11316 Wave Sound(*.wav)|*.wav|Midi Sequencer(*.mid)|*.mid|RealMedia(*.ram;*.ra)|*.ram;*.ra|AIFF Sound(*.aif;*.aifc;*.aiff)|*.aif;*.aifc;*.aiff|AU Sound(*.au;*.snd)|*.au;*.snd|Video for Windows(*.avi)|*.avi|
11317 %s (*.shtm;*.shtml)|*.shtm*|
11318 %s (*.txt)|*.txt|
11319 80
11320 20
11321 All
11322 Down
11323 Selection
11324 Up
11332 Font face
11333 Format
11334 Form
11336 Standard
11337 Header
11338 Footer
11339 Custom Grid
11340 Bookshelf
11341 Magazine
11342 Grid
11343 Menu
11344 Reverse menu
11345 Body
11346 Table Of Contents
11350 Cell1
11351 Cell2
11352 Cell3
11353 Cell4
11354 The server root is read-only. Designer is unable to write to the frame documents to this directory. Please choose another server root.
11355 &Finish
11356 Footer
11358 Cell%i
11359 Header
11361 Index
11362 LCol
11369 &Next >
11370 RCol
11377 Location for Frameset Root Directory
11379 Frame Size: %s
11380 Content Browser
11381 GIF Files
11383 GlobalVariables
11384 0x%X
11385 HRULES\
11386 Horizontal Rule Toolbar
11396 HTML Files
11406 <Body><P>This web browser does not support frames.</P></Body>
11419 HyperLink Properties
11422 Image Map Files
11423 Image Map
11424 Image Toolbar
11425 Infinite
11429 Bullets and Numbering
11430 Insert Style
11431 Insert
11432 Internet Files
11445 Can't open Java Applet
11446 Java Test
11447 %sclassfiles;%sjbclass.zip
11448 Cannot use java files that are ouside the Server root
11449 Class File
11450 JPEG Files
11454 Launch
11455 Layers
11456 Arial
11457 %.1f kbs
11458 a.b.c.d..
11459 i.ii.iii.iv..
11460 CorelWebDesigner3.0WindowClass
11461 Marquee
11462 Marquee Toolbar
11465 Mode
11466 If there were credits,\nthey would appear here.
11473 This document is not an HTML frame
11496 14,400 kbs
11497 28,800 kbs
11498 33,600 kbs
11499 57,600 kbs
11500 ISDN
11501 Item Label
11502 No
11503 Initially Selected
11504 Value
11505 Yes
11506 Settings
11507 Attribute
11509 Comment Tag
11510 End Tag
11514 Start Tag
11515 Value is out of range. Please enter a value between 6 and 72.
11516 Normal Text
11518 Tag Delimiters
11519 Attribute Value
11520 Location for HTML root directory
11521 ordered
11522 Corel WEB.DESIGNER 3 requires Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, or a later version of the Windows operating system.
11523 outline
11526 Search
11527 Print Preview
11528 Application initialization failed constructing a custom color palette.
11530 Value
11531 Relative
11532 Percent
11534 Pixel
11537 Double click to close polygon
11538 To maintain aspect ratio specify positive values and pixel units
11541 Properties
11543 Do you want to insert the file into the current document or open it as a new document?
11546 (read-only)
11601 You have browsed to a file outside of the document root. Unless this file is stored inside the document root, a relative URL to this file cannot be made. Would you like to copy this file inside the document root now?
11602 This file is located outside the directory in which your document is stored. This file will now be copied inside the document directory so that a relative URL can be made.
11603 \n\nThe file has be modified since the document was opened. Reparse the disk version?
11604 \n\nThis document has been modified since the last save. Revert to the saved version?
11605 %s exists and is read-only.\nUse a different name.
11606 %s is read only.\n Do you wish to save to a different name?
11608 &Save
11609 Save Image Map File As
11610 You have introduced a new frame into the set.\n\n\nWould you like to name and save the default frame\n'%s'?
11611 Edit Dialog could not be invoked.
11612 Scripting Sheet Selected
11613 Edit JavaScript Function
11614 New <SCRIPT> Function
11615 Edit Visual Basic Script Function
11616 %s has finished searching the document.
