WordPerfect lets you use project templates to create documents. A template is a shell, or skeleton structure, that can consist of elements such as margins, styles, and graphics objects. You fill in the details and provide data to complete the project.
In this section, you'll learn about
creating documents using project templates
working with categories
editing and formatting project templates
automating project templates using prompts
using QuickMarks in project templates
adding objects to project templates
managing project templates
For more information about project templates, see "Working with PerfectExpert project templates."
WordPerfect Office provides a basic set of templates to get you started. To download additional templates, visit the Corel OfficeCommunity Web site.
Creating documents using project templates
To create a document using a project template
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose [WordPerfect] from the list box.
If [WordPerfect] is not displayed in the list box, click Options, and click Refresh projects.
4 Choose a project template from the list.
5 Click Create.
Some WordPerfect project templates use prompts to guide you through the process of adding information to a document. For more information about prompts, see "Automating project templates using prompts."
Working with categories
Project templates are organized into preset categories. You can create categories in which to organize project templates, documents, and executable files. Adding an executable file, such as a slide show, to a category, lets you conveniently access that file as a template on which to base similar documents. If you intend to use a specific template often, you can add it to the Favorites category.
You can also copy or move project templates to other categories.
To create a category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Click Options, and click Create category.
4 In the Create a category dialog box, type a category name in the Display name box.
If you want the category to display in the top section of the list box, type square brackets around the category name; for example, [Invitations].
You can also
Rename a category Choose a category from the list box. Click Options, and click Rename category. Type a new name in the Display name box.
Delete a category Choose a category from the list box. Click Options, and click Remove category.
To add a project template, document, or executable file to a category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose a category from the list box.
4 Click Options, and click Add project.
5 Follow the instructions on your screen.
To add a project template to the Favorites category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose a category from the list box.
4 Choose a project template from the list.
5 Click Copy to favorites.
You can view the contents of the Favorites folder. Click File New from project. Choose [Favorites] from the list box.
To copy or move a project template to another category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose a category from the list box.
4 Choose a project template from the list.
5 Click Options, and click one of the following:
Copy project
Move project
6 Click a category.
Editing and formatting project templates
WordPerfect lets you add information to a project template. You can also edit the styles in a project template or additional objects template to customize the display of fonts, graphics, margins, and more.
You can copy the styles from one project template, additional objects template, or document, to another. You can also insert a project template into another project template or document.
You can edit any WordPerfect document. For more information, see "Editing documents."
To add information to a project template
1 Click File New from project.
2 Choose a category from the list box.
3 Choose a project template from the list.
4 Click Options, and click Edit WP template.
5 Make changes to the project template.
To edit styles in a project template or additional objects template
1 Click File New from project.
2 Choose a category from the list box.
3 Choose a project template from the list.
4 Click Create.
5 Click Format Styles.
6 In the Styles dialog box, choose a style from the Available styles list.
7 Click Edit.
8 In the Styles editor dialog box, make changes in any of the boxes.
The style codes display in the Contents box.
You can also
Remove a style from a project template Drag the code from the Contents box.
To copy styles
1 Click Format Styles.
2 Click Options, and click Settings.
3 In the Available styles list area of the Style settings dialog box, enable any of the following check boxes:
Styles in current document-to display all styles in the current document
Styles in default template-to display all styles in the default template
WordPerfect system styles-to display all WordPerfect styles
Styles from additional objects template-to display all styles in the additional objects template
4 Click OK.
5 In the Styles dialog box, choose a style from the Available styles list.
6 Click Options, and click Copy.
7 In the Copy to area of the Styles copy dialog box, enable one of the following options:
Current document-to copy the style to the current document
Default template-to copy the style to the default template
Additional objects template-to copy the style to the additional objects template
8 Click OK.
9 In the Styles duplicate dialog box, type a name in the Style name box.
If you have not chosen an additional objects template, the Additional objects template option will not be available. For information about choosing an additional objects template, see "To choose an additional objects template."
To insert a project template into another project template or document
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click Options, and click Create WP template.
3 Click Insert File.
4 Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.
5 Click a file.
6 Click Insert.
If you are prompted to allow WordPerfect to update the default template with the styles in the project template, click Yes.
Automating project templates using prompts
WordPerfect lets you use prompts in project templates to automate the process of creating documents; for example, you can use template prompts to let you know what kind of information you need to type in a document. You can also create personal information prompts that link to and extract personal information from an address book.
Prompts launch in the order in which they are inserted in a project template. You can move prompts so that they launch in the order you want.
When you create prompts in a template, it is recommended that you run the template to ensure that it has been set up correctly. For more information, see "To run a project template."
To create prompts
1 Click the Build prompts button on the Template toolbar.
If the Template toolbar is not displayed, click View Toolbars. In the Available toolbars list, enable the Template check box.
2 In the Prompt builder dialog box, click Add.
3 In the Add template prompt dialog box, type a name for the prompt in the Prompt box.
If you want to link the prompt to a field in the default address book installed on your computer, choose a field from the Link to address book field list box.
You can also
Insert a prompt in the project template Click where you want to insert a prompt. In the Prompt builder dialog box, click Paste.
Edit a prompt In the Prompt builder dialog box, choose a prompt from the Template prompts list. Click Edit. Make changes in any of the boxes.
Delete a prompt In the Prompt builder dialog box, choose a prompt from the Template prompts list. Click Delete.
Template prompts display in square brackets.
