WordPerfect Office applications include project templates for creating projects such as resumes, business plans, business cards, expense reports, time sheets, banners, marketing plan slide shows, and inventory spreadsheets.
In this section, you'll learn about:
working with the PerfectExpert Create new tab
working with the PerfectExpert Work on tab
Working with the PerfectExpert Create new tab
The Create new tab in the PerfectExpert dialog box divides project templates into categories which are typically based on WordPerfect Office applications. These categories are displayed in the drop-down list box. Click the down pointer on the drop-down list box for a list of categories. The list box below the category drop-down list box displays project templates corresponding to the selected category.
You can add, remove, and rename both project templates and categories. Project templates created in previous versions of WordPerfect Office can be added to the PerfectExpert dialog box.
To open a project template
1 Click File New from project.
2 From the list box, select the category containing the project template you want to work on.
3 Double-click the project template you want to open.
If you plan on using a project template often, you can add it to the Favorites folder by selecting it and clicking Copy to favorites. You can display items in the Favorites folder by selecting Favorites from the list box.
To add a new project template or file to a category
1 Click File New from project.
2 From the list box, select the category where you want the new project to appear.
3 Click Options Add project.
4 Select whether you want to add a predefined project or a document or executable file.
5 If you are adding a document or executable file, specify the name and description of the project.
6 Type the location of the file you want to add, or click Browse and select the file.
Predefined project files, such as the memo, agenda, and budget projects included with the WordPerfect Office, have an .AST or .ASX extension.
When you add a document, spreadsheet, database, or slide show to a category, you can open that project to create similar documents, spreadsheets, databases, or slide shows based on the project.
To copy, move, or remove a project template
1 Click File New from project.
2 From the list box, select the category containing the project template you want to copy or move, then select the project template.
3 Click Options Copy project or Move project, and select the category where you want to place it.
To remove a project template from a category, select it and click Options Remove project. This removes the project template from the category, but it does not delete the project template file from your hard drive.
To create a category
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click Options Create category.
3 Type a name in the Display name box.
You can also
Rename a category Select the category from the list box. Click Options Rename Category. Type a name in the Display name box.
Remove a category Select a category from the list box. Click Options Remove Category.
If you want the category to appear near the top of the list, begin the name with a bracket ([).
Removing a category does not delete projects from your hard drive. If you remove a category containing projects not stored in another category, a new category, "[Deleted Projects]," is created containing those projects.
Working with the PerfectExpert Work on tab
The Work on tab is used to open the most recently saved WordPerfect Office projects. The list box displays projects based on the category selected in the list box. You can open a recently saved project. You can also open the project as a copy.
To open a recently saved project
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Work on tab.
3 Select a category form the list box.
4 Select a project from the list.
5 Click Open.
To open a copy of a recently saved project
1 Click File New from project.
2 Click the Work on tab.
3 Select a category form the list box.
4 Select a project from the list.
5 Click Open as copy.
A copy is read-only. If you want to make changes and save you have to rename the project.