11617 %s has finished searching the selection.\nDo you want to search the remainder of the document?
11618 %s has finished searching the selection.\nThe search item was not found.\nDo you want to search the remainder of the document?
11619 %s has finished searching the entire document.
11620 %s has reached the beginning of the document.\nDo you want to continue searching at the end of the document?
11621 %s has reached the end of the document.\nDo you want to continue searching at the beginning of the document?
11622 %s has replaced %s occurrences of "%s".
11623 Select File
11624 Select CGI File
11625 Select Browser
11626 Select File
11627 Select Image Map File
11628 Select Image Source
11629 Select Internet File
11630 Select Class File
11631 Select Mail Template File
11632 No text is selected
11633 Find and Replace
11634 &Help
11635 Available Script Functions
11638 Status Bar
11640 Style
11641 Subscript
11642 Superscript
11645 Table Toolbar
11646 Designer
11647 Abs
11648 Base-
11649 Base+
11650 Bold Italic
11651 Bold
11652 Italic
11653 Normal
11655 Times
11656 The maximum number of open documents has been reached
11660 type
11662 unordered
11663 <Untitled layer>
11664 <Untitled Layer>
11665 You can't save documents to unwriteable file(s):
11666 A.B.C.D..
11667 I.II.III.IV..
11669 Bad input parameter %s
11670 Value is out of range. Please enter a value between 1 and 5.
11672 Post
11673 The file you selected already exists. Would you like to overwrite this file?
11674 File already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
11675 There was no filename specified for the frame layout document. Please re-enter
11677 View a demonstration of Web.Designer
11678 Check this box to display this dialog every time Web.Designer starts
11679 Create a new document with frames
11680 Create a new document
11681 Open an existing local document
11682 Open an existing document from the Internet
11683 Open last edited local document
11684 Open an existing document from a server
11685 Create a new document from a template
11686 Start the Web.Designer tutorial
11689 %d K
11690 CSS Positioning
11693 The %s is missing or the URL is not valid.
11694 In order to preview, the document must be saved. \nDo you want to save changes to %1 now or cancel?
11695 Template Path is unspecified or unavailable, click on OK to select
11698 Insert Script
11699 Enter your script here.
11700 Script Properties
11701 Date Generator Keywords Description Units
11702 Refresh
11703 HTML attributes cannot contain quotation marks (").
11704 No server is selected!
11705 Are you sure you want to delete all files and folders under %s ?
11706 Would you like to delete all files and folders under this server's folder?\nSelect 'No' to only remove the server from the list.
11707 The current cache folder is invalid. Please input a valid path.
11708 The selected server contains %d folders, with %d files.
11709 The file sizes total %s, leaving %s of free space on the drive.
11710 FTP server name is required.
11711 Root folder on FTP server is required.
11712 %d file(s) (%dK)
11713 Uploading...
11719 This will delete ALL DATA on drive %s ! Are you SURE you want to continue?
11720 Cannot delete folders under server: server contains Windows system folder (%s).
11721 Cannot delete folders under server: server contains Web.Designer folder (%s).
11722 Cannot modify server; at least one currently open file is within the selected server.
11733 email@myprovider.com
11734 anonymous
11745 Line %d
11746 The source root must be a valid path within your source file path and under your server root.
11751 TemplateFolder
11752 TemplatePreview
11754 ShowProxies
11756 You are about to save a frames document that has only one frame. Be aware that most browsers do not display these types of pages properly.
11757 ImageEditorPath
11759 The image editor path is incorrect. Please change the path in the program settings.
11760 The registered image editor is invalid. Please install an editor, or specify an image editor path in the program settings.
11761 This object cannot be edited.
11762 No FTP specified, go to Tools->Settings to specify
11763 Command Retrieve URLs
11768 Are you sure want to delete this rule?
11769 The specified domain name is not valid.
11770 The server \"%s\" is already mapped to \"%s\".
11771 The specified local path is not valid.
11772 The path is included in an existing server: \"%s\".
11774 Error: No Template File Selected!
11775 The Rule Name you have entered is not a known tag.
11776 An error occurred while trying to create the frameset\n
11777 Could not remove %s from the hard disk
11778 \n\nThe file %s \nhas been deleted from your hard disk.
