Lets you convert relative cell addresses to absolute addresses. Number provides control over what part of the formula converts to an absolute address.
Activate(WindowName As String)
{ACTIVATE} makes the window specified by the string WindowName active. You can find the name of a window on its title bar.
To make the named chart PROFITS (in the notebook REPORT.WB3) active, use
Use the same syntax for activating dialog windows. To make the notebook itself active, use
WindowName Name of the window to make active
AddMenu(MenuPath As String, MenuBlock As String)
{ADDMENU} lets you add menus to the active menu system. (Use {ADDMENUITEM} to add individual menu items to the active menu system.) MenuPath is a string that specifies where the new menu should appear. For example, to insert a menu before the Edit menu, use /Edit; to insert a menu before the Copy command on the Edit menu, use /Edit/Copy. You can use <- and -> to place a menu at the top or before the bottom of a menu, respectively. For example, /File/<- specifies the first item on the File menu.
You can also use numbers to identify menu items. For example, /File/0 specifies the first item on the File menu (the ID numbers start at zero). When identifying a menu item with numbers, divider lines are considered menu items (for example, /File/5 specifies the first divider line on the File menu, not Properties).
MenuBlk includes the cells containing a menu definition. MenuBlk must include all cells in the new menu.
¿ You can add new menus only to the menu bar on either side of the Edit and Tools menus--that is, one position to the left or right of the Edit menu and one position to the left or right of the Tools menu. The area between these menu positions is reserved for menus that change depending on the active window. Likewise, you cannot delete menus within this menu, either. You can add menu items to menus between the Edit and Tools menus, but the new menu items will be swapped out of the menu when the context changes.
¿ Changes made to the menu system using this command are not saved; they are lost when you exit Quattro Pro. Each time you run a macro containing {ADDMENU}, the menu changes appear again.
¿ To restore the original menu bar, use the macro command {SETMENUBAR} without an argument.
MenuPath Location in the menu system to insert a new menu
MenuBlk Location in the menu system to insert a new menu
AddMenuItem(MenuPath As String, ItemName As String, [Link As String], [Hint As String], [HotKey As String], [DependString As String], [Checked_ As _AddMenuItem_Checked__enum])
{ADDMENUITEM} is like {ADDMENU}, but inserts a single menu item before MenuPath instead of a new menu.
See the description of {ADDMENU} for the syntax of MenuPath. Name is the name of the new menu item; if it is a command, precede its underlined letter with an ampersand (&).
Link specifies the actions the menu item performs (for example, "MACRO _remove_file" runs the macro _remove_file).
The following macro adds the menu item Find Object above Edit Go To. Find Object runs a macro command called _FINDOBJ.
{ADDMENUITEM "/Edit/Go To","Find Object", "MACRO _FINDOBJ", "Finds a floating object on the notebook sheet", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "No, Yes, No, No, No, No", "No"}
MenuPath Location in the menu system to insert a new menu item; enter the sequence of menu items separated by forward slashes (/); you can use <- and -> to place a menu at the top or before the bottom of a menu, respectively. For example, /File/<- specifies the first item on the File menu. You can also use numbers to identify menu items. For example, /File/0 specifies the first item on the File menu (the ID numbers start at zero).
Name Name of the command to add; if you want a letter of the name to appear underlined, precede it with an ampersand (&); to add a divider line, type a series of hyphens (-).
Link Action to perform when the command is chosen (optional); this argument can specify a link command or a macro command to run when the menu item is chosen; click here for details.
Hint Help text to display in a pop-up window when the command is highlighted (optional)
HotKey Shortcut key that chooses the command (optional); separate key combinations with a plus sign (+), for example, Alt+F4.
DependString Areas in which the command is available (optional); enter Yes or No for each area, separated by commas, in the following order: desktop, notebook, chart Window, dialog window, input line, Objects sheet. Example: "No, No, Yes, No, No, No" makes the menu item available only when the chart window is active.
Checked Type "Yes" if the command should have a checkmark display by it (optional)
¿ You can add menu items to any menu, but if you change a context-sensitive menu (all menus between Edit and Tools on the menu bar), the change applies only to the menu in the active window. For example, suppose you use a macro to change the View menu when the notebook window is active. If you then open a chart window, the chart View menu appears--without the change. If you want the change to apply to that View menu as well, you must run the macro again.
