CLIENT_CONNECTION_CONNECTED_SERVER = say("${clientname} joined the ${servername}")
CLIENT_CONNECTION_CONNECTED_CURRENT_CHANNEL = say("${clientname} entered your channel ${channelname} on ${servername}")
# Client connection disconnected
CLIENT_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED_SERVER = say("${clientname} disconnected from the ${servername}")
CLIENT_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED_CURRENT_CHANNEL = say("${clientname} disconnected from your channel ${channelname} from the ${servername}")
# Client connection lost connection
CLIENT_CONNECTION_LOST_CONNECTION_SERVER = say("${clientname} timed out from the ${servername}")
CLIENT_CONNECTION_LOST_CONNECTION_CURRENT_CHANNEL = say("${clientname} in your channel ${channelname} timed out from the ${servername}")
# Client switched to current channel
CLIENT_SWITCHED_TO_CURRENT_CHANNEL_APPEARS = say("${clientname} joined your channel ${channelname} on ${servername} and appears")
CLIENT_SWITCHED_TO_CURRENT_CHANNEL_STAYS = say("${clientname} joined your channel ${channelname} on ${servername}")
# Client switched from current channel
CLIENT_SWITCHED_FROM_CURRENT_CHANNEL_DISAPPEARS = say("${clientname} left your channel and disappears to ${channelname} on ${servername}")
CLIENT_SWITCHED_FROM_CURRENT_CHANNEL_STAYS = say("${clientname} left your channel and switched to ${channelname} on ${servername}")
# Client switched to different channel
CLIENT_SWITCHED_TO_OTHER_CHANNEL_APPEARS = say("${clientname} switched channel to ${channelname} and appears on ${servername}")
CLIENT_SWITCHED_TO_OTHER_CHANNEL_DISAPPEARS = say("${clientname} switched channel to ${channelname} and disappears on ${servername}")
CLIENT_SWITCHED_TO_OTHER_CHANNEL_STAYS = say("${clientname} switched channel to ${channelname} on ${servername}")
# Client moved to current channel
CLIENT_MOVED_TO_CURRENT_CHANNEL_APPEARS = say("${clientname} was moved to your channel ${channelname} and appears on ${servername}")
CLIENT_MOVED_TO_CURRENT_CHANNEL_STAYS = say("${clientname} was moved to your channel ${channelname} on ${servername}")
# Client moved from current channel
CLIENT_MOVED_FROM_CURRENT_CHANNEL_DISAPPEARS = say("${clientname} was moved out of your channel ${channelname} on ${servername} and disappears")
CLIENT_MOVED_FROM_CURRENT_CHANNEL_STAYS = say("${clientname} was moved out of your channel ${channelname} on ${servername}")
# Client moved to different channel
CLIENT_MOVED_TO_OTHER_CHANNEL_APPEARS = say("${clientname} was moved to channel ${channelname} on ${servername} and appears")
CLIENT_MOVED_TO_OTHER_CHANNEL_DISAPPEARS = say("${clientname} was moved to channel ${channelname} on ${servername} and disappears")
CLIENT_MOVED_TO_OTHER_CHANNEL_STAYS = say("${clientname} was moved to channel ${channelname}")
# Client was kicked from channel to current channel
CLIENT_WAS_KICKED_FROM_CHANNEL_TO_CURRENT_CHANNEL_APPEARS = say("${clientname} was kicked to your ${channelname} on ${servername} and appears")
CLIENT_WAS_KICKED_FROM_CHANNEL_TO_CURRENT_CHANNEL_STAYS = say("${clientname} was kicked to your channel ${channelname} on ${servername}")
# Client was kicked from channel from current channel
CLIENT_WAS_KICKED_FROM_CHANNEL_FROM_CURRENT_CHANNEL_DISAPPEARS = say("${clientname} was kicked out of your channel ${channelname} on ${servername} and disappears")
CLIENT_WAS_KICKED_FROM_CHANNEL_FROM_CURRENT_CHANNEL_STAYS = say("${clientname} was kicked out of your channel ${channelname} on ${servername}")
# Client was kicked from channel to different channel
CLIENT_WAS_KICKED_FROM_CHANNEL_TO_OTHER_CHANNEL_APPEARS = say("${clientname} was kicked from channel ${channelname} on ${servername} and appears")
CLIENT_WAS_KICKED_FROM_CHANNEL_TO_OTHER_CHANNEL_DISAPPEARS = say("${clientname} was kicked from channel ${channelname} on ${servername} and disappears")
CLIENT_WAS_KICKED_FROM_CHANNEL_TO_OTHER_CHANNEL_STAYS = say("${clientname} was kicked from channel ${channelname} on ${servername}")
# Client was kicked from server
CLIENT_WAS_KICKED_FROM_SERVER_SERVER = say("${clientname} was kicked from ${servername}")
CLIENT_WAS_KICKED_FROM_SERVER_CURRENT_CHANNEL = say("${clientname} in your channel was kicked from ${servername}")
# Client was banned
CLIENT_WAS_BANNED_SERVER = say("${clientname} was banned from ${servername}")
CLIENT_WAS_BANNED_CURRENT_CHANNEL = say("${clientname} in your channel was banned from ${servername}")
# Client was assigned a server group
# Client was assigned a channel group
# Client recording
CLIENT_RECORDING_START = say("${clientname} starts recording on ${servername}")
CLIENT_RECORDING_STOP = say("${clientname} stops recording on ${servername}")
CLIENT_RECORDING_IN_CHANNEL = say("User in your channel is recording on ${servername}")
# Client requests talk power
CLIENT_REQUESTED_TALK_POWER = say("${clientname} requested talk power on ${servername}")
# You
YOU_SWITCHED_CHANNEL = say("You switched to channel ${channelname} on ${servername}")
YOU_WERE_MOVED_TO_DIFFERENT_CHANNEL = say("You were moved to channel ${channelname} by ${clientname} on ${servername}")
# You were kicked
YOU_WERE_KICKED_FROM_SERVER = say("You were kicked from the server by ${clientname}")
YOU_WERE_KICKED_FROM_CHANNEL = say("You were kicked from channel ${channelname} by ${clientname}")
YOU_WERE_BANNED = say("You were banned by ${clientname}")
YOU_WERE_GRANTED_TALK_POWER = say("Talk power granted")
YOU_WERE_REVOKED_TALK_POWER = say("Talk power revoked")
# You were assigned a server group
YOU_SERVERGROUP_ADDED_BY_USER = say("Server group assigned")
YOU_SERVERGROUP_REMOVED_BY_USER = say("Server group revoked")
# You were assigned a channel group
YOU_CHANNELGROUP_CHANGED_BY_USER = say("Channel group changed")