:
Avoid sexist greetings, such as "Dear Sirs." If you don't know the person's gender, omit the gender title (Dear A. B. Cooper), or use the simplified letter style, which omits a salutation.
Using signature blocks
The signature block consists of the writer's handwritten signature, typed name, title, and company (optional).
Follow these guidelines when using signature blocks:
The company name appears below the typed name.
The title can appear below the typed name. The company name would then appear under the title.
The title can also appear after the typed name, separated with a comma (for example, Debbie Colley, Manager).
If the letter requires two signature blocks, you can put one at the left margin and the other on the center margin. You can also put the second one under the first one.
If you are signing someone else's name, sign the name and then write your initials in parentheses.
Academic, military, and professional titles should appear in the typewritten signatures.
If the first name or initials could be a man's or a women's name, omit the courtesy title (for example, Mr., Mrs., or Ms.).
Finding a subject
You must understand the purpose, subject, and reader before you start writing a document.
To find a subject, you should
keep a journal
watch other people, and interview them
collect ideas from your surroundings
ask the questions Who?, What?, Where?, When?, Why?, and How?
read books, view movies, and watch television
think of what you care about
To analyze your reader, ask yourself the following questions:
What do they already know?
What are they interested in?
What are their attitudes?
How much do they know about your subject?
Do you have to convince them or inform them?
Writing the first draft
You can either start writing and organize your draft as you go or create an outline. When you write the first draft, you should
write in a comfortable place
review the ideas gathered from finding your subject
keep your audience, tone, and purpose in mind
write freely
not worry about grammar, spelling, or mechanics
remember that the first draft is only the beginning; you can revise later
Creating an outline
When you create an outline, you should
try to limit your outline to less than four or five sublevels
try not to make the outline too brief
If the outline is sparse and vague, it doesn't provide a solid direction. The outline needs to be fleshed out so that the logic and arrangement can be identified. Make the levels parallel. For example:
Designing the landscape
Preparing the soil
Excavating the ground
Putting in the sprinklers
Design the outline so that each level has at least two sublevels.
Using visual elements
Using the right illustration can help you explain your ideas and help your readers understand your meaning more precisely. You can use borders, fills, and graphic lines to direct attention over the page, distinguish different sections, and emphasize parts of the document. If you send a document in electronic format, you can also add sound clips and audio-visual files.
For more information about visual elements, see the following online Help topics:
Working with graphics
Inserting a watermark behind text
Creating shapes and drawings
Using graphics lines
Using charts
Setting text attributes
Using borders and fills
Using graphics
When you insert a Clipart image into your document, it appears in a predefined figure box. Inserting an image from a graphics file (for example, a bitmap, .wpg, or other type of image) places the image in your document at the default size for that type of image.
After you insert the image, use the mouse and editing handles to size and position it on the page. You can also choose a border, decide how text should wrap around the image, and anchor the image to the page or paragraph where it appears.
Using charts
You can add data charts, organization charts, and equations to graphically convey information that would be confusing or overly complicated to explain in words.
When you insert a data chart or organization chart, it appears in a predefined box. After you insert the chart, you can use the mouse and editing handles to size and position it on the page. You can also choose a border, decide how text should wrap around the image, anchor the chart to the page or paragraph where it appears, and add a caption.
The Equation Editor ensures that you use the correct syntax for your equation and format it correctly after you type in the variables and other commands.
Using decorative text
You can use words, phrases, and paragraphs with distinctive visual appearances, such as headings and decoration, for emphasis. Decorative text includes the following characteristics:
Drop caps-lets you create a large initial letter at the beginning of a paragraph
Rotated text-lets you angle text at 90, 180, or 270 degrees
Reversed text-lets you show text as the mirror image of the original
TextArt-lets you apply special effects to text
Most decorative text consists of words inside an individual text box to which you can apply different attributes, rotations, coloration, and other characteristics. You can position rotated text, reversed text, and TextArt anywhere in your document. Drop caps are always associated with a particular paragraph, and you can use them in multiple paragraphs in a document.
Using multimedia effects
If you plan to send your document to readers in electronic format, you can also add sound clips and audio-visual files. You must set up sound and video drivers on your computer to play sound and video files.
Sound and video files can appear as icons or as objects in your document. Readers can play them by double-clicking the icons.
For more information about sound clips, see Linking and embedding in the online Help.
For more information about objects, see Linking objects in the online Help.
Collaborating on a document
It is often helpful to get opinions about a document before you send it to a wider audience. You can email the document to friends, co-workers, and editors for comments. The Review Document feature lets reviewers redline, highlight, and comment on your text. Use Document Compare to gather all the selected changes. If you must keep multiple copies of the same file, use Corel Versions to archive each one for reference.
For more information about reviewing documents, see Reviewing and comparing documents in the online Help.
For more information about adding comments to a document, see Adding and deleting comments in the online Help.
For more information about comparing documents, see Comparing documents in the online Help.
For more information about emailing files, see Emailing files in the online Help.
For more information about document summaries, see Changing user information for comments and document summaries in the online Help.
Finishing a document
When you have written, edited, and made sure that a document is ready to distribute, you can save it to disk, fax it to others, and even publish it electronically for posting on the World Wide Web.
For more information about saving documents, see Saving, printing, and closing documents in the online Help.
For more information about printing documents, see Printing in the online Help.
For more information about faxing documents, see Faxing documents in the online Help.
For more information about posting documents on the World Wide Web, see Publishing to HTML in the online Help.
Writing newsletters
You can use newsletters in a variety of settings, such as family, business, academic, and social. Every newsletter conveys new information and keeps everyone up to date.
Save your work often.
When you have finished your newsletter, check it carefully for proper formatting, spelling, and grammar.
You can print the newsletter to make copies, email it to others, and even publish it in HTML for display on the World Wide Web.
Designing newsletters
Adding Clipart, photographs, and watermarks can help your newsletter look more professional and interesting, as well as help you reinforce the points in the text.
Use data charts instead of words to explain statistical and mathematical data graphically and much more clearly.
Choose one of the predesigned newsletters or create your own look with columns, borders, fill, justification, and fonts. Remember to keep the layout simple and uncluttered. Use a light fill or no fill under the body text of the newsletter for easy reading.
