Quattro Pro lets you display spreadsheet data in a wide variety of graphics formats.
In this section, you'll learn about
drawing shapes and lines
creating text box graphics
arranging graphics
managing and sharing graphics
changing the properties of a shape
working in the draw picture window
Drawing shapes and lines
Drawing shapes and lines enhances the look of a spreadsheet. You can access tools for drawing shapes and lines from a toolbar. Quattro Pro lets you draw lines and shapes in a floating graphics window or on a spreadsheet. Some of the shapes available in Quattro Pro include squares, arrows, flowchart shapes, callout shapes, and stars.
To display the Drawing tools toolbar
1 Click View Toolbars.
2 Enable the Drawing tools check box in the Toolbar list.
You can dock a floating toolbar, by dragging it to the toolbar area.
To draw a line
1 Click the spreadsheet.
2 Open the Line flyout on the Drawing tools toolbar, and click one of the following buttons:
Line-lets you draw a straight line
Freehand-lets you draw a freehand line
Arc-lets you draw an arc
Line double dot-lets you draw a line with a dot on each end
Arrow-lets you draw a straight arrow
Double arrow-lets you draw a line with an arrow on each end
Line dot arrow-lets you draw a line with a dot on one end and an arrow on the other
3 Position the pointer where you want to start the line.
4 Drag to draw the line.
You can draw lines in a floating graphics window by clicking in the center of the window.
You can also draw a line by clicking Insert Shapes, and clicking Line.
You can close an open shape created with the Freehand drawing tool by double-clicking the shape (you will see small white circles wherever the line curved when creating the shape), and dragging one of the end points to join with the other end point. The closed shape automatically has a default fill color. For information about changing the fill color of drawn objects, see "To fill a shape."
To draw a polyline or polycurve
1 Click the spreadsheet.
2 Open the Line flyout on the Drawing tools toolbar, and click one of the following buttons:
Polycurve-lets you insert a line with multiple curves
Polyline-lets you draw a line with any number of straight segments
Polyline arrow-lets you draw a polyline with an arrow on the end
Polyline double arrow-lets you draw a polyline with an arrow on each end
Polyline dot arrow-lets you draw a polyline with a dot on one end and an arrow on the other
3 Position the pointer where you want to start the line.
4 Drag the pointer to draw a segment.
5 Double-click to end the polyline or polycurve.
You can draw a polyline or polycurve in a floating graphics window by clicking in the center of the window.
To draw a shape
1 Click the spreadsheet.
2 Open one of the following flyouts on the Drawing tools toolbar:
Basic shapes
Arrow shapes
Flowchart shapes
Callout shapes
Star shapes
3 Click to choose a shape.
4 Drag the pointer to draw.
You can draw a shape in a floating chart window by clicking in the center of the window.
If you want to create a perfect square or circle, hold down Shift while dragging.
You can also draw shapes by clicking Insert Shapes, and clicking a shape.
Creating text box graphics
Quattro Pro lets you create a text box. You can link a label cell to a text box so that the text box displays the text in the cell.
You can add bullets to a text box by typing a reference code. The following shows the available bullets and the codes that create them:
Once you create a text box, you can modify its properties to achieve a variety of different effects. You can customize text box borders and box type. Quattro Pro also lets you convert regular text in 3-D text or create a text box with a transparent box border.
To create a text box
1 Click Insert Shapes Text box.
2 Drag to create the text box.
You can also create a text box by clicking the Text box button on the Drawing tools toolbar.
You can add a text box to a chart or map by clicking the center of the chart or map.
To link a label cell to a text box
1 Click a text box.
2 Type a backslash (\), a forward slash (/), the cell reference, and a closing backslash.
For example, \/A:A1\
3 Click outside the text box.
To add bullets to a text box
1 Click a text box.
2 In a text box, type a bullet code,
For example, \BLT1\ or \BLT2\.
3 Click outside the text box.
For a complete list of bullet codes, see "Creating text box graphics."
