StartDate Number representing the start date. See "Using dates and times in Quattro Pro."
EndDate Number representing the end date.
Holidays Cells containing dates that are holidays or the date of a single holiday or 0 to indicate no holidays (the default is 0).
Saturday 0 to specify that Saturday is not a business day; 1 to specify that Saturday is a business day (the default is 0).
Sunday 0 to specify that Sunday is not a business day; 1 to specify that Sunday is a business day (the default is 0).
@BDAYS returns the number of business days between StartDate and EndDate, including EndDate in the total. If EndDate is less than StartDate, the result is negative.
If neither StartDate nor EndDate falls on a weekend or holiday, @BDAYS returns the number of business days from StartDate to EndDate, including EndDate.
If StartDate and EndDate are two consecutive business days, the result is 1. If StartDate and EndDate both fall on weekends or holidays, @BDAYS returns the number of business days between the two dates, excluding EndDate.
If StartDate or EndDate (but not both) falls on a weekend or holiday, the result depends on which date falls on a business day. If StartDate falls on the weekend, the result includes EndDate. For example, if StartDate is a Saturday and EndDate is the following Thursday, the result includes the Thursday and is 4. If EndDate falls on the weekend, the result does not include EndDate. For example, if StartDate is a Thursday and EndDate is the following Saturday, the result is 1.
This formula calculates how many business days pass from November 30, 1993 to November 14, 1993, assuming that the dates in the cells A7..C9 are holidays:
This formula calculates how many business days pass from June 2, 1993 to June 10, 1993, assuming no holidays other than weekends:
@BDAYS(@DATE(93,6,2),@DATE(93,6,10)) = 6
@BESSELI - Modified Bessel In(x)
@BESSELI(x, n)
x Numeric value at which to evaluate the function.
n Number │ 0 representing the order of the Bessel function; if n is not an integer, it is truncated to an integer.
@BESSELI calculates the nth order modified Bessel function of the variable x. It uses this formula:
@BESSELI is equivalent to the Bessel function , but is evaluated for purely imaginary arguments.
@BESSELI(1.5,0) = 1.646723
@BESSELJ - Bessel Jn(x)
@BESSELJ(x, n)
x Numeric value at which to evaluate the function.
n Number │ 0 representing the order of the Bessel function; if n is not an integer, it is truncated to an integer.
@BESSELJ calculates the Bessel function Jn(x). It uses this formula:
, where is the gamma function.
@BESSELJ(1.5,0) = 0.511828
@BESSELK - Modified Bessel Kn(x)
@BESSELK(x, n)
x Numeric value at which to evaluate the function; must be > 0.
n Integer │ 0 representing the order of the Bessel function; if n is not an integer, it is truncated to an integer.
@BESSELK calculates the nth order modified Bessel function of the variable x. It uses this formula:
where Jn and Yn are @BESSELJ and @BESSELY, respectively.
@BESSELK(1.5,0) = 0.213806
@BESSELY - Bessel Yn(x)
@BESSELY(x, n)
x Non-negative numeric value at which to evaluate the function.
n Integer │ 0 representing the order of the Bessel function; if n is not an integer, it is truncated to an integer.
@BESSELY calculates the Bessel function Yn(x) (also called the Neumann or Weber function). It uses this formula:
@BESSELY(1.5,0) = 0.382449
@BETA - Beta Function
Z a parameter to the function; must be > 0.
W b parameter to the function; must be > 0.
@BETA returns the value of the beta function, which is widely used in mathematics and statistics. @BETA uses this formula:
@BETA(4,3) = 0.016667
@BETA(2,3) = 0.083333
@BETA(9,0.4) = 0.93348
@BETA(12,0.3) = 1.432072
@BETADIST - Beta Distribution
@BETADIST(X, Z, W, <A>, <B>)
X Value at which to evaluate the function over the interval A ú X ú B.
Z a distribution parameter; Z > 0.
