64628 Length from Encryptionkey is invalid.\nKeysize for %s must be to %d-%d bytes
64629 %s is not initialized call Init() or InitKey() before.
64630 Buffer overflow
64631 Invalid UTF7
64640 Accept Failed
64641 Accept Exit
64642 Connect Loop
64643 Connect Error
64644 Connect Failed
64645 Connect Exit
64646 Handshake Start
64647 Handshake Done
64648 Protocol field is empty
64649 Host field is empty
64650 Circular Protection detected, Protection Object is invalid.
64651 String Format "%d" not exists.
64652 Input is not an valid %s Format.
64653 Input can not be convert to %s Format.
64654 copy Input to Output
64655 Hexadecimal
64656 Error creating SSL context.
64657 Could not load root certificate.
64658 Could not load certificate.
64659 Could not load key, check password.
64660 Error geting SSL method.
64661 Error setting File Descriptor for SSL
64662 Error binding data to SSL socket.
64663 EOF was observed that violates the protocol
64664 Mode has not been set.
64665 Could not load SSL library.
64666 SSL status: "%s"
64667 %s Alert
64668 %s Read Alert
64669 %s Write Alert
64670 Accept Loop
64671 Accept Error
64672 The required security context does not exist.
64673 The PKU2U protocol encountered an error while attempting to utilize the associated certificates.
64674 The identity of the server computer could not be verified.
64675 Unknown error
64676 SSPI %s returns error #%d(0x%x): %s
64677 SSPI interface has failed to initialise properly
64678 No PSecPkgInfo specified
64679 No credential handle acquired
64680 Can not change credentials after handle aquired. Use Release first
64681 Unknown credentials use
64682 Do AcquireCredentialsHandle first
64683 CompleteAuthToken is not supported
64684 Error accepting connection with SSL.
64685 Error connecting with SSL.
64686 SetCipher failed.
64687 Error creating SSL session.
64688 The smartcard certificate used for authentication has been revoked. Please contact your system administrator. There may be additional information in the event log.
64689 An untrusted certificate authority was detected While processing the smartcard certificate used for authentication. Please contact your system administrator.
64690 The revocation status of the smartcard certificate used for authentication could not be determined. Please contact your system administrator.
64691 The smartcard certificate used for authentication was not trusted. Please contact your system administrator.
64692 The smartcard certificate used for authentication has expired. Please contact your system administrator.
64693 The Kerberos subsystem encountered an error. A service for user protocol request was made against a domain controller which does not support service for user.
64694 An attempt was made by this server to make a Kerberos constrained delegation request for a target outside of the server's realm. This is not supported, and indicates a misconfiguration on this server's allowed to delegate to list. Please contact your administrator.
64695 The revocation status of the domain controller certificate used for smartcard authentication could not be determined. There is additional information in the system event log. Please contact your system administrator.
64696 An untrusted certificate authority was detected while processing the domain controller certificate used for authentication. There is additional information in the system event log. Please contact your system administrator.
64697 The domain controller certificate used for smartcard logon has expired. Please contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log.
64698 The domain controller certificate used for smartcard logon has been revoked. Please contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log.
64699 A signature operation must be performed before the user can authenticate.
64700 One or more of the parameters passed to the function was invalid.
64701 Client policy does not allow credential delegation to target server.
64702 Client policy does not allow credential delegation to target server with NLTM only authentication.
64703 The recipient rejected the renegotiation request.
64704 The other end of the security negotiation is requires strong crypto but it is not supported on the local machine.
64705 The KDC reply contained more than one principal name.
64706 Expected to find PA data for a hint of what etype to use, but it was not found.
64707 The client certificate does not contain a valid UPN, or does not match the client name in the logon request. Please contact your administrator.
64708 Smartcard logon is required and was not used.
64709 A system shutdown is in progress.
64710 An invalid request was sent to the KDC.
64711 The KDC was unable to generate a referral for the service requested.
64712 The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC.
64713 An unsupported preauthentication mechanism was presented to the Kerberos package.
64714 The requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation.
64715 Client's supplied SSPI channel bindings were incorrect.
64716 The received certificate was mapped to multiple accounts.
64718 The certificate is not valid for the requested usage.
64719 The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you.
64720 The clocks on the client and server machines are skewed.
64721 The certificate chain was issued by an untrusted authority.
64722 The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.
64723 An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate.
64724 The received certificate has expired.
64725 The specified data could not be encrypted.
64726 The specified data could not be decrypted.
64727 The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm.
64728 The security context could not be established due to a failure in the requested quality of service (e.g. mutual authentication or delegation).
