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Text File | 2011-08-08 | 102.8 KB | 1,763 lines |
- ===============================================================================
- TeamSpeak 3 - Client Changelog
- Copyright TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
- http://www.teamspeak.com
- ===============================================================================
- + Added feature or noticable improvement
- - Bug fix or something removed
- * Changed or Information
- ! Important - Take note!
- ===============================================================================
- === Client Release 3.0.0 05 Aug 2011
- ! Increased plugin API version to 13
- + Multiple improvements to Voice Latency (= the time it takes before what you
- say is heard by others). Among these also a tweak to the Voice Activity
- Detection which makes VAD slightly less accurate but removes 20ms of latency.
- The old VAD behavior is still available as "Legacy Voice Activation
- Detection" in capture settings.
- + Added "connectbookmark=<bookmarkUuid>" commandline parameter.
- + Changed the custom nickname character limit (no whitespaces), minimum 1 and
- maximum 30 characters.
- + Added getServerVersion, isWhispering and isReceivingWhisper to plugin API.
- + Added getAvatar and onAvatarUpdated to plugin API. See test plugin for usage.
- + Added that Push-To-Talk delay also affects Push-To-Whisper and whisper reply.
- + Showing a notice if a bookmark has "unresolved" properties to remind about
- who is using the defaults temporarily.
- + The keyboard-search in servertree has been improved. Holding down SHIFT while
- typing a character to search backwards. Custom nickname has priority.
- + Many new commands added to clientquery interface
- * If a timeout occurs while enumerating direct input devices, a dialog shows
- which devices have been found so far. It might will help find the problem.
- * SPECIAL_3D_TEST and SPECIAL_SOUND_TEST are always attempted to play from
- default soundpack, even when "no sounds" is configured.
- - Fixed bug that could lead to corrupted sound being played back when the
- latency factor slider was set to values > 1.
- - Fixed when switching to playback profile with a slash in its name a new
- profile was created.
- - Fixed whisper list hotkeys, individual use of "on key down/release".
- - Fixed that servernames in subscriptions dialog will be updated.
- - Fixed downloads when target dir is not writable (e.g. CD, DVD etc).
- - Fixed HotKey Run Plugin commands with length above 1024 will be truncated.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-rc2 08 Jun 2011
- + Added banner resize mode to virtualserver settings.
- + Channel context menu "unsubscribe from channel family" is available as soon
- as any subchannel is subscribed.
- + "Set Avatar" now is disabled without permission.
- + Added package installer for easy plugins/styles/soundpacks etc. one-click
- installations.
- * Plugin authors note: requestChannelSubscribe and requestChannelUnsubscribe
- now take an array of channelIDs as parameter instead of a single channelID.
- * Exchanged default soundpack with male and female soundpacks.
- * Added soundpack page to setup wizard to select one of male or female.
- * Select and scroll to own client after connecting.
- * Fixed switching a fullscreen game to desktop when client is minimized and
- showing the "warn while muted", the "entering moderated channel", the
- "force push-to-talk" or the "maximum amount of clients reached" dialog.
- * Client and server log windows now save and restore log level checkbox states.
- * Added "Debug" checkbox to control debug output in client log window.
- * Added "Delete" to channel permission to set i_channel_needed_delete_power.
- * Plugin API: Added returnCode parameter to sendPluginCommand
- - Support for international domain names readded.
- - Removed validation of input text from connection connect and bookmark
- address field, so that every address can be used.
- - Fixed possible crash in AppScanner plugin with Umlauts.
- - Added a missing separator within an invitation.
- - Moved rest of the sounds into soundpack for more customized handling.
- - Fixed that poke dialog no longer opens when nickname was changed.
- - Changed the Push-To-Talk tooltip lines which were displayed in wrong order.
- - Fixed displaying port when connected via invitation.
- - Fixed errordisplay when family subscriptions on channels fail.
- - Fixed dropping images from filebrowser into channel description when
- connected on multiple servers.
- - Fixed context menu to copy offlinemessage text.
- - Limited the last mentioned URLs in systemtray context menu to 10.