W b distribution parameter; W > 0.
A Optional lower bound to the interval of X (the default is 0); A cannot equal B and must be ú X.
B Optional upper bound to the interval of X (the default is 1); B cannot equal A and must be │ X.
@BETADIST returns the cumulative beta probability density function. The cumulative beta probability density function is a bounded distribution that is useful for studying variables such as percentages that may only take on values within a restricted range. The optional arguments A and B set those bounds.
@BETADIST(0.5,3,4,0,1) = 0.65625
@BETADIST(0.4,3,4,0,1) = 0.45568
@BETAI - Incomplete Beta Function
Z a parameter to the function; if W = 0, Z > 0.
W b parameter to the function; if Z = 0, W > 0.
X Value at which to evaluate the function; cannot exceed 1.
@BETAI computes the incomplete beta function, that is, the probability that a standard beta-distributed variable will be less than X. @BETAI uses this formula:
@BETAI(3,4,0.5) = 0.65625
@BETAI(3,4,0.1) = 0.01585
@BETAI(3,4,0.98) = 0.999998
@BETAI(7,8,0.7) = 0.968531
@BETAINV - Inverse of Beta Distribution
@BETAINV(Prob, Z, W, <A>, <B>)
Prob Cumulative probability value; 0 ú Prob ú 1.
Z a parameter to the Beta distribution; must be > 0.
W b parameter to the Beta distribution; must be > 0.
A Optional lower bound to the interval of X (the default is 0); A cannot equal B and must be ú X.
B Optional upper bound to the interval of X (the default is 1); B cannot equal A and must be │ X.
@BETAINV computes the inverse of the cumulative beta distribution function. If Prob = @BETADIST(X...), then @BETAINV(Prob...) = X.
@BETAINV(0.65625,3,4,0,1) = 0.5
@BETAINV(0.45568,3,4,0,1) = 0.4
@BINOMDIST - Binomial Distribution
@BINOMDIST(Successes, Trials, Prob, Cumulative)
Successes Number of successes in number of trial runs; must be │ 0.
Trials Number of independent trial runs in sample; must be > Successes.
Prob Probability of a success on each trial run; must be │ 0 and ú 1.
Cumulative 1 to return the cumulative distribution function; 0 to return the probability that there are exactly Successes successes.
@BINOMDIST returns the binomial probability mass function, which is the probability that the number of successes in the independent trials equals Successes. Use @BINOMDIST when the outcome of experiments is success or failure, when the experiments are independent of one another, and when the probability of success does not change in successive trials. For example, a coin toss experiment is a binomial experiment.
Using a random sample, a polling organization asks 50 voters if they favor Candidate A for reelection. Given that 55% of the city's voters favor Candidate A, this formula returns the probability that 40 people from the sample will favor her:
@BINOMDIST(40,50,.55,0) = 0.000144
@BINTOHEX - Binary to Hexadecimal
@BINTOHEX("1010") = A
Binary Binary number to convert; denote negative numbers using a minus sign.
@BINTOHEX returns the hexadecimal string equivalent of a binary number.
@BINTOHEX("10000") = 10
@BINTOHEX("11110") = 1E
@BINTOHEX64 -Binary to Hexadecimal
@BINTOHEX64(Binary, <Places>)
Binary Binary number to convert; must be positive.
Places Number of characters to return; must be ú 16.
@BINTOHEX64 returns the hexadecimal string equivalent of a binary number (up to 64 bits).
@BINTOHEX64(1001) = 9
@BINTOHEX64(1010,2) = 0A
@BINTOHEX64("11110000001111000") = 1E078
@BINTOHEX64("11110000001111000",2) = 78
@BINTONUM - Binary to Decimal
Binary Binary number to convert; denote negative numbers using a minus sign.
@BINTONUM returns the decimal equivalent of a binary number.