Choose a clear, readable font and justification for the body text of the newsletter. The body is where you type in the actual information that the newsletter is meant to convey. You can also add drop caps to the start of each article and section.
Here are a few suggestions for items you can include in your newsletter:
Title-Add a title to the newsletter to convey the contents and the type audience. Use a larger font size and bold lettering to the title. You can also use TextArt to color, contour, and reshape the title for added emphasis and effect.
Subtitle-Add a subtitle if you want to explain the title further. The subtitle can also be a motto, slogan, or special note that applies to this issue or to all issues.
Date-Add the publication date. The date can be text that you type in manually or a code that automatically updates itself every time you open, print, and save the newsletter. You can also add a date for the issue that tells readers which time period the newsletter applies to; for example, May-June or July 14-21.
Table of contents-Add a table of contents listing the main headlines. This is especially helpful when the newsletter is several pages long. If you have a table of contents, you should also choose a page-numbering option to help your readers find specific information.
Main headlines-Choose a font and justification for your main headlines, and then apply the main headline style to each article's title. Main headlines should be quite bold and noticeable. You can also include main headlines in the table of contents.
Minor headlines-Choose a font and justification for your minor headlines, and then apply the minor headline style to each article's section titles. Minor headlines should be less conspicuous than main headlines but more obvious than the body text. You can also include minor headlines in the table of contents.
Customizing your newsletter
Choose the elements you want to include in the newsletter. If the newsletter is several pages long, a table of contents can help your readers find specific sections and articles.
After you add the different elements of the newsletter, insert your own title, headlines, and information.
Choosing a style for your newsletter
Choose one of the predesigned newsletters, or create your own look with columns, borders, fill, justification, and fonts. Remember to keep the layout simple and uncluttered. Use a light fill or no fill under the body text of the newsletter for easy reading.
Adding a table of contents to your newsletter
Add a table of contents to list the main headlines contained in the newsletter. This is especially helpful when the newsletter is several pages long. If you have a table of contents, you should also choose a page-numbering option to help your readers find specific information.
Adding a title to your newsletter
Add a title to the newsletter to convey what it is about and its type of audience. Use a larger font size and bold lettering to emphasize the title. You can also use TextArt to color, contour, and reshape the title for added emphasis and effect.
Adding a subtitle to your newsletter
You can add a subtitle to the newsletter if you want to explain the title further. The subtitle can also be a motto, slogan, or special note that applies to this issue or to all issues.
Adding a date to your newsletter
Add a date to let your readers know the publication date of the newsletter. The date can be text that you type in or a code that automatically updates itself every time you open, print, and save the newsletter. You can also add a date for the issue that tells readers which time period the newsletter applies to; for example, May-June or July 14-21.
Adding main headlines to your newsletter
Choose a font and justification for your main headlines, and then apply the main headline style to each article's title. Main headlines should be quite bold and noticeable. You can also include main headlines in the table of contents.
Adding minor headlines to your newsletter
Choose a font and justification for your minor headlines, and then apply the minor headline style to each article's section titles. Minor headlines should be less conspicuous than main headlines but more obvious than the body text. You can also include minor headlines in the table of contents.
Adding the body text to your newsletter
Choose a font and justification for the body text of the newsletter. The body is where you type the actual information that the newsletter is meant to convey. Choose a font that is easy to read. You can also add drop caps to the start of each article and section.
Adding extras to your newsletter
Adding Clipart, photographs, and watermarks can help your newsletter look more professional and interesting, as well as help you reinforce the points in the text.
Use data charts instead of words to explain statistical and mathematical data graphically and much more clearly.
Finishing your newsletter
Save your work often.
When you have finished your newsletter, check it carefully for proper formatting, spelling, and grammar.
You can print the newsletter to make copies, electronically mail it to others, and even publish it in HTML or Corel Barista to display on the World Wide Web.
Creating different types of resumes
There are two basic types of resumes: chronological and functional. A chronological resume highlights your work history, and a functional resume highlights your work experience and qualifications. Create a functional resume if you have a broken employment record or if you want to minimize your work history and highlight your qualifications. You can create a combination of both. If you are creating a chronological resume, include sections for education and job experience. If you are creating a functional resume, include sections for education, training, and related experience.
Using action verbs for resumes
Here are some samples of actions verbs you can use to describe past positions or objectives:
set up
Writing a report
Writing reports is generally confined to explaining the current thinking and various aspects of a topic instead of analyzing or presenting an opinion on the topic. After you choose a topic, use journals, books, and other sources to find information for your report. You can use any subject for your report, such as people, places, inventions, books, plays, and ideas.
Be sure to save your report often.
Once you have finished writing the report, check it carefully for spelling, formatting, and other errors. Go over your works cited page and check both the list and the style of citation you used. Print out a draft copy to give to someone for editing and comments.
If you have to fill a certain number of pages, you can stretch or shrink your document to fit the requirements. Do not use Make It Fit if more than half a page is over or under the limit.
Outlining a report
After you have completed your research, you are ready to write the outline of the report. Before you begin, write a final thesis statement. Every paragraph, example, and fact in your term paper should help to support and explain the thesis statement. As you create your outline, refer to the thesis statement to help you organize the outline and decide what to include or omit. The outline should: begin with the thesis statement; present any necessary background information; explain the topic your paper describes; explain the topic by citing specific information from your research; address any conflicting points of view among the authorities you consulted; give your conclusions; and restate your thesis statement in the conclusion of the report.
A report consists of the following parts:
Title page-Adding a nicely formatted title page makes your report look more organized. Be sure to include your name, the title of the report, and the date the report is due. You may also add the teacher's name and the class title. If you have an assigned style for the report, follow that style as you format the title page. If the assignment allows it, you may want to use a larger font size for the title to emphasize it. You may also add a graphical border around the title page.
Table of contents-If you are writing a long report, include a table of contents page so that your readers can rapidly find the information for which they are looking. If you are using a specified format for the report, follow that format to create your table of contents. Mark each main heading to include in the table of contents. You must mark entries for the table of contents before you can generate it.