- - Fixed that image-descriptions near avatar are sometimes written over the edge
- - Image in channel description was broken when overwritten with same name.
- - Fixed that offline messages throws a warning when recipient wasn't found on
- the server.
- - Don't save empty subscribed channels list when quickly disconnecting again
- from a server, loosing the subscribed channels.
- - Fixed problem when binding hotkeys while joysticks were active that "pressed"
- a button constantly.
- - Fixed that TeamSpeak does not start as a result of broken input device
- drivers. If detected TeamSpeak will at least start without usable hotkeys.
- - Fixed ts3server:// links being overwritten by autoconnect bookmarks when a
- bookmark for the linked server already exists.
- - Windows installer no longer allows installing the 64-bit client on 32-bit
- operating systems.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-rc1 10 May 2011
- ! Updated CELT codec. Due to codec bitstream incompatibility you can only
- communicate with new clients in channels using the CELT codec. Old clients
- will either sound weird/corrupt, or (on newer servers) will not be heard.
- ! Increased plugin API version to 11
- ! Style authors should adjust SERVER_PORT in their serverinfo.tpl, see the
- existing template within the default style.
- + Removed fmod sound system
- + Added a new default sound pack
- + Added new "easy permission" dialogue for easier configuration of permissions
- + Added text format toolbar and WYSIWYG edit mode to channel description
- tear-off editor.
- + Added TSDNS support, see documentation on the TSDNS server release, which
- is bundled with future TS server releases. Connecting to servers for the
- first time via hostname can be slower than before in some circumstances.
- + Added delay of one second to server-side client search in "All clients"
- dialog before search can be used again to avoid spamming the server.
- + Added horizontal scrollbars to channel group dialogs
- + Added dialog to manage server subscription modes to Options - Applications
- + Removed option "Show smilies", now every chat context menu sets globally.
- + Added hotkey "Stylesheet helper" which helps us and stylesheet authors to
- show the needed information from under cursor widget. Additionally it will
- set the given stylesheet e.g. background: blue; for highlight.
- + Added "F1" keyboard shortcut to open permissions help window.
- + To avoid confusion, a notice in the advanced permissions tree informs the
- the user when b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions is enabled.
- + Added information dialog when voice activation detection changes to
- Push-to-talk or vice versa due to b_client_force_push_to_talk.
- + Added button to chat options page to change chat default font.
- + TTS (Text To Speech) on Windows now uses the correct playback device.
- + TTS (Text To Speech) volume on Windows can now be adjusted via playback
- sound pack volume slider.
- + Channel create/edit dialog now allows to set some channel specific permission
- + Added option to virtual server dialog to disable weblist reporting
- + In filetransfer view, a slot and speed limitation can be set directly. The
- minimum speed limit is at least 5 KiB.
- + Fixed making a passworded channel to default channel. Note: If a channel was
- made to a default channel it cannot just be switched back. Make another
- channel default instead - see also tooltip.
- + Showing information message when trying to delete the default channel.
- * Updated to Qt 4.7.2
- * Playback options: Voice volume slider now requires a click to "Apply", so
- both sliders now behave identical.
- * Overhauled ban dialogs.
- * Overhauled webserver list layout.
- * Print more detailed message when a channel/client/server icon wasn't found.
- * Testing voice in the capture device option page will now use the default
- playback profile instead of the currently selected profile.
- * Capture Mode and -Device can be changed during an active voice test.
- * Hoster button now works with php scripts serving images, it is not longer
- required to directly link to image files.
- link to image files
- * The file transfer bandwidth limit takes influence of the available slots.
- Each slot should have at least 5 KiB/s, 2 slots 10 KiB/s etc.
- * Updated layout of channel settings dialog
- * Capture- and Playback devices will be checked for validity and existence
- on device change or when the connection is initiated.
- * "Start/Stop rotation" have been removed from 3D item context menu entries.
- * The invitation dialog will be closed when client gets disconnected.
- * Glance button no longer toggles global option, instead toggle the subscribe
- subscribe state for individual server tabs. State is saved and restored per
- server unique id over client restart.
- * Removed option "Mute microphone when locking", now always active.