11779 \n\nThe files %s \nhave been deleted from your hard disk.
11780 The created directory %s \ncould not be deleted.
11781 An error occurred while trying to write file\n
11782 \n\nThe file %s \nhas been written out correctly.
11783 \n\nThe files %s \nhave been written out correctly.
11784 Could not remove %s from the save destination.
11785 The file %s has been removed from the save destination.
11786 The path %s doesn`t exist.\n Do you want to create it?.
11788 Alignment fault exceptions are currently enabled.\nThis program can't work properly.
11926 Insert a new child layer\nInsert a new child layer
11928 Content Browser\nContent Browser
20050 None
20051 Data
20052 Number
20053 Data/Time
20054 Title
20055 Full Path
20056 Time
23040 Close
23041 You must provide a name for the commmand
23042 New %s...
23043 Rena&me
23044 &Delete
23045 &Edit...
23046 &Copy
23047 &Toolbars...\n&More Toolbars...
23048 Toolbar
23049 There is already a toolbar named '
23050 '.\nTry a different name.
23051 D&elete
23052 &Reset
23053 Reset all changes made to the toolbar '
23054 '? (This operation cannot be undone)
23055 You must type a name for the toolbar
23056 This is a system defined toolbar.\nYou cannot change its name
23057 The %s could not be opened.\n\n
23058 The %s is corrupt.\n\n
23059 The %s is read only.\n\n
23060 The %s has an old format.\n\n
23061 Using the default configuration instead.
23062 The configuration will not be saved\n
23063 The configuration cannot be saved\n
23064 Load Configuration File
23065 Save Configuration File
23066 file '%s'
23067 You must enter a name for the menu
23068 <<Separator>>
23069 <<Empty>>
23070 This will delete the '
23071 ' menu and all contained menu items.
23072 Menu
23073 File
23074 View
23075 Tools
23076 Window
23077 Help
23078 Edit
23079 &Delete
23080 Assig&n
23081 &Load...
23082 Save &As...
23083 &Reset
23084 &Go to conflict on assign
23085 Commands:
23086 Current shortcut keys:
23087 Press new shortcut key:
23088 Accelerator Files (*.acl) | *.acl||
23089 Prefix
23090 Ctrl, Alt, or Shift must me used in combination with another key.
23091 You will lose all your changes.
23092 This accelerator conflicts with part of a multiple key accelerator.\n Assign another accelerator.
23093 This accelerator is reserved for Windows.\n Assign another accelerator.
23094 This accelerator conflicts with another single key accelerator
23095 File Path not set ... Please check
23096 File Cannot be Read \n Will use default settings
23097 No Disk Space available
23098 File is not an Accelerator File
23099 Accelerator File does not belong to this Application\n Using default settings instead.
23100 Acclerator file is in old Format,\n Using default settings instead.
23101 Clear
23102 Print Screen
23103 Num Lock
23104 Scroll Lock
23105 Ctrl
23106 Shift
23107 Alt
23108 Backspace
23109 Tab
23110 Return
23111 Pause
23112 CapsLock
23113 Esc
23114 Space
23115 PgUp
23116 PgDn
23117 End
23118 Home
23119 LeftArrow
23120 RightArrow
23121 UpArrow
23122 DnArrow
23123 Insert
23124 Delete
23125 F1
23126 F2
23127 F3
23128 F4
23129 F5
23130 F6
23131 F7
23132 F8
23133 F9
23134 F10
23135 F11
23136 F12
23137 F13
23138 F14
23139 F15
23140 F16
23141 F17
23142 F18
23143 F19
23144 F20
23145 F21
23146 F22
23147 F23
23148 F24
23149 NUMPAD*
23150 NUMPAD+
23151 NUMPAD-
23152 NUMPAD.
23153 NUMPAD/
23154 NUMPAD0
23155 NUMPAD1
23156 NUMPAD2
23157 NUMPAD3
23158 NUMPAD4
23159 NUMPAD5
23160 NUMPAD6
23161 NUMPAD7
23162 NUMPAD8
23163 NUMPAD9
23164 Press ESC to Cancel
23165 Working ...
23166 &Help
23167 &What's This?