¿ Changes made to the menu system using this command are not saved; they are lost when you exit Quattro Pro. Each time you run a macro containing {ADDMENUITEM}, the menu changes appear again.
¿ To restore the original menu bar, use the macro command {SETMENUBAR} without an argument.
AddSeries(Block As String, Name As String)
{ADDSERIES} adds a data series to a floating chart. Use {ADDSERIES} as an equivalent to dragging cells onto a chart on a notebook sheet to add a series.
The following macro adds the series contained in the cells A:E3..E13 to the floating chart named BUDGET:
Block Cells containing a data series
Name Name of the chart to which you want to add a series
AddSubMenuItem(MenuPath As String, ItemName As String, [Link As String], [Hint As String], [HotKey As String], [DependString As String], [Checked_ As _AddSubMenuItem_Checked__enum])
{ADDSUBMENUITEM} is like {ADDMENUITEM}, but converts the command indicated by MenuPath into a submenu and adds the new command to the submenu.
Link specifies the actions the submenu item performs (for example, "MACRO _remove_file" runs the macro _remove_file).
MenuPath Location in the menu system to insert a new menu item; enter the sequence of menu items separated by forward slashes (/); you can use <- and -> to place a menu at the top or before the bottom of a menu, respectively. For example, /File/<- specifies the first item on the File menu. You can also use numbers to identify menu items. For example, /File/0 specifies the first item on the File menu (the ID numbers start at zero).
Name Name of the command to add; if you want a letter of the name to appear underlined, precede it with an ampersand (&)
Link Action to perform when the command is chosen (optional); this argument can specify a link command or a macro command to run when the menu item is chosen; click here for details.
Hint Help text to display on the status line when the command is highlighted (optional)
HotKey Shortcut key that chooses the command (optional); separate key combinations with a plus sign (+), for example, Alt+F4.
DependString Areas in which the command is available (optional); enter Yes or No for each area, separated by commas, in the following order: desktop, notebook, chart window, dialog window, input line, Objects sheet. Example: "No, No, Yes, No, No, No" makes the menu item available only when the chart window is active.
Checked Type "Yes" if the command should have a checkmark display by it (optional)
¿ You can add menu items to any menu, but if you change a context-sensitive menu (all menus between Edit and Tools on the menu bar), the change applies only to the menu in the active window. For example, suppose you use a macro to change the View menu when the notebook window is active. If you then open a chart window, the chart View menu appears--without the change. If you want the change to apply to that View menu as well, you must run the macro again.
¿ Changes made to the menu system using this command are not saved; they are lost when you exit Quattro Pro. Each time you run a macro containing {ADDSUBMENUITEM}, the menu changes appear again.
Alert(Title_ As String, Message_ As String, OKExit_ As String, [Type_ As Integer], [Icon_ As Integer], [DefaultBtn_ As Integer])
Message displays a dialog box "message" for the user of the macro to manipulate. You set the title and message text of the dialog via the Title and Message arguments.
OKExit stores the result of the dialog box, so the macro can determine which button was pushed to close it.
Type specifies what type of message box will appear. It can be a message box with just an OK button, or one with both an OK and Cancel, etc.
Icon specifies which graphic to use on the above dialog. Zero represents the Error icon you would see on a regular error message under Windows. One is for the Question Mark icon, etc.
DefaultBtn determines which button (if there are multiple) is the "default" button. If this argument is a number greater than the number of buttons on the dialog, then the first button will be default.
Title Title of resultant dialog.
Message Message text of resultant dialog.
OKExit? Cell to store how the dialog box closed (1 for OK, 2 for Cancel, 3 for Abort, 4 for Retry, 5 for Ignore, 6 for Yes, 7 for No).
Type 0 for dialog with just an OK button, 1 for OK/Cancel, 2 for Abort/Retry/Ignore,3 for Yes/No/Cancel, 4 for Yes/No, and 5 for Retry/Cancel (optional; 0 is default).
Icon 0 for icon of type Error, 1 for Question, 2 for Warning, 3 for Info (optional; 0 is the default).
DefaultBtn 0 for first button being default, 1 for second, etc... (optional; 0 is the default).
{AnalysisExpert} performs a number of advanced statistical, numerical, and financial analysis tasks. The macro has no arguments. {AnalysisExpert} displays the first Analysis Tools Expert dialog box.