To customize a text box border or box type
1 Click a text box.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click any of the following tabs, and modify any settings:
Alignment-lets you change alignment
Text font-lets you change face, size, and appearance
Text settings-lets you change the fill style and color of the text
Box settings-lets you change the frame around the text box
Fill settings-lets you change the background of the text box
To convert text in a text box to 3-D
1 Click a text box.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Text settings tab.
4 Choose 3-D from the Fill style list box.
5 Click a 3-D style from the 3-D style palette.
6 Open the Color palette, and click a color.
7 Open the Background color palette, and click a background color.
8 Move the Perspective slider.
If you want to shade the text, enable the Shaded check box.
To create a text box with a transparent box border
1 Click a text box.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Box settings tab.
4 Open the Fill color palette, and click No color.
5 Click No frame on the palette.
Arranging graphics
Quattro Pro lets you select multiple graphics. Once you have selected a graphic, you can move it. You can also move or size a text box.
You can group two or more graphics in a floating graphics window to manipulate them as a single graphic in subsequent operations. Once you group graphics, you can move and resize them as a single object.
Multiple selected graphics can be aligned within the floating graphics window. You can also position and space graphics with the window.
A layer is one of a series of transparent planes on which you can place objects in a drawing. You can control how objects overlay each other by moving the layer and the objects they contain. Use layers to organize different components of complex drawings.
To select multiple graphics
1 Click the Select objects button on the Drawing tools toolbar.
2 Marquee select the graphics.
You can also
Select a graphic Click the graphic.
Select a group of graphics Click a graphic in a group.
Select multiple graphics individually Click a graphic. Hold down Shift and click additional graphics.
Deselect a graphic Hold down Shift, and click a graphic.
To move a graphic
1 Select a graphic.
2 Drag the graphic to a new location.
You can also
Change the height or width of a graphic Select a graphic, and drag a top, bottom, or side selection handle
Change the height or width of a graphic proportionally Select a graphic, and drag a corner selection handle diagonally.
To move or size a text box
1 Select the text box border.
2 Drag one of the following:
the border-lets you move the text box to a new location
a sizing handle-lets you size the text box
a corner selection handle-lets you size the text box proportionately
To group graphics
1 Click in the floating graphics window.
2 Hold down Shift, and click the graphics.
3 Click Format Group.
You can also
Group a graphic using a toolbar button Click the Group button on the property bar.
Ungroup a graphic using a toolbar button Click the Ungroup button on the property bar.
Nest groups within groups Select groups and individual graphics. Click Format Group.
You can also group graphics in the draw picture window by clicking in the window.
To align multiple graphics
1 Click in the floating graphics window.
2 Hold down Shift, and click the graphics.
3 Click Format Align.
4 Click one of the following alignment options:
Align left
Align right
Align top
Align bottom
To position multiple graphics
1 Click in the floating graphics window.
2 Hold down Shift, and click the graphics.
3 Click Format Position.
4 Click one of the following alignment options:
Center horizontally
Center vertically
To adjust spacing between multiple graphics
1 Click in the floating graphics window.
2 Hold down Shift, and click the graphics.
3 Click Format Space.
4 Click one of the following alignment options:
Horizontal space
Vertical space
5 In the Distance dialog box, type a value in the Space between objects box.
To arrange graphic layers
1 Select a graphic.
2 Click Format Object order.
3 Click of the following options:
Bring forward-moves the graphic one layer closer to the top
Send backward-moves the graphic one layer closer to the bottom
Bring to front-brings the graphic to the front of the layers
Send to back-sends the graphic to the bottom layer
You can also arrange graphic layers by clicking the Object layer button on the Drawing tools toolbar.
Viewing graphics
Quattro Pro lets you change the aspect ratio of a graphic in a floating graphics window.
You can enlarged a floating graphics window to increase your view of a graphics. You can continue to edit a graphic that is in this view.
You can also display a full-screen view of a graphic in a floating graphics window.