23168 CAPS
23169 NUM
23170 SCRL
23171 Main Menu
23172 Do you want to save your changes to '%s' ?
23173 Reset '%s' to default application settings?
23174 Reset to default application settings?
23175 Dock Toolbar
23176 Float Toolbar
23177 Fly-out Toolbar
23178 Fly-in Toolbar
23179 Percent Done:
23180 &Customize...
23181 '%s - %s' is no longer available. A component\nof your application may have been uninstalled.
23182 '%s - %s' is no longer available.
23183 Wednesday, September 30, 2000
23184 Cancel
23185 &Update
23186 Save Copy &As...
23187 Main Table
23188 Clear Bitmap\nThis will clear off all the drawing irrevocably.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?
23189 Copy Bitmap\nSome other application has the clipboard ownership.\nRetry after closing all other applications.
23190 Paste Bitmap\nThis operation will erase the bitmap being edited.\nDo you want to continue?
23191 Paste Bitmap\nUnable to complete operation.\nMake sure that the clipboard contains a bitmap.
23192 Restore Defaults\nYou will lose the customized button properties irrevocably.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?
23193 Import Bitmap\nBitmap too large for the toolbar button.\nDo you want to shrink it to fit?\n\nHint: Shrinking may distort the image\n Click NO if you want to pan around the cropped bitmap
23194 Import Bitmap\nBitmap too large for the toolbar button.\nDo you want to shrink it to fit?\n\nHint: Shrinking may distort the image\n Click NO if you want to pan around the bitmap
23195 Drop File\nInvalid file format.\nYou can drop only .BMP and .DIB files
23196 Button Properties
23197 %s : %s
23198 Keyboard Shortcuts
23199 Page : %d
23200 Text File (*.txt)
23201 *.txt
23203 Error saving file
23204 Image
23205 Text
23206 Shortcut Key Configuration
23207 Save the current shortcut key configuration in\n'%s' ?
23208 Reset to default application settings?
23209 Shortcut key Files (*.sck) | *.sck||
23210 Command\nTable\nKeyStroke\nDescription
23211 Keyboard Shortcuts
23212 Page : %d
23213 Shortcut keys print better in landscape mode.\n Do you want to print in landscape mode?
23214 Status Bar
23215 &Hide
23216 The %s '%s' no longer exists\nDo you want to remove all occurences of it from the application
27967 Value must be between %s and %s %s.\nThe value will be reset to %s %s.
27968 Invalid
27969 <<Empty>>
27970 &What's This?
27971 &Other...
27972 &Find...
