Moving between Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations
You can convert Microsoft PowerPoint files to the Corel Presentations file format, open Microsoft PowerPoint files in Corel Presentations, and save Corel Presentations slide shows as Microsoft PowerPoint files.
In this section, you'll learn about
comparing Corel Presentations and Microsoft PowerPoint menu features
comparing Corel Presentations and Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts
For more information about moving between Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations, see "Reference: Moving between Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations." at the end of this section.
Comparing Corel Presentations and Microsoft PowerPoint menu features
This topic describes the nine categories of menu features in Microsoft PowerPoint 97 and the equivalent Corel Presentations menu features.
For a complete list of all the file formats that can be imported into and exported from Corel Presentations, see "Import graphic file formats," "Export graphic file formats," and "Import and export text file formats."
Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations File menu features
The following table lists the File menu features found in Microsoft PowerPoint and the equivalent Corel Presentations File menu features.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 feature Corel Presentations feature
File New File New
File Open File Open
File Close File Close
File Save File Save
File Save as File Save as
File Save as HTML File Internet Publisher
File Pack and go File Show On The Go
File Page setup File Page setup
File Page setup Slides sized for File Page setup
File Page setup Slides sized for Letter File Page setup Letter
Tools Options View Show New slide dialog Tools Settings Environment Startup options Display document
Tools Options General User Information Name File Properties Author
Tools Options Edit Text Replace straight quotes Tools Quick Correct Select quotation marks
Tools Options Print File Print
Tools Options Print Printing Options Print True Type fonts as graphics File Print Advanced Print text as graphics
Tools Options Print Options for current document only Use the following default printer settings Print what Slides File Print Print range Slides
Tools Options Print Options for current document only Use the following default printer settings Print what Handouts File Print Print range Handouts
Tools Options Print Options for current document only File Print Print range Speaker notes
Use the following default printer settings Print what Notes page File Print Print range Audience notes
Tools Options Print Options for current document only Use the following default printer settings Print what Black and white File Print Advanced Adjust image to print black and white
Tools Options Print Options for current document only Use the following default printer settings Print what Scale to fit paper File Print Layout Fit to output page
Tools Options Save File Settings Files
Tools Options Save Save options Fill text search information File Save Advanced Content search criteria Match all word forms
Tools Options Save Save Options Save AutoRecover info every _ minutes Tools Settings Files Backup Timed document backup every _ minutes
Tools Options Save Save options Save PowerPoint files as Microsoft PowerPoint 97 Presentation File Save as File type PowerPoint
Tools Options Save Save options Save PowerPoint files as Microsoft PowerPoint 95 and 97 Presentation File Save as File type PowerPoint
Tools Options Save Save options Save PowerPoint files as Microsoft PowerPoint 95 Presentation File Save as File type PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations Slide show menu features
The following table lists the slide show menu features in Microsoft PowerPoint and the equivalent Corel Presentations slide show menu features.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 feature Corel Presentations feature
Slide show View show View Play slide show
Slide show Set up show Show type Loop continuously until ESC View Play slide show Repeat slide show until you press ESC
Slide show Set up show Slides Custom show View Play slide show Audience
Slide show Set up show Advance slides Manually Format Slide properties Display sequence Manually
Slide show Set up show Advance slides Using timings If present Format Slide properties Display sequence after a delay of _ seconds
Slide show Action buttons Insert shape Action shapes
Slide show Action buttons Custom Insert Shape Action shapes Custom
Slide show Action buttons Home Insert Shape Action shapes Home
Slide show Action buttons Help Insert Shape Action shapes Help
Slide show Action buttons Information Insert Shape Action shapes Information
Slide show Action buttons Back of previous Insert Shape Action shapes Back
Slide show Action buttons Forward of next Insert Shape Action shapes Forward
Slide show Action buttons Beginning Insert Shape Action shapes Beginning
Slide show Action buttons End Insert Shape Action shapes End
Slide show Action buttons Return Insert Shape Action shapes Return
Slide show Action buttons Document Insert Shape Action shapes Document
Slide show Action buttons Sound Insert Shape Action shapes Sound
Slide show Action buttons Movie Insert Shape Action shapes Movie
Slide show Action settings... Format Object properties SpeedLink
Slide show Action settings Mouse click Action on click None Format Object properties SpeedLink Link assignment Unassigned
Slide show Action settings Mouse click Action on click Hyperlink to Format Object properties SpeedLink Link assignment Go to
Slide show Action settings Mouse click Action on click Run program Format Object properties SpeedLink Link assignment Action Launch program