To change the aspect ratio of a graphic in a floating graphics window
1 Click the floating graphics window.
2 Click View.
3 Click any of the following view options:
Floating chart- retains the proportions of the floating graphic, even when you print the graphic or display it on its own page
Screen slide-displays the correct proportions for graphics that you plan to use in an onscreen slide show
35mm slide-displays the correct proportions for a graphic that you plan to send to a slide service for processing into 35 mm slides
Printer preview-displays how the graphic looks when printed with the current page setup
To view a graphic in an enlarged floating graphics window
Right-click the floating graphics window, and click Open.
To display a full-screen view of a floating graphics window
1 Click the floating graphics window.
2 Click Graphics View.
Managing and sharing graphics
Quattro Pro lets you delete a shape or line on a spreadsheet. You can also delete a graphic in a floating graphics window or delete the whole floating graphics window.
Quattro Pro lets you export a floating graphics window to file. You can import a copy of a graphic created in other applications into a spreadsheet or a floating graphics window. You can also add an Internet graphic to a spreadsheet.
You can paste an image into Microsoft Paint to save it as a separate object. Any annotations added to a chart or map remain with the chart or map when exported.
Before you can import or export a graphic, check to see whether the graphic format is one of the types compatible with this version of Quattro Pro. For more information about compatible graphic formats, see "Graphic formats for importing" and "Graphic formats for exporting."
To delete a shape or line on a spreadsheet
1 Click a shape or line.
2 Click Edit Clear Cells.
You can also press Delete to remove a selected shape or line.
To delete a floating graphic window
1 Select the graphic.
2 Click Graphics Delete chart.
To export a floating graphics window to file.
1 Click the in floating graphics window.
2 Click Chart Export to file.
3 Click the browse button next to the Filename box.
4 Choose a file format from the File type list box.
5 Choose the drive where you want to save the file from the Save In list box.
6 Double-click the folder in which you want to save the file.
7 Type a filename in the Filename list box, then click Save.
If you want to save the floating graphics window without colors enable the Bitmap Gray Scale check box.
The Bitmap Gray Scale option is not available for .EPS files.
.GIF files must be exported when you are in 256-color (or less) mode.
.JPG files can only be exported in true color mode.
To import graphics in other formats
1 Click a spreadsheet.
2 Click Insert Graphics From file.
3 Choose the drive and folder where you want the graphic stored.
4 Double-click a file.
You can also import graphics in other formats by clicking in a floating graphics window.
To add an Internet graphic to a spreadsheet
1 Start Netscape Navigator
2 Open the notebook in which to put the graphic.
3 Locate the graphic on the Internet.
4 Drag the graphic to your spreadsheet.
You must have Microsoft Internet Explorer installed to use the drag and drop feature in Netscape Navigator. For more information about working with Internet graphics, see "Linking to Web graphics."
You can also add an Internet graphic to a spreadsheet by clicking Insert File, and specifying the name of a graphic file.
To paste a Quattro Pro image into Microsoft Paint
1 Select the area you want to include in the image.
The area must be contiguous.
2 Click Edit Copy.
3 Click Start Programs Accessories Microsoft Paint.
4 Click Edit Paste.
Changing the properties of a shape
Quattro Pro lets you modify any shape you create or insert. You can change the border style of a shape and add a shadow to the border.
Quattro Pro lets you fill a shape with a pattern, gradient, texture or picture. Once you fill a shape with a picture, or texture, you can modify the fill settings.
You can make shapes in a spreadsheet transparent. One way to use a transparent shape is for creating a watermark on a spreadsheet. If you mark the shape as transparent, the background color won't display.
To change the border style of a shape
1 Select a shape.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Line tab.
4 Open the Style picker, and click a border style.
You can also
Change the border color Open the Color picker, and click a color.
Change the border width Open the Width picker, and click a width.
Change the corner style Open the Joints picker, and click a corner style.
Change the starting cap style of a line Open the Starting cap picker, and click a starting cap.
Change the ending cap style of a line Open the Ending cap picker, and click an ending cap.
To add a shadow to the border of a shape
1 Select a shape.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Shadow tab.
4 Click a direction on the Direction of shadow palette.
5 Open the Shadow color picker, and click a color.
If you want a transparent shadow, enable the Use a transparent shadow check box.
