22631 The color you have selected is not a valid duotone color. Do you want to convert the color to a valid duotone color?
22632 Invalid Duotone
22633 Default
22638 Uniform
22639 Standard VGA
22640 Adaptive
22641 Optimized
22642 Black body
22643 Grayscale
22644 System
22645 WebSafe
22647 Custom
22648 None
22649 Ordered
22650 Jarvis
22651 Stucki
22652 Floyd-Steinberg
22653 Index:
22654 R,G,B:
22655 Hex:
22656 8 bits(256 colors)
22657 4 bits(16 colors)
22658 2 bits(4 colors)
22665 RGB Channels
22666 Red Channel
22667 Green Channel
22668 Blue Channel
22669 CMYK Channels
22670 Cyan Channel
22671 Magenta Channel
22672 Yellow Channel
22673 Black Channel
22674 Gray Channel
22677 Lightness Channel
22678 a Channel
22679 b Channel
22685 Load Tone Curve Files
22686 Save Tone Curve Files
22687 Tone Curve Files (*.crv)|*.crv|Paint 7 - Tone Map Files (*.map)|*.map|
22688 Incompatible color model in this Tone Curve File.
22689 This is not a PHOTO-PAINT 8.0 Tone Curve File!
22690 This is not a PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 Tone Map File!
22691 This is an invalid file type.
22692 Photo Paint 7 Tone Map file
22701 A problem occurred when opening the file.
22702 A problem occurred when reading the file.
22703 A problem occurred when writing the file. The disk may be full.
22704 A problem occurred when closing the file.
22705 Error
22721 Sample
22722 Target
22723 Exists
22724 Preset
22725 Last Used
22726 Default
22727 Last Used may not be deleted.
22728 Delete Preset?
22729 Cannot save as Last Used.
22730 Add Preset?
22731 Preset with the same name already exists. Add Preset?
22732 Default may not be deleted.
22733 (no file)
22734 Load Bump-map Files
22745 User Defined Files (*.usr)|*.usr|
22746 Load User Defined Filter Files
22747 Save User Defined Filter Files
22748 Invalid User Defined Filter File
22761 ToneCrve
22763 UserDef
22768 Duotone
22769 BumpMap\
22772 Default
22773 Aztec
22774 Brick
22775 Burlap
22776 Cobblestone
22777 Corduroy
22778 Cracks
22779 Crumpled
22780 Dimples
22781 Dunes
22782 Ice
22783 Jigsaw
22784 Painted Brick
22785 Paper Mache
22786 Rings
22787 Ripples
22788 Siding
22789 Steel Plate
22790 Swirls
22791 Tablecloth
22792 Thatch
22793 Tiles
22794 Twigs
22795 Veins
22796 Vertical Concrete
22797 Waves
23359 There is not enough memory available to carry on the operation. Please increase memory and try again.
23360 Error negotiating capabilities with the twain driver.
23361 Error negotiating capabilities with the twain driver.
23362 One or more of the Twain Source Manager required files were not found.
23363 Couldn't load the Twain Source Manager (twain_32.dll). Please , make sure that it exists in the windows directory.
23364 Error in the Twain protocol resulting in a wrong state.
23365 The current application is not in session with the Twain driver.
23366 There is not enough memory to load the Twain Source Manager. Please, increase the memory and try again.
23367 The Twain driver returned an unknown error code.
23368 Communication between the application and the Twain driver has been interrupted. Please try to repeat the scenario again.
23369 No Twain driver matching the application capabilities could be found.
23370 There is not enough memory to load the Twain driver. Please, increase the memory and try again.
23371 The Twain driver has reached maximum number of connections. Please, release one or more open sessions and try again.
23372 An internal error has occured within the Twain driver. Please, try to redo the scenario again.
23373 Error negotiating capabilities with the Twain driver.
23374 Error negotiating capabilities with the Twain driver.
23375 Error negotiating capabilities with the Twain driver.
23376 The Twain driver does not support any of the application's image formats. Please, select another Twain driver.
23377 There is not enough memory or disk space to acquire the current image. Please, try either to change the parameters to arrive at a smaller image, or increase the memory or disk space.
23378 The application was not able to meet the Twain driver's memory requirement for acquiring the image.
23379 The application does not support this combination of pixel type and color depth. Please choose a different combination.
23380 The application could not inquire about the palette of the image from the Twain driver. Image acquiring aborted.
23381 An error occured while the application is assembling the acquired image.
23382 An error occured while the application was creating a document for the acquired image.