Slide show Action settings Mouse click Action on click Play sound Format Object properties SpeedLink Link assignment Action Play sound
Slide show Preset animation Format Object properties Object animation
Slide show Preset animation Off Format Object properties Object animation Effects None
Slide show Preset animation Drive-in Format Object properties Object animation Animate object across screen Fly in Right to left
Slide show Preset animation Flying Format Object properties Object animation Animate object across screen Fly in Left to right
Slide show Preset animation camera Format Object properties Object animation Animate object in place Effects Photo lens out
Slide show Preset animation Drop in Format Object properties Object animation Animate object across screen Fly in Top to bottom
Slide show Preset animation Fly from top Format Object properties Object animation Animate object across screen Fly in Top to bottom
Slide show Preset animation Wipe right Format Object properties Object animation Animate object in place Sweep Left to right
Slide show Preset animation Dissolve Format Object properties Object animation Animate object in place Dissolve
Slide show Preset animation Split vertical out Format Object properties Object animation Animate object in place Sweep open
Slide show Preset animation Appear Format Object properties Object animation Animate object in place Immediate
Slide show Slide transition Format Slide properties Transition
Slide show Slide transition Effect Blinds horizontal Format Slide Properties Transition Effects Blinds Direction Horizontal
Slide show Slide transition Effect Blinds vertical Format Slide properties Transition Effects Blinds Direction Vertical
Slide show Slide transition Effect Box in Format Slide properties Transition Effects Stretch to center
Slide show Slide transition Effect Box out Format Slide properties Transition Effects Stretch from center
Slide show Slide transition Effect Cover down Format Slide properties Transition Effects Push away Direction Top to bottom
Slide show Slide transition Effect Cover left Format Slide properties Transition Effects Push away Direction Right to left
Slide show Slide transition Effect Cover right Format Slide properties Transition Effects Push away Direction Left to right
Slide show Slide transition Effect Cover up Format Slide properties Transition Effects Push away Direction Bottom to top
Slide show Slide transition Effect Cover left-down Format Slide properties Transition Effects Push away Direction Left and down
Slide show Slide transition Effect Cover left-up Format Slide properties Transition Effects Push away Direction Left and up
Slide show Slide transition Effect Cover right-down Format Slide properties Transition Effects Push away Direction Right and down
Slide show Slide transition Effect Cover right-up Format Slide properties Transition Effects Push away Direction Right and up
Slide show Slide transition Effect Cut Format Slide properties Transition Effects Immediate
Slide show Slide transition Effect Dissolve Format Slide properties Transition Effects Dissolve
Slide show Slide transition Effect Fade through black Format Slide properties Transition Effects Fade
Slide show Slide transition Effect Split horizontal in Format Slide properties Transition Effects Slide in close Direction Horizontal
Slide show Slide transition Effect Split horizontal out Format Slide properties Transition Effects Slide out open Direction Horizontal
Slide show Slide transition Effect Split vertical in Format Slide properties Transition Effects Slide in close Direction Vertical
Slide show Slide transition Effect Split vertical out Format Slide properties Transition Effects Slide out open Direction Vertical
Slide show Slide transition Effect Wipe down Format Slide properties Transition Effects Slide in Direction Top to bottom
Slide show Slide transition Effect Wipe left Format Slide properties Transition Effects Slide in Direction Right to left
Slide show Slide transition Effect Wipe right Format Slide properties Transition Effects Slide in Direction Left to right
Slide show Slide transition Effect Wipe up Format Slide properties Transition Effects Slide in Direction Bottom to top
Slide show Slide transition Sound Other sound... Format Slide properties Sound
Slide show Hide slide Format Slide properties Do not include this slide (skip)
Slide show Custom shows Tools Custom audiences
Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations Window menu features
The following table lists the Window menu features in Microsoft PowerPoint and the equivalent Corel Presentations Window menu features.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 feature Corel Presentations feature
Window Arrange all Window Tile top to bottom; Window Tile side by side
Window Cascade Window Cascade
Window List of open slide shows Window List of open slide shows
Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations Help menu features
The following table lists the Help menu features in Microsoft PowerPoint and the equivalent Corel Presentations Help menu features.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 feature Corel Presentations feature
Help Microsoft PowerPoint Help Help Microsoft PowerPoint Help
Help Contents and index Help Help topics
Help Microsoft on the Web Help Corel on the Web Corel Web Site
Help Microsoft on the Web Links to different MS sites Help Corel on the Web
Help About Microsoft PowerPoint Help About Corel Presentations
Comparing Corel Presentations and Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts
This topic describes five categories of Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts and the equivalent Corel Presentations keyboard shortcuts.
Keyboard shortcuts for deleting and copying text
The following table lists the Corel Presentations keyboard shortcuts for deleting and copying text and the equivalent Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts.
Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcut What it does Corel Presentations keyboard shortcut
Backspace Deletes one character to the left Backspace
Ctrl + Backspace Deletes one word to the left Ctrl + Backspace
Delete Deletes one character to the right Delete
Ctrl + Delete Deletes one word to the right Ctrl + Delete
Ctrl + X Moves the object to the Clipboard Ctrl + X
Ctrl + C Copies the selected object Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V Inserts object from the Clipboard Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Z Undoes the last action Ctrl + Z
Keyboard shortcuts for selecting text and objects
The following table lists the Corel Presentations keyboard shortcuts for selecting text and objects and the equivalent Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 keyboard shortcut What it does Corel Presentations keyboard shortcut
Shift + Right arrow key Selects one character to the right Shift + Right arrow key
Shift + Left arrow key Selects one character to the left Shift + Left arrow key
Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow key Selects to the end of a word Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow key
Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow key Selects to the beginning of a word Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow key
Ctrl + A Selects all objects Ctrl + A
Keyboard shortcuts for working in dialog boxes
The following table lists the Corel Presentations keyboard shortcuts for working in dialog boxes and the equivalent Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 keyboard shortcut What it does Corel Presentations keyboard shortcut
Ctrl + Tab Moves to the next tab in a dialog box Ctrl + Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Switches to the previous tab in a dialog box Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Tab Moves to the next option in a dialog box Tab
Shift + Tab Moves to the previous option or option group Shift + Tab
Alt + Down arrow key Opens a selected list box Alt + Down arrow key
Esc Closes a selected list box Esc
Keyboard shortcuts for controlling slide shows
The following table lists the Corel Presentations keyboard shortcuts for slide show controls and the equivalent Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 keyboard shortcut What it does Corel Presentations keyboard shortcut
Enter or Spacebar Advances to the next slide Enter or Spacebar
P or Backspace Returns to the previous slide Page up
<number> + Enter Goes to slide <number> Ctrl + G
Esc Ends a slide show Esc
E Erases on-screen annotations Ctrl + E
Keyboard shortcuts for moving around in text
The following table lists the Corel Presentations keyboard shortcuts for moving around in text and the equivalent Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 keyboard shortcut What it does Corel Presentations keyboard shortcut
Left arrow key Moves one character to the left Left arrow key
Right arrow key Moves one character to the right Right arrow key
Up arrow key Moves one line up Up arrow key
Down arrow key Moves one line down Down arrow key
Ctrl + Left arrow key Moves one word to the left Ctrl + Left arrow key
Ctrl + Right arrow key Moves one word to the right Ctrl + Right arrow key
End Moves to the end of a line End
Home Moves to the beginning of a line Home
Ctrl + End Moves to the end of a text box Ctrl + End
Ctrl + Home Moves to the beginning of a text box Ctrl + Home
Reference: Moving between Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations
Because Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations share basic formatting features and many of the same menu options, you can create Microsoft PowerPoint files and then easily import files into Corel Presentations.
The following Microsoft PowerPoint file formats can be opened in Corel Presentations:
Microsoft PowerPoint 2.0
Microsoft PowerPoint 3.0
Microsoft PowerPoint 4.0
Microsoft PowerPoint 7.0 (Microsoft Office 95)
Microsoft PowerPoint 97
You can save Corel Presentations files in the following Microsoft PowerPoint file format:
Microsoft PowerPoint 7.0 (Microsoft Office 95)
Despite similarities, Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentations are distinguished by some differences in terminology, tools, and technology. Therefore, a conversion must take place to use a Microsoft PowerPoint file in Corel Presentations. Occasionally, some information in a file may not be displayed in the same way after the conversion process. For more information, see "Microsoft PowerPoint opening notes," and "Microsoft PowerPoint saving notes."