43383 Print Preview\nPrint Preview
43384 Print Preview\nPrint Preview
43385 Zoom In\nZoom In
43386 Zoom Out\nZoom Out
43387 Display frame and page properties
43395 Display and edit the frame document HTML source code\nFrameset HTML
43396 Display and edit the document HTML source code\nHTML Source
43397 Live View\nLive
43398 Web View\nWeb View
43399 Browser Def. Font
43400 View Source\nView Source
43405 Custom Color ...
43406 Default
43407 Black
43408 Maroon
43409 Green
43410 Olive
43411 Navy
43412 Purple
43413 Teal
43414 Gray
43415 Silver
43416 Red
43417 Lime
43418 Yellow
43419 Blue
43420 Fuchsia
43421 Aqua
43422 White
43424 Change flavor
43425 Select a Style to apply\nStyle
43426 Select a Tag to apply a style to\nTag
43428 Insert a Table into the document \nInsert Table
43429 Save As New Template\nSave As Template
43433 Find the next item\nFind Next
43434 Display the properties of the selected object\nDisplay the properties of the selected objec
43435 Find the previous occurance of the item being searched for\nFind Prev.
43436 Display the properties of the current page\nPage Properties
43446 Select eveything in the document\nSelect All
43447 Cancel or restore recent changes\nUndo/Redo History
43455 Edit the properties for the current page\nEdit the properties for the current page
43461 Justify the paragraph to the center\nCenter
43462 Justify the paragraph to the center\nCenter
43463 Justify the paragraph to the left\nLeft
43464 Justify the paragraph to the left\nLeft
43465 Justify the paragraph to the right\nRight
43466 Justify the paragraph to the right\nRight
43467 Apply or remove Bookmark properties to the selection\nBookmark
43470 Apply or remove Bold attribute on the selection\nBold
43471 Create an Numbered list list\nNumbered List
43472 Create a Bulleted list list\nBulleted List
43473 Edit Style Sheets\nStyle Sheets
43474 Decrease Indent\nDecrease Indent
43475 Apply or remove Color attribute on the selection\nColor
43476 Select Font\nFont
43478 Select Font Size\nFont Size
43487 Def.
43488 -1
43489 -2
43490 -3
43491 -4
43492 -5
43493 -6
43494 -7
43495 +1
43496 +2
43497 +3
43498 +4
43499 +5
43500 +6
43501 +7
43502 Relative Font Size
43509 Apply or remove Hyperlink properties to the selection\nHyperlink
43510 Increase Indent\nIncrease Indent
43511 Apply or remove Italic attribute on the selection\nItalic
43513 Insert nested list\nNested List
43516 Creates an ordered list\nOrdered List
43518 Creates a bulletted list\nBulleted List
43520 Select a new text style\nText Style
43521 Block Quotation
43522 Definition
43523 Level 1 heading
43524 Level 2 heading
43525 Level 3 heading
43526 Level 4 heading
43527 Level 5 heading
43528 Level 6 heading
43529 Normal
43530 Preformatted
43531 Term
43533 Apply or remove Underline attribute from the selection\nUnderline
43538 Display help contents\nHelp
43541 Opens the Corel WEB.DESIGNER Technical Support help file
43542 Opens the tutorial help file
43544 Invokes context-sensitive help
43545 Your Source View has changed. Do you wish to submit the source before saving?
43546 Get the HTML Source from the current pane for editing
43547 Submit the HTML source to the document
43549 Draw an elliptic hotspot on the image\nEllipse
43550 Highlight hotspots on the image\nShow Hotspots
43551 Draw a polygonal hotspot on the image\nPolygon
43552 Draw a rectangular hotspot on the image\nRect.
43553 Select a hotspot on the image\nHotspot
43554 Select a transparent color in the image\nTransparent Color
43555 Insert an ActiveX container\nInsert ActiveX
43556 Insert an applet into the document\nInsert Applet
43557 Insert a CGI script\nInsert a CGI script
43558 Insert definition list
43559 Embed an external file as an object into the document\nEmbed
43560 Insert an HTML Form\nInsert Form
43561 Insert a form Submit or form Reset button\nInsert Button
43562 Define a dynamic Check Box group
43563 Insert a check-box field\nInsert Check-box
43564 Define a group of dynamic check boxes or radio buttons
43565 Insert a file browser field\nInsert File Browser
43566 Insert an image field\nInsert Image Field
43567 Insert a dropdown menu or list box field\nInsert Menu
43568 Insert a multiline edit field\nInsert Edit Field
43569 Insert a single-line text field\nInsert Text Field
43570 Insert a radio button field\nInsert Radio Button
43571 Define a dynamic Radio Button group
43572 Insert a scrolling text field\nInsert Scrolling Text Field
43573 Inserts horizontal frames into the currently selected frame\nHoriz. Frame
43574 Insert a Horizontal Rule into the document\nInsert Rule
43575 Insert a HTML file into the document\nInsert File
43576 Insert an image into the document\nInsert Image
43577 Insert a line break <BR> into the document\nLine Break
43578 Insert a scrolling marquee into the document\nInsert Marquee
43579 Insert a text field\nInsert Text Field
