<!-- All the possible Content Types can be contained as the direct child of a Slide-->
<!ENTITY % CONTENT "(TextBlock)">
<!-- All the common attributes for all the elements-->
<!ENTITY % CommonAttri " id ID #REQUIRED">
<!-- Any text object (is the minimum record of the text contents which can bear the style ID attribute if needed). Can be used for inline format as the basic unit-->
<!-- If it is not a child of a Para element, itself is one paragraph; If it is within a Para element, it should be considered as a part of the paragraph (for inline formating usage)-->
<!ATTLIST Text %CommonAttri; >
<!-- A Para element should be considered one paragraph and all its contained Text elements are its contents(for inline formating usage)-->
<!-- Allows for a block of text in a line-->
<!ELEMENT Para (Text*)>
<!ATTLIST Para %CommonAttri; >
<!-- Allows containing multiple TextBlock/Text elements in a logical entity like Text Box entity in PR-->
<!ATTLIST TextBlock %CommonAttri;
<!-- A Numbered list, cannot contain other lists unless in a SubList-->