When you record a macro, Quattro Pro translates special keystrokes into keyboard commands. When you type in a macro, use these commands in place of keystrokes. There are four categories:
¿ Function Keys
F1 through F12
¿ Status Keys
Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, and other indicator keys
¿ Other Keys
Break, Esc, Del, plus other keys and key combinations
Keyboard commands emulate the keys of the keyboard. You can repeat many of these macro commands by specifying a repeat number as an argument. For example, to move the selector down five cells, use {DOWN 5}.
You can combine key commands for a variety of purposes. For example, the following macro replaces a formula in the active cell with its result and then moves down one cell:
The following macro deletes the last three characters of whatever is in the active cell:
For compatibility with future versions of Quattro Pro, use command equivalents to execute menu items instead of using keyboard macros.
Movement Key Macro Commands
Use these macro commands in place of arrows and other movement keys:
{HOME} Home
{END} End
{LEFT} or {L} Left arrow
{RIGHT} or {R} Right arrow
{UP} or {U} Up arrow
{DOWN} or {D} Down arrow
{BIGLEFT} or {BACKTAB} Ctrl+Left arrow or Shift+Tab
{BIGRIGHT} or {TAB} Ctrl+Right arrow or Tab
Function Key Macro Commands
These macro commands are equivalent to Quattro Pro function keys and key combinations:
{MACROS} Shift+F3
{MARK} Shift+F7
{NEXTWIN} Shift+F6
Status Key Macro Commands
These macro commands are equivalent to the status indicator keys:
{CAPOFF} Caps Lock off
{CAPON} Caps Lock on
{INSOFF} Ins off
{INSON} Ins on
{NUMOFF} Num Lock off
{NUMON} Num Lock on
{SCROLLOFF} Scroll Lock off
{SCROLLON} Scroll Lock on
Macro Commands for Other Keys
These macro commands are used for building key combinations and for entering or editing data:
{CLEAR} Ctrl+Backspace (Clears any existing entry from a prompt line or from the input line in Edit mode)
{CR} or ~ Enter
{DATE} Ctrl+Shift+D
{SHIFT} The keystroke Key while Shift is held down
Screen Macro Commands
These macro commands affect the display:
Sounds the computer's bell.
Sets the mode indicator to display a specified string.
Suppresses menus and prompts.
Restores menus and prompts disabled by {PANELOFF}.
Prevents screen updating.
Restores screen updating disabled by {WINDOWSOFF}.
Screen commands can control the status line, suppress screen redraws, or sound the computer's bell. For example, {INDICATE "WAIT"} changes the status line indicator to WAIT; {INDICATE} resets the status line to its default.
Cell Macro Commands
These macro commands affect the data stored in specific cells. They can enter and read data, recalculate specific cells, or convert values into formatted labels:
Erases a cell or cells.
Copies the contents of one cell to another as a formatted label.
Enters an alphabetized list of files in a specified directory into specified cells.
Lists open windows in specified cells.
Places a number or string in the given location.
Expands selection of table boundaries.
Zooms a table so that it fits in the visible part of the screen.
Navigates to the sides or corners of a table.
Jumps to the next table in a given direction, or to the current table boundary if currently within a table.
Places a number or string in a given location offset by the specified number of columns and rows.
Stores a value in each specified cell.
Stores Data in each cell of Block; same as {PUTBLOCK} except it parses date formats and requires a formula prefix before values.
Stores the specified data in the active cell.
Stores the specified data in the active cell; same as {PUTCELL} except it parses date formats and requires a formula prefix before values.
Recalculates formulas in the specified location in row-wise order for a specified number of times, or until a specified condition is reached.
Recalculates formulas in the specified location in column-wise order for a specified number of times, or until a specified condition is reached.
Fills the selected cells with sequential data.
Applies a standard format to the selected cells.
Adds a new format based on a specified cells.
Removes a format.
Adds filled cells in the specified cells and writes the sum in adjacent empty cells (right/bottom).
Interactive Macro Commands
Interactive commands let you create macros that accept users' input. These commands can display dialog boxes and pop-up menus, pause the macro and request input, and prevent you from breaking out of the macro during a crucial period:
{ ? }
Pauses the macro and accepts input from the keyboard until you press Enter.
Makes the specified window active.
Displays the specified dialog box.
Pauses the macro, accepts one keystroke, and stores it in the specified location.
Pauses the macro, displays a specified prompt, and stores the subsequent keystrokes as a label in the specified location.
Pauses the macro, displays the specified prompt, and stores the subsequent keystrokes as a numeric value in the specified location.
Pauses the macro for dialog box entries, then resumes the macro when the user closes the dialog box.
"Takes back" the last command; cancels its effects.
Makes the next pane active.
Makes the specified window active.
Program Flow Macro Commands
Program flow commands let you branch and loop in a macro. Use these commands to create macros that behave differently based on logical decisions, to break down complicated macros, or to consolidate repetitious macros into subroutines:
Defines the type of arguments passed to a subroutine and tells where to store them.
Terminates execution of a {FOR} command.
Terminates macro execution and returns keyboard control.
File Macro Commands
File macro commands work with data in files other than the active notebook. These commands can open files and read their data character by character, or create custom data files. If a file command succeeds, the macro command in the next cell is run, ignoring any other commands in the same cell as the file command. Commands in the same cell as the file command run only if the file command fails. Use this feature to trap errors such as the disk being full or reading data past the end of the file:
Reads the specified number of bytes and stores them in the specified location, without any character mapping.
Reads a line of characters and stores it in the specified location, without any character mapping.
Writes a string of characters to the current file, without any character mapping.
Writes a string of characters to the current file and ends it with a carriage return/linefeed, without any character mapping.
Closes a file opened by {OPEN}.
Calculates the number of bytes in the current file, and stores the value in the specified location.
Places the position of the file pointer in the specified location.
Opens a file for reading, writing, modifying, or appending.
Reads the specified number of bytes and stores them in the specified location.
Reads a line of characters and stores it in the specified location.
Sets the file pointer to the specified byte position in a file.
Writes a string of characters to the current file.
Writes a string of characters to the current file and ends it with a carriage return/linefeed.
OLE and DDE Macro Commands
OLE and DDE macro commands communicate with other Windows applications:
Deletes the specified named variable and frees any object assigned to that variable.
Evaluates one or more automation expressions, but drops any returned values from expressions.
Runs the specified macro in a server application.
Sends data to a DDE application.
Requests data from a DDE application.
Specifies a locale ID for automation expressions.
UI Building Macro Commands
UI building commands can add or remove menu items from the active menu bar:
Adds a menu to the menu system at a specified location.
Adds a menu item to the menu system at a specified location.
Adds a menu item to the menu system at a specified location and makes the command at that location a menu.
Deletes a menu from the active menu system.
Deletes a menu item from the active menu system.
Sets the active menu system.
Object Macro Commands
Object commands let you move and resize objects on the Objects sheet either in a chart window, in a notebook window, or in a dialog window. These commands can also create objects or change the property settings of Quattro Pro objects. Object commands can affect objects in any Quattro Pro window.
Adds a data series to a floating chart.
Sets the width of columns in the specified cells.
Creates chart or dialog objects.
Duplicates selected chart annotations or dialog box controls.
Copies a floating object in the active notebook window.
Creates a floating chart, SpeedButton, or drawn object.
Moves a floating object in the active notebook window.
Resizes a selected floating object in the active notebook window.
Replaces the string in the selected floating text box with the specified string.
Gets property setting from an object.
Gets property setting from the object currently selected.
Moves selected objects to coordinates x, y.
Resizes selected objects in the active window.
Shows or hides rows or columns in the specified cells.
Sets the height of rows in the specified cells.
Selects a contiguous or noncontiguous selection within the active notebook.
Selects floating objects in the active notebook window using their object names.
Selects objects in active window.
Equivalent to setting Chart Setup and Background properties (colors are comma-separated RGB triplets in quotes).
Sets properties of objects.
Sets properties of selected object.
Miscellaneous Macro Commands
These commands insert characters and comments, and perform a variety of other tasks. The slide commands at the end of the list are used to build and run slide shows:
} or { } } Inserts a right brace, }
{ { } Inserts a left brace, {
{ ~ } Inserts a tilde, ~
{ } (blank) Does nothing; lets you reserve space in a macro without stopping macro execution.
{ ; } (semicolon) Lets you enter explanatory remarks in a macro.
{HLINE} Scrolls window horizontally the specified number of lines.
{HPAGE} Scrolls window horizontally the specified number of pages.
{VLINE} Scrolls window vertically the specified number of lines.
{VPAGE} Scrolls window vertically the specified number of pages.
For slide show commands, see {Slide.Option}
Command Equivalent Macros
Use the following command equivalent macros in place of menu items. When used with @COMMAND, they return current command settings.
Equivalent to Format Align.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools Analysis.
Equivalent to Tools Settings.
Equivalent to Edit Copy Cells.
Equivalent to Edit Delete.
Equivalent to Edit Fill Fill Series.
Equivalent to Insert Cells.
Equivalent to Edit Move Sheets.
Equivalent to Insert Cell Names.
Equivalent to Format Text Reformat.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools Transpose.
Equivalent to Edit Convert to Values.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools Budget.
Equivalent to Insert Chart.
Equivalent to Edit Clear Values.
Equivalent to Edit Clear Formats.
Equivalent to clicking.
Equivalent to Tools Consolidate Edit.
Equivalent to Tools Consolidate New.
Equivalent to Format Object Order.
Equivalent to Insert External Data Aliases.
Equivalent to Tools Macro Dialog Designer.