Body-The body contains the text of your report and is where you type in your ideas, descriptions, and conclusions. If you did not include a title page, be sure to add your name, the professor's or teacher's name, the date, the title of the report, and the class name and number on the first page of the report in accordance with the formatting style the assignment requires. As you write the paper, be sure to properly cite every direct quote or paraphrase it in an endnote, footnote, or parenthetical reference. Check the assignment for the type of reference you should be using.
List of illustrations-If you plan to include graphics, pictures, charts, diagrams, and other illustrations in your report, include a list of illustrations. The list will automatically include the caption text from each figure and the page number where the figure appears.
Endnotes page-The endnotes page is the last page of your report. Endnotes automatically generate here as you create them. If you are using a particular formatting style, follow its examples closely as you format the endnotes.
Works cited page-List all the sources you used in your report. Follow the formatting style closely to properly list each source. Sources are usually listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name and are formatted as paragraphs with hanging indents.
Formatting a report
Be sure to format your report according to the directions in the assignment. Usually, reports are double-spaced with one-inch margins. You may also have to adhere to a specific standard in formatting your report, such as APA, MLA, or Turabian style.
If you have numbered pages, either leave the page number off the first page or print the page number at the bottom. Some report formats, such as MLA, also require your last name before the page number.
Using illustrations, quotes, and charts in a report
Using quotes, examples, data charts, and illustrations can make your report more interesting and informative; however, they can also make your report overly complicated. A good rule to follow is to use these elements only when they add to the readability and comprehension of the report.
A block quote is a direct quotation from a specific source and is longer than three typed lines. Block quotes are single-spaced and indented on both margins.
Use data charts instead of words to show numerical and statistical information and trends. Be sure to explain the chart, especially when you draw conclusions from it.
Tables can help you organize information in an efficient, easy-to-read way.
Use graphics files to show places, processes, and things. If you have a list of illustrations, create captions for each image to immediately update the list.
To write a report
Follow these basic stages to write a report:
Choose a topic in an area that interests you-Do enough preliminary research to find out if enough information is available to help you write a report about that topic and to narrow or widen your topic as needed. Your preliminary reading should also give you a good idea of the subjects, subtopics, and research areas associated with the topic. Review the preliminary information you have gathered and write a basic thesis statement. A thesis statement is a sentence that tells the reader what you are going to say or prove in your report. Give the reader a brief, concise summary of the information you found on your topic. Remember that this is just a preliminary opinion; you may change your thesis statement after you have done more research.
Research the topic-Use a wide variety of sources that apply to the topic. It is usually better to use periodicals, journals, and other more recent works when you are researching an academic subject. Using the general encyclopedia article will not give you enough information, and an entire book on the subject may give you too much. Bibliographies in the articles you find can lead you to other good sources as well. Begin your research early to give yourself enough time to complete a thorough search.
Take notes on the sources you find-Take notes either by hand-writing quotes and paraphrases or by copying the source and cutting out blocks of text from the copies. Note cards are usually best to use so that you can quickly and easily rearrange your quotes to organize your report. Include the source and page number of the article or book on each card so that you can cite it properly later. You may want to create a source list with full bibliographic information so that you can use a short identification (for example, a number, the author's name, or a brief title) on the cards.
Organize your notes-After you have read and analyzed two or three good sources on your topic, organize your notes into a basic subject-oriented outline. Then, as you continue your research, you can fit the new information into the outline to help keep your notes (and your research) organized and under your control.
Write the outline-After you have completed your research, you are ready to write the outline of the report. Before you begin, write a final thesis statement. Every paragraph, example, and fact in your report should help to support and explain the thesis statement. As you create your outline, refer to the thesis statement to help you organize it and decide what to include or omit. The outline should begin with the thesis statement, present any necessary background information, explain the topic your report describes, explain the topic by citing specific information from your research, address any conflicting points of view among the authorities you consulted, give your conclusions, and then restate your thesis statement in the conclusion of the report.
Write your first draft-Once you have an outline, reorganize your note cards in the same order as your outline, and begin writing your first draft. Do not concentrate on phrasing or perfect prose in the first draft; the important thing is to get your ideas on paper. You can always revise later. As you write, you may have to reorganize your report or include further information in various areas. Be sure that your research supports your thesis statement, and that you give concrete facts, examples, and illustrations to support each point you make. Be sure to correctly and thoroughly cite any quotes or paraphrased ideas from your sources as you go along. If time permits, leave the first draft for a while after you have written it. Time away from the draft gives you a chance to see problems you may have missed when you were writing it.
Revise the draft-This is the last stage, and a very important one. Read the draft carefully, paying close attention to style, grammar, and mechanics such as punctuation and subject-verb agreement. Now is the time to change your draft into a final report. Even at this stage, you should reorganize your report or add and remove information. It is also very helpful to have someone else read your report to look for mistakes and to give you feedback. Check all your citations carefully to make sure you have all the necessary information and that your quotes or paraphrases are accurate. Finally, print a preliminary copy of your final draft to check formatting, margins, page numbering, and other visual elements. When you are satisfied with the final version, print the final copy.
Selecting items to include in a report
Some formatting standards require title pages (for example, APA and Turabian), while others do not (for example, MLA). Read the assignment to find out what the requirements are for your report. Regardless of whether you use a title page, remember to include all the necessary information, such as your name, the date, and the title of the report. You may also include the professor's or teacher's name and the class name and number.
If you are writing a long report, include a table of contents so that your readers can quickly find information. If you are including a large number of pictures, charts, and graphics, a list of illustrations also helps readers find specific information.
Use footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical references as citations, but never a mixture of them. Check the assignment to see what style of references you should use in the report. If you are using endnotes, be sure to include an endnotes page.
Adding a table of contents to a report
If you are writing a long report, include a table of contents page so that your readers can rapidly find the information for which they are looking. If you are using a specified format for the report, follow that format to create your table of contents.
Mark each main heading to include it in the table of contents. You must mark entries for the table of contents before you can generate it.
Adding a title page to a report
Adding a nicely formatted title page makes your report look more organized. Be sure to include your name, the title of the report, and the date the report is due. You may also add the teacher's name and the class title.
If you have an assigned style for the report, follow that style as you format the title page. If the assignment allows it, you may want to use a larger font size for the title to emphasize it. You may also add a graphical border around the title page.
