{BACKSPACE} and {BS} are equivalent to the Backspace key, which deletes one character to the left of the insertion point in Edit mode. The optional argument Number specifies how many times to repeat the operation; for example, {BACKSPACE 2} is equivalent to pressing Backspace twice.
Number Any positive integer or the address of a cell containing a positive integer (optional)
{BACKTAB <Number>}
{BACKTAB} is equivalent to the Shift+Tab key. It is the same as {BIGLEFT}, which moves one cell to the left.
When the Compatible Keys option in General Settings is checked, {BACKTAB} selects the leftmost cell of the screen that is to the left of the current one.
The optional argument Number specifies how many times to repeat the operation; for example, {BACKTAB 3} is equivalent to pressing Shift+Tab three times.
Number Any positive integer or the address of a cell containing a positive integer (optional)
{BEEP <Number>}
{BEEP} sounds the computer's built-in speaker.
Number dictates the tone of the beep. If Number is omitted, {BEEP 1} sounds. If Number is larger than 10, the pattern repeats; for example, {BEEP 11} is the same as {BEEP 1}.
Use {BEEP} to catch your attention. You can use it in interactive macros to introduce a prompt for information or to indicate a macro has finished.
The following macro checks a cell area named error_check for an error condition (indicated by error_check containing zero). If there is no error, it branches to a macro called _continue, which carries on the previous procedure. If there is an error, it gives a low beep, then a medium beep, and moves the selector to the cell area called message_area, where an error message is stored.
{IF error_check = 0}{BRANCH _continue}
{BEEP 1}{BEEP 5}{EditGoto message_area}
Number 1 to 10 (optional)
{BIGLEFT <Number>}
{BIGLEFT} is equivalent to the Shift+Tab key. It is the same as {BACKTAB}, which moves one cell to the left.
When the Compatible Keys option in General Settings is checked, {BIGLEFT} selects the leftmost cell of the screen that is to the left of the current cell.
The optional argument Number specifies how many times to repeat the operation; for example, {BIGLEFT 2} is equivalent to pressing Shift+Tab twice.
Number Any positive integer, or the address of a cell containing a positive integer (optional)
{BIGRIGHT <Number>}
{BIGRIGHT}, like {TAB}, is equivalent to the Tab key, which moves one cell to the right.
When the Compatible Keys option in General Settings is checked, {BIGRIGHT} selects the rightmost cell of the screen that is to the right of the current cell.
The optional argument Number specifies how many times to repeat the operation; for example, {BIGRIGHT 2} is equivalent to pressing Tab twice.
Number Any positive integer, or the address of a cell containing a positive integer (optional)
{BLANK Location}
{BLANK} erases the contents of the cells referred to as Location. You can also use the command equivalents {ClearContents} and {EditClear} to erase the contents of the currently selected cells.
{BlockCopy} copies the source cells to the specified destination. If ModelCopy? is 1, absolute references to cells within the copied cells adjust to reflect the new location. Formula?, Values?, Properties?, Object?, Row/Col_Sizes?, Labels?, and Numbers? apply only if ModelCopy? is 1.
You can use {BlockCopy?} or {BlockCopy!} to display the Copy Cells dialog box. {BlockCopy?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {BlockCopy!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
SourceBlock Cells to copy
DestBlock Location to copy cells
ModelCopy? Whether to use Model Copy option; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 0
Formula? Whether to copy formula cells; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 1
Values? Whether to copy value cells; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 1
Properties? Whether to copy properties; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 1
Object? Whether to copy objects; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 1
Row/Col_Sizes? Whether to copy row and column sizes; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 1
Labels? Whether to copy label cells; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 1
Numbers? Whether to copy number cells; 0 = no, 1 = yes; the default is 1 (reserved for Cell Comments)
{BlockDelete.Option} deletes entire or partial columns, rows, and sheets. Block is the 2-D or 3-D selection where material is deleted.
You can use {BlockDelete?} or {BlockDelete!} to display the Delete dialog box. {BlockDelete?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {BlockDelete!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
{BlockDelete.Columns Block, Entire|Partial} Deletes entire or partial column
{BlockDelete.Pages Block, Entire|Partial} Deletes entire or partial page
{BlockDelete.Rows Block, Entire|Partial} Deletes entire or partial row
{BlockFill.Option} fills Block with sequential data. You can use numbers, dates, times, or even formulas for Value.
If {BlockFill.Start} is a number or formula, you can enter one of these strings for {BlockFill.Series}:
¿ "Linear" adds the step value to the previous value (defined at first to be the start value).
¿ "Growth" multiplies the step value by the previous value.
¿ "Power" uses the step value as the exponent of the previous value.
If {BlockFill.Start} is a date or time, the fill operation is always linear, but you can specify the step unit as "Year," "Month," "Week," "Weekday," "Day," "Hour," "Minute," or "Second". For example, with a start value of 6/20/92, a step value of 2, and "Month" as the {BlockFill.Series Option} setting, the second cell in the filled cells contains August.
You can enter the date and time directly as a serial number or use one of the date and time @functions.
You can use {BlockFill?} or {BlockFill!} to display the Fill Series dialog box. {BlockFill?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {BlockFill!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
The following macro uses @DATEVALUE to enter 6/20/92 as the start value. The 3-D selection to fill is B..C:B1..D4 with a step value of 2. Fill order is "Row."
{BlockFill.Block B:B1..C:D4}
{BlockFill.Start @DATEVALUE("6/20/92")}
{BlockFill.Step 2}
{BlockFill.Stop @DATEVALUE("12/31/2099")}
{BlockFill.Order Row}
{BlockFill.Series Month}
{BlockFill.Block Block} Specifies the cells to fill with values.
{BlockFill.Go} Fill the specified cells.
{BlockFill.Order Column|Row} Specifies whether to fill down columns or across rows.
{BlockFill.Series Linear | Growth | Power | Year | Month | Week | Weekday |Day | Hour | Minute | Second} Specifies the type of fill operation to perform.
{BlockFill.Start Value} Sets the first value in the series.
{BlockFill.Step Value} Sets the constant value to add to the Start value or the last value.
{BlockFill.Stop Value} Sets the limit for the fill values.
{BlockInsert} inserts entire or partial columns, rows, and sheets, or complete files. Block is the 2-D or 3-D selection where material is inserted. In {BlockInsert.File}, Filename is inserted into the active notebook before BeforeBlock.
You can use {BlockInsert?} or {BlockInsert!} to display the Insert Cells dialog box. {BlockInsert?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {BlockInsert!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
{BlockInsert.Columns Block, Entire|Partial} Inserts complete or partial columns.
{BlockInsert.File FileName, BeforeBlock} Inserts a complete file.
{BlockInsert.Pages Block, Entire|Partial} Inserts complete or partial pages.
{BlockInsert.Rows Block, Entire|Partial} Inserts complete or partial rows.
{BlockMove SrcBlock; DstBlock}
PerfectScript Syntax
BlockMove (SrcBlock: String; DstBlock: String)
Lets you move a block.
SrcBlock The block you want to move
DstBlock New location for SrcBlock
{BlockMovePages SrcPages, BeforePage}
{BlockMovePages} reorders sheets within a notebook. Moved sheets appear before BeforePage.
You can use {BlockMovePages?} or {BlockMovePages!} to display the Move Sheets dialog box. {BlockMovePages?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {BlockMovePages!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
The following macro will move the page named July to the position before the page named August.
{BlockName} creates, deletes, and displays names for contiguous and noncontiguous selections.
BlockName is the cell name to create or delete. In {BlockName.Create}, Block refers to the cells to name; in {BlockName.MakeTable}, Block indicates where to create the name table. {BlockName.Reset} clears all cell names in the notebook.
You can use {BlockName?} or {BlockName!} to display the Cell Names dialog box. {BlockName?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {BlockName!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
{BlockName.Create BlockName, Block} Adds a name for the specified cell to the cell name list.
{BlockName.Delete BlockName} Deletes a selected cell name.
{BlockName.Labels Block,Left|Right|Up|Down} Assigns names to single cells using adjacent labels.
{BlockName.MakeTable Block} Creates a table in the notebook listing all named cells by name and location.
{BlockName.Reset} Deletes all existing cell names from the notebook.
{BlockReformat Block}
{BlockReformat} adjusts word wrapping in a series of label entries (contained in Block) as though they were in a paragraph.
Block The cells to reformat
{BlockTranspose SourceBlock,DestBlock}
{BlockTranspose} copies SourceBlock to another location and reverses its rows and columns. Existing data in DestBlock is overwritten.
You can use {BlockTranspose?} or {BlockTranspose!} to display the Transpose Cells dialog box. {BlockTranspose?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {BlockTranspose!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
SourceBlock Cells to transpose
DestBlock Cells to hold transposed copy
{BlockValues SourceBlock,DestBlock}
{BlockValues} copies cells to another location and converts their formulas to values. Existing data in DestBlock is overwritten.
You can use {BlockValues?} or {BlockValues!} to display the Convert to Values dialog box. {BlockValues?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {BlockValues!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
SourceBlock Cells to copy as values
DestBlock Cells to hold converted copy
{BRANCH Location}
{BRANCH} runs the macro stored in Location. If Location references cells, Quattro Pro starts with the macro command in the top-left cell.
{BRANCH} can change the flow of execution based on a condition test. For example, you can use it to run a different macro depending on the contents of a certain cell.
{BRANCH} is like {Subroutine} in that it passes control to another macro. Unlike {Subroutine}, it does not hold your place in the original macro, waiting for control to return. Use {BRANCH} when you do not intend to return to the original macro. To run another macro and then return to the calling macro, use {Subroutine}.
The following macro branches to a macro named _high if the value in cell D10 is greater than 1000; otherwise, it continues to run the macro on the next line:
{IF D10 > 1000}{BRANCH _high}
Location Location or name of another macro
{BREAK} clears any displayed dialog boxes or prompts and returns Quattro Pro to Ready mode. It does not stop macro execution; use {QUIT} for that operation.
{BREAKOFF} disables Ctrl+Break, which can be used to end a macro before it is done. After {BREAKOFF}, you will not be able to exit a macro until the end of the macro or until {BREAKON} is used.
Use {BREAKOFF} only when necessary. Without access to Ctrl+Break, the only way to stop a "runaway" macro is to reboot or turn off the computer.
This macro disables Ctrl+Break while you input a name:
{PUTCELL "Enter your name here:"}
{PUTCELL "Try again: "}
{BREAKON} enables Ctrl+Break after a previous {BREAKOFF} command has disabled it.
Use {BREAKON} as soon as possible after {BREAKOFF}, because with Ctrl+Break disabled, the only way to halt a "runaway" macro is to reboot or turn off the computer.
See {BREAKOFF}for an example of {BREAKOFF} and {BREAKON}.
{BudgetExpert} displays the first Budget Expert dialog box. The macro has no arguments.