Before you use an analysis tool, make sure the input cells you are analyzing are arranged properly and contain the right kind of data (that is, numeric data, not strings). The analysis tools have varying restrictions on the contents of the input cells and size of the cell area.
ANOVA1(InBlock As String, OutBlock As String, [Grouped As String], [Labels_ As _ANOVA1_Labels__enum], [Alpha As Double])
{ANOVA1} performs a one-way analysis of variance. Use {ANOVA1} to test whether two or more samples come from the same population. {ANOVA1} is equivalent to the Anova: One-Way analysis tool.
InBlock Input cells containing two or more sets of numeric data arranged in columns or rows
OutBlock Upper left cell of the output cells
Grouped "C" to group results by column or "R" to group results by row; the default is "C"
Labels 1 if labels are located in the first column or row of the input cells; 0 if the input cells do not contain labels; the default is 0
Alpha The significance level at which to evaluate values for the F-statistic; the default is 0.05
ANOVA2(InBlock As String, OutBlock As String, SampleRows As Integer, [Alpha As Double])
{ANOVA2} performs a two-way analysis of variance, with more than one sample for each group of data. {ANOVA2} is equivalent to the Anova: Two-Way with Replication analysis tool.
InBlock Input cells containing two or more sets of numeric data arranged in columns; the first row must contain labels for each group; the first column must contain row labels indicating the beginning of each sample
OutBlock Upper-left cell of the output cells
SampleRows The number of rows in each sample
Alpha The significance level at which to evaluate values for the F-statistic; the default is 0.05
ANOVA3(InBlock As String, OutBlock As String, [Labels_ As _ANOVA3_Labels__enum], [Alpha As Double])
{ANOVA3} performs a two-way analysis of variance, with only one sample for each group of data. {ANOVA3} is equivalent to the Anova: Two-Way Without Replication analysis tool.
InBlock Input cells containing two or more sets of numeric data arranged in columns or rows
OutBlock Upper-left cell of the output cells
Labels 1 if labels are located in the first column or row of the input cells; 0 if the input cells do not contain labels; the default is 0
Alpha The significance level at which to evaluate the F-statistic; the default is 0.05
{ANSIREAD #Bytes, Location}
{ANSIREAD} reads #Bytes bytes of characters from a file previously opened using OPEN starting at the current position of the file pointer), and stores them as a label in Location, like {READ} but without any character mapping. This macro is provided for international users.
#Bytes Number of bytes of characters to read from a file
Location Cell in which to store the characters read
¿ This command is obsolete.
{ANSIREADLN} is like {ANSIREAD}, but instead of using a number of bytes to determine the amount of text to read, {ANSIREADLN} reads forward from the current file pointer location up to and including the carriage-return/linefeed at the end of the line, like {READLN} but without any character mapping. This macro is provided for international users.
Location Cell in which to store the characters read
{ANSIWRITE String,<String2>,<String3,...>}
{ANSIWRITE} copies String(s) to a file opened with the OPEN command, starting at the location of the file pointer, like {WRITE} but without any character mapping. This macro is provided for international users.
String String of characters to be written into the open file
{ANSIWRITELN String,<String2>,<String3,...>}
{ANSIWRITELN} copies String(s) to a file opened with OPEN starting at the location of the file pointer, and ends the string(s) with the carriage-return and linefeed characters, like {WRITELN} but without any character mapping. This macro is provided for international users.
String String of characters to be written into the open file as a single line
¿ This command is obsolete.
{Application} changes application properties such as compatibility options, display options, international options, macro and menu options, file options, and general options. Some settings appear only in Developer mode.
You can use {Application?} or {Application!} to display the Application dialog box. {Application?} lets the user manipulate the dialog box, whereas {Application!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
PerfectScript Syntax
Equivalent to Tools Settings Compatibility
AlternateMenuBar [String] Lets you specify which menu to use.
"Quattro Pro 8/9"
"Quattro Pro 7"
"Excel 97"
AutoArrayWrap [Boolean] Lets you specify whether CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER generates an @ARRAY function, or whether Quattro Pro automatically determines whether one is needed.
0 CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER generates an @ARRAY function
1 Quattro Pro automatically determines whether one is needed
CompatibilityMode [String] Lets you specify which compatibility default is used.
"Quattro Pro 9"
"Quattro Pro 8"
"Excel 97"
Def_Columns_Limit [Numeric] Lets you specify the maximum number of columns a notebook can contain.
