{MOVEAVG} returns a moving average for a specified Interval based on the values for the preceding periods in InBlock. {MOVEAVG} is equivalent to the Moving Average analysis tool.
InBlock Input cells containing a single column or row with at least four numeric values; the cells must not contain labels
OutBlock Upper-left cell of the output cells
Interval Number of values to include in the moving average; the default is 3
StdErrs Flag indicating whether to include standard error values in the OutBlock: yes (1) or no (0); the default is 0
MoveTo(x As Double, y As Double)
PerfectScript Syntax
MoveTo (x:Numeric; y:Numeric)
{MOVETO} moves all selected objects in the active window (dialog, chart, or Objects sheetg window) to the position specified by x,y. Since {MOVETO} is context sensitive, you can use it to move controls in a dialog window or drawings in a chart window. It also moves chart icons on the Objects sheet. (Use {FLOATMOVE} to move floating objects in a notebook window.)
The coordinates x and y represent where to move the upper-left corner of the object(s). Object size does not change.
x,y Position to move the currently selected object(s) to in pixels
MTGAMT([OutBlock As String], [Rate As Double], [Term As Double], [OrigBal As Double], [EndBal As Double], [LastYear As Double])
{MTGAMT} generates an amortization schedule for a mortgage. {MTGAMT} is equivalent to the Amortization Schedule analysis tool.
OutBlock Upper-left cell of the output cells
Rate Yearly interest rate; the default is 0.12
Term Number of years in the loan; the default is 30 years; can be a fractional value to designate months (for example, 3+5/12)
OrigBal Original loan balance; the default is $100,000
EndBal Balance at loan completion; the default is $0
LastYear Last year through which the amortization period is generated; the default is equal to Term (the end of the loan); can be a fractional value to designate months (for example, 3+5/12)
MTGREFI(OutBlock As String, [CurrBal As Double], [CurrRate As Double], [RemTerm As Double], [CandPctFees As Double], [CandRate As Double])
{MTGREFI} generates a table of information relating to refinancing a mortgage. {MTGREFI} is equivalent to the Mortgage Refinancing analysis tool.
OutBlock Upper-left cell of the output cells
CurrBal Remaining principal on the current loan
CurrRate Annual interest rate on the current loan
RemTerm Remaining term on the current loan
CandPctFees Percentage fees ("points") for the candidate loan
CandRate Annual interest rate for the candidate loan
PerfectScript Syntax
Multiply_Destination(Block As String)
Multiply_Matrix_1(Block As String)
Multiply_Matrix_2(Block As String)
{Multiply} multiplies one matrix ({Multiply.Matrix_1 Block}) by another ({Multiply.Matrix_2 Block}) and stores the product in other cells ({Multiply.Destination Block}). Use {Multiply.Go} after the other matrix-multiplication command equivalents to complete the operation.
You can use this command equivalent with {Invert.Option} to solve sets of linear equations.
You can use {Multiply?} or {Multiply!} to display the Matrix Multiply dialog box. {Multiply?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {Multiply!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
This macro multiplies cells C2..D6 by cells C18..G19 and stores the results in the cells with upper-left cell F1.
{Multiply.Matrix_1 A:C2..D6}
{Multiply.Matrix_2 A:C18..G19}
{Multiply.Destination A:F1}
{Multiply.Destination Block} Specifies the top-left cell of the area where you want to write the resulting matrix
{Multiply.Go} Executes the multiplication
{Multiply.Matrix_1 Block} Specifies the first matrix to multiply
{Multiply.Matrix_2 Block} Specifies the second matrix to multiply