STATUS_DISCONNECTED = 0, -- There is no activity to the server, this is the default value
STATUS_CONNECTING = 1, -- We are trying to connect, we haven't got a clientID yet, we haven't been accepted by the server
STATUS_CONNECTED = 2, -- The server has accepted us, we can talk and hear and we got a clientID, but we don't have the channels and clients yet, we can get server infos (welcome msg etc.)
STATUS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHING = 3, -- we are CONNECTED and we are visible
STATUS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED = 4 -- we are CONNECTED and we have the client and channels available
local TalkStatus = {
local SpeexCodec = {
CODEC_SPEEX_NARROWBAND = 0, -- mono, 16bit, 8kHz, bitrate dependant on the quality setting
CODEC_SPEEX_WIDEBAND = 1, -- mono, 16bit, 16kHz, bitrate dependant on the quality setting
CODEC_SPEEX_ULTRAWIDEBAND = 2, -- mono, 16bit, 32kHz, bitrate dependant on the quality setting
CODEC_CELT_MONO = 3, -- mono, 16bit, 48kHz, bitrate dependant on the quality setting
CLIENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = 0, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", can be used to identify this particular client installation
CLIENT_NICKNAME = 1, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
CLIENT_VERSION = 2, -- for other clients than ourself, this needs to be requested (=> requestClientVariables)
CLIENT_PLATFORM = 3, -- for other clients than ourself, this needs to be requested (=> requestClientVariables)
CLIENT_FLAG_TALKING = 4, -- automatically up-to-date for any client that can be heard (in room / whisper)
CLIENT_INPUT_MUTED = 5, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", this clients microphone mute status
CLIENT_OUTPUT_MUTED = 6, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", this clients headphones/speakers mute status
CLIENT_OUTPUTONLY_MUTED = 7, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", this clients headphones/speakers only mute status
CLIENT_INPUT_HARDWARE = 8, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", this clients microphone hardware status (is the capture device opened?)
CLIENT_OUTPUT_HARDWARE = 9, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", this clients headphone/speakers hardware status (is the playback device opened?)
CLIENT_INPUT_DEACTIVATED = 10, -- only usable for ourself, not propagated to the network
CLIENT_IDLE_TIME = 11, -- internal use
CLIENT_DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 12, -- only usable for ourself, the default channel we used to connect on our last connection attempt
CLIENT_SERVER_PASSWORD = 14, -- internal use
CLIENT_META_DATA = 15, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", not used by TeamSpeak, free storage for sdk users
CLIENT_IS_MUTED = 16, -- only make sense on the client side locally, "1" if this client is currently muted by us, "0" if he is not
CLIENT_IS_RECORDING = 17, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
CLIENT_DUMMY_1 = 19, -- (Must be the same as CLIENT_ENDMARKER)
CLIENT_KEY_OFFSET = 28, -- internal use
CLIENT_LAST_VAR_REQUEST = 29, -- internal use
CLIENT_LOGIN_NAME = 30, -- used for serverquery clients, makes no sense on normal clients currently
CLIENT_LOGIN_PASSWORD = 31, -- used for serverquery clients, makes no sense on normal clients currently
CLIENT_DATABASE_ID = 32, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", only valid with PERMISSION feature, holds database client id
CLIENT_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID = 33, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", only valid with PERMISSION feature, holds database client id
CLIENT_SERVERGROUPS = 34, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", only valid with PERMISSION feature, holds all servergroups client belongs too
CLIENT_CREATED = 35, -- this needs to be requested (=> requestClientVariables), first time this client connected to this server
CLIENT_LASTCONNECTED = 36, -- this needs to be requested (=> requestClientVariables), last time this client connected to this server
CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS = 37, -- this needs to be requested (=> requestClientVariables), how many times this client connected to this server
CLIENT_AWAY = 38, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", this clients away status
CLIENT_AWAY_MESSAGE = 39, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", this clients away message
CLIENT_TYPE = 40, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", determines if this is a real client or a server-query connection
CLIENT_FLAG_AVATAR = 41, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", this client got an avatar
CLIENT_TALK_POWER = 42, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", only valid with PERMISSION feature, holds database client id