You can change the width of the shadow offset by typing a value in the Side-to-side offset box or the Up-and-down offset box.
To fill a shape
1 Select a graphic.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Pattern in the Fill styles area.
5 Click a pattern on the palette.
6 Open the Fill color picker, and click a color.
7 Open the Pattern color picker, and click a color.
If you want to reverse the colors of the pattern, click Reverse colors.
You can also
Display no background Click No fill in the Fill styles area.
Display a gradient background Click Gradient in the Fill styles area.
Display a textured background Click Texture in the Fill styles area. Choose a category from the Category list box. Click a texture on the palette.
Display a picture background Click Picture in the Fill styles area. Choose a category from the Category list box. Click a picture on the palette.
To modify texture settings of a texture-filled shape
1 Select a shape.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Texture in the Fill styles area.
5 Click Texture settings.
6 In the Texture settings dialog box, enable one of the following options:
Anchor the texture to the page-repeats the texture in relation to the entire page so that as you move or size the object, it shows a different part of the texture
Anchor the texture to the object-repeats the texture in the object so that the texture remains with the object as you size or move it
7 In the Fill method area, click one of the following buttons:
Alternating-fills every other enclosed area
Winding-fills the enclosed areas, including overlapping areas
To modify the picture settings of a bitmap image in a shape
1 Click a shape.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Picture in the Fill styles area.
5 Click Picture settings.
6 In the Picture settings dialog box, enable one of the following options in the Layout area:
Tile-displays the bitmap image in a tiled pattern
Brick horizontal-displays the bitmap image in a horizontally offset brick pattern
Brick vertical-displays the bitmap image in a vertically offset brick pattern
Stretch/shrink to fit area-enlarges or reduces the bitmap image to fill the shape
Scale to fit area-adjusts the bitmap image proportionally to fit the shape
Stack-stacks the bitmap image on top of itself
7 In the Fill method area, click one of the following buttons:
Alternating-fills every other enclosed area
Winding-fills the enclosed areas, including overlapping areas
To make a shape transparent
1 Click a shape.
2 Click Format Selection properties.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 Click Pattern.
5 Click Pattern settings.
6 In the Pattern settings dialog box, enable one of the following options in the Transparent color area:
Fill color-makes the fill color transparent
Pattern color-makes the pattern color transparent
7 In the Fill method area, click one of the following buttons:
Alternating-fills every other enclosed area
Winding-fills the enclosed areas, including overlapping area
You can make only one color in a pattern transparent.
Working in the draw picture window
Opening the draw picture window gives you access to the Corel Presentations drawing tools. For instance, some of these tools include special drawing toolbars that let you click buttons to select drawing tools, line widths, color selections, and special effects.
You can also align or center drawn graphics in the draw picture window and adjust the amount of space between graphics. You can align
single objects-align with respect to the draw window margins
multiple objects-align all objects within the selection area
To open the draw picture window
Click Insert Graphics Draw picture.
For more information on the draw picture window, consult the Corel Presentations Help.
To align or center graphics in the draw picture window
1 Select a graphic.
2 Click Edit Arrange Align objects.
3 Click one of the following alignment types:
Left-aligns the left sides of the selected graphic with the left margin of the draw window
Right-aligns the right sides of the selected graphic with the right margin of the draw window
Top-aligns the top edges of the selected graphic with the top margin of the draw window
Bottom-aligns the bottom edges of the selected graphic with the bottom margin of the draw window
Center left/right-aligns the graphic vertically in the center of the draw window
Center top/bottom-aligns the graphic horizontally in the center of the draw window
Center both-moves multiple selected graphics to the center of the draw window
To space graphics in the draw picture window
1 Select the graphics.
2 Click Edit Arrange Space evenly.
3 Click one of the following spacing types:
Left/right-spaces the graphics horizontally
Top/bottom-spaces the graphics vertically
You can also align chart and dialog box graphics by right-clicking the chart or the dialog box title bar and clicking Grid Snap to grid.