Adding a list of illustrations to a report
If you plan to include graphics, pictures, charts, diagrams, and other illustrations in your report, include a list of illustrations. The list will automatically include the caption text from each figure and the page number where the figure appears.
Adding a works cited page to a report
List all the sources you used in your report. Follow the formatting style closely to properly list each source. Sources are usually listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name and are formatted as paragraphs with hanging indents.
Adding an endnotes page to a report
The endnotes page is the last page of your report. Endnotes automatically generate here as you create them. If you are using a particular formatting style, follow its examples closely as you format the endnotes.
Adding extra elements to a report
Using quotes, examples, data, and illustrations can make your report more interesting and informative; however, they can also make your report overly complicated. A good rule to follow is to use these elements only when they add to the readability and comprehension of the report.
A block quote is a direct quotation from a specific source and is longer than three typed lines. Block quotes are single-spaced and indented on both margins.
Use data charts instead of words to show numerical and statistical information and trends. Be sure to explain the chart, especially when you draw conclusions from it.
Tables can help you organize information in an efficient, easy-to-read way.
Use graphics files to show places, processes, and things. If you have a list of illustrations, create captions for each image to immediately update the list.
Writing the body of a report
The body contains the text of your report and is where you type in your ideas, descriptions, and conclusions. If you did not include a title page, be sure to add your name, the professor's or teacher's name, the date, the title of the report, and the class name and number on the first page of the report in accordance with the formatting style the assignment requires.
As you write the paper, be sure to properly cite every direct quote or paraphrase it in an endnote, footnote, or parenthetical reference. Check the assignment for the type of reference you should be using.
Finishing a report
Be sure to save your report often.
Once you have finished writing the report, check it carefully for spelling, formatting, and other errors. Go over your works cited page, and check both the list and the style of citation you used. Print out a draft copy to give to someone for editing and comments.
If you have to fill a certain number of pages, you can stretch or shrink your document to fit the requirements. Do not use Make It Fit if more than half a page is over or under the limit.
Writing a book report
In a book report, you describe a book you have read. Assume that the reader of your report has not read the book. Briefly explain the plot, characters, settings, conflicts, and anything else relevant to the story. In some book reports, you may analyze the plot, characters, or writing techniques, and you may also give an overall opinion or a recommendation of the book.
Once you have read the book, write an outline for the report. Be sure to include the title of the book, the author's name, and any other relevant information. Review the assignment sheet for the report to make sure you include all the elements the assignment requires. Write the outline, making sure that the ideas flow in a logical order from introduction to description to conclusion.
After you have finished the outline, you are ready to write the report. If your are writing your book report for a school assignment, read the assignment to find out the requirements. Some teachers require title pages; others do not. Remember to include all the necessary information: your name, the date, the title of the book, and the author's name. You may also include the teacher's name and the class number.
A book report consists of the following parts:
Title page-Adding a nicely formatted title page makes your report look more organized. Be sure to include your name, the title of the report, the title of the book, the author's name, and the date the report is due. You may also add the teacher's name and the class title. If the assignment allows it, you may want to use a larger font size for the title to emphasize it. You may also add a graphical border around the title page.
Body-The body contains the text of your report and is where you type your ideas, descriptions, and conclusions. If you did not include a title page, be sure to add your name, the teacher's name, the date, the title of the report, and the author and title of the book on which you are reporting.
As you type, you may have to quote a long passage from the book. Any quotes over three lines long must be single-spaced and indented on both margins. This type of quote is called a "block quote."
Works cited-If you used other sources in addition to the book you read, list them here in alphabetical order by author. Check with the teacher to find out what format you should use for your citations here and in the text of the report.
Be sure to format your book report according to the directions given in the assignment. Usually, reports are double-spaced with one-inch margins. If you have numbered pages, either leave the page number off the first page or print the page number at the bottom.
Be sure to save your report often.
Once you have finished writing the report, check it carefully for spelling, formatting, and other errors. Print out a draft copy to give to someone for editing and comments.
If you have to fill a certain number of pages, you can stretch or shrink your document to fit the requirements. Do not use Make It Fit if more than half a page is over or under the limit.
To write a book report
Follow these basic stages to write your book report:
Read the book-This stage may seem obvious, but many people attempt to circumvent this requirement by using published summaries, plot descriptions from friends, or movie versions of the book. As you read, take note of the various plot points, characters, settings, conflicts, and other elements of the book. This will not only help you when you write your report, but it may make the book more enjoyable to you as well.
Write the outline-Once you have read the book, write an outline for the report. Be sure to include the title of the book, the author's name, and any other relevant information. Review the assignment sheet for the report to make sure you include all the elements the assignment requires. Make sure that the ideas in your outlie flow in a logical order from introduction to description to conclusion.
Write your first draft-Once you have an outline, begin writing your first draft. Do not concentrate on phrasing or perfect prose in the first draft; the important thing is to get your ideas on paper. You can always revise later. As you write, you may have to reorganize your report or include further information in various areas. Be sure to give concrete facts, examples, and quotes from the book to support each point you make. Be sure to correctly cite any quotes or paraphrased ideas from your book as you go along. If time permits, don't read the first draft for a while after you have written it. Time away from the draft gives you a chance to see problems you may have missed when you were writing it.
Revise the draft-This is the last stage and is a very important one. Read the draft carefully, paying close attention to style, grammar, and mechanics such as punctuation and subject-verb agreement. Now is the time to change your hastily written draft into a final draft. Even at this stage, you should not hesitate to reorganize your report or add or remove information. It is also very helpful to have someone else read your report to look for mistakes and to give you feedback. Check all your citations carefully to make sure you have all the necessary information and that your quotes or paraphrases are accurate. Finally, print a preliminary copy of your final draft to check formatting, margins, page numbering, and other visual elements. When you are satisfied with the final version, print the final copy.
Formatting a book report
Be sure to format your book report according to the directions in the assignment. Usually, reports are double-spaced with one-inch margins. If you have numbered pages, either leave the page number off the first page or print the page number at the bottom.
Selecting items to include in a book report
Some teachers require title pages; others do not. Read the assignment to find out what the requirements are for your report.
Remember to include all the necessary information, such as your name, the date, the title of the book, and the author's name. You may also include the teacher's name and the class number.