Def_Rows_Limit [Numeric] Lets you specify the maximum number of rows a notebook can contain.
Def_Sheets_Limit [Numeric] Lets you specify the maximum number of sheets a notebook can contain.
File_Extension [String] Lets you specify the default file format.
Min_Number_Sheets [Numeric] Lets you specify the minimum number of sheets a notebook can contain.
Range_Syntax [String] Equivalent to Tools Settings Compatibility 3D Syntax.
Sheet_Tab_Label [Boolean] Equivalent to Tools Settings Sheet Tab Display Display as Numbers. This option is obsolete.
{Application.Current_File} returns the name of the active notebook. This command equivalent is used only with @COMMAND.
PerfectScript Syntax
Application_Display (Settings:String)
{Application.Display} lets you specify cell syntax and display parts of the Quattro Pro user interface. The arguments of {Application.Display} (which sets all options of the Display property in one command) use the same syntax as those in the {Application.Display.Option} commands.
The following macro command hides the time, hides the standard Toolbar, displays the input line and status line, sets the cell syntax to standard, hides the Property Bar, and displays the scroll indicators and QuickTips.
{Application.Display "Toolbar, InputLine, Status, RangeSyntax, PropBand, ScrollIndicator, Hint, DefaultView, SheetTabLabel, MinNumSheets, ShowGroupboxAsLine, ShowPreselection, ShowHistoryList"} Lets you specify whether to show or hide portions of the Quattro Pro window, and switches between 3-D syntax schemes.
{Application.Display.Clock_Display Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to show the Clock Display. This option is obsolete.
0 Do not show the Clock Display.
1 Show the Clock Display.
{Application.Display.CommentMarkers Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to show the Comment Markers
0 Do not show the Comment Markers.
1 Show the Comment Markers.
{Application.Display.Default_View Draft|Page} Lest you specify whether new Notebooks come up in Draft view or Page Preview view. This option is obsolete.
{Application.Display.Default_Zoom Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to enable the Default Zoom. This option is obsolete.
0 Do not enable the Default Zoom.
1 Enable the Default Zoom.
{Application.Display.FormulaMarkers Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to display the Formula Markers.
0 Do not display the Formula Markers.
1 Display the Formula Markers.
{Application.Display.History_List Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to display the File History List off the File menu.
0 Do not display the File History List.
1 Display the File History List.
{Application.Display.Min_Number_Sheets N} Lets you specify the default number of sheets on new Notebooks. This option is obsolete.
{Application.Display.Range_Syntax "A..B:A1..B2"|"A:A1..B:B2"} Lets you switch between 3-D syntax schemes. This option is obsolete.
{Application.Display.RealTime_Prev Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to enable the RealTime Preview.
0 Do not enable the RealTime Preview.
1 Enable the RealTime Preview.
{Application.Display.Sheet_Tab_Label Letters|Numbers} Allows you to choose whether your default sheet tab names are letters (A..IV) or numeric (Sheet1..Sheet256). This option is obsolete.
{Application.Display.Sheet_Tab_Label Letters|Numbers} Toggles dialog Group Boxes between being 'boxes' or just a line above the group. This option is obsolete.
{Application.Display.Shortcut_Keys Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to display shortcut keys.
0 Display shortcut keys.
1 Do not display shortcut keys.
{Application.Display.Show_GroupBox_As_Line Yes|No} Toggles dialog Group Boxes between being a 'box', or just a line above the group. This option is obsolete.
{Application.Display.Show_InputLine Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to show the Input Line.
0 Do not show the Input Line
1 Show the Input Line.
{Application.Display.Show_PreSelection Yes|No} Toggles Windows buttons and other controls between being 3-D and flat. This option is obsolete.
{Application.Display.Show_Property_Band Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to show the Property Bar. This option is obsolete.
0 Do not show the Property Bar
1 Show the Property Bar
{Application.Display.Show_Scroll_Indicator Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to show the Scroll Indicators.
0 Do not show the Scroll Indicators.
1 Show the Scroll Indicators.
{Application.Display.Show_StatusLine Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to show the the Application Bar. This option is obsolete.
0 Do not show the Application Bar.
1 Show the Application Bar.
{Application.Display.Show_Tool_Hint Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to show QuickTips.
0 Do not show QuickTips
1 Show QuickTips
{Application.Display.Show_Toolbar Yes|No} Lets you specify whether to show the toolbar. This option is obsolete.