To insert a personal information prompt
1 Click the Build prompts button on the Template toolbar.
If the Template toolbar is not displayed, click View Toolbars. In the Available toolbars list, enable the Template check box.
2 Click Personal.
3 Choose a field from the list.
If you want to display all available fields, enable the Show all available fields check box.
4 Click where you want to insert a prompt.
5 Click Paste.
Personal information prompts display in angle brackets.
To move prompts
1 Click the Build prompts button on the Template toolbar.
If the Template toolbar is not displayed, click View Toolbars. In the Available toolbars list, enable the Template check box.
2 In the Prompts builder dialog box, choose a prompt from the Template prompts list.
3 Click one of the following buttons:
Move up
Move down
Using QuickMarks in project templates
WordPerfect lets you insert a QuickMark in a project template. QuickMarks can be used to save your place in a document when you quit WordPerfect.
If you want to mark multiple places in a document, you must use bookmarks. For more information about bookmarks and QuickMarks, see "Using bookmarks and QuickMarks."
To insert a QuickMark in a project template
1 Click where you want to insert a QuickMark.
2 Click Tools Bookmark.
3 Click Set QuickMark.
You can also
Automatically insert a QuickMark each time you save a document Enable the Set QuickMark on file save check box.
Automatically go the QuickMark each time you open a document Enable the Go to QuickMark on file open check box.
Adding objects to project templates
WordPerfect lets you copy objects to project templates. You can also associate a feature in a project template with a menu or keyboard, so that the menu or keyboard displays when you use that feature. You can insert a trigger in a project template, so that a macro plays when you use a specific feature.
For more information about associating features with objects, see "Customizing WordPerfect." For more information about using triggers, see "Triggering macros from templates."
To copy an object to a project template
1 Click the Copy/Remove object button on the Template toolbar.
If the Template toolbar is not displayed, click View Toolbars. In the Available toolbars list, enable the Template check box.
2 From the Template to copy from list box, choose the template from which you want to copy objects.
3 Choose an object type from the Object type list box.
4 Choose an object from the Source box.
5 Click Copy.
The object displays in the Destination [project template] list.
You can also
Copy all objects from the Source list Click Copy all.
Remove an object from the Destination list Click an object, and click Remove.
Remove all objects from the Destination list Click Remove all.
To associate a feature with a menu or keyboard
1 Click the Associate button on the Template toolbar.
If the Template toolbar is not displayed, click View Toolbars. Enable the Template check box in the Available toolbars list.
2 Enable the Features option.
3 Choose a feature from the Item to associate list.
4 Choose an option from one of the following list boxes:
Only features that you have created in a template, or copied to a template, display in the Item to associate list.
To trigger a macro with a feature
1 Click the Associate button on the Template toolbar.
If the Template toolbar is not displayed, click View Toolbars. Enable the Template check box in the Available toolbars list.
2 Enable the Triggers option.
3 Choose a feature from the Item to associate list.
4 Choose a macro from the Macros list box.
Managing project templates
You can save a project template with a new name, and change a project template display name or description. Templates can be copied from earlier versions of WordPerfect.
You can also view a list of recent projects on which you have worked.
You can choose an additional objects template. This is a second default template that stores objects such as keyboards, menus, template macros, toolbars, and styles that you can use in addition to or in place of those in the default template. For example, a system administrator could use an additional objects template as a network template that would overwrite a user's default template.
If you have created prompts in a project template, it is recommended that you run the template to ensure that it has been set up correctly. When you run a template, WordPerfect automatically fills in the triggers, prompts, and macros that you have inserted into the project template.
To save a project template with a new name
1 Using a project template, create a document.
2 Click File Save as.
3 Type a name in the Template name box.
You can also
Include a description of the template Type text in the Description box.
Choose a category in which to store the template Choose a category from the Template category list.
For information about creating a document using a project template, see "To create a document using a project template."
To change a project template display name or description
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Create new tab.
3 Choose a category from the list box.
4 Choose a project template from the list.
5 Click Options, and click Project properties.
6 In the Modify a project dialog box, type text in either of the following boxes:
Display name-to change the project name
Description-to change the project description
The project description displays at the bottom of the Create new tab in the PerfectExpert dialog box.
To view a list of recent projects
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Work on tab.
3 Choose a WordPerfect Office application from the list box.
If you want to view a list of recent projects from all WordPerfect Office applications, choose [All applications] from the list box.
To copy a template from an earlier version of WordPerfect
1 Choose the drive and folder where the template you want to copy is stored.
2 Click the file.
3 Click Edit Copy.
4 Choose the drive and folder "X:\Program files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 11\Template\Custom WP templates," where "X" indicates the drive on which WordPerfect is installed.
5 Click Edit Paste.
To choose an additional objects template
1 Click Tools Settings.
2 Click Files.
3 Click the Template tab.
4 In the Additional template folder box, click the Browse button.
5 Choose the drive and folder where the template is stored.
6 Click Select.
7 In the Additional objects template box, click the Browse button.
8 Click the template you want to use as the additional objects template.
9 Click Open.
If you want to update the default template with styles from the additional objects template, enable the Update default template from additional objects template check box.
It is not always recommended that you update the default template with the additional objects template. Updating might only be useful, for example, if many users on a network use the styles in the additional objects template. The network administrator could enable the Update default template from additional objects template check box to update each user's default template.
To run a project template
1 Click File New from project.
2 Choose a category from the list box.
3 Choose a project template from the list.
4 Click Create.
If you are prompted to disable the macros in the project template, click No.