Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is the process of inserting an object (for example, a file or graphic) created in one application into a file in another application. OLE capabilities within Quattro Pro allow you to import and export projects, objects, and graphics. You have the ability to integrate data and objects from the source application, usually referred to as the object, within another application that acts as a container for the object.
In this section, you'll learn about
using Quattro Pro with Lotus Notes
For more information about using OLE automation, see "Reference: Using OLE automation."
Using Quattro Pro with Lotus Notes
Lotus Notes is a database application with messaging capabilities. Notes/FX (Notes Field Exchange) lets you embed a Quattro Pro notebook in a Lotus Notes field, using it to exchange data between the applications. Either application can use the data.
The first step in linking a notebook with a Lotus Notes database is to create a field block in Quattro Pro. This helps set the fields you want the Lotus Notes database to recognize as common to both applications. For additional information, see the reference topic "Example: Setting up Notes/FX field blocks."
Next, you must create a new database in Lotus Notes. Then, you can embed a Quattro Pro notebook in Lotus Notes. Once you set up a form in Lotus Notes with fields configured to match those in the Notes/FX field block file, you can create a Lotus Notes view. In Lotus Notes, a view displays data from the database in a specified order. The columns you create display the data entered into a single field on a database form.
Activating the Notes database form allows you to enter data in Quattro Pro Notes/FX that displays in the Lotus Notes database view.
To create a field block in Quattro Pro
1 Organize data into two columns in a new notebook.
2 Select the field block.
3 Click Insert Name Name cells.
4 In the Name box, type Notes Fields.
5 Click Add.
6 Click Close.
7 Click File Properties.
8 Type information in the following boxes:
Title-lets you type a title; for example, Current Value
Subject-lets you type a subject; for example, Present Value Calculation
Keywords-lets you add keywords. Keywords should be separated with a comma if they are used as field names in the field block; for example, payment, rate, period, result, author, date, datablock, and the name given to the field block.
Comments-lets you add comments
The Statistics tab in the Properties dialog box shows you the name, location, title, creation date, date last saved, and revision number of a file.
For additional information on field blocks, see the reference topic "Example: Setting up Notes/FX field blocks."
To create a Lotus Notes database
1 Start Lotus Notes.
2 Click File Database New.
3 Choose Local from the Server list box.
4 Type a name for the database in the Title box.
5 Type a filename in the Filename box.
6 Choose Blank from the Template list.
To embed a Quattro Pro notebook in Lotus Notes
1 Double-click the Database icon on the Lotus Notes workspace.
2 Click Create Design Form.
3 Create edit fields with descriptors and properties that correspond to fields in the Notes/FX field block.
For example: Payment (number, editable)
4 Place the pointer in the Rich text box, and click Create Object.
5 Enable the Create an object from file option, and select the Quattro Pro file.
6 Click Design Form properties.
7 On the Launch tab, choose Quattro Pro from the AutoLaunch list.
8 Select the Creating, Editing, and Reading options from the Launch when list.
If you want the form to launch only when the Launch button on the activated form window is clicked, disable these three items.
9 On the Basics tab, and type a name for the form in the Form name box.
You can customize the appearance of the form (for example, changing the background color or font colors of labels). For information about making changes to the form, see the Lotus Notes online Help.
You can label an edit field with a descriptor by typing directly on the form next to where you want the edit field to display.
You can also create an edit field on a Lotus Notes form by clicking Create Field, or by clicking the Create field SmartIcon on the SmartIcon toolbar.
To create a Lotus Notes view for embedded Quattro Pro fields
1 Open a Lotus Notes database.
2 Click Create Design View.
3 Type a name for the view.
4 Click View, and double-click the view.
5 Click Create Insert new column.
6 Label the column with the name of the first field on the form.
7 In the design pane, enable the Field option.
8 Select the field name from the list.
9 Repeat steps 4 to 6 for the remaining form fields.
You can customize the view to display alternating colors for the database entries or display special fonts in column headings. For information about ways to customize a view, see the Lotus Notes online Help.
If a database has only one view, that view displays by default when you open the Lotus Notes database. To display a specific view when there are multiple views, select the view name in the Folders and view section of the navigation tree.
If you want to add a column to the right of the default column, double-click on the column bar.
To enter data in Quattro Pro Notes/FX
1 Open a previously-created database.
2 Click Create, and select a form.
3 Click File Open.
4 In Quattro Pro, type new data.
5 Click File Properties and type information in the following boxes:
Title-lets you type a title; for example, Current Value
Subject-lets you type a subject; for example, Present Value Calculation
Keywords-lets you add keywords. Keywords should be separated with a comma if they are used as field names in the field block; for example, payment, rate, period, result, author, date, datablock, and the name given to the field block.
Comments-lets you add comments
To close the Lotus Notes form after entering data in the Quattro Pro embedded field, click Close in the upper-right corner of the Lotus Notes dialog box.
If Quattro Pro doesn't automatically start when you click File Open, click the Launch button to start Quattro Pro, and open the file containing the Notes/FX field block.
If a database has only one view, that view displays by default when you open the Lotus Notes database. To display a specific view when there are multiple views, select the view name in the Folders and view section of the navigation tree.
Reference: Using OLE automation
OLE automation is an object-based standard that gives one application (an OLE automation server) the ability to provide objects to other applications or development tools (OLE automation controllers). Quattro Pro can function as either an automation controller or an automation server.
When using Quattro Pro as an automation controller, the OLE automation feature lets you create and manipulate objects in other applications that support OLE 2.0 automation as a container. Several Quattro Pro macros can help application developers initiate and conduct DDE exchanges, called conversations.
OLE automation lets you operate another application from within Quattro Pro. For this to happen, an object model must be created for the automated application. In the case of a television, objects might represent the volume control, the power control, the channel selector, and various tuning controls for color quality and image centering. Properties are the settings used to control object appearance and other attributes, while methods are the actions you can perform with or on each object.
When using Quattro Pro as an automation server, the OLE automation feature lets you expose Quattro Pro's programmable objects to an OLE automation controller. For example, other applications, such as WordPerfect, and development tools, such as Microsoft Visual Basic, can utilize the functionality of Quattro Pro to create items such as charts and reports.
OLE automation works through automation expressions created with macro statements. The process to follow for working with OLE automation and macros involves opening an application and creating a new object or getting an existing object, using macro commands and an application's automation methods to set properties and perform other actions, and closing the object and exiting the application.
Example: Setting up Notes/FX field blocks
The Notes/FX feature uses a field block to determine how Lotus Notes exchanges data. The field block is defined in two columns of information or database cells. The first column lists the field names, which exchanges data with similarly named fields in Lotus Notes. The second column contains a field value or block reference.
Here is an example of a field block:
The labels in A6..A9 are field names; B6..B9 contains field values.
There are three types of fields: data fields, predefined fields, and reference fields.
Data fields
Data fields contain data from a Lotus Notes database. You can edit data fields in Lotus Notes. The data is always stored in Lotus Notes. In the example above, Author and Date are data fields. The following table illustrates the bidirectional fields used to share data between Quattro Pro and Lotus Notes:
QP property Lotus Notes field & data type
Title Title (text)
Subject Subject (text)
Author Author (text)
Keywords Keywords help Notes categorize notebooks using keywords input in the Quattro Pro file properties (text)
Comments Comments (text)
Predefined fields
Predefined fields contain a calculated value, such as the size of a notebook or its creation date. In the example shown above, SizeInK is a predefined field. Here are the predefined fields supported by Quattro Pro with the related Notes fields and data types:
QP property Lotus Notes field & data type
SizeInK SizeInK for size of the notebook embedded in Notes (number)
Sheet Titles SheetTitles are the custom names used in the notebook (text)
SizeInSheets SizeInSheets are the number of sheets used in the notebook (number)
DocumentClass DocumentClass is always set to "Notebook" and refers to the OLE class name of the embedded notebook (text)
Reference fields
Reference fields are block coordinates that reference a block of data. In the above example, DataBlock is a reference field. You also reference this block of cells when naming the field block.
Automation terms
These terms are important for understanding OLE automation features. The terms are listed from the most basic to the most complex. For the best understanding, read their definitions in order.
Automation objects
An automation object represents all or part of an application that has been exposed for OLE automation. Most applications that support OLE automation as clients expose the main application object.
Automation objects have properties and methods that can be used to change the attributes of objects and act on them. To learn which objects are exposed for OLE automation, check the documentation accompanying the application.
Methods and collections
Methods are associated with automation objects. Methods act on objects and usually return the result of the action. To learn which methods are available for each object, check the documentation for the application.
A collection is a group of related automation objects, usually listed as a plural. For example, if MenuItem is an object, MenuItems could be a collection of all menu items. Like objects, collections can have their own sets of properties and methods.
Properties are characteristics of an automation object that describe its current state, usually appearance or behavior. You can use methods to change some property settings. Other properties can be changed directly by specifying a different argument.
In OLE automation, a value can be a number, a double-quoted string, an automation object, or empty. Values can be stored as variables and included in expressions.
In OLE automation, a variable is a place to store a value. A variable can be a cell (used to store a string, a number, or nothing), a member of an automation object, or a named variable (used to store values of any type, often automation objects, in contrast with cells, which can hold only strings and numbers).
Named variables
Named variables are automation expressions created with the {ASSIGN} macro. They cannot be used in formulas directly, but they can be used indirectly if you first assign them to a cell name or reference. Named variables last as long as Quattro Pro is running. To delete one before closing Quattro Pro, use the {DELVAR} macro.
When an expression is parsed, names are first assumed to identify a cell, cells, and then named variables. This means that a named variable cannot have the same name as a cell reference, a group of cells, or a cell name in the notebook that contains the currently executed macro. Otherwise, it is not accessible.
The name of a named variable cannot contain any formula operators or leading or trailing spaces, although spaces within the name are acceptable.
An expression symbolizes a value or variable, depending on its use. An expression can be a string, a number, a cell (cell reference, cell coordinates, or cell name), the name of a named variable, a formula expression, or an automation expression.
If an expression is used to express a value and it represents a variable, the value of the variable is returned. For example, if a value is expected from expression A1, the value stored in A1 is used.
If an expression is used to express a variable and it represents a value, the value is converted to a cell or named variable if the value is a string. For example, +"A"&"1" results in a cell variable representing the cell reference A1.
An argument is information supplied to part of an automation expression, or to a property, method, or formula.
Automation expressions
An automation expression is an automation object (or object hierarchy) plus any associated property or method and arguments, if any.
In its simplest form, the syntax is object.property or object.method. Because automation objects are usually found in hierarchies, members of successive hierarchical levels can be used to specify the exact target object. Elements of automation expressions are separated by periods.
OLE automation syntax
Automation expressions introduce OLE automation expressions and their basic syntax. The full syntax is one of the following:
starting_object is an object function or named variable that represents an object
object function is CreateObject(args) or GetObject(args)
member_cascade is member or object_member.member_cascade
member is name or name(args) or [unquoted string]
object_member is member representing an object
args is empty or arg or arg, arg
arg is a value expression
All OLE automation methods and properties can be included as a member, usually at the end of an expression. A property or method without arguments can be used without parentheses.
The object connector, shown above as a period (.), is determined by the international setting for a decimal point. The list separator, shown above as a comma (, ) is determined by the international separator character setting.
OLE automation object functions
Quattro Pro uses two OLE automation object functions, GetObject and CreateObject, to create and retrieve objects from other applications and insert them in notebooks. These functions perform different tasks depending on the arguments used with them and the application that provides the objects. Both functions accept the progID argument, which is a programmatic identifier registered by an application during its installation (for example, Excel.Application or Visio.Application). These object functions can be used in OLE automation expressions within Quattro Pro macros.
CreateObject(progID) locates the target application, loads it, creates an object, and returns the object. The application can be loaded only if its path is registered or specified in PATH. For example, CreateObject("Visio.Application") returns a Visio graphics object.
Each OLE application is registered with a unique name (CLSID) in the registry when it is installed. The registry location is HKEY_Classes_Root/application name/CLSID/curver. This name is used within CreateObject.
This object function is not the same as the macro {CREATEOBJECT}.
This object function retrieves an existing object from somewhere, depending on the given arguments:
GetObject(filename)-returns an object from the specified file. The filename should be fully qualified with the path and filename extension. GetObject loads the application that can open the file and returns an object from the file to the active notebook. If the filename identifies a specific object, such as "c:\excel\a.xls!a1:b10", GetObject returns an object represented by A1:B10 in that file.
GetObject(filename, progID)-loads the specified application and returns the specified file. Although this expression seems to work like GetObject(filename), it can return objects, such as charts, that the other expression cannot access. For example, GetObject("c:\excel\test.xls!chart 1", "Excel.Application") returns a Microsoft Excel chart automation object, but GetObject("c:\excel\test.xls!chart 1") fails.
GetObject(, progID) or GetObject("", progID)-GetObject("chart 1", "Excel.Application") returns the active object of the specified application. For example, the expression returns chart 1 from the active Microsoft Excel notebook.
GetObject(object_name)-locates an embedded automation object inside Quattro Pro. All of the following syntax expressions are acceptable:
If GetObject(object_name) fails, try GetObject(filename).
CreateObject and GetObject expressions work with the {ASSIGN} macro to create a named variable that refers to the returned object. For example, the following macro expression creates the variable Chart1 that represents the returned object: {ASSIGN Chart1, GetObject("chart 1", "Excel.Application")}.
OLE automation and macros
These macro commands directly support OLE automation in Quattro Pro:
Command Definition
{ASSIGN} Assigns a value to a variable. If you use {ASSIGN} to create a named variable, the variable exists until you exit Quattro Pro. To delete a variable before exiting, use {DELVAR VarName}.
{DELVAR} Deletes the named variable VarName and frees any object assigned to that variable
{EXECAUTO} Evaluates one or more automation expressions, but drops any returned values from expressions
{GETLABEL} Pauses the macro, displays Prompt, and stores subsequent keystrokes as a label in VariableExpression
{GETNUMBER} Pauses the macro, displays Prompt, and stores subsequent keystrokes as a numeric value in VariableExpression
{IFAUTOOBJ} Checks to see whether the ObjectExpression is an OLE automation object before continuing with the macro
{SETLCID} Sets the locale ID (local ID in PerfectScript) as the default locale ID or to one specified by LocaleID. The locale ID is a fixed number that specifies language, the separator character, and a variety of other international settings; use {SETLCID} to ensure that the automation controller is using the default ID or the ID of a specific target object.
Because macro command arguments are value expressions, you can pass an automation expression as an argument to any macro command. For example, if calc.accum represents the accum value of the calc named variable, and excel.ActiveCell.Value represents the current value of the Microsoft Excel ActiveCell object, then both these macros are valid:
{DOWN calc.accum}
{DOWN excel.ActiveCell.Value}
Quattro Pro does not support the use of automation expressions in formula expressions. So the following macros are invalid:
{IF named_variable>0} {do something}
{LET A2, named_variable+A1}
{IF named_variable.member>0}
To solve this problem, first assign the value of an automation expression to a cell, and then use that cell in a formula expression:
{ASSIGN A1, named_variable}
{IF A1>0}{do something}
OLE automation expression examples
OLE automation expressions are used within Quattro Pro macros to perform OLE automation tasks. Automation expression syntax defines acceptable syntax for OLE automation expressions. The following are acceptable expression forms. Note that progID is the program identifier registered for an application during its installation.
GetObject(filename and/or progID)
named_variable.member1.member2(arg1, arg2)
named_variable.member1(arg1, arg2).member2
OLE automation macro examples
The automation expressions execute in the background of the application. For example, the following macro opens the Microsoft Excel file, test.xls, and saves it as test2.xls:
If you try to assign another variable to test2.xls without using {DELVAR} to delete the variable File, which represents test2.xls, you are prompted that test2.xls already exists and is open. The following macro opens the graphics application Visio, creates a new file, draws a rectangle in the workspace, saves the file, and then exits Visio:
TestFile is the cell name of a cell containing this string: C:\DATA\OLE2\VISIAUTO.VSD. The macro statement that saves the active document as TestFile actually creates visiauto.vsd in the specified directory. The next macro names a variable Test, assigns zero to it, prompts for an entry other than zero, and then stores it in Test:
{ASSIGN Test, 0}
{GETNUMBER "Enter a number other than 0:", Test}
{ASSIGN VariableValue, Test}
{IF VariableValue<>0}{LET A1, "PASS"}{RETURN}
{LET A1, "FAIL"}
After assigning the value in Test to VariableValue (the name of a cell), and deleting Test, it evaluates VariableValue and determines whether Test received a new value that was assigned to VariableValue.
Macro syntax and arguments
Macro commands, like functions, have specific grammatical rules, or syntax. The syntax for macros is:
{COMMANDNAME Argument1, Argument2, Argument3...}
COMMANDNAME is the exact name of the command. Arguments are values providing instructions to the command. Not all macro commands require arguments, but when they do, they require a specific type of information. The following examples are in Quattro Pro script form. To use them in PerfectScript, modify these in the PerfectScript code accordingly. For information about converting Quattro Pro script to PerfectScript, see "Choosing a macro creation tool." Some examples of macro commands are:
{Query.Criteria_Table B27..B29}
{BlockCopy A1, A2..A37}
{Search.Find "3rd Quarter Profits"}
{BEEP 3}
{GETNUMBER "How old are you?", AGE}
{CONTENTS E15, F15, 15}
Many command equivalents contain a period (.) in their command name. The syntax rules for Quattro Pro macro commands are as follows:
You must type the entire macro command in a single cell.
You can type the command in uppercase or lowercase.
The command must begin and end with braces { }.
There must be a space between the command name and the first argument. For example, {GETNUMBER"Number?", A1} results in a syntax error; {GETNUMBER "Number?", A1} works correctly.
Separate multiple arguments with commas. To use semicolons or periods as separators instead, change the setting in Tools Settings International Punctuation.
Arguments must be the correct type (for example, number, string, location, or condition). If a string is required, the argument must be a valid character string; otherwise, a syntax error occurs.
If an argument contains spaces or punctuation, enclose it in quotation marks; for example, {GETLABEL "Hello, world", A4} is allowed, but {GETLABEL Hello, world, A4} is not.
You can include more than one macro command in a cell; for example, {BEEP}{GETLABEL "Hello, world", A4}{QUIT}.
Because macro commands are labels, a syntax error is not recognized when you mistype a macro command; an error occurs instead when you try to play (or run) the macro. To save debugging time, pay careful attention to the format of macro commands as you enter them, and record macros whenever possible.
Macro command arguments
Arguments in macro commands require specific information to be supplied with the command. There are four types of arguments: numbers, strings, locations, and conditions.
Number arguments
Number arguments require any numeric value, entered as
an actual number (such as 2 or 0.45)
a formula resulting in a number (such as A3*15)
a cell address or named cell containing a numeric value or formula (such as C10, where C10 contains a valid number or formula)
String arguments
String arguments require a text string, entered as:
an actual string in quotation marks ("Quattro Pro")
a reference to a cell or named cell containing a label
a comma-separated list of property or command-equivalent settings, enclosed in quotation marks (for example, "Currency, 2"). If a setting in the list usually requires a single quotation mark, enter two quotation marks (for example, "Prefix, ""Windows Default"", No"). If a setting contains spaces or punctuation, enclose it in two sets of quotation marks
a formula resulting in a label, such as UPPER("hello")
Location arguments
Location arguments require a reference to a cell or cells. The reference can be
a cell name
selections referencing one or more cells; for example, A1, A1..A4 or A..B:C4..D22
the relative reference of cells; for example, []C(0)R(0), []P(-2):C(0)R(22), or []C(0)R(0)..C(3)R(10)
coordinates for noncontiguous selections, enclosed in parentheses; for example, (A1, B1..B7, C1..C7) or (A1, B:C27..C52)
a label or text formula resulting in any of the above options; for example, +"A"&"2" which results in A2
Condition arguments
Condition arguments require a logical expression. A logical expression is a formula that can be evaluated as either true or false; for example, +C4 > 500.
Some commands accept a combination or choice of argument types; for example, {LET} stores either a label or a number in a cell, depending on the argument type.
Unlike functions, cell references in macros are not updated when the macro is copied. So, if you move the contents of a cell or insert or delete a row or column, the macro reference might be wrong. For this reason, use cell names whenever possible. Quattro Pro updates cell names to reference the correct location.
Macro subroutines
A subroutine is a macro stored separately from macros that use it. You name the subroutine the same way macros are named. You can call the subroutine from another macro, and Quattro Pro plays the subroutine's macro commands. After playing the subroutine, the command immediately following the call (in the main macro) plays. Using subroutines makes the macro more readable and easier to debug.
To call a subroutine from within a macro, type its name inside braces. For example, {go_right} calls the subroutine named go_right.
You can pass arguments to a subroutine for use by its commands. These arguments are stored in cells referenced by the subroutine. For example, {set_cost C10, 36} calls the subroutine set_cost and passes two arguments (C10 and 36) to it.
For a subroutine to know what to do with the arguments, you must define them within the subroutine by using {DEFINE}. This macro command tells Quattro Pro where to store the arguments and whether they should be interpreted as values or labels.
Whenever you call a subroutine, Quattro Pro stores the return point in an internal list called a stack. One return point in this stack clears when the subroutine encounters a {RETURN} command or empty cell. If you do not clear all of these locations, the stack fills up, causing the error "Too Many Nesting Calls".
The {BRANCH} command can move to or return from any cell in a macro. Use {BRANCH} instead of a subroutine when a macro
does not need to pick up where it left off after calling the subroutine
needs to return to a different point in the macro than the point directly following the subroutine call
calls the main macro as a subroutine
Command equivalents
Command equivalents perform operations usually done with menus or dialog boxes. Options usually set in a dialog box are passed as arguments to a command equivalent, in the same manner as passing them to a subroutine. Command equivalents make macros easier to read and understand and let the macro play in any Quattro Pro menu system.
Menu choices with many settings (such as File Print) have a set of command equivalents that emulate their operation. The following example shows a macro that emulates Edit Find and replace:
search_string March
\a {GETLABEL "Search For? ", search_string}
{Search.Block A:A16..D26}
{Search.Find +search_string}
{Search.ReplaceBy April}
{Search.Direction Row}
{Search.Match Part}
{Search.Case Any}
\y {Search.Next}
Notice that each command equivalent sets one option in the Find and replace dialog box. You do not have to set each option every time. If one of the command-equivalents is omitted, the default setting is used. The final command ({Search.Next}) performs the Find operation. You can use command equivalent names with COMMAND to find current settings. For example, @COMMAND("BlockFill.Series") returns the current setting of Series in Edit Fill Fill series.
Menu choices with a few settings have one command equivalent that emulates their operation. Command equivalents without a period are typically of this type.
When you specify a command equivalent with a question mark (?) after the command name, the macro command displays a dialog box that the user can manipulate. If the name of the command equivalent contains a period, use only the part of the command name that precedes the period. For example, {BlockFill?} displays the Edit Fill Fill series dialog box for the user to manipulate. When the user clicks OK, the fill occurs and the macro resumes.
When you specify a command equivalent with an exclamation mark (!) after the command name, the macro command displays a dialog box that the macro can manipulate. You can make the dialog box revert to user control at any point in the macro using the command {PAUSEMACRO}.
DDE macro commands
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) lets Windows-based applications communicate with one another. Use {INITIATE} to open a channel of communication with another application. This is called initiating a conversation. Every DDE conversation consists of a client and a server. The application initiating the conversation is the client; the other application is the server. When you initiate a conversation, you can use {POKE} to send data, {REQUEST} to receive data, or {EXECUTE} to play macros in the server, {TERMINATE} ends the conversation.
The data source that a DDE conversation connects with in the server application is called a topic. Many DDE applications support the topic system and items available from it.
Other DDE applications can call Quattro Pro as their server. To do so, use the server name "QPW" and specify "System" or the filename of an open notebook as the topic. When a notebook is the topic, you can enter cell addresses or coordinates as the item to request, or you can play macro commands. When System is the topic, you can play Quattro Pro macros or request the items listed in the following table:
Item Returns
SysItems A list of the items you can request from the system
Topics A list of topics currently available from the server application
Status The current status of the application. In Quattro Pro, this is the text of the application bar indicator (READY, WAIT, LABEL, etc.).
Formats A list of Clipboard formats supported by the application
Selection The coordinates of the active cells
To play macro commands in Quattro Pro using DDE, establish a link to Quattro Pro using "QPW" as the DDE topic. To play PerfectScript macro commands in Quattro Pro using DDE, establish a link using "QPMacros" as the DDE topic. Then use the {EXECUTE} command provided by the DDE client application to play the command.
You can also request any property from Quattro Pro. The property must be enclosed in parentheses and quotation marks, for example, "(Application.Display)".
Object macro commands
Object macro commands can create Quattro Pro objects, change their property settings, or move them to new positions. Object commands can create drawn objects, dialog controls, and floating objects.
Drawn objects
Drawn objects are objects in a graphics window that you usually create using the toolbar. When creating a drawn object with a macro command, specify the position for the object by stating how far (how many pixels) it should appear from the upper-left corner of the chart background. (A pixel is the smallest dot that Windows can display on your screen.)
You can create drawn objects with {CREATEOBJECT}. The following command activates a graphics window and creates a line near the upper-left corner of the chart:
{GraphEdit "PROFITS"}
{CREATEOBJECT "Line", 0, 0, 25, 25}
Dialog controls
Dialog controls are objects in a dialog window. When creating a dialog control using a macro command, specify the position by stating how far (how many pixels) it should appear from the upper-left corner of the dialog window.
You can create dialog controls with {CREATEOBJECT}. For example, the following command creates a push button in the active dialog window:
{CREATEOBJECT "Button", 43, 41, 58, 77}
Floating objects
Floating objects are form control buttons and charts that display on the spreadsheet. Unlike chart objects and dialog controls, the position of a floating object is specified as an offset from a cell in the notebook. The offset is specified in twips; each twip is 1/1440th of an inch.
You can create floating objects with {FLOATCREATE}. For example, the following macro command creates a button that is half an inch from the left edge of A:A1:
In this example, A:A1, 720, 0 specifies that the upper-left corner of the button is in A:A1, is 720 twips (half an inch) from the left side of the cell, and is zero twips from the top of the cell. A:B2, 720, 360 specifies that the lower-left corner of the button is in A:B2, 720 twips from the left side of A:B2, and a quarter inch (360 twips) from the top of A:B2.
After you create an object with a macro command, use {SETPROPERTY} to set its name or {GETPROPERTY} to store its name in a cell. Then you can change its properties with macro commands at any time.
Selecting, positioning, and sizing objects
Dialog controls and floating objects are selected after you create them, so you can reposition them or change their property settings. There are three commands that select Quattro Pro objects:
{SELECTBLOCK}-selects cells
{SELECTOBJECT}-selects chart objects or dialog controls. When a chart object or dialog control is selected, you can use {MOVETO} and {RESIZE} to move and resize it.
{SELECTFLOAT}-selects a floating object. When a floating object is selected, you can use {FLOATMOVE} and {FLOATSIZE} to move and resize it.
Changing or reading property settings
You can use {SETPROPERTY} and {SETOBJECTPROPERTY} to change the property settings of Quattro Pro objects. For example, the following macro selects cells and changes their text color:
{SETPROPERTY "Text_Color", 5}
{SETPROPERTY Text_Color, "6"}
You can also change a property setting without selecting the cells using the following command:
{SETOBJECTPROPERTY "A:A1..C22.Text_Color", 5}
You can use {GETPROPERTY} and {GETOBJECTPROPERTY} to read property settings. {GETPROPERTY} reads settings of the selected object; {GETOBJECTPROPERTY} lets you read property settings without selecting an object.