{Application.Enable_Inspection} enables (Yes) or disables (No) Object Inspector menus. It is available only in Developer mode.
PerfectScript Syntax
Application_File_Options (Settings:String)
{Application.File_Options} includes information that is used every time you start Quattro Pro. It lets you specify the startup folder, autoload file, default file extension, and other options. The arguments of {Application.File_Options} (which sets all options of the File Options property in one command) use the same syntax as those in the {Application.File_Options.Option} commands.
¿ {Application.File_Options.AutoBack_Enabled} and {Application.File_Options.AutoBack_Time} enable the creation of temporary backup files at a specified time interval.
¿ {Application.File_Options.Autoload_File} sets the file to be loaded every time Quattro Pro is started.
¿ {Application.File_Options.File_Extension} sets the default file extension to be used with file-handling commands.
¿ {Application.File_Options.Full_Path_Titles} shows the full path of notebook files in the title bar of the notebook window.
¿ {Application.File_Options.QuickTemplates} enables or disables the use of notebook templates when you create a new notebook.
¿ {Application.File_Options.Startup_Directory} sets the directory initially displayed by file-handling commands.
¿ {Application.File_Options.TempDir} specifies the directory containing QuickTemplate files.
The following macro command sets the startup directory to C:\COREL\SUITE8, sets the autoload file to QUATTRO.WB3, sets the file extension to .WB3, enables autobackup at 15-minute intervals, enables the display of full path titles, enables QuickTemplates, sets the QuickTemplate directory, and sets the custom @function directory.
{Application.File_Options.AutoBack_Enabled Yes|No} Create timed backup files at specified intervals.
{Application.File_Options.AutoBack_Time Integer} Set the amount of time between automatic backups.
{Application.File_Options.Autoload_File String} Open a file automatically when you start Quattro Pro.
{Application.File_Options.AutoRefreshTime N} Specify how many minutes should pass before URLs refresh. This option is obsolete.
{Application.File_Options.DoRefresh Yes|No} Refresh URLs at specified time intervals. This option is obsolete.
{Application.File_Options.File_Extension String} Specify a default file extension. This option is obsolete.
{Application.File_Options.Full_Path_Titles Yes|No} Show full folder paths in title bars.
{Application.File_Options.QuickTemplates Yes|No} Enable QuickTemplates. This option is obsolete.
{Application.File_Options.Startup_Directory String} Specify a default folder.
{Application.File_Options.TempDir Path} Specify a folder for QuickTemplates. This option is obsolete.
{Application.File_Options.WPDialogs Yes|No} Use enhanced file dialogs.
PerfectScript Syntax
Application_General (Settings:String)
{Application.General} lets you:
¿ enable the Edit Undo command
¿ make a variety of keys work in the same way as in Quattro Pro for DOS
¿ set the behavior of the cell selector when you press Enter
¿ specify how long to wait before changing from cell selection to Drag-and-Drop mode
¿ specify whether to use formula entry from Quattro Pro version 5
The following macro command enables Undo, makes the cell selector move down when you enter data, sets the cell drag and drop delay time to 400 milliseconds, and uses Quattro Pro formula entry.
{Application.General "UseUndo?(Yes|No), CompatibleKeys?(Yes|No), MoveCellOnEnter?(Yes|No),, DelayTime, Compatible_Formula_Entry?(Yes|No), Fit-As-You-Go?(Yes|No), Calc-As-You-Go?(Yes|No),QuickType?(Yes|No), CellReferenceChecker?(Yes|No)} Opens the General Options tab.
{Application.General.Calc-As-You-Go Yes|No} Turns on/off Calc As You Go.
{Application.General.Cell_Reference_Checker Yes|No} Turns on/off the Cell Reference Checker.
{Application.General.Compatible_Formula_Entry Yes|No} Sets how you want to enter formulas.
{Application.General.Compatible_Keys Yes|No} Makes a variety of keys work the same way as in Quattro Pro for DOS.
{Application.General.Delay_Time Integer} Specifies how long to wait before changing from cell selection to Drag and Drop mode.
{Application.General.Direction Down|Up|Left|Right} Equivalent to Tools Settings General Direction.
{Application.General.Fit-As-You-Go Yes|No} Turns on/off Fit-As-You-Go, which automatically sizes columns on data entry.