@BINTONUM("1010") = 10
@BINTONUM("10000") = 16
@BINTONUM("11110") = 30
@BINTONUM64 - Binary to Decimal
@BINTONUM64(Binary, <Signed>)
Binary Binary number to convert.
Signed 1 if the most significant bit of Binary is a sign bit; 0 (the default) if Binary is positive.
@BINTONUM64 returns the decimal equivalent of a binary number (up to 64 bits).
If Signed is 1, the most significant bit of Binary is the sign bit. If the sign bit is 0, the number is positive; if it is 1, the number is negative.
@BINTONUM64(100) = 4
@BINTONUM64(1010) = 10
@BINTONUM64("11110000001111000") = 123000
@BINTONUM64("11110000001111000",1) = -8072
@BINTOOCT - Binary to Octal
Binary Binary number to convert; denote negative numbers using a minus sign.
@BINTOOCT returns the octal string equivalent of a binary number.
@BINTOOCT("1010") = 12
@BINTOOCT("10000") = 20
@BINTOOCT("11110") = 36
@BINTOOCT64 - Binary to Octal
@BINTOOCT64(Binary, <Places>)
Binary Binary number to convert; must be positive.
Places Number of characters to return; must be ú 22.
@BINTOOCT returns the octal string equivalent of a binary number (up to 64 bits).
Position Bit position; must be │ 0 and ú number of bits in Binary - 1.
@BITRB resets to 0 the specified Position bit of a binary value.
@BITRB(1010,1) = 1000
@BITRB(1010,3) = 0010
@BITRB(1100,2) = 1000
@BITRH - Hexadecimal Bit Reset
@BITRH(Hex, Position)
Hex Hexadecimal number.
Position Bit position; must be │ 0 and ú number of bits in Hex - 1.
@BITRH resets to 0 the specified Position bit of a hexadecimal value.
@BITRH("A",1) = 8
@BITRH("A",3) = 2
@BITRH("C",2) = 8
@BITSB - Binary Bit Set
@BITSB(Binary, Position)
Binary Binary number.
Position Bit position; must be │ 0 and ú number of bits in Binary - 1.
@BITSB sets to 1 the specified Position bit of a binary number.
@BITSB(1010,2) = 1110
@BITSB(1010,0) = 1011
@BITSB(1100,0) = 1101
@BITSH - Hexadecimal Bit Set
@BITSH(Hex, Position)
Hex Hexadecimal number.
Position Bit position; must be │ 0 and ú number of bits in Hex - 1.
@BITSH sets to 1 the specified Position bit of a hexadecimal number.
@BITSH("A",2) = E
@BITSH("C",0) = D
@BITTB - Binary Bit Test
@BITTB(Binary, Position)
Binary Binary number.
Position Bit position; must be │ 0 and ú number of bits in Binary - 1.
@BITTB returns the value of the bit of a binary number in the specified Position.
@BITTB(1010,2) = 0
@BITTB(1001,0) = 1
@BITTB(1100,1) = 0
@BITTH - Hexadecimal Bit Test
@BITTH(Hex, Position)
Hex Hexadecimal number.
Position Bit position; must be │ 0 and ú number of bits in Hex - 1.
@BITTH returns the value of the bit of a hexadecimal number in the specified Position.
@BITTH("A",2) = 0
@BITTH("9",0) = 1
@BITTH("C",0) = 0
Block Cell or reference (for example, A1 or B1..B5).
@BLOCKNAME returns the name of a cell or selection specified by Block. If Block does not contain a name, @BLOCKNAME returns ERR; if Block contains more than one name, @BLOCKNAME arbitrarily returns one of the names.
If the name for a selection was created in another notebook, use @BLOCKNAME2.
@BLOCKNAME(D2..D15) = SALES (selection D2..D15 is named SALES)
@BLOCKNAME2(NotebookLink, Block)
NotebookLink A reference to a sheet, cell, or cells in another notebook (for example, [BUDGET]A:A1).