64729 A security context was deleted before the context was completed. This is considered a logon failure.
64730 The client is trying to negotiate a context and the server requires user-to-user but didn't send a TGT reply.
64731 Unable to accomplish the requested task because the local machine does not have any IP addresses.
64732 The supplied credential handle does not match the credential associated with the security context.
64733 The crypto system or checksum function is invalid because a required function is unavailable.
64734 The number of maximum ticket referrals has been exceeded.
64735 The local machine must be a Kerberos KDC (domain controller) and it is not.
64736 The message or signature supplied for verification has been altered
64737 The message supplied for verification is out of sequence
64738 No authority could be contacted for authentication.
64739 The function completed successfully, but must be called again to complete the context
64740 The function completed successfully, but CompleteToken must be called
64741 The function completed successfully, but both CompleteToken and this function must be called to complete the context
64742 The logon was completed, but no network authority was available. The logon was made using locally known information
64743 The requested security package does not exist
64744 The context has expired and can no longer be used.
64745 The supplied message is incomplete. The signature was not verified.
64746 The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. The context could not be initialized.
64747 The buffers supplied to a function was too small.
64748 The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. Additional information can be returned from the context.
64749 The context data must be renegotiated with the peer.
64750 The target principal name is incorrect.
64751 There is no LSA mode context associated with this context.
64752 Successfull API call
64753 Not enough memory is available to complete this request
64754 The handle specified is invalid
64755 The function requested is not supported
64756 The specified target is unknown or unreachable
64757 The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted
64758 The requested security package does not exist
64759 The caller is not the owner of the desired credentials
64760 The security package failed to initialize, and cannot be installed
64761 The token supplied to the function is invalid
64762 The security package is not able to marshall the logon buffer, so the logon attempt has failed
64763 The per-message Quality of Protection is not supported by the security package
64764 The security context does not allow impersonation of the client
64765 The logon attempt failed
64766 The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized
64767 No credentials are available in the security package
64768 Already connected.
64769 Maximum number of line allowed exceeded
64770 The IOHandler already has a different Intercept assigned
64771 Transparent proxy cannot bind.
64772 UDP Not supported by this proxy.
64773 Buffer terminator must be specified.
64774 Buffer start position is invalid.
64775 Reply Code is not valid: %s
64776 Reply Code already exists: %s
64777 IOHandler value is not valid
64778 Algorithm %s not permitted in FIPS mode
64779 Chunk Started
64780 Not Acceptable
64781 Unknown Protocol
64782 Request method requires HTTP version 1.1
64783 Unsupported hash algorithm. This implementation supports only MD5 encoding.
64784 TTL expired.
64785 Command not supported.
64786 Address type not supported.
64787 %d: Circular links are not allowed
64788 Not enough data in buffer. (%d/%d)
64789 Too much data in buffer.
64790 File "%s" not found
64791 Not Connected
64792 Object type not supported.
64793 No data to read.
64794 Read timed out.
64795 Max line read attempts exceeded.
64796 Max line length exceeded.
64797 Set LargeStream to True to send streams greater than 2GB
64798 Data is too large for stream
64799 Connect timed out.
64800 Not all bytes sent.
64801 Package Size Too Big.
64802 Set Size Exceeded.
64803 UDP is not support in this SOCKS version.
64804 Request rejected or failed.
64805 Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect.
64806 Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids.
64807 Unknown socks error.
64808 Socks server did not respond.
64809 Invalid socks authentication method.
64810 Authentication error to socks server.
64811 General SOCKS server failure.
64812 Connection not allowed by ruleset.
64813 Network unreachable.
64814 Host unreachable.
64815 Connection refused.
64816 Host is down.
64817 No route to host.
64818 Directory not empty
64819 Host not found.
64820 Stack Class is undefined.
64821 Stack already created.
64822 Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application.