- * Enabled text chat to ServerQuery clients. Inform user that a ServerQuery
- needs to register for private text messages to receive private chats.
- * To reduce server load, when applying easy permissions send all permissions
- in one step. This makes marking UI elements red when the permissions could
- not be applied unfortunately impossible, so this feature was removed for now.
- * Show only one permissions help window per permissions dialog, not one per tab
- * Implemented more Lua functions, see testmodule/demo.lua. Lua plugin now
- registers for plugin commands so they can be used from Lua scripts.
- * More/Less button state saved and restored for connect, bookmarks and virtual
- server edit dialogs.
- * Plugin filename suffixes are removed for pluginCommand usage. Currently
- removed suffixes are: _win32, _win64, _linux_x86, _linux_amd64, _x86, _amd64,
- _32, _64, _mac, _i386, _ppc
- * Added settings dialog to Lua plugin to allow enabling or disabling Lua
- script modules, replacing the old mechanism with the text file in the Lua
- plugin directory.
- * "/lua run <function>" now supports running functions from modules using
- "/lua run <module>.<function>". Adjusted testmodule to the new beheaviour.
- * Port fields removed from connect and bookmark dialogs. Instead the syntax
- <hostname>:<port> is used.
- * Overhauled permissions help widget
- * Display in client info frame if a channel group was inherited from an upper
- channel.
- * Clients contextmenu offers to set inherited channel groups if applicable on
- current subchannel.
- * Overhauled appscanner plugin settings
- * Overhauled contextmenus in permissions window
- * Adjusted eliding channel names in sort-after dropdown box in channel edit
- dialog
- * Overhauled context menus in filetransfer view
- * URL Catcher only writes new captured URLs on client quit
- * Added tooltip help texts when creating channel spacer
- * Allow drag&drop from clients list into client permission lineedit
- * Removed now unused callback onVoiceRecordDataEvent from plugin API
- * Serverconnectioninfo window remembers position
- * Fixed client lag when renaming contacts in huge contact list
- * Setup wizard overhauled
- - Fixed possible assertion on incoming chats.
- - Virtual server weblist checkbox disabled on missing permission on newer
- servers.
- - Fixed possible crash in G15 plugin when pressing the "Chan" button while
- disconnected.
- - Fixed VolumeControl plugin to close settings dialog when deactivating plugin
- via hotkey.
- - Fixed that an unchecked transfer speed limit means unlimited.
- - Fixed server tabs not switching playback/capture devices properly when only
- the mode was changed.
- - Fixed appscanner plugin handling client data when server was restarted.
- - Calling plugin functions requestFileList and requestPermissionOverview no
- longer open the FileBrowser or PermissionOverview dialogs within the client.
- Added returnCode parameter to onFileListEvent and onPermissionOverviewEvent,
- so plugins can also check if the callbacks were caused by an own request.
- - "Test Voice" stops as soon as the microphone will be activated
- - Fixed subscribe-all freezing the client for several seconds on big servers.
- - Playing notifications test sound now uses the TS3 default playback profile
- instead of the system default device and uses the wave file volume modifier.
- - Remember selected item in notifications tree when switching sound packs.
- - Fixed default settings for contacts manager being saved to wrong config file.
- - Fixed disconnect not stopping autoreconnect properly during IP lookup.
- - Fixed caught URLs "times mentioned" numeric sorting.
- - The whisper history context menu got a few more entries.
- - Fixed an offline message issue when a contact changed his nickname while
- typing an offline message.
- - Fixed using "one time privilege key" after improving security level when
- connecting to server.
- - Fixed that channel chat tab name could be wrong after reconnect.
- - Fixed several widget height issues on netbooks.
- - Limit amount of remembered client log messages to 500.
- - Fixed client log view losing text format when clicking the Clear button.
- - Don't open chat tab on double-click for ServerQuery clients.
- - Fixed showing Device-Changed-Notification when playback or capture mode has
- been reset to default during sound system convertion.
- - Automatically select top group after deleting a server- or channelgroup
- - Fixed hotkey when editing/renaming "switch to channel", reported by user in
- forum
- - Channel spacer weren't shown in "switch to channel" list.
- - Fixed bad apply/discard check on Options Download page, which always reported
- to have changed with an empty config file.
- - To resolve issues with some webservers, no longer append ?suid=<server uid>
- to banner URLs.
- - Fixed reloading privilege key list after creating invitation.
- - Fixed virtualserver edit dialog having "Banner gfx URL" and "URL" fields in
- wrong order.
- - Double-click on Grant column in advanced permission tree will add the grant
- permission instead of the normal permission if permission was assigned yet.
- - Check matching client unique identifier when opening a contextmenu from chat.
- - Fixed playing connected sound after dialog about unfinished filetransfer was
- closed.
- - Removed showing "???" when download gets larger than listed. For example,
- when resuming an upload, while another one is downloading.
- - Fixed notifications test sounds not playing when playback device was set
- to "Automatically use best mode" and "Default" device.
- - Activating capture device of the server tab which previously owned the
- capture device when applying capture options, instead of activating the
- most-right server tab.
- - Disable chat tabs when autoreconnecting after server connection was lost.
- - Don't disable chat input field anymore when the chat partner is not
- connected to ensure offline messages can be sent and the chat text can
- be still accessed.
- - When a client with an active chat tab disconnects and another visible client
- with the same client unique ID is available, reassign the chat tab to the
- other client ID to continue the chat.
- - When continuing to chat with the same client UID after reconnecting to
- another server, reusing the existing chat tab.
- - Fixed that a filetransfer hangs in waiting status, when file is in use.
- - Return key to enter a channel will now ignore autorepeat, so the action
- triggers only once when the key is pressed down.
- - Fixed filetransfer context menu "open folder" on queue item.
- - Fixed showing "Transfer Completed" as tray message when cancelled.
- - Fixed an issue when download contains subfolders
- - Don't show the "ID not found" dialog when adding a client to a server- or
- channelgroup fails on insufficient permissions error.
- - Adjusted search behaviour for permissions to find both the permission name
- and description, independent of which of them is currently displayed.
- - Group sort ID now used in comboboxes in whisper and privilege key dialogs.
- - Fixed printMessage plugin function with channel target.
- - Couple of filetransfer fixes like: progress sorting, up-/download texts,
- filetransfer view show once...
- - Fixed that playback- and capture devices only were checked when connected
- - Fixed that context menu on user in channel groups appears twice
- - Default font family for chat was shown wrong.
- - Fixed displaying ":0" when connecting to IP.
- - Fixed possible crash when autoreconnecting on a server which was previously
- connected to using an IP.
- - Fixed password parameter when inviting a buddy
- - Fixed no more triggering close/reopen capture devices when just changing
- PreProcessorConfigValues like voice activation state, echo cancelling etc.
- - Fixed playing sound "file transfer complete" when canceling while using
- bandwidth limiter.
- - No custom contextmenu when clicking on Windows titlebar
- - Fixed language selection box in application options page
- - Fixed showing the creation date of files in file transfer overwrite dialog.
- - Added selection page for overlay and volumecontrol plugins to setup wizard,
- added check to open bookmarks/serverlist/Get own server webpage to last
- wizard page.
- - Ignore ts3file:// links in URLCatcher
- - If the currently used capture profile gets deleted, the default capture
- profile will be set on all connected servers using this profile.
- - Fixed display of newly downloaded icons in icon viewer
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta37 21 Dec 2010
- ! Plugin API version increased to 9. Added possibility to use return codes
- with plugins to associate server errors with ts3 function calls from
- individual plugins. See the test plugin for implementation details.
- ! Soundpack creators take note, the ${clientType} variable now expands to
- "blocked_user" instead of "foe" for consistency reasons.
- ! The maximum amount of simultaneous tranfers is now 10 (5 upload/5 download).
- + Added function requestInfoUpdate to plugin API to allow plugins to request
- updating the info area of the specified item if this is the currently
- displayed item in the info area.
- + Added option "Enable Voice Activation Detection while using Push-To-Talk"
- + Added "Quota" tab to client connection info dialog to display monthly
- filetransfer quota statistics.
- + Added that clients can be added via unique-/database id and dropped from
- server tree or contacts into permissions -> channel groups -> clients.
- + Added "Whisper lists" button to whisper options as alternative way to open
- the whisper lists dialog.
- + Channel descriptions can now be formatted using the BB-Code [LIST] tag. Also
- supported is [LIST=x] where x is one of "1, i, I, a, A".
- + Add search field to servergroups permissions window.
- + Added "Skip" and "SkipAll" for filetransfers
- + Filebrowser shows current available dirs and files
- + Added "Delete client" to contextmenu in "All clients" dialog for deleting
- offline clients directlry from the clients database list.
- + Added dialog with a "Don't show again" checkbox when entering a moderated
- channel to inform the user how to request talk power.
- + Added links to add-ons webpage to multiple places in the client.
- + Hotkeys now have an own config named hotkeys.ini. Existing hotkeys will be
- extracted to the new config file at client startup and only accessed there.
- This makes it easier to share hotkey configurations.
- + All contacs have been extracted to own config named contacts.ini
- + Added a message popup when server update is available but server hasn't been
- updated for at least seven days.
- + Added information dialog when warn-when-muted sound is played for the first
- time telling the user what this sound means and give him a chance to disable
- the feature.
- * Changed hotkey to focus channel widget from Shift-Backspace to Alt-Return.
- * Permission overview contextmenu item is now dependant on either
- b_client_permissionoverview_own or b_client_permissionoverview_view for own
- client and b_client_permissionoverview_view for other clients.
- * Permission overview now shows grant permission in a new column of the
- corresponding permission instead of an own line.
- * The search field in the "All clients" dialog now searches directly on the
- server instead of the local results. So no need to hit "More" multiple times
- until all clients are received before searching anymore.
- * When uploading/downloading an existing file, the dialog shows filesize and
- file creationdate.
- * Permission filter text and state of the granted-only checkbox are now saved
- and restored per permission tab.
- * Changed behavior of clicking a ts3server:// link including "addbookmark".
- Now choose between "Do nothing", "Bookmark only" and "Bookmark and Connect".
- * New more detailed soundpack entries for server/channelgroup assigned actions.
- * Permissions tree now displays group icon and the show-group-name permission
- as icon and text instead of the raw permission value.
- * When kicked or banned from the server, only one or neither sound file will
- be played, depending on which notification is activated.
- * Behaviour of glance button changed: Now toggles between "Subscribe to all
- channels" and "Subscribe to current and previously subscribed channels"
- option. Current channel subscribe state is saved to disc and restored next
- client restart. If "Subscribe to all channels" is selected, newly created
- channels are automatically subscribed.
- * The Hotkey "Bring Client to Front" will no longer minimize a full screen game
- - Fixed chat logging when multiple servertabs are trying to log into the
- same logfile.
- - When forcing to start a second client with "-nosingleinstance", the second
- instance will log chats to avoid having multiple clients write to the same
- file producing invalid HTML.
- - Fixed dropping files to upload on filebrowsers tool buttons. Dropping there
- is not available from the outside like desktop, explorer etc. Inside the
- filebrowser, items can still be dropped to root or the according levels up.
- - When adding a user twice to a server group, don't open the buddy-invite
- dialog occuring when a client is unknown on this server.
- - Reload server/channelgroups when b_serverinstance_modify_templates or
- b_serverinstance_modify_querygroup have changed.
- - Whisper lists in whisper dialog can now be changed using cursor keys.
- - Fixed source file being deleted from view when drag&drop operation in
- filebrowser failed.
- - Overhauled layout of offline messages dialogs, added Ctrl+N and Ctrl+R
- keyboard shortcuts for "New" and "Reply" actions.
- - Fixed filetransfer playing error sound twice if file not found
- - Fixed filetransfer request to overwrite/resume/abort files
- - Fixed date/time format in filebrowser, urlcatcher, clientdebuglog and
- client log, which wasn't system dependent
- - Remove write-only file property before deleting local avatar to avoid the
- "Failed to remove existing local avatar copy" error message.
- - Fixed filetransfer progressbar display on windows when using classic theme
- - Fixed playing filetransfer complete sound once per download
- - Removed option "Only play sound when all of my transfers have been completed"
- - Fixed assertion when editing a channel or channelclient permission and
- channels were created, moved or deleted.
- - Fix the "warn when talking while muted" function: It should now only occure
- if you have only a mic mute set - and it works with Push-To-Talk now.
- - Fixed sorting in filebrowser, alphabetic order wasn't always respected
- - Fixed pasting files or folders containg "=" in name from filebrowser
- - Fixed crash when transferring files simultaneous
- - Fixed starting updater located in a directory with unicode characters
- - Fixed resetting filebrowsers window state when refreshing directory
- - Fixed filebrowser could throw "database empty result set" when transferring
- recursive and by that end up in a broken/invalid paths.
- - Fixed format options were taken over to other tabs.
- - Fixed an issue, when clicking invitation but starting TeamSpeak for the
- first time.
- - Fixed "Server groups dialog" menuitem in client contextmenu being enabled on
- hotkey even if the client lacks i_group_member_add_power.
- - Added Save/Discard/Abort dialog to bookmarks manager when closing the dialog
- while bookmarks are modified.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta36 08 Nov 2010
- + Added Shift-Backspace keyboard shortcut to focus the channeltree for easier
- screenreader usage. Adjusted spoken accessible names in the mainwindow and
- further improved tab focus behaviour.
- + Activate, Deactivate and Toggle PTT hotkeys have been moved to category
- Microphone and renamed to "Local Mic Mute" which is now more meanigful
- - Fixed whisper reply hotkey which was mixed up when assigned via whisper list
- dialog.
- - Fixed missing window title of setup wizard on Linux
- - Restored previous chat line input focus behaviour if selecting clients or
- channels in the tree or a chat tab using the mouse. If using keyboard
- navigation, the chat input is not focused to avoid interfering with
- accessibility support.
- - Fixed possible crash when permission window was automatically closed on
- server shutdown but dialogs or contextmenus were still open.
- - Fixed a bug where VAD cannot be used when Toggle PTT was manually added
- - Fixed "Toggle Speaker Mute" und "Toggle Microphone Mute" in setup wizard
- - Fixed hotkeys configured in setup wizard not being set properly
- - Fixed assertion when adding Hotkey-/Capture- or Playback Profile hotkey
- - Adjusted input validator of permissions tree
- - Channel commander action can now be added to toolbar
- - Sort ID now considered for server groups order in permissions overview.
- - Fixed iconpath when IconPack entry is missing in the config file.
- - Overhauled volumecontrol plugin.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta35 27 Oct 2010
- * Automatically removing "mailto:" when copying an email address
- * Adjusted tab focus behaviour of client main window for easier keyboard
- navigation using a screenreader.
- + Added Shift-Enter keyboard shortcut to focus the chat input line.
- - Fixed appscanner no longer crashes the client when apps.ini is broken
- - Fixed bbCode autotagging issues when channel description or chat text
- contains bbCode-tag
- - Fixed avatar could be set on wrong tab
- ! beta34 skipped
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta33 25 Oct 2010 (never released in stable branch)
- * Added a bookmarks label character limit
- + Because of a hotkey search includes bookmarks and channels, it was rather
- slow on big servers. The search pattern now must have at least 3 characters.
- + Added Hotkey converter extension to fix a possible crash which can be caused
- by invalid or old hotkeys.
- - Fixed requesting avatar with 2 connections and same identity
- - Fixed Push-To-Talk hotkey in "Test Voice" and also "Delay releasing PTT"
- - Fixed disabled sounds when optionspage was closed just with "Cancel"
- - Fixed some issues when adding a push-to-talk key manually via hotkey setup
- but still using vad
- - Server- and channelgroups can now be sorted by setting the new permission
- i_group_sort_id. If not set or set to zero, the group ID is considered for
- sorting.
- - Support for new permission i_group_show_name_in_tree: Set to 1 to display
- the group name before the client name inside the tree. Set to 2 to display
- group name