{TableLink} establishes a link to an external database table and displays the table in a Quattro Pro notebook.
You can use {TableLink?} or {TableLink!} to display the Table Link dialog box. {TableLink?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {TableLink!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
{TableLink.Block Block} Specifies the cells where you want the linked table to appear.
{TableLink.Name TableName} Sets the filename of the database table to which you want to establish a link.
{TableQuery} lets you search external databases for records. The query is not performed until {TableQuery.Go} is used.
You can use {TableQuery?} or {TableQuery!} to display the Table Query dialog box. {TableQuery?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {TableQuery!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
The following macro searches the external table TASKLIST.DB using the query file TASKLIST.QBE. The results of the search are stored in A:A2.
{TableQuery.FileQuery Yes}
{TableQuery.QueryFile TASKLIST.QBE}
{TableQuery.Destination A:A2}
The next macro searches the same database, but uses the query defined in the named cell task_query.
{TableQuery.FileQuery No}
{TableQuery.QueryBlock task_query}
{TableQuery.Destination A:A2}
{TableQuery.Destination Block} Specifies the cells for the query's Answer Table (its results).
{TableQuery.FileQuery Yes|No} Specifies an external query file as the source of the query text.
{TableQuery.Go} Performs the table query.
{TableQuery.QueryBlock Block} Specifies cells in the active notebook as the source of the query text.
{TableQuery.QueryFile Filename} Specifies the filename or cell coordinates of the query text.
{TemplateTB} is similar to {Toolbar.Option} except that it controls the Template toolbar.
{TemplateTB.Add Name, Path} Adds a new Template toolbar.
{TemplateTB.Show Name} Shows a Template toolbar.
{TemplateTB.Hide Name} Hides a Template toolbar.
{TemplateTB.Remove Name} Removes a Template toolbar.
{TemplateTB.Reset Name} Resets a Template toolbar to its default setup.
{TemplateTB.Docking_Position Name, Top | Left | Right | Bottom | Floating} Sets the docking position of a Template toolbar.
{TemplateTB.Rename Name, NewName} Renames a Template toolbar.
{TemplateTB.Context Name, Desktop (Yes | No), Notebook (Yes | No), Chart (Yes | No), Dialog (Yes | No), Objects Page (Yes | No), Slide Show (Yes | No)} Sets the contexts in Quattro Pro in which a Template toolbar appears.
{Toolbar.Docking_Position Order} is a numeric number used to position the selected toolbar in relation to other visible toolbars at the specified docking position:
-1 Displays the specified toolbar at the end of toolbars at the specified docking position
0 Displays the specified toolbar at the beginning of toolbars at the specified docking position
1 Displays the specified toolbar 1 position in from the beginning of toolbars at the specified docking position
n Displays the specified toolbar n positions in from the beginning of toolbars at the specified docking position.
To record such macros as adding, positioning, and removing toolbars, right-click anywhere on a visible toolbar while recording a macro.
{Toolbar.Add Name, Path} Lets you create a toolbar and add it to the toolbar list.