Block Cell or reference (for example, A1 or B1..B5).
@BLOCKNAME2 returns the cell name created in the notebook specified by NotebookLink that refers to Block, which can be in another notebook. If Block does not contain a name, @BLOCKNAME2 returns ERR; if Block contains more than one name, @BLOCKNAME2 arbitrarily returns one of the names.
@BLOCKNAME2([BUDGET]A:A1,A:D2..D15) = SALES (selection A:D2..D15 of the active notebook is named SALES in the name table of notebook BUDGET)
Block Cell or reference (for example, A1 or B1..B5).
@BLOCKNAMES returns a two-column table showing the cell names that intersect with Block. The left column of the table contains cell names, and the right column contains corresponding coordinates.
If Block does not contain a name, @BLOCKNAMES returns ERR.
Because @BLOCKNAMES returns an array, it is automatically enclosed within an @ARRAY @function.
Make sure there is enough room for a two-column table, with one row for each cell name. Quattro Pro overwrites existing data in cells it uses for the table.
If cell names for a notebook were created in another notebook, use @BLOCKNAMES2.
This example refers to cells in the next figure. Selections B3..B7, C3..C7, D3..D7, and B3..D7 are named HOTEL, TRANS, MEALS, and TOTAL, respectively. The example is entered in cell A12.
@ARRAY(@BLOCKNAMES(B3..D7)) = table in A12..B15 shown in the next figure.
3 05/11 $99.70 $774.23 $67.34
4 05/12 $99.70 $15.00 $89.50
5 05/13 $99.70 $23.00 $97.78
6 05/14 $99.70 $13.00 $75.41
7 05/15 $99.70 $32.00 $63.20
8 $498.50 $857.23 $393.23
10 TOTAL $1,748.96
@BLOCKNAMES2(NotebookLink, Block)
NotebookLink A reference to a sheet, cell, or cells in another notebook (for example, [BUDGET]A:A1).
Block Cell or reference (for example, A1 or B1..B5).
@BLOCKNAMES2 returns a two-column table showing the cell names created in the notebook specified by NotebookLink that refer to selections that intersect with Block. Use @BLOCKNAMES2 instead of @BLOCKNAMES if the cell names for a notebook were created in another notebook. The left column of the output table contains cell names, and the right column contains corresponding cell coordinates.
If Block does not contain a name, @BLOCKNAMES2 returns ERR.
Because @BLOCKNAMES2 returns an array, it is automatically enclosed within an @ARRAY @function.
Make sure there is enough room for a two-column table, with one row for each cell name. Quattro Pro overwrites existing data in cells it uses for the table.
This example refers to cells in the next figure. Selections B3..B7, C3..C7, D3..D7, and B3..D7 in the active notebook EXPENSES are named HOTEL, TRANS, MEALS, and TOTAL, respectively, in the notebook TRAVEL. The example is entered in cell A12.
@ARRAY(@BLOCKNAMES2([TRAVEL]A:A1,B3..D7)) = table in A12..B15 shown in the next figure
Date Number representing a date. See "Using dates and times in Quattro Pro."
Direction Flag specifying direction of adjustment; 0 = forward; 1 = backward; 2 = forward if in same month as Date, otherwise backward (the default is 0).
Holidays Cells containing dates that are holidays or the date of a single holiday or 0 to indicate no holidays (the default is 0).
Saturday 0 to specify that Saturday is not a business day; 1 to specify that Saturday is a business day (the default is 0).
Sunday 0 to specify that Sunday is not a business day; 1 to specify that Sunday is a business day (the default is 0).
@BUSDAY returns Date if it is a valid business day. If Date falls on a Saturday (and Saturday is set to 0 or omitted), Sunday (and Sunday is set to 0 or omitted), or holiday, @BUSDAY returns the date of the closest valid business day in the direction specified by Direction.
This formula calculates the closest business day after December 25, 1993, assuming that the 25th is a holiday: