The " " symbol represents a string literal. It is used to specify a literal string value.
; (semicolon)
The semicolon is a parameter separator. Separate parameters in calls to commands with a semicolon.
. (period)
The period is a command prefix separator. Separate a command prefix from a command name with a period.
PrefixName: Variable The name of the prefix
CommandName: Command Name The name of the command
You can use the .. in the following ways:
Syntax 1
Description 1
Lets you specify the default application prefix or the default object prefix. Use the .. to indicate that a command will use the active application or OLE object.
Parameter 1
CommandName:Command Name The name of the command
Syntax 2
Description 2
The .. is an array slice indicator. Separate array indexes with the .. when you want to specify an array slice value.
Parameters 2
StartIndex: Any The start index value
EndIndex: Any The end index value
Lets you specify the default application prefix or the default object prefix. Use the .. to indicate that a command will use the active application or OLE object.
CommandName:Command Name The name of the command
The .. is an array slice indicator. Separate array indexes with the .. when you want to specify an array slice value.
StartIndex: Any The start index value
EndIndex: Any The end index value
You can use the { } in the following ways:
Syntax 1
Description 1
Lets you specify an array literal value.
Parameter 1
Value: Any The array literal value
Syntax 2
Description 2
Lets you specify a repeating group parameter for a command.
Parameter 2
Value: Any The repeating group parameter
{ }
Lets you specify an array literal value.
Value: Any The array literal value
{ }
Lets you specify a repeating group parameter for a command.
Value: Any The repeating group parameter
You can use the ( ) in the following ways:
Syntax 1
Description 1
Lets you specify a parameter list.
Parameter 1
Value: Any The parameter list
Syntax 2
Description 2
Lets you specify an expression.
Parameter 2
Expression: Any The expression
( )
Lets you specify a parameter list.
Value: Any The parameter list
( )
Lets you specify an expression.
Expression: Any The expression
' '
Lets you specify a literal array value.
Value: String The literal array value
The ! is an enumeration terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding name is an enumeration.
An ! must follow every enumeration value.
The @ is a label terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding name is a label.
The use of a trailing @ is optional. You must use a trailing @ only if the name of the label is the same as a PerfectScript keyword.
You can use the : in the following ways:
Description 1
The : is a label definition terminator. You can define a label with the : instead of using the Label command.
Description 2
The : is a parameter and value separator. You can separate the name of a parameter from the value of a parameter when you pass a parameter by name to a command.
The : is a label definition terminator. You can define a label with the : instead of using the Label command.
The : is a parameter and value separator. You can separate the name of a parameter from the value of a parameter when you pass a parameter by name to a command.
The b is a binary (base 2) numeric terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as a binary number.
Type (10101b)
// Result: 21
The b terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
The o is an octal (base 8) numeric terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as an octal number.
Type (17o)
// Result: 15
The o terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
The x is a hexadecimal (base 16) numeric terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as a hexadecimal number.
Type (15x)
// Result: 21
The x terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
The h is a hexadecimal (base 16) numeric terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as a hexadecimal number.
Type (oDh)
// Result: 13
The h terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
The w is a WPU unit terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as a WPU measurement unit value. One WPU equals 1/1200 of an inch.
The WPU unit terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
The c is a Centimeter unit terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as a centimeter measurement unit value.
The Centimeter unit terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
The m is a Millimeter unit terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as a millimeter measurement unit value.
The Millimeter unit terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
The " is an Inches unit terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as an inches measurement unit value.
The Inches unit terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
The i is an Inches unit terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as an inches measurement unit value.
The Inches unit terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
The p is a Points unit terminator. Lets you specify that the preceding number is to be interpreted as a points measurement unit value. One point equals 1/72 of an inch.
The Points unit terminator can only be used for integer numeric literal values.
numeric := ~ numeric
Operator. Precedence level 1.
Return Value
Return the bitwise complement of a number (toggles binary value 1 to 0, or 0 to 1).
numeric := numeric ** numeric
Operator. Precedence level 2.
vResult = 2**3
Result: vResult = 8 (2 to the 3rd power)
Return Value
Return the left operand raised to the power of the right operand.
numeric := numeric * numeric
Operator. Precedence level 3.
Return Value
Return the product of two numbers.
numeric := numeric / numeric
Operator. Precedence level 3.
Return Value
Return the floating-point quotient of two numbers.
numeric := numeric % numeric
Operator. Precedence level 3.
Return Value
Return the floating-point division remainder.
Description 1
Operator. Precedence level 4.
Return Value 1
Sum of two numbers.
Example 1
vNmbr := 10 + 10
Result: vNmbr = 20
string := string + string
Description 2
Operator. Precedence level 4.
Return Value 2
The result of concatenating two strings.
Example 2
vStr := "abcdefg" + "xyz"
Result: vStr = "abcdefgxyz"
numeric := numeric + numeric
Operator. Precedence level 4.
Return Value
Sum of two numbers.
vNmbr := 10 + 10
Result: vNmbr = 20
string := string + string
Operator. Precedence level 4.
Return Value
The result of concatenating two strings.
vStr := "abcdefg" + "xyz"
Result: vStr = "abcdefgxyz"
Description 1
Operator. Precedence level 4.
Return Value 1
Difference between two numbers.
Example 1
vNmbr := 10 - 10
Result: vNmbr = 0
string := string - string
Description 2
Operator. Precedence level 4.
Return Value 2
Result of removing one string from another. If the right string does not occur in the left string, the left string is returned unchanged.
Example 2
vStr := "abcdefg" - "cd"
Result: vStr = "abefg"
numeric := numeric - numeric
Operator. Precedence level 4.
Return Value
Difference between two numbers.
vNmbr := 10 - 10
Result: vNmbr = 0
string := string - string
Operator. Precedence level 4.
Return Value
Result of removing one string from another. If the right string does not occur in the left string, the left string is returned unchanged.
vStr := "abcdefg" - "cd"
Result: vStr = "abefg"
numeric := numeric << numeric
Operator. Precedence level 5.
Return Value
Return the numeric result of shifting bits one or more positions to the left. Bits shifted off the left end are lost. This operator works only on integer data.
numeric := numeric >>> numeric
Operator. Precedence level 5.
Return Value
Return the numeric result of rotating bits one or more positions to the right. Rotated bits off the right end are inserted on the left end of the value. This operator works only on integer data.
numeric := numeric >> numeric
Operator. Precedence level 5.
Return Value
Return the numeric result of shifting bits one or more positions to the right. Bits shifted off the right end are lost. This operator works only on integer data.
numeric := numeric <<< numeric
Operator. Precedence level 5.
Return Value
Return the numeric result of rotating bits one or more positions to the left. Rotated bits off the left end are inserted on the right end of the value. This operator works only on integer data.
boolean := any = any
variable = any
The = operator has two functions.
Relational Operator
Operator. Precedence level 6.
Operator Assigning Value
Operator. Precedence level 10.
Assigns a value to a variable
(synonym for ":=").
z := {1; 2; 3} = {1; 2; 3}
Result: z = True
z := {1; 2; 3} = {1; 3; 2}
Result: z = False
z := {1; 2; 3} = {1; 2; 3; 4}
Result: z = False
Return Value
Return True if two operands are equal, or False if not.
This operator is defined for values and arrays. Two arrays are equal if they have the same number of dimensions and all corresponding elements are equal.
boolean := any = any
* any := variable = any
The = operator has two functions.
Relational Operator
Operator. Precedence level 6.
Operator Assigning Value
Operator. Precedence level 10.
Assigns a value to a variable.
z := {1; 2; 3} = {1; 2; 3}
Result: z = True
z := {1; 2; 3} = {1; 3; 2}
Result: z = False
z := {1; 2; 3} = {1; 2; 3; 4}
Result: z = False
Return Value
Return True if two operands are equal, or False if not.
This operator is defined for values and arrays. Two arrays are equal if they have the same number of dimensions and all corresponding elements are equal.
boolean := any <> any
Operator. Precedence level 6. Synonym for "!=".
z := {1; 2; 3} <> {1; 2; 3}
Result: z = False
z := {1; 2; 3} <> {1; 3; 2}
Result: z = True
z := {1; 2; 3} <> {1; 2; 3; 4}
Result: z = True
Return Value
False if two operands are equal, True if not.
This operator is defined for values and arrays. Two arrays are not equal if they have different dimensions or if at least one corresponding element is not equal.
boolean := any != any
Operator. Precedence level 6. Synonym for "<>".
z := {1; 2; 3} != {1; 2; 3}
Result: z = False
z := {1; 2; 3} != {1; 3; 2}
Result: z = True
z := {1; 2; 3} != {1; 2; 3; 4}
Result: z = True
Return Value
False if two operands are equal, True if not.
