{HISTOGRAM} calculates the probability and cumulative distributions for a sample population, based on a series of bins. {HISTOGRAM} is equivalent to the Histogram analysis tool.
InBlock Input cells containing one or more columns or rows of numeric values; the cells must not contain labels
OutBlock Upper-left cell of the output cells
BinBlock Set of numbers defining the bin ranges; BinBlock numbers must be in ascending order; if BinBlock is omitted, bins are distributed evenly from the minimum to the maximum values in InBlock, with the number of bins equal to the square root of the number of values in InBlock
Pareto 1 to arrange the output table in both descending frequency order and ascending BinBlock order; 0 to arrange the output table in ascending BinBlock order; the default is 0
Cum Flag indicating whether to generate a column in OutBlock showing cumulative percentages: yes (1) or no (0); the default is 0
{HLINE Distance}
PerfectScript Syntax
HLine (Distance:Numeric)
{HLINE} scrolls the active notebook horizontally by Distance columns. If the number is positive, it scrolls right; if negative, it scrolls left. {HLINE} does not move the selector; only the view of the notebook is altered, just as if the scroll bars were used. Use the commands {RIGHT} or {LEFT} to move the selector horizontally.
{HLINE 10} scrolls the display 10 columns to the right.
{HLINE -5} scrolls the display 5 columns to the left.
Distance Distance in columns to scroll the active notebook horizontally
{HOME} is equivalent to the Home key.
{HPAGE Distance}
PerfectScript Syntax
HPage (Distance:Numeric)
{HPAGE} scrolls the active notebook horizontally by Distance screens. If the number is positive, it scrolls right; if negative, it scrolls left. {HPAGE} does not move the selector; only the view of the notebook is altered. Use {BIGRIGHT} or {BIGLEFT} to move the selector horizontally.
Distance Distance in screens to scroll the active notebook horizontally