Adding a title page to a book report
Adding a nicely formatted title page makes your report look more organized. Be sure to include your name, the title of the report, the title of the book, the author's name, and the date the report is due. You may also add the teacher's name and the class title.
If the assignment allows it, you may want to use a larger font size for the title to emphasize it. You may also add a graphical border around the title page.
Outlining a book report
Once you have read the book, write an outline for the report. Be sure to include the title of the book, the author's name, and any other relevant information. Review the assignment sheet for the report to make sure you include all the elements the assignment requires. Make sure that the ideas in your outline flow in a logical order from introduction to description to conclusion.
Adding works cited to a book report
If you used other sources in addition to the book you read, list them here in alphabetical order by author. Check with the teacher to find out what format you should use for your citations, both here and in the text of the report.
Writing the body of a book report
The body contains the text of your report and is where you type your ideas, descriptions, and conclusions. If you did not include a title page, be sure to add your name, the teacher's name, the date, the title of the report, and the author and title of the book on which you are reporting.
As you type, you may have to quote a long passage from the book. Any quotes over three lines long must be single-spaced and indented on both margins. This type of quote is called a "block quote."
Finishing a book report
Be sure to save your report often.
Once you have finished writing the report, check it carefully for spelling, formatting, and other errors. Print out a draft copy to give to someone for editing and comments.
If you have to fill a certain number of pages, you can stretch or shrink your document to fit the requirements. Do not use Make It Fit if more than half a page is over or under the limit.
Writing a term paper
In a term paper, you write about a specific topic that you have researched, explain the information you have found, come to conclusions, and make recommendations based on that information. Even though you do cite the research and opinions of others, the purpose of a term paper is to analyze the information and express your own opinions on the subject.
Be sure to save your term paper often.
Once you have finished writing the term paper, check it carefully for spelling, formatting, and other errors. Go over your works cited page and check both the list and style of citation you used. Print out a draft copy to give to someone for editing and comments.
If you have to fill a certain number of pages, you can stretch or shrink your term paper to fit the requirements. Do not use Make It Fit if more than half a page is over or under the limit.
Outlining a term paper
After you have completed your research, you are ready to write the outline of the paper. Before you begin, write a strong thesis statement. Every paragraph, example, and fact in your term paper should help support and explain the thesis statement. As you create your outline, refer to the thesis statement to help you organize the outline and decide what to include or omit. The outline should: begin with the thesis statement; present any necessary background information; explain the controversy or question your paper addresses; support your opinion by citing specific information from your research; address any conflicting points of view or possible objections; give your conclusions; and restate your opinions (with your primary reasons for those opinions) and your thesis statement in the conclusion of your paper.
A term paper consists of the following parts:
Title page-Adding a nicely formatted title page makes your term paper look more organized. Be sure to include your name, the title of your term paper, and the date the term paper is due. You may also add the professor's or teacher's name and the class title. For an extra professional touch, add a blank sheet of paper between the title page and the first page.
When you have an assigned style for the term paper, follow that style as you format the title page. If the assignment allows it, you may want to use a larger font size for the title to emphasize it. You may also add a graphical border around the title page.
Table of contents-If you are writing a long term paper, include a table of contents page so that your readers can quickly find the information for which they are looking. If you are using a specified format for the term paper, follow that format to create your table of contents. Mark each main heading to include it in the table of contents. You must mark entries for the table of contents before you generate it.
Abstract-In some cases, you have to provide an abstract for your term paper. An abstract is a paragraph that briefly summarizes the content of your paper. Give the thesis statement and main points. Abstracts should give the reader a good idea of what your paper covers, but you should not go into detail. If the style you are using permits it, you can add a graphical border around the abstract.
List of illustrations-If you plan to include graphics, pictures, charts, diagrams, and other illustrations in your term paper, include a list of illustrations. The list will automatically include the caption text from each figure and the page number where the figure appears.
Body-The body contains the text of your term paper and is where you type your ideas, supporting facts, conclusions, and opinions. If you did not include a title page, be sure to add your name, the professor's or teacher's name, the date, the title of the term paper, and the class name and number on the first page in accordance with the formatting style the assignment requires.
As you write the paper, be sure to properly cite every direct quote or paraphrase it in an endnote, footnote, or parenthetical reference. Check the assignment to see which type of reference you should be using.
Endnotes-The endnotes page is the last page of your term paper. Endnotes automatically generate here as you create them. If you are using a particular formatting style, follow its examples closely as you format your endnotes.
Works cited page-List all the sources you used in your term paper. Follow the formatting style closely to properly list each source. Sources are usually listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name and are formatted as paragraphs with hanging indents.
Illustrations, quotes, and charts-Using quotes, examples, data, and illustrations can make your term paper more interesting and informative; however, they can also make your paper overly complicated. A good rule to follow is to use these elements only when they add to the readability and comprehension of the term paper.
A block quote is a direct quotation from a specific source and is longer than three typed lines. Block quotes are single-spaced and indented on both margins.
Use data charts instead of words to show numerical and statistical information and trends. Be sure to explain the chart, especially when you draw conclusions from it.
Tables can help you organize information in an efficient, easy-to-read way.
Use graphics files to show places, processes, and things. If you have a list of illustrations, create captions for each image to immediately update the list.
Choosing a topic for a term paper
Choose a topic in an area that interests you-Do enough preliminary research to find out if enough information is available to help you write a paper about that topic and to narrow or widen your topic as needed. Your preliminary reading should also give you a good idea of the major questions and problems associated with the topic. Review the preliminary information you have gathered and write a basic thesis statement. A thesis statement is a sentence that tells the reader what you are going to say or prove in your paper. This is your opinion on the topic you have selected. Remember that this is just a preliminary opinion; you may change your thesis statement after you have done more research.
Research the topic-Use a wide variety of sources that apply to the topic. It is usually better to use periodicals, journals, and other more recent works when you are researching an academic subject. Using the general encyclopedia article will not give you enough information, and an entire book on the subject may give you too much. Bibliographies in the articles you find can lead you to other good sources as well. Begin your research early to give yourself enough time to complete a thorough search.
Take notes on the sources you find-Take notes either by hand-writing quotes and paraphrases or by copying the source and cutting out blocks of text from the copies. Note cards are usually best to use so that you can quickly and easily rearrange your quotes to organize your paper. Be sure to include the source and page number of the article or book on each card, so that you can cite it properly later. You may want to create a source list with full bibliographic information so that you can use a short identification (for example, a number, the author's name, or a brief title) on the cards.
Organize your notes-After you have read and analyzed two or three good sources on your topic, organize your notes into a basic subject-oriented outline. Then, as you continue your research, you can fit the new information into the outline to help keep your notes (and your research) organized and under your control.
Write the outline-After you have completed your research, you are ready to write the outline. Before you begin, write a final thesis statement. Every paragraph, example, and fact in your term paper should help to support and explain the thesis statement. As you create your outline, refer to the thesis statement to help you organize the outline and decide what to include or omit. The outline should: begin with the thesis statement; present any necessary background information; explain the topic your paper describes; explain the topic by citing specific information from your research; address any conflicting points of view among the authorities you consulted; give your conclusions, and restate your opinions (with your primary reasons for those opinions) and your thesis statement in the conclusion of the paper.
Write your first draft-Once you have an outline, reorganize your note cards in the same order as your outline, and begin writing your first draft. Do not concentrate on phrasing or perfect prose in the first draft; the important thing is to get your ideas on paper. You can always revise later. As you write, you may have to reorganize your paper or include further information in various areas. Be sure that your research supports your thesis statement, and that you give concrete facts, examples, and illustrations to support each point you make. Be sure to correctly and thoroughly cite any quotes or paraphrased ideas from your sources as you go along. If time permits, don't read the first draft for a while after you have written it. Time away from the draft gives you a chance to see problems you may have missed when you were writing it.
Revise the draft-This is the last and very important stage. Read the draft carefully, paying close attention to style, grammar, and mechanics such as punctuation and subject-verb agreement. Now is the time to change your draft into a final paper. Even at this stage, you should reorganize your paper or add and remove information. It is also very helpful to have someone else read your paper to look for mistakes and to give you feedback. Check all your citations carefully to make sure you have all the necessary information and that your quotes or paraphrases are accurate. Finally, print a preliminary copy of your final draft to check formatting, margins, page numbering, and other visual elements. When you are satisfied with the final version, print the final copy.
Formatting a term paper
Be sure to format your term paper according to the directions in the assignment. Usually, term papers are double-spaced with one-inch margins. You may also have to follow a specific standard in formatting your term paper, such as APA, MLA, or Turabian style.
If you have numbered pages, either leave the page number off the first page or print the page number at the bottom. Some formats (for example, MLA) also require your last name before the page number.
Selecting items to include in a term paper
Some formatting standards require title pages (for example, APA and Turabian), while others do not (for example, MLA). Read the assignment to find out what the requirements are for your term paper. Whether or not you use a title page, remember to include all the necessary information, such as your name, the date, and the title of the term paper. You may also include the professor's or teacher's name and the class name and number.
If you are writing a long term paper, include a table of contents so that your readers can quickly find information. If you are including a large number of pictures, charts, and graphics in your term paper, a list of illustrations also helps readers find what they are looking for.
A term paper uses footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical references as citations, but never a mixture of them. Check the assignment to see what style of references you should use in the term paper. If you are using endnotes, be sure to include an endnotes page.
Adding a table of contents to a term paper
If you are writing a long term paper, include a table of contents so that your readers can quickly find information. If you are using a specified format for the term paper, follow that format to create your table of contents.
Mark each main heading to include it in the table of contents. You must mark entries for the table of contents before you can generate it.
Adding a title page to a term paper
Adding a nicely formatted title page makes your term paper look more organized. Be sure to include your name, the title of the term paper, and the date it is due. You may also add the teacher's name and the class title. For an extra professional touch, add a blank sheet of paper between the title page and the first page of the term paper.
When you have an assigned style for the term paper, follow that style as you format the title page. If the assignment allows it, you may want to use a larger font size for the title to emphasize it. You may also add a graphical border around the title page.
Adding a list of illustrations to a term paper
If you plan to include graphics, pictures, charts, diagrams, and other illustrations in your term paper, include a list of illustrations. The list will automatically include the caption text from each figure and the page number where the figure appears.
Adding a works cited page to a term paper
List all the sources you used in your term paper. Follow the formatting style closely to properly list each source. Sources are usually listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name and are formatted as paragraphs with hanging indents.
Adding an endnotes page to a term paper
The endnotes page is the last page of your term paper. Endnotes are automatically generated as you create them. If you are using a particular formatting style, follow its examples closely as you format your endnotes.
Adding extra elements to a term paper
Using quotes, examples, data, and illustrations can make your term paper more interesting and informative; however, they can also make your paper overly complicated. A good rule to follow is to use these elements only when they add to the readability and comprehension of the term paper.
A block quote is a direct quotation from a specific source and is longer than three typed lines. Block quotes are single-spaced and indented on both margins.
Use data charts instead of words to show numerical and statistical information and trends. Be sure to explain the chart, especially when you draw conclusions from it.
Tables can help you organize information in an efficient, easy-to-read way.
Use graphics files to show places, processes, and things. If you have a list of illustrations, create captions for each image to immediately update the list.
Adding an abstract to a term paper
In some cases, you will have to provide an abstract for your term paper. An abstract is a paragraph that briefly summarizes the content of your paper. Give the thesis statement and main points. Abstracts should give the reader a good idea of what your paper covers, but you should not go into detail.
If the style you are using permits it, you can also add a graphical border around the abstract.
Writing the body of a term paper
The body contains the text of your term paper and is where you type your ideas, supporting facts, opinions, and conclusions. If you did not include a title page, be sure to add your name, the professor's or teacher's name, the date, the title of the term paper, and the class name and number on the first page in accordance with the formatting style the assignment requires.
As you write the paper, be sure to properly cite every direct quote or paraphrase it in an endnote, footnote, or parenthetical reference. Check the assignment to see which type of reference you should be using.
Finishing a term paper
Be sure to save your term paper often.
Once you have finished writing the term paper, check it carefully for spelling, formatting, and other errors. Go over your works cited page, and check both the list and style of citation you used. Print out a draft copy to give to someone for editing and comments.
If you have to fill a certain number of pages, you can stretch or shrink your term paper to fit the requirements. Do not use Make It Fit if more than half a page is over or under the limit.
Writing a speech
To write a speech, you must first determine the topic and the goal of your speech, analyze your audience, and research your topic.
Determining the topic
To help determine the speech topic, you should analyze the audience and determine your goal in giving a speech.
Analyzing an audience
To determine the topic you must analyze the audience. Are they your peers? Are they friendly, critical, or knowledgeable on the subject? What are their demographics (for example, age, occupation, and gender)? Are you the only speaker, the first or last speaker, or part of a panel? How long should the speech be? Is there a question and answer session after? Are you speaking right after lunch? Finally, you should prepare a small paragraph about yourself and give it to the person who will introduce you.
Determining your type of speech
There are different kinds of speeches: entertaining, informative, and persuasive. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, pick the appropriate type of speech.
Researching your topic
You will be more confident if you know the subject matter, especially if you are strongly interested in it. Use a lot of personal references. Based on your audience analysis, can you use popular media? What things does the audience have in common with you or each other that you could use? What topics might offend the audience? Go to the library, interview subject-matter experts, and look for interesting facts and statistics. Good research increases your credibility.
Writing your speech
A speech should tell a story; therefore, it should have an opening, body, and closing. The beginning should be strong and grab the audience's attention. Tell a good joke or story if you are good at telling jokes or stories. The opening should flow smoothly into the body. The opening could state the problem, and the body can present the solutions. The closing should summarize the main points.
Making speaker notes
A speech is always more effective if it is memorized but doesn't sound like it is memorized. Read the speech over and over and think of key phrases and words that trigger your memory. Use the phrases and words to create an outline.
Creating visual aids
One way to keep the audience interested is to have visual aids and handouts. The best way to keep the audience interested is with a well-rehearsed, dynamic speech. Visual aids can range from a drawing on a chalkboard to a slide show. Whatever you use, keep it simple and make sure you have the necessary equipment for a slide show or overhead transparencies.
Giving a Speech
To give a good speech, you must practice it, familiarize yourself with the location you are giving your speech, act naturally, keep eye contact with your audience, and remind yourself of the things they won't see.
Practicing a speech
Read your speech in front of a mirror over and over. Record your speech and make sure you are using a variety of intonations. Do you sound confident? If possible, videotape yourself giving the speech. Are you relaxed? Give the speech in front of a couple of friends. Did they understand your point? Ask them to critique it.
Familiarizing yourself with the location
Arrive early at the place where you will be giving your speech. Stand at the front of the room. Visualize the audience. Make sure that the necessary equipment is available for visual aids.
Being natural
Smile, speak slowly, and use natural gestures. Do not rock back and forth. You can keep one hand on the podium, but do not use the podium as a support. If a podium is not available, keep one hand in a pocket and gesture with the other one. You want to have a conversation with the audience. Breathe through your nose to avoid getting a dry throat.
Remembering what the audience does not see
The audience cannot see your rapidly beating heart or sweaty hands.
Keeping eye contact
Maintain eye contact; even if you cannot see anyone, pretend you can. Think of the audience as a small group of friends to whom you are talking.
Overc oming writer's block
Almost every writer has experienced writer's block. Some common causes are feeling overwhelmed, feeling insecure, stress, and lack of experience with the topic.
Here are some ways to overcome writer's block:
Organize the project into small tasks.
Set reasonable goals.
Remember how successful you were with the past documents.
Get some fresh air and exercise.
Do some research.
Read samples of good writing.
Pretend you are writing to someone you admire.
Proofreading a document
As you proofread a document, pay attention to the small details. Good proofreading can make the difference between an adequate paper and an outstanding one.
Check for overall neatness, making sure the paper is legible and has no obvious errors.
Check the spelling, correcting any misspelled words or typos.
Check for proper capitalization, making sure that each sentence and proper noun begins with a capital letter.
Check for run-on sentences and sentence fragments.
Check to make sure that every sentence ends with the correct punctuation mark (for example, a period or question mark) and that you used all commas, periods, colons, semicolons and dashes correctly.
Check any apostrophes to make sure you used them correctly (for example, write "Kittens for Sale" and not "Kitten's for Sale").
Check to make sure that all your subjects and verbs agree (for example, write "he runs" and not "he run").
Check to make sure verb forms and tenses agree and that you keep the same verb tense throughout the paper (do not switch from past tense to present tense).
Check to make sure all pronouns and antecedents agree (for example, write "Sam talked to me, and he said" and not "Sam talked to me, and they said").
Check any easily confused words (for example, lie and lay, sit and set) to make sure you use the correct one.
Check any contractions to make sure you use them correctly (for example, write "it's a nice day" and not "its a nice day").
Check to make sure that each paragraph begins with an indention.
Editing a document
Editing a document sometimes requires as much effort as writing it, but a good, thorough editing job will improve your paper every time. Here are some hints on what to look for as you review your document:
Let some time elapse between writing the paper and editing it, even if it's only a few hours. This time gives your mind a chance to rest so that you are more likely to catch errors when you come back to the document.
Read your paper aloud to help you find problems in phrasing, word choice, and rhythm.
Have someone else read and review your paper. Another person will likely catch errors or omissions that you are too familiar with to see.
Check the content of your paper. Ask yourself these questions:
Is the content appropriate for both the purpose of the paper and the audience?
Have I included enough facts, examples, and data to support my points?
Do I have a strong main point, and does each sentence in the document build and support that point?
Check the organization of your paper. Ask yourself these questions:
Are the ideas presented in a logical order, with background information first and conclusions last?
Are the transitions between ideas smooth and consistent, leading the reader easily from one idea to the next without gaps or needless repetition?
Check the style of your paper. Ask yourself these questions:
Is my word choice appropriate for both the audience and the purpose of the paper?
Is my tone (for example, formal, informal, or technical) appropriate for both the audience and the purpose of the paper?
Are the sentences varied in length and complexity, or is the sentence style repetitive (for example, all long sentences or all short ones)?
Creating a card
You can create a wide variety of greeting cards for all occasions. Choose the card you like, and then personalize it with your own messages, images, and borders.
Decorating a card
If you are not using paper with preprinted borders, you can place a graphical or line border on the cover of the card. Choose from one of the borders in the gallery or use another graphics image as a border.