64823 Cannot change IPVersion when connected
64824 Can not bind in port range (%d - %d)
64825 Connection Closed Gracefully.
64826 Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use.
64827 Invalid Port Range (%d - %d)
64828 %s is not a valid service.
64829 IPv6 unavailable
64830 %s is not a valid IPv6 address
64831 The requested IPVersion / Address family is not supported.
64832 Address already in use.
64833 Cannot assign requested address.
64834 Network is down.
64835 Network is unreachable.
64836 Net dropped connection or reset.
64837 Software caused connection abort.
64838 Connection reset by peer.
64839 No buffer space available.
64840 Socket is already connected.
64841 Socket is not connected.
64842 Cannot send or receive after socket is closed.
64843 Too many references, cannot splice.
64844 Connection timed out.
64845 Connection refused.
64846 Too many levels of symbolic links.
64847 File name too long.
64848 Buffer fault.
64849 Invalid argument.
64850 Too many open files.
64851 Operation would block.
64852 Operation now in progress.
64853 Operation already in progress.
64854 Socket operation on non-socket.
64855 Destination address required.
64856 Message too long.
64857 Protocol wrong type for socket.
64858 Bad protocol option.
64859 Protocol not supported.
64860 Socket type not supported.
64861 Operation not supported on socket.
64862 Protocol family not supported.
64863 Address family not supported by protocol family.
64864 Invalid count (%d)
64865 Invalid destination index (%d)
64866 Invalid codepage (%d)
64867 Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information.
64868 Error on call to Winsock2 library function %s
64869 Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)
64870 Resolving hostname %s.
64871 Connecting to %s.
64872 Connected.
64873 Disconnecting.
64874 Disconnected.
64875 %s
64876 Socket Error # %d\n%s
64877 Interrupted system call.
64878 Bad file number.
64879 Access denied.
64880 Edit link must not be nil.
64881 Target node cannot be a child node of the node to be moved.
64882 Unable to load tree structure, the format is wrong.
64883 Unable to load tree structure, the version is unknown.
64884 Unable to load tree structure, not enough data available.
64885 Stream data corrupt. A node's anchor chunk is missing.
64886 Stream data corrupt. Unexpected data after node's end position.
64887 Clipboard operation failed.
64888 Cannot set initial user data because there is not enough user data space allocated.
64889 Cannot change the size of a JPEG image
64890 JPEG error #%d
64891 JPEG Image File
64892 Invalid source array
64893 Invalid destination array
64894 Character index out of bounds (%d)
64895 Start index out of bounds (%d)
64896 Tablet PC Edition
64897 Starter
64898 Home Basic
64899 Home Basic N
64900 Home Premium
64901 Business
64902 Business N
64903 Enterprise
64904 Ultimate
64905 Starter
64906 Home Basic
64907 Home Premium
64908 Professional
64909 Enterprise
64910 Ultimate
64911 SP%u
64912 Windows Server 2003 R2
64913 Windows XP x64
64914 Windows Vista
64915 Windows Server 2008
64916 Windows 7
64917 Windows Server 2008 R2
64918 Home Edition
64919 Professional
64920 Home Edition N
64921 Professional N
64922 Home Edition K
64923 Professional K
64924 Home Edition KN
64925 Professional KN
64926 Starter Edition
64927 Media Center Edition
64928 3rd-level cache: 12 MByte, 24-way set associative, 64 byte line size
64929 3rd-level cache: 18 MByte, 24-way set associative, 64 byte line size
64930 3rd-level cache: 24 MByte, 24-way set associative, 64 byte line size
64931 64-Byte Prefetching
64932 128-Byte Prefetching
64933 CPUID leaf 2 does not report cache descriptor information, use CPUID leaf 4 to query cache parameters
64934 Windows 95
64935 Windows 95 OSR2
64936 Windows 98
64937 Windows 98 SE
64938 Windows ME
64939 Windows NT 3.%u
64940 Windows NT 4.%u
64941 Windows 2000
64942 Windows XP
64943 Windows Server 2003
64944 Data TLB1: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 256 entries
64945 Data TLB1: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
64946 Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 8 entries