{NAME} is equivalent to the Choices key, F3, which displays a list of cell names in the current notebook, if cell names exist in the notebook. (If there are no named cells, the list of cell names won't appear.)
{NamedStyle} lets you create styles in the active notebook.
These command equivalents do not take effect until the command {NamedStyle.Define} is used to create (or modify) a style. The arguments Align? through TextColor? each specify one property to include in the style; use 1 to include the property, 0 to exclude the property.
{NamedStyle.Font} sets the new typeface and size of text in the cell. Bold, Italic, Underline and Strikeout can be "Yes" to include that type feature or "No" to omit it.
{NamedStyle.Shading} sets the shading of the cell; ForegroundColor and BackgroundColor are numbers from 0 to 15; each specifies a color on the notebook palette to use; Pattern is a string ("Blend1" through "Blend7").
You can use {NamedStyle?} or {NamedStyle!} to display the Styles dialog box. {NamedStyle?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {NamedStyle!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
This macro creates a new style named RedNote, which makes the active cells red, and sets a new font.
{Navigate} is equivalent to the navigation tools available on the Data Manipulation Toolbar. {Navigate.SelectTable} is equivalent to the SpeedSelect button on the Data Manipulation Toolbar, which expands selection from a cell or cells within a table to the entire table. {Navigate.Zoom2Fit} is equivalent to the Zoom To Fit button. {Navigate.GoTo} performs the same actions as the Top Left Of Table, Top Right Of Table, Bottom Left Of Table, and Bottom Right Of Table buttons. {Navigate.Jump} jumps to the next table or to the selected boundary of the current table.
The following macro selects cell C6 in the table below, then selects the entire table that C6 belongs to, and zooms to fit the table on the page.
{SelectBlock A:C6}
1 Sales Expenses Profits
2 Jan 1580 700 880
3 Feb 2474 545 1929
4 Mar 2570 656 1914
5 Apr 2876 454 2422
6 May 3223 489 2734
7 Jun 2987 470 2517
8 Jul 3178 500 2678
{Navigate.SelectTable} Expands selection to the table boundaries
{Navigate.Zoom2Fit} Zooms so that a table fits into the visible part of the screen
{Navigate.GoTo Up | Left | Right | Down | TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight , <Extend?(0|1)>} Go to the sides or corners of a table. When the optional Extend? argument is 1, cell selection is extended.
{Navigate.Jump Up | Left | Right | Down} Jump to the next table in a given direction, or jump to the current table boundary if in the middle of a table.
{NEXTPANE <CellAtPointer?>}
PerfectScript Syntax
NextPane ()
{NEXTPANE} switches between the panes of a notebook window previously split. The optional argument CellAtPointer? specifies whether the active cell in the pane will be at the location of the selector (1) or its previous position (0). This command is equivalent to the Pane key, F6.
CellAtPointer? Specifies which cell should be active when the pane switches (0 or 1, optional)
PerfectScript Syntax
NextTopWin ()
{NEXTTOPWIN} is equivalent to the Next Window key, Ctrl+F6. It makes the next window active and moves the selector to it.
Number Number of times to repeat the operation (optional)
{NEXTWIN <Number>}
PerfectScript Syntax
NextWin ()
{NEXTWIN} is equivalent to Shift+F6. It makes the bottom window active and moves the selector to it. This macro is included for compatibility with Corel Quattro Pro for DOS.
Number Number of times to repeat the operation (optional)
{Notebook} applies formatting commands to the active notebook. The table lists the possible settings for Property. You can use {Notebook?} or {Notebook!} to display the Active Notebook dialog box. {Notebook?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {Notebook!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
Display Sets display characteristics for the active notebook
Group_Mode Switches Group Mode on and off
Macro_Library Searches the specified library for macros not in the active notebook
Palette Determines the palette of colors displayed in the cell and sheet properties. This property is obsolete.
Password Sets a password for the active notebook
Password_Level Sets the level of password protection for the active notebook
Recalc_Settings Controls how Corel Quattro Pro updates formula results when you change values those formulas depend on
System Sets the active notebook to a system notebook
Zoom_Factor Sets a Zoom Factor for an entire notebook or for individual sheets
{Notebook.Macro_Library } is equivalent to options of the notebook property Macro Library. To make the active notebook a macro library, use Yes.
{Notebook.Palette} is equivalent to the notebook property Palette, which lets you set the colors of the active notebook. The arguments of {Notebook.Palette} (Color1 through Color16) each have three parts, separated by commas: RedValue, GreenValue, and BlueValue. Each part is a number from 0 to 255. You can also edit a part individually (see the second example).
{Notebook.Palette.Color_3 "255,0,255"} sets the third color on the notebook palette to violet (Red 255, Blue 255).
{Notebook.Palette.Color_5.Blue "135"} sets the amount of blue in the fifth color to 135.
{Notebook.Palette Color1,Color2,...,Color16} Determines the palette of colors displayed in the cell and sheet properties
{NoteBook.Palette.Color_n "RGB value"} Determines the palette of colors displayed in the cell and sheet properties
{NoteBook.Palette.Color_n.RGB value} Opens a dialog box for modifying the selected color square
{NoteBook.Palette.Color_n. RGB value } Opens a dialog box for modifying the selected color square
{NoteBook.Palette.Color_n. RGB value } Opens a dialog box for modifying the selected color square
This command is obsolete
{Notebook.Password Password}
PerfectScript Syntax
Notebook_Password (Password:String)
Notebook_Password_Level (Level:String)
{Notebook.Password} sets the password of the active notebook. The next save operation encrypts the file on disk.
¿ Before specifying a password, set the password level using {Notebook.Password_Level}.
{Notebook.Password_Level None|Low|Medium|High}
PerfectScript Syntax
Notebook_Password_Level (Level:String)
{Notebook.Password_Level} sets the password level of the active notebook. If you specify a password level of Low, Medium, or High, you must also specify a password using {Notebook.Password}.
{Notebook.Recalc_Settings} is equivalent to options of the notebook property Recalc Settings. This command equivalent sets the recalculation options of the active notebook. Mode options are "Automatic," "Background," and "Manual." Order can be "Column-wise," "Row-wise," or "Natural." Iterations specifies the number of times formulas are recalculated before calculation is considered complete (relevant only if Order is changed, or if you use circular references).
To highlight the source of error for each cell containing NA or ERR in the active notebook, set the optional argument AuditErrors? to 1.
PerfectScript Syntax
Notebook_Summary (Settings:String)
Notebook_Summary_Author (Author:String)
Notebook_Summary_Comments (Comments:String)
Notebook_Summary_Keywords (Keywords:String)
Notebook_Summary_Subject (Subject:String)
Notebook_Summary_Title (Title:String)
{Notebook.Summary} displays summary information about the current notebook.
You can use the following options with @COMMAND to get information about the notebook.
{Notebook.Summary.Title Title } Specifies a title for the notebook
{Notebook.Summary.Subject Subject} Specifies a subject for the notebook
{Notebook.Summary.Author Author} Specifies an author for the notebook
{Notebook.Summary.Keywords Keywords} Specifies keywords for the notebook
{Notebook.Summary.Comments Comments} Specifies comments for the notebook
{Notebook.System Yes|No}
PerfectScript Syntax
Notebook_System (Enable?:Enumeration {Yes!; No!})
{Notebook.System Yes|No} makes the active notebook a system notebook.
{Notebook.Zoom_Factor 10-400}
PerfectScript Syntax
Notebook_Zoom_Factor (Factor:Numeric)
{Notebook.Zoom_Factor} is equivalent to options of the notebook property Zoom Factor, which sets the zoom factor of the active notebook (from 10% to 400%). This setting is for display only and does not affect printed output.
{NUMOFF} and {NUMON} are equivalent to Num Lock off and Num Lock on, respectively.