Use a Clipart image or another graphics file to put an illustration on the cover and inside page of your card. You can choose from one of the images in the gallery or use another image. You can also replace the image already on the card.
You can also use a watermark to put a lighter version of an image behind the text and images on your card. If you use a watermark, be sure to right-click the text and graphics boxes, click Wrap from the QuickMenu, and then click None (wrap through). This allows the watermark to show behind the other text and images.
Be careful not to overcrowd the card with too many graphical elements. Match the images to the intent and message of your card.
Adding a message to a card
Choose a design that fits the purpose of the card, and type your own title for the cover. Write your own personal message for the inside of the card. Invitations have spaces for you to fill in the date, time, and location of the event.
Each of these cards is formatted to print on an 81/2" X 11" sheet of paper folded into fourths.
Printing a card
Print the cards on high-quality paper. You may want to use a light card stock or heavy bond paper to give them a pleasant heaviness. Make sure the paper is clean and smooth. When you fold the cards, use a ruler to make sure the creases are straight and sharp.
If you use colored paper, print a test copy to make sure the graphics and text are legible and attractive.
Choosing a message for a card
Choose a message from the wide variety of preprinted phrases for the front of the card, or type your own message for the cover. Write your own message for the inside of the card. Invitations have spaces for you to fill in the date, time, and location of the event.
Each of these cards is formatted to print on an 81/2" X 11" sheet of paper folded into fourths.
Adding a border to a card
If you are not using paper with preprinted borders, you can place a graphical or line border on the cover of the card. Choose from one of the borders in the gallery or use another graphics border.
Adding decoration to a card
Use a Clipart image or another graphics file to put an illustration on the cover and inside page of your card. You can choose from one of the images in the gallery or use another image. You can also replace the image already on the card.
You can also use a watermark to put a lighter version of an image behind the text and images on your card. If you use a watermark, be sure to right-click the text and graphics boxes, click Wrap from the QuickMenu, and click None (wrap through). This allows the watermark to show behind the other text and images.
Be careful not to overcrowd the card with too many graphical elements. Match the images to the intent and message of your card.
Creating a formal card
You can create a variety of elegant, formal cards for all occasions, including birth announcements, graduation announcements, event invitations, and wedding anniversary parties by putting your own information into the predesigned templates. All the cards are formatted for printing on a standard 81/2" x 11" sheet of paper.
Choosing a formal card
You can choose the type of card you want to create. Each card comes with a preprinted message; simply fill in your own text. You can also select a blank card and include your own information.
Choosing a formal card style
Each card is formatted for an 81/2" X 11" sheet of paper. You can print one or several cards on each sheet. If you print more than one card per sheet, be sure to use a sharp paper cutter to separate the cards.
Printing a formal card
You can print cards on high-quality bond paper for the most elegant and professional appearance. Make sure the paper is clean and smooth. When you cut and fold the cards, use a ruler and sharp cutting tool to make sure the edges are straight and even.
Creating a wedding invitation
You can create elegant, personalized wedding invitations and announcements. Remember to include all the information you want to convey to your friends, family, and acquaintances.
A wedding invitation invites the recipients to attend the wedding ceremony itself, and includes information on the time and place of the ceremony.
A wedding announcement announces a marriage, giving the bride's and groom's names and the day and date of the wedding. It may also include an invitation to a reception or an open house, with information on the time and place of each event.
Choosing a wedding invitation style
Each card is formatted for an 81/2" X 11" sheet of paper. You can print one or several cards on each sheet. If you print more than one card per sheet, be sure to use a sharp paper cutter to separate the cards.
Most people choose a script or formal font for a wedding invitation or announcement. You may have to change the font size to fit your text into the allotted space.
Selecting a wedding invitation
You can select the elements you want to appear on your wedding invitation. As you select each one, placeholder text appears on the card. When you have finished selecting the basic sections of the invitation, replace the placeholder text with your own names, dates, and other information.
Adding borders to a wedding invitation
You can put a graphical border around the text of your invitation. You can choose from one of the borders in the gallery or use another graphic border. Keep the layout and content of your announcement simple and elegant. Avoid cluttering the page with too many graphics or overpowering borders.
If you are using paper with preprinted borders, you will not have to use a graphical border.
Decorating a wedding invitation
You can put a graphical decoration at the end of the text in your invitation. You can choose from one of the images in the gallery or use another image. Be careful not to overcrowd the page with too many graphical elements. Choose images compatible with the level of formality and the border you have chosen.
If you are using paper with preprinted decorations, you will not have to use a graphical decoration.
Addressing the bride's parents on a wedding invitation
You can choose the form of address you want to use for the parents of the bride, or you can enter your own information. The names of the bride's parents will appear as the hosts of the wedding. If both parents are deceased, the bride's and groom's names will appear as hosts of the wedding. You will have to modify the message text to fit the number and identity of the hosts.
Addressing the groom's parents on a wedding invitation
You can choose the form of address you want to use for the parents of the groom, and then enter your own information.
Adding text to a wedding invitation
The hosts of the wedding ceremony, reception, and open house are generally the bride's parents. If someone else is hosting the wedding, you can adjust the wording of the message to suit your arrangements.
If you are conducting a double wedding, the name of the elder sibling and the partner are traditionally listed first, and then the name of the younger sibling and the partner.
Adding information to a wedding invitation
You can include the date, time, location, and address of the wedding ceremony. The wedding information is usually included with the text of the message. It is traditional to spell out the day, date, month, year, and time of day instead of using numerals or abbreviations.
Adding reception information to a wedding invitation
The date, time, and location information on the reception is usually added in a smaller font size below the text of the message. If you are planning both a reception and an open house, you may want to put both blocks of information parallel to each other below the message.
Adding open house information to a wedding invitation
The date, time, and location information on the open house is usually added in a smaller font size below the text of the message. If you are planning both a reception and an open house, you may want to put both blocks of information parallel to each other below the message.
Printing a wedding invitation
Print your wedding invitations or announcements on high-quality, bond paper for the most elegant, professional appearance. Make sure the paper is clean and smooth. When you cut and fold the cards, use a ruler and sharp cutting tool to make sure the edges are straight and even.