{EDIT} is equivalent to the Edit key, F2. Its main use is in Edit mode, where it lets you edit the contents of the active cell. You can also use it to search for items in a long list.
{EditClear} erases the contents and properties of the current cells, deletes selected objects from dialog and chart windows, and deletes selected floating objects. To erase cells while leaving their properties intact, use {ClearContents}.
{EditCopy} copies the selected object to the Clipboard.
{EditCut} removes the selected object from the spreadsheet and moves it to the Clipboard.
{EditGoto} selects and displays Block within spreadsheet sheets, but not the Objects sheet.
You can use {EditGoto?} or {EditGoto!} to display the Go To dialog box. {EditGoto?} lets the user manipulate the dialog box, whereas {EditGoto!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
Block Cells to display and select
Extend? Whether to extend the selection from the current selection to the specified cells; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 0
{EditPaste} copies data and its properties from the Clipboard into the notebook.
To paste only values or properties, use {PasteSpecial}. {PasteLink} creates a live DDE link, and {PasteFormat} adds many types of data from other applications (including embedded OLE objects).
{END} is equivalent to the End key.
{ESC} and {ESCAPE}
{ESC} and {ESCAPE} are equivalent to the Esc key, which is useful for clearing menus or dialog boxes from the screen, one at a time. To clear all prompts and return Quattro Pro to Ready Mode, use {BREAK}.
{Eval Formula}
PerfectScript Syntax
Eval (Formula: String)
Evaluates a string as an expression, and returns the result as a string value.
"5 + 5"
Result: "10"
Formula The string to evaluate
{EXEC AppName, WindowMode, <ResultLoc>}
{EXEC} lets you run other Windows applications or DOS commands. AppName can be any valid command string you could type in the Windows Run dialog box. AppName can contain the path of the application. If no path is given, then the application must be in the system path so Windows can find it.
ResultLoc is useful in some cases where the started application supports DDE along with an instance number. For example, Excel and Quattro Pro respond to their names and also respond to their names concatenated with an instance number.
{EXEC "C:\COREL\SUITE8\PROGRAMS\WPWIN8.EXE",2} runs Corel WordPerfect for Windows as a minimized application
{EXEC "NOTEPAD.EXE",1} runs the Windows Notepad and displays it just as if it were run from the Start button on the taskbar.
{EXEC "C:\COMMAND.COM /C DIR>TEST.TXT",1} stores the current directory listing in the file TEST.TXT for Windows, except for Windows NT 4.0.
{EXEC "C:\CMD.EXE /C DIR>TEST.TXT",1} stores the current directory listing in the file TEST.TXT in Windows NT 4.0.
AppName Name (in quotes) of the application to run (up to 100 characters)
WindowMode Size state of the application's window: 1 or 101 for normal size, 2 or 102 for minimized, 3 or 103 for maximized; use 101, 102, 103 to suspend macro execution until the application terminates
ResultLoc Cell containing the coded explanation of the operation's success
{EXECAUTO AutoExpr1<,AutoExpr2>}
PerfectScript Syntax
ExecAuto (AutoExpr1:String; {[AutoExpr:String]})
{EXECAUTO} executes one or more methods in another application, but drops any return values.
{EXECAUTO calc.Display()} asks DispCalc to display its current input value.
{EXECAUTO calc.Button(A1), calc.Display()} passes the value in A1 as an input to DispCalc and asks DispCalc to display it.
AutoExpr1,2... One or more automation expressions
{ExecMacro <Filename;> Macro}
PerfectScript Syntax
ExecMacro ([Filename: String;] Macro: String)
Starts Quattro Pro, opens the file, runs the macro, and exits Quattro Pro.
Filename [optional] The name of the file that contains the macro you want to run.
Macro The name of the macro you want to run.
{EXECUTE DDEChannel,Macro,<ResultLoc>}
With {EXECUTE} you can make other applications that support DDE run their macros. The macro to run is stored in the string Macro. It must be in the syntax the application normally uses (refer to the documentation for each application). You must open a channel of conversation with the other application using {INITIATE} (which determines the value of DDEChannel) before using {EXECUTE}.
The contents of ResultLoc depend on the application you are contacting. Most often, if a macro succeeds, ResultLoc contains 1. If a macro fails, {EXECUTE} results in an error.
See {REQUEST} and {POKE} for more information on receiving data from and sending data to other applications using DDE.
The following example initiates a DDE conversation with Corel WordPerfect's macro server and opens REPORT.DOC in Corel WordPerfect.
channel 1
{INITIATE "WPWin7_Macros","COMMANDS",channel}
{EXECUTE channel,"FileOpen(""report.doc"")"}
{TERMINATE channel}
DDEChannel Channel ID number of the application to run a macro in
Macro String containing the macro command(s) to run
ResultLoc A cell indicating the result of the operation
{EXPON} performs exponential smoothing on a series of values. {EXPON} is equivalent to the Exponential Smoothing analysis tool.
InBlock Input cells containing a single column or row with at least four numeric values; the cells must not contain labels
OutBlock Upper-left cell of the output cells
Damping Damping factor used as the exponential smoothing constant; indicates the percentage for error to adjust each prior forecast value; must be │ 0; the default is 0.3
StdErrs Flag indicating whether standard errors are included in the output table: yes (1) or no (0); the default is 0
{ExportGraphic} saves selected graphic objects to one of several file types with optional gray-scaling and compression.
You can use {ExportGraphic?} or {ExportGraphic!} to display the Export Graphics File dialog box. {ExportGraphic?} lets the user manipulate the dialog box, whereas {ExportGraphic!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
Filename Name of the graphic file to export
GrayScale? Whether to gray-scale: no (0), yes (1); the default is 0
Compression? Type of .TIF file compression to use: none (0) or PackBits (1); the default is 0