10008 We have detected tags used by an older version of Corel WEB.SiteBuilder. Convert old tags to their newer versions?
10009 Unrecognized character "%c".
10010 The URL "%s" is not valid and will be ignored.
10011 The element "%s" is not valid and will be ignored.
10012 The attribute "%s" is not valid and will be ignored.
10013 The value "%s" for attribute "%s" is not valid and will be ignored.
10014 The closing tag "</%s>" does not have a matching opening tag and will be ignored.
10016 Unknown token: "%s".
10017 Unknown entity: "%s".
10018 Special character "%c" found in text will be replaced by the corresponding entity.
10019 Unknown element: "%s" in "%s".
10020 Unknown attribute: "%s" in "%s".
10021 Value is required after the equal sign: "%s".
10022 Content of "%s" element is not valid. Fixup(s) has been applied.
10023 The closing bracket '>' is missing and will be added after "%s".
10024 The closing quote '"' is missing and will be added after "%s".
10025 The closing tag "</%s>" is missing and will be added before "%s".
10026 The element "%s" is missing and will be added before "%s".
10027 The attribute "%s" is missing and will be added to tag "%s".
10028 The short end tag "</>" will be converted to a fully specified end tag.
10029 The element "%s" is optional and will be added before "%s".
10030 Attribute value in "%s" will be enclosed in quotes.
10031 The requested HTML page could not be opened. Please try again.
10032 Parsing:
10033 A newly created server (%s on %s) contains an old one (%s on %s). You may want to remove one of these servers later.
10036 is on a different server. Do you want to copy it to the document's server?
10052 It is recommended that you add the following tag:
10053 The tag %s is incorrect. You could add before it the following tag(s):
10054 The %s tag should not be here and may not do what you expect.
28672 SVG Export
28673 JPG - JPEG Bitmaps
28674 GIF - GIF Bitmaps
28675 PNG - PNG Bitmaps
28676 1 : 1 unit
28677 1 : 10 units
28678 1 : 100 units
28679 1 : 1000 units
28680 1 : 10000 units
28681 1 : 100000 units
28683 SVG Export
28684 Conical/Square fountain fills
28685 Conical and Square fountain fills found
28686 Conical and Square fountain fills will be converted on export to multiple objects for each color band
28687 The number of color bands created is dependent on the number of color steps in the fill, so reducing the number of steps in these fills will help minimize the number of objects created and file size, however may result in evident banding.
28688 Mesh fills
28689 Mesh fills
28690 Mesh fills will be rasterized on export.
28692 2-color pattern fills
28693 2-color pattern fills
28694 One or more 2-color pattern fills are present in the current document/selection and will be rasterized on export
28696 Bitmap Images
28697 Bitmap Images
28698 The current document/selection contains one or more objects that will be represented as linked bitmap Images.
28699 The Bitmap Export Type option in the SVG export dialog determines whether bitmap image are GIF, JPG or PNG formats.
28700 Sound files
28701 Sound files
28702 One or more .WAV files are included in the document/selection.
28703 Audio is not supported when exporting to SVG.
28704 Save Preset
28705 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?
28707 Used Only
28708 All
28709 Used + Common English
28710 Used + Common Roman
28711 Transparency merge mode incompatible
28712 Transparency merge mode incompatible
28713 One or more objects in the document have transparency mode other than normal applied. These and possibly underlying objects will be rasterized.
28714 Use only the normal transparency mode.
28715 Non-RGB colors
28716 Non-RGB colors
28717 All non-RGB colors are converted to RGB space, based on active color management (ICC) profiles.
28718 Use only RGB colors during document creation and/or ensure color management is properly set up.
28719 Postscript fills
28720 Postscript fills
28721 One or more objects in the document/selection contain Postscript fills. By nature, these are complex and therefore can produce very complex SVG files.
28722 Postscript fills should be used sparingly and only on small objects or converted to bitmap prior to exporting.