This operator is defined for values and arrays. Two arrays are not equal if they have different dimensions or if at least one corresponding element is not equal.
boolean := any < any
Operator. Precedence level 6.
Return Value
True if the left operand is less than the right, False if not. For strings, return True if the left operand alphabetically precedes the right.
boolean := any <= any
Operator. Precedence level 6.
Return Value
Return True if the left operand is less than or equal to the right, False if not. For strings, return True if the left operand alphabetically precedes, or is identical (including case) to the right.
boolean := any > any
Operator. Precedence level 6.
Return Value
Return True if the left operand is greater than the right, False if not. For strings, return True if the right operand alphabetically precedes the left.
boolean := any >= any
Operator. Precedence level 6.
Return Value
Return True if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right, False if not. For strings, return True if the right operand alphabetically precedes, or is identical (including case) to the left.
You can use the & in the following ways:
numeric := numeric & numeric
Description 1
Operator. Precedence level 7.
Return Value 1
Return bitwise AND of two numbers. Bit result is 1 if both bits are 1, 0 if not.
Description 2
Return Value 2
Pass the address of the variable
Use only in DLLCall or OLE Automation call in-line parameter function.
numeric := numeric & numeric
Operator. Precedence level 7.
Return Value
Return bitwise AND of two numbers. Bit result is 1 if both bits are 1, 0 if not.
Return Value
Pass the address of the variable
Use only in DLLCall or OLE Automation call in-line parameter function.
numeric := numeric | numeric
Operator. Precedence level 7.
Return Value
Return the bitwise OR of two numbers. The bit result is 1 if either bit is 1, and 0 if both bits are 0.
numeric := numeric ^ numeric
Operator. Precedence level 7.
Return Value
Return the bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) of two numbers. The bit result is 0 if the bits match, 1 if not.
variable := any
Operator. Precedence level 10. Assign a value to a variable. Synonym for "=" (assignment operator).
// <CommentText>
The compiler ignores all text between // and the next hard return [HRt]. Comment text does not affect macro execution. The comment line, including spaces, has a maximum length of 512 characters.
/* <CommentText> */
The compiler ignores all text between /* and */ (// comments end at the next hard return [HRt]). Comment text does not affect macro execution.
Comment blocks can be nested. If nested, a comment terminator (*/) must occur for every comment start (/*). The count must match. A /* */ statement on a line after // is ignored.
A block of macro statements can be commented out by a comment block with a /* on a line above the statements and a */ on a line below. Without removing /* and */, the statements can be reactivated by putting a // statement before /* and */, which comments out the comment markers.
You can specify a keystring with the following:
{0}...{9} //Digits
{A}...{Z} //Alphabet
{Break} //Cancel
{F1}...{F16} //Function keys
{Help} //VK Help key
{LeftBrace} // "{"
{LeftButton} // Left mouse click
{MiddleButton} // Middle mouse click
{Num0}...{Num9} //Numpad numbers
{RightBrace} // "}"
{RightButton} // Right mouse click
{VKnnn} //nnn = ANSI character number
You can specify a mouse string with the following:
[Alt] Presses ALT + the mouse event.
[At (x, x) | (x, x, x, x)] Lets you specify an exact point (x, x), or rectangle (x, x, x, x) where a mouse event occurs. Point and rectangle positions are relative to the window specified in NamedRegion. The default unit of measure is the pixel.
[Ctrl | Control] Presses CONTROL + the mouse event.
[Left | Middle | Right] Lets you specify whether to click the left, middle, or right mouse button. Left is the default.
[Shift] Presses SHIFT + the mouse event.
[To | In | Inside | On NamedRegion] Lets you specify a screen position for a mouse event.
Moves the pointer to the named region if the Action argument is Move; otherwise, To means In
The mouse action occurs within the specified named region
Release the mouse button after it is pressed. Use Press with Release for drag.
Move the mouse pointer to the specified location.
Arguments are not case-sensitive. Brackets ( [ ] ) enclose optional values. A vertical bar ( | ) separates values when only one can be chosen. A space separates arguments.
NamedRegion lets you specify a window or location where the mouse action occurs. Named regions are defined by the application. The region consists of the application name followed by a period, followed by additional words that narrow the named region to the appropriate window.