43580 Insert a paragraph into the document\nParagraph
43581 Insert script
43582 Insert special characters\nInsert Symbol
43583 Inserts vertical frames into the currently selected frame\nVert. Frame
43584 Insert a Video into the current document\nInsert Video
43594 Change this item to dynamically generate list items from database content
43595 Change the current dynamic item set to contain static text.
43596 Justification\nJustification
43603 Insert Column\nInsert Column
43604 Insert Row\nInsert Row
43605 Toggle shade attribute\nShade On\Off
43607 Delete Frame
43608 Deletes a frame
43609 Divide Frame Horizontally
43610 Split Frame Vertically\nSplit Frame Vert.
43611 Inserts a column frame\nColumn Frame
43612 Inserts a row frame\nInsert Row
43614 Show Pane Properties
43624 Close\nClose
43625 View Next\nView Next
43626 View Previous\nView Previous
43627 View 2 pages\nView 2 pages
43631 Launches Browser with Product Updates Page
43632 Display the properties of the selected object\nObject Properties
43645 Display and edit the properties of the selected image\nImage Properties
43680 Edit current Cell's properties\nCell Properties
43681 Deletes current Cell
43682 Deletes current Column
43683 Deletes current Row
43684 Insert a Cell into the Table\nInsert Cell
43685 Insert a row
43686 Insert a Row into the Table\nInser Row
43687 Insert a Table into the document \nInsert Table
43688 Join the selected table cells into a single cell\nJoin
43689 Select the current Cell\nSelect Cell
43690 Select the current table Column\nSelect Column
43691 Select the current table row\nSelect Row
43692 Select the entire Table\nSelect Table
43693 Split the current cell horizontally or vertically\nSplit
43694 Edit the properties of the table\nTable Properties
43697 Turn shading on/off\nShading
43710 Activate the ActiveX object in place\nActivate
43750 Preview current page in the default Web browser\nPreview in Browser
43751 Closes all windows\nClose All
43752 Page View\nPage
43753 Reveal Codes\nReveal Codes
43754 Frameset Source\nFrameset Source
43755 No Frames view toggle On/Off\nNo Frames
43775 Redraws the Web page\nRefresh Window
43777 Uploads a Web page or entire site to the Web\nUpload to Web
43778 Clipart on the Web.\nClipart on the Web
43780 Select the current Layer\nSelect Layer
43781 Delete the current Layer\nDelete Layer
43782 Edit current Layer's properties\nLayer Properties
43786 Edits selected image\nEdit Image
43787 Insert Inline Style\nInline Style
43788 unests current list\nUnest List
43789 Insert a layer\nInsert Layer
43792 Links to Corel Web Sites.
43798 Black
43799 Maroon
43800 Green
43801 Olive
43802 Navy
43803 Purple
43804 Teal
43805 Gray
43806 Silver
43807 Red
43808 Lime
43809 Yellow
43810 Blue
43811 Fuchsia
43812 Aqua
43813 White
43814 Custom Color ...
43815 Default
43833 Remove hyperlink from selection
43834 Mark and correct spelling and typing errors as you type
43835 Enable/disable QuickCorrect\nQuickCorrect
43836 Bring up the QuickCorrect dialog
43837 Check the spelling in the document\nSpell Check
43838 Use the thesaurus\nThesaurus
43839 Check the grammar in the document\nGrammatik
43840 Use the dictionary\nDictionary
44200 Close all documents\nClose All
44201 Create a new document from a template\nCreate a new document from a template
44204 Saves the active document to a server\nSaves the active document to a server
44205 Create a new frame layout document\nNew Frames Document
44206 Change Settings\nSettings
44209 Show or hide the Content Browser\nContent Browser
44210 TBD
44211 Show or hide the layers palette\nLayers Palette
44213 TBD
44214 Select the toolbars to display or hide\nToolbars...
57344 Corel WEB.DESIGNER
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new document\nNew
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57624 Open this document
57625 Open this document
57626 Open this document
57627 Open this document
57628 Open this document
57629 Open this document
57630 Open this document
57631 Open this document
57632 Performs a forward delete or removes the selection without putting it on the Clipboard\nErase
57633 Erase everything in this document window\nErase everything in this document window
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nFind and Replace
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 Opens Help\nHelp
57667 List Help topics\nHelp
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Help\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
57696 Apply and edit font properties\nFont
58113 2 Pages\n2 Pages
58114 Next page\nNext page
58115 Previous page\nPrevious page
58116 Print\nPrint
58117 Zoom in\nZoom in
58118 Zoom out\nZoom out
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the Application Toolbar\nApplication ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the Status Bar\nStatus Bar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents