Working with bulleted lists in Corel Presentations
You can create bulleted lists in Corel Presentations to effectively communicate sequential ideas within drawings and slide shows.
In this section, you'll learn about
creating bulleted lists
modifying bulleted list text attributes
formatting bulleted lists
applying fills to bulleted lists
adding boxes to bulleted lists
changing line spacing in bulleted lists
saving and applying bulleted list styles
animating bulleted lists
Creating bulleted lists
You can create bulleted lists in slide shows and drawings. Keep the following points in mind when you create any type of bulleted list:
Express a single idea on each line.
Avoid using more than six items in a list.
Use nouns and action verbs to start sentences.
Levels can be created within these bulleted lists. As well, you can move a bulleted list item up a level.
To create a bulleted list
1 Click Insert Bulleted list.
2 Click in the slide show or drawing window.
3 Type text on the bulleted line.
4 Press Enter.
If you want to create a new level within the list, press Tab.
5 Click outside the bulleted list to return to the slide show or drawing window.
To create a new level for an existing bulleted list item
1 Double-click a bulleted list.
2 Click at the beginning of a list item.
3 Press Tab.
To move an existing bulleted list item up one level
1 Double-click a bulleted list.
2 Click at the beginning of a list item.
3 Press Shift + Tab.
Modifying bulleted list text attributes
You can customize the appearance of text and bullets within a bulleted list, including the font size, color, and attributes of text, and the fill and outline of font.
To change the appearance of text in a bulleted list level
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Fonts tab.
4 Choose a list level from the list.
5 Choose a font from the Font face list box.
6 Type a value in the Size box.
7 In the Appearance area, enable any of the following check boxes:
8 In the Color area, open the Foreground picker, and click a color.
9 Open the Background picker, and click a color.
The background color is visible only if a font fill style other than the default is selected. For information about changing the font fill, see "To change the font fill in a bulleted list level."
You can also modify bulleted lists by clicking the Bulleted list properties button on the property bar.
To change the font fill in a bulleted list level
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Fonts tab.
4 Choose a list level from the list.
5 In the Appearance area, click Font properties.
6 In the Font properties dialog box, click the Fill tab.
7 In the Fill style area, click one of the following:
8 Open any of the following pickers, and click a color:
9 Click a fill style on the palette.
You can also modify bulleted lists by clicking the Bulleted list properties button on the property bar.
To change the font outline in a bulleted list level
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Fonts tab.
4 Choose a list level from the list.
5 In the Appearance area, click Font properties.
6 In the Font properties dialog box, click the Outline tab.
7 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
8 Open the Style picker, and click a line style.
9 Open the Width picker, and click a line width.
You can also modify bulleted lists by clicking the Bulleted list properties button on the property bar.
Formatting bulleted lists
You can change the justification of a bulleted list level.
You can also change the shape of a bullet, or use a different symbol for a bullet.
You can choose to change the bullet type for all list levels and resize a bullet.
To change the justification of a bulleted list level
1 Double-click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Bullets tab.
4 Choose a list level from the list.
5 Choose a position from the Justification list box.
To change the shape of a bullet
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Bullets tab.
4 Choose a list level from the list.
5 Choose a bullet shape from the Bullet shape list box.
To apply a different symbol to a bullet
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Bullets tab.
4 Choose a list level from the list.
5 Choose Other from the Bullet shape list box.
6 In the Symbols dialog box, click Set, and click a symbol set.
7 Click a symbol on the Symbols palette.
8 Click Insert and close.
To change the bullet type for all list levels
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Bullets tab.
4 Choose a bullet type from the Bullet set (all levels) list box.
To resize a bullet
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Bullets tab.
4 Choose a list level from the list.
5 Type a value in the Relative size box.
Relative bullet size is calculated in relation to the current bullet size.
Applying fills to bulleted lists
A variety of preset bullet styles are available in Corel Presentations, however, you can customize bulleted lists by applying a gradient fill to bullets. You can also change the settings of a pattern or gradient fill.
To apply a pattern or gradient fill to a bullet
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Bullets tab.
4 Choose a list level from the list.
5 Click Bullet properties.
6 In the Bullet properties dialog box, click one of the following:
7 Open the Foreground picker, and click a color.
8 Open the Background picker, and click a color.
9 Click a pattern or gradient on the palette.
To change the gradient fill settings of a bullet
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Bullets tab.
4 Choose a list level from the list, and click Bullet properties.
5 In the Bullet properties dialog box, click Gradient.
6 Click Gradient settings.
7 In the Gradient settings dialog box, choose a gradient from the Gradient type list box.
If applicable, type a value in the Angle box.
8 Type values in the following boxes:
Horizontal offset-lets you specify how much you want to move the gradient color horizontally
Vertical offset-lets you specify how much you want to move the gradient color vertically
9 Enable one of the following options:
Auto-stop blending-blends the gradient fill automatically
Fixed-blends the gradient fill by using a fixed number of steps that you specify in the Steps box
Adding boxes to bulleted lists
You can add a box around a bulleted list and fill the box with a pattern or gradient. The settings of patterns and gradients can be changed. A texture or picture can also be added to a box that you add around a bulleted list. Pattern fills fill the box with a pattern. Gradient fills fill the box with the graduation between two colors. Texture fills fill a box with a texture pattern. For example, you can fill a box with wood or oil textures. Picture fills fill a box with a single picture. Although there are many predefined fills to choose from, you can also add a custom texture or picture fill. As well, you can change the settings of a picture that you add to a box.
To add a box to a bulleted list
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Box tab.
4 In the Position area, enable one of the following options:
Above and below
5 In the Corner style area, enable one of the following options:
Rounded rectangle
6 In the Frame style area, choose a frame from the Type list box.
7 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
To apply a pattern or gradient fill to a bulleted list box
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Box tab.
4 In the Fill style and color area, click Properties.
5 In the Object properties dialog box, click one of the following:
6 Open the Foreground picker, and click a color.
7 Open the Background picker, and click a color.
8 Click a pattern or gradient on the palette.
To change the pattern fill settings of a bulleted list box
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Box tab.
4 In the Fill style and color area, click Properties.
5 In the Object properties dialog box, click Pattern.
6 Click Pattern settings.
7 In the Transparent color area, enable one of the following options:
Foreground color
Background color
To change the gradient fill settings of a bulleted list box
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Box tab.
4 In the Fill style and color area, click Properties.
5 In the Object properties dialog box, click Gradient.
6 Click Gradient settings.
7 In the Gradient settings dialog box, choose a gradient from the Gradient type list box.
If applicable, type a value in the Angle box.
8 Type values in the following boxes:
Horizontal offset-lets you specify how much you want to move the gradient color horizontally
Vertical offset-lets you specify how much you want to move the gradient color vertically
9 Enable one of the following options:
Auto-stop blending-blends the gradient fill automatically
Fixed-blends the gradient fill by using the fixed number of steps you specify in the Steps box
To apply a texture or picture fill to a bulleted list box
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Box tab.
4 In the Fill style and color area, click Properties.
5 In the Object properties dialog box, click one of the following:
6 Choose a texture or picture from the Category list box.
7 Click a texture or picture on the palette.
To apply a custom texture or picture fill to a bulleted list box
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Box tab.
4 In the Fill style and color area, click Properties.
5 In the Object properties dialog box, click one of the following:
6 Click Browse.
7 Choose the drive and folder where the custom fill file is stored.
8 Type a filename in the Filename box.
9 Click Open.
To change the picture fill settings of a bulleted list box
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Box tab.
4 In the Fill style and color area, click Properties.
5 In the Object properties dialog box, click Picture.
6 Click Picture settings.
7 In the Picture settings dialog box, enable one of the following options:
Tile-fills the picture with tiles
Brick horizontal-fills the picture with horizontal rows
Brick vertical-fills the picture with vertical columns
Stretch/ shrink to fit area-stretches or shrinks the picture to fit the box
Scale to fit area-scales the picture to fit the box
Changing line spacing in bulleted lists
You can change the amount of line spacing in a bulleted list. Spacing can be adjusted between the text on the same level, between each main bullet level, and between subordinate bullet levels.
You can also restore the default line spacing.
To change the line spacing in a bulleted list
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Spacing tab.
4 Type a value in any of the following boxes:
Line spacing-determines the amount of space between text on the same level
Main spacing-determines the amount of space between each main bullet level
Subordinate-determines the amount of space between subordinate bullet levels
To restore the default line spacing
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Spacing tab.
4 Click Restore standard spacing.
Saving and applying bulleted list styles
Corel Presentations lets you choose various attributes for bulleted lists and save them for future use. For example, you can choose the color and size of fonts or the properties of a bulleted list and save them to use in new presentations. You can also apply saved bulleted list styles to other bulleted lists.
To save a bulleted list style
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Modify any attributes.
4 Click Save style.
5 In the Save chart style dialog box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the style.
6 Type a filename in the Filename box.
7 Click Save.
The file format extension of a bulleted list style file is .chs (chart styles).
To apply a bulleted list style
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click Load style.
4 In the Retrieve chart style dialog box, choose the drive and folder where the style is stored.
5 Type a filename in the Filename box.
6 Click Open.
Animating bulleted lists
You can use animation as a special effect to capture your audience's attention and reinforce the points in your presentations. For example, you can animate list items so that they move across the screen or animate them in place.
Bulleted lists inserted on an unformatted slide and bulleted lists on a bulleted list slide have different properties. If you create a bulleted list on an unformatted slide, the list is treated as an object; therefore, you can animate the entire list but not individual list items. For information about animating objects, see "Animating objects."
In Corel Presentations, you can animate each individual list item when you work with a list on a bulleted list slide. When animating list items, you can choose from a wide variety of options, such as animation type, effect, direction, and speed. For example, you can make list items bounce across the screen, fly in, curve in, or display one at a time. You can also show only Flash(tm)-enabled transitions if you are publishing a slide show using Flash(tm). For more information about Flash(tm), see "Publishing slides as HTML documents." As well, you can add sound to a bulleted animation.
To animate a bulleted list on a bulleted list slide
1 Click Insert New slide.
2 Click the Bulleted list layout on the Layout palette, and click OK.
3 Create the bulleted list, and click Format Bulleted list properties.
4 Click the Bullet animation tab.
5 In the Animation type area, enable one of the following options:
Animate object in place
Animate object across screen
If you are publishing the slide show using Flash(tm), enable the Show only Flash enabled transitions check box.
6 Choose an animation effect from the Effects list.
7 Choose an animation direction from the Direction list.
8 In the Speed area, enable one of the following options:
9 Enable any of the following check boxes:
Display one at a time-displays main level list items and subordinate level list items one at a time during a slide show
Highlight current bullet-selects one list item at a time, and greys all other list items on the slide
Display in reverse order-begins the cascade effect with the last item in the list, and progresses to the first list item
To apply sound to a bulleted animation
1 Click a bulleted list.
2 Click Format Bulleted list properties.
3 Click the Bullet animation tab.
4 In the Sound area, click Browse.
5 In the Open file dialog box, choose the drive and folder where the sound file is stored.
6 Type a filename in the Filename box.
7 Click Open.
8 On the Bullet animation page, move the slider to adjust the volume of the sound file.