CLIENT_TALK_REQUEST = 43, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", only valid with PERMISSION feature, holds timestamp where client requested to talk
CLIENT_TALK_REQUEST_MSG = 44, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view", only valid with PERMISSION feature, holds matter for the request
CLIENT_DESCRIPTION = 45, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
CLIENT_IS_TALKER = 46, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
CLIENT_MONTH_BYTES_UPLOADED = 47, -- this needs to be requested (=> requestClientVariables)
CLIENT_MONTH_BYTES_DOWNLOADED = 48, -- this needs to be requested (=> requestClientVariables)
CLIENT_TOTAL_BYTES_UPLOADED = 49, -- this needs to be requested (=> requestClientVariables)
CLIENT_TOTAL_BYTES_DOWNLOADED = 50, -- this needs to be requested (=> requestClientVariables)
CLIENT_IS_PRIORITY_SPEAKER = 51, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
CLIENT_UNREAD_MESSAGES = 52, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
CLIENT_NICKNAME_PHONETIC = 53, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
CLIENT_NEEDED_SERVERQUERY_VIEW_POWER = 54, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
CLIENT_DEFAULT_TOKEN = 55, -- only usable for ourself, the default token we used to connect on our last connection attempt
CLIENT_ICON_ID = 56, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
CLIENT_IS_CHANNEL_COMMANDER = 57, -- automatically up-to-date for any client "in view"
local ChannelProperties = {
CHANNEL_NAME = 0, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_TOPIC = 1, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION = 2, -- Must be requested (=> requestChannelDescription)
CHANNEL_PASSWORD = 3, -- not available client side
CHANNEL_CODEC = 4, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_CODEC_QUALITY = 5, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_MAXCLIENTS = 6, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_MAXFAMILYCLIENTS = 7, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_ORDER = 8, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_FLAG_PERMANENT = 9, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_FLAG_SEMI_PERMANENT = 10, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_FLAG_DEFAULT = 11, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_FLAG_PASSWORD = 12, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_DUMMY_0 = 13, -- (Must be the same as CHANNEL_ENDMARKER)
CHANNEL_FLAG_MAXCLIENTS_UNLIMITED = 23, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_FLAG_MAXFAMILYCLIENTS_UNLIMITED = 24, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_FLAG_MAXFAMILYCLIENTS_INHERITED = 25, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_FLAG_ARE_SUBSCRIBED = 26, -- Only available client side, stores whether we are subscribed to this channel
CHANNEL_FILEPATH = 27, -- not available client side, the folder used for file-transfers for this channel
CHANNEL_NEEDED_TALK_POWER = 28, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_FORCED_SILENCE = 29, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_NAME_PHONETIC = 30, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
CHANNEL_ICON_ID = 31, -- Available for all channels that are "in view", always up-to-date
local VirtualServerProperties = {
VIRTUALSERVER_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = 0, -- available when connected, can be used to identify this particular server installation
VIRTUALSERVER_NAME = 1, -- available and always up-to-date when connected
VIRTUALSERVER_WELCOMEMESSAGE = 2, -- available when connected, (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_PLATFORM = 3, -- available when connected
VIRTUALSERVER_VERSION = 4, -- available when connected
VIRTUALSERVER_MAXCLIENTS = 5, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables), stores the maximum number of clients that may currently join the server
VIRTUALSERVER_PASSWORD = 6, -- not available to clients, the server password
VIRTUALSERVER_CLIENTS_ONLINE = 7, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables),
VIRTUALSERVER_CHANNELS_ONLINE = 8, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables),
VIRTUALSERVER_CREATED = 9, -- available when connected, stores the time when the server was created
VIRTUALSERVER_UPTIME = 10, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables), the time since the server was started
VIRTUALSERVER_KEYPAIR = 21, -- internal use
VIRTUALSERVER_HOSTMESSAGE = 22, -- available when connected, not updated while connected
VIRTUALSERVER_HOSTMESSAGE_MODE = 23, -- available when connected, not updated while connected
VIRTUALSERVER_FILEBASE = 24, -- not available to clients, stores the folder used for file transfers
VIRTUALSERVER_DEFAULT_SERVER_GROUP = 25, -- the client permissions server group that a new client gets assigned
VIRTUALSERVER_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_GROUP = 26, -- the channel permissions group that a new client gets assigned when joining a channel
VIRTUALSERVER_FLAG_PASSWORD = 27, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ADMIN_GROUP = 28, -- the channel permissions group that a client gets assigned when creating a channel
VIRTUALSERVER_MAX_DOWNLOAD_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH = 29, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_MAX_UPLOAD_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH = 30, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_HOSTBANNER_URL = 31, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_HOSTBANNER_GFX_URL = 32, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_HOSTBANNER_GFX_INTERVAL = 33, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_COMPLAIN_AUTOBAN_COUNT = 34, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_COMPLAIN_AUTOBAN_TIME = 35, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_COMPLAIN_REMOVE_TIME = 36, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_MIN_CLIENTS_IN_CHANNEL_BEFORE_FORCED_SILENCE = 37,-- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_PRIORITY_SPEAKER_DIMM_MODIFICATOR = 38, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_ID = 39, -- available when connected
VIRTUALSERVER_ANTIFLOOD_POINTS_TICK_REDUCE = 40, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_ANTIFLOOD_POINTS_NEEDED_WARNING = 41, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_ANTIFLOOD_POINTS_NEEDED_KICK = 42, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_ANTIFLOOD_POINTS_NEEDED_BAN = 43, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_ANTIFLOOD_POINTS_BAN_TIME = 44, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS = 45, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_QUERY_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS = 46, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_HOSTBUTTON_TOOLTIP = 47, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_HOSTBUTTON_URL = 48, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_HOSTBUTTON_GFX_URL = 49, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_QUERYCLIENTS_ONLINE = 50, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_DOWNLOAD_QUOTA = 51, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_UPLOAD_QUOTA = 52, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_MONTH_BYTES_DOWNLOADED = 53, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_MONTH_BYTES_UPLOADED = 54, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_TOTAL_BYTES_DOWNLOADED = 55, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_TOTAL_BYTES_UPLOADED = 56, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_PORT = 57, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_AUTOSTART = 58, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_MACHINE_ID = 59, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_NEEDED_IDENTITY_SECURITY_LEVEL = 60, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_LOG_CLIENT = 61, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_LOG_QUERY = 62, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_LOG_CHANNEL = 63, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_LOG_PERMISSIONS = 64, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_LOG_SERVER = 65, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_LOG_FILETRANSFER = 66, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_MIN_CLIENT_VERSION = 67, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_NAME_PHONETIC = 68, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_ICON_ID = 69, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_RESERVED_SLOTS = 70, -- available when connected, always up-to-date
VIRTUALSERVER_TOTAL_PACKETLOSS_SPEECH = 71, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_TOTAL_PACKETLOSS_KEEPALIVE = 72, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_TOTAL_PACKETLOSS_CONTROL = 73, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_TOTAL_PACKETLOSS_TOTAL = 74, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_TOTAL_PING = 75, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
VIRTUALSERVER_IP = 76, -- internal use | contains only ONE binded ip
VIRTUALSERVER_WEBLIST_ENABLED = 77, -- only available on request (=> requestServerVariables)
local LogTypes = {
LogType_NONE = 0x0000,
LogType_FILE = 0x0001,
LogType_CONSOLE = 0x0002,
LogType_USERLOGGING = 0x0004,
LogType_NO_NETLOGGING = 0x0008,
LogType_DATABASE = 0x0010
local LogLevel = {
LogLevel_CRITICAL = 0, -- these messages stop the program
LogLevel_ERROR = 1, -- everything that is really bad, but not so bad we need to shut down
LogLevel_WARNING = 2, -- everything that *might* be bad
LogLevel_DEBUG = 3, -- output that might help find a problem
LogLevel_INFO = 4, -- informational output, like "starting database version x.y.z"
LogLevel_DEVEL = 5 -- developer only output (will not be displayed in release mode)