{Application.General.MoveCellOnEnterKey Yes|No} Makes the selector move down a cell every time you enter data.
{Application.General.QuickType Yes|No} Turns on/off QuickType, which as you type a label or function, finds the closest match.
{Application.General.Undo Yes|No} Enables the Undo feature.
PerfectScript Syntax
Application_International (Settings:String)
{Application.International} lets you specify the punctuation, sort order, and numeric formats used by Quattro Pro. The arguments of {Application.International} (which sets all options of the International property in one command) use the same syntax as those in the {Application.International.Option} commands. For example, the Negative argument can be Signed or Parens, the same settings that {Application.International.Negative} accepts.
To set the currency symbol and its placement either before or after values, use the {Application.Country_Settings} macro.
The following macro command specifies that the Quattro Pro currency format is used with parentheses to indicate negative values, sets the punctuation, sets the date and time formats to Windows defaults, sets the sort order to English, disables LICS conversion, and sets the country used for currency to United States. The entire string must be enclosed within a set of quotes. (Enter all of the example into one cell.)
{Application.International ", Quattro Pro,, Parens,""1,234.56 (a1,a2)"", Windows Default, Windows Default, Quattro Pro, English (American), No, United States"}
{Application.International ", Currency, , Negative, Punctuation, DateFmt, TimeFmt, Language, Conversion, Country"} Opens the International tab
{Application.International.Currency "Windows Default"|"Quattro Pro"} Sets the default currency symbol
{Application.International.Date_Format String} Determines the international formats given as options for date display
{Application.International.Language String} Equivalent to Tools Settings International LanguageMode
{Application.International.Language String} Selects an interface language
{Application.International.LanguageMode SuiteDefault| Quattro Pro} Equivalent to Tools Settings International Language.
{Application.International.LICS_Conversion Yes|No} Converts Lotus International Character Set characters into standard ANSI characters
{Application.International.Negative Signed|Parens} Controls whether negative values are preceeded by a minus sign or surrounded by parentheses. This option is obsolete.
{Application.International.Punctuation "1 234,56 (a1.a2)" | "1 234,56 (a1;a2)" | "1 234.56 (a1,a2)" | "1 234.56 (a1;a2)" | "1,234.56 (a1,a2)"| "1,234.56 (a1;a2)" | "1.234,56 (a1;a2)" | "1.234,56 (a1.a2)" | "Windows Default"} Controls the characters used as thousands, decimal, and argument separators
{Application.International.Time_Format String} Determines the international formats given as options for time display
PerfectScript Syntax
Application_Macro (Settings:String)
{Application.Macro.Option} lets you control screen updates, display alternative menu systems, and run startup macros when you open a notebook. The arguments of {Application.Macro} (which sets all options of the Macro property in one command) use the same syntax as those in the {Application.Macro.Option} commands.
The following macro command specifies that windows should not display when a macro runs, makes the slash key display the Quattro Pro for DOS menu system, and sets the startup macro to BUDGET (Quattro Pro will run a macro named BUDGET whenever a notebook is opened containing a macro by that name).
{Application.Macro "Window,,Quattro Pro - DOS,BUDGET"}
{Application.Macro "MacSuppress,, SlashKey, StartupMacro"} Opens the Macro tab
{Application.Macro.Macro_Redraw Both|None|Panel|Window} Suppresses redrawing of the window, panels, or both
{Application.Macro.Slash_Key MenuName} Controls which menu system displays when you press the slash key. This option is obsolete.
{Application.Macro.Startup_Macro String} Sets the macro to run every time you open a notebook containing a macro with this name
{Application.Title Title}
PerfectScript Syntax
Application_Title (Title:String)
{Application.Title Title} changes the title displayed on Quattro Pro's title bar. This property is available only after starting Quattro Pro in developer mode (with /D parameter).
{ASSIGN VarExpr, ValExpr}
The {ASSIGN} macro command is equivalent to the assignment statement variable=value in a programming language.
{ASSIGN calc, CreateObject("DispCalc.Application")} creates an object of the DispCalc application and assigns it to a named variable calc.
{ASSIGN calc.accum, 0} clears the accumulated value of DispCalc.
{ASSIGN calc.accum, @SUM(A1..A10)} assigns the sum of A1..A10 to the accumulated value of DispCalc.
For more details on using {ASSIGN} and other OLE automation macro commands, see Using OLE Automation Features.