Chip: 25 Years Anniversary
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(C) 1996-1999 Corel Corporation Limited. All Rights Reserved.
This file associates the entity names of each listed ISO character
with the appropriate WordPerfect Character, if one exists.
The names and descriptions below are taken from the entity set
"ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN"
as published in ISO 8879-1986.
0,0 gnap --/gnapprox N: greater, not approximate--
0,0 gne --/gneq N: greater, not equals--
0,0 gnE --/gneqq N: greater, not dbl equals--
0,0 gnsim --/gnsim N: greater, not similar--
0,0 gvnE --/gvertneqq N: gt, vert, not dbl eq--
0,0 lnap --/lnapprox N: less, not approximate--
0,0 lnE --/lneqq N: less, not double equals--
0,0 lne --/lneq N: less, not equals--
0,0 lnsim --/lnsim N: less, not similar--
0,0 lvnE --/lvertneqq N: less, vert, not dbl eq--
6,192 nap --/napprox N: not approximate--
6,191 ncong --/ncong N: not congruent with--
6,100 nequiv --/nequiv N: not identical with--
0,0 ngE --/ngeqq N: not greater, dbl equals--
6,188 nge --/ngeq N: not greater-than-or-equal--
0,0 nges --/ngeqslant N: not gt-or-eq, slanted--
6,187 ngt --/ngtr N: not greater-than--
6,186 nle --/nleq N: not less-than-or-equal--
0,0 nlE --/nleqq N: not less, dbl equals--
0,0 nles --/nleqslant N: not less-or-eq, slant--
6,185 nlt --/nless N: not less-than--
0,0 nltri --/ntriangleleft N: not left triangle--
0,0 nltrie --/ntrianglelefteq N: not l tri, eq--
0,0 nmid --/nmid--
6,205 npar --/nparallel N: not parallel--
6,193 npr --/nprec N: not precedes--
6,194 npre --/npreceq N: not precedes, equals--
0,0 nrtri --/ntriangleright N: not rt triangle--
0,0 nrtrie --/ntrianglerighteq N: not r tri, eq--
6,195 nsc --/nsucc N: not succeeds--
6,196 nsce --/nsucceq N: not succeeds, equals--
6,189 nsim --/nsim N: not similar--
6,190 nsime --/nsimeq N: not similar, equals--
0,0 nsmid --/nshortmid--
0,0 nspar --/nshortparallel N: not short par--
6,197 nsub --/nsubset N: not subset--
6,199 nsube --/nsubseteq N: not subset, equals--
0,0 nsubE --/nsubseteqq N: not subset, dbl eq--
6,198 nsup --/nsupset N: not superset--
0,0 nsupE --/nsupseteqq N: not superset, dbl eq--
6,200 nsupe --/nsupseteq N: not superset, equals--
0,0 nvdash --/nvdash N: not vertical, dash--
0,0 nvDash --/nvDash N: not vertical, dbl dash--
0,0 nVDash --/nVDash N: not dbl vert, dbl dash--
0,0 nVdash --/nVdash N: not dbl vertical, dash--
0,0 prnap --/precnapprox N: precedes, not approx--
0,0 prnE --/precneqq N: precedes, not dbl eq--
0,0 prnsim --/precnsim N: precedes, not similar--
0,0 scnap --/succnapprox N: succeeds, not approx--
0,0 scnE --/succneqq N: succeeds, not dbl eq--
0,0 scnsim --/succnsim N: succeeds, not similar--
6,126 subne --/subsetneq N: subset, not equals--
0,0 subnE --/subsetneqq N: subset, not dbl eq--
6,127 supne --/supsetneq N: superset, not equals--
0,0 supnE --/supsetneqq N: superset, not dbl eq--
0,0 vsubnE --/subsetneqq N: subset not dbl eq, var--
0,0 vsubne --/subsetneq N: subset, not eq, var--
0,0 vsupne --/supsetneq N: superset, not eq, var--
0,0 vsupnE --/supsetneqq N: super not dbl eq, var--