Equivalent to right-clicking the title bar of a custom dialog window.
Equivalent to Edit Clear.
Equivalent to Edit Copy.
Equivalent to Edit Cut.
Equivalent to Edit Go To.
Equivalent to Edit Paste.
Equivalent to Chart Export to File.
Equivalent to File Close.
No equivalent command.
Equivalent to Tools Data Tools Combine Files.
Equivalent to File Exit.
Equivalent to Tools Data Tools Extract to File.
Equivalent to Tools Data Tools QuickColumns.
Equivalent to File New.
Equivalent to File Open.
No equivalent command.
Equivalent to File Save.
No equivalent command.
Equivalent to File Save As.
Equivalent to File Send To Mail.
Equivalent to Format Object Order.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools Frequency.
Equivalent to Edit Paste Special.
No equivalent command.
Equivalent to Chart Delete Chart.
Equivalent to right-clicking and clicking Edit Chart.
Equivalent to Chart Gallery.
Equivalent to Chart New Chart.
Equivalent to Chart Titles.
Equivalent to Chart Type/Layout.
Equivalent to Chart View Chart.
Equivalent to right-clicking the title bar of a chart window.
Equivalent to Insert Name Groups of Sheets.
Equivalent to Format Group.
Equivalent to Insert Graphics Clipart.
Equivalent to Insert Page Break.
Equivalent to Insert Object.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools Invert.
Equivalent to Edit Links.
Equivalent to Insert Graphics Map.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools Multiply.
Equivalent to Format Styles.
Equivalent to Format Notebook.
Equivalent to File Properties.
Equivalent to View Objects Sheet.
Equivalent to right-clicking an OLE object and clicking the Property command.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools Optimizer.
Equivalent to Format Object Order.
Equivalent to Format Sheet.
Equivalent to Tools Data Tools QuickColumns.
Equivalent to Edit Paste Special.
Equivalent to Edit Paste Special.
Equivalent to Edit Paste Special.
Equivalent to Tools Macro Play.
Equivalent to File Print Preview.
Equivalent to File Page Setup.
Equivalent to File Print, then specifying a printer.
Equivalent to Tools Data Tools Notebook Query.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools Regression.
Equivalent to Format ResizeToSame.
No equivalent command.
Equivalent to Tools Scenario Edit.
Equivalent to Tools Scenario New.
Equivalent to Edit Find And Replace.
Equivalent to Edit Select All.
Equivalent to Chart Series.
Equivalent to Edit Define QuickFill; Series.
Equivalent to Slides Play Slide Show.
Equivalent to Tools Slide Show New.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools Solve For.
Equivalent to Tools Sort.
Equivalent to Insert External Data Table Query.
Equivalent to Insert External Data Table Link.
Equivalent to Insert External Data Database Desktop.
Equivalent to View Toolbars.
Equivalent to Format Ungroup.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools What-If.
Equivalent to Tools Numeric Tools What-If.
Equivalent to Window Arrange Icons.
Equivalent to Window Cascade.
Equivalent to Control Menu Close.
Equivalent to Window Hide.
Equivalent to Control Menu Maximize.
Equivalent to Control Menu Minimize.
Equivalent to Control Menu Move.
Equivalent to Window New View.
Equivalent to Control Menu Next.
Equivalent to View Split Window.
Equivalent to Quattro Pro Control Menu.
Equivalent to Control Menu Restore.
Equivalent to Window Show.
Equivalent to Control Menu Size.
Equivalent to Window Tile.
Equivalent to View Locked Titles.
Equivalent to File Workspace.
Analysis Tools Macro Commands
Analysis Tools commands let you perform analyses of numerical data. They are equivalent to the tools available when you choose Tools Numeric Tools Analysis.
One-way analysis of variance.
Two-way analysis of variance with replication.
Two-way analysis of variance without replication.
Creates a table of descriptive statistics that characterize one or more samples.
Exponentially smooths a series of values.
Performs a fast Fourier transformation on cells of data.
Performs a two-sample F-Test to compare population variances.
Calculates the probability and cumulative distributions for a sample based on a series of bins.
Returns the correlation matrix between two or more data sets.
Returns the covariance matrix between two or more data sets.
Returns a moving average for the values in a sample.
Generates an amortization schedule for a mortgage.
Generates a table of information relating to refinancing a mortgage.
Performs a paired two-sample Student's t-Test for means.
Performs a Student's t-Test using two independent samples with unequal variances.
Returns random values from a specified distribution.
Computes the ordinal and percent rank of each value in a sample.
Performs multiple linear regression analysis.
Returns a periodic or random sample of values from cells.
Quattro Pro DOS Compatible Commands
This command or menu equivalent is provided for compatibility with the DOS version of Quattro Pro. To learn more about it, see the Quattro Pro for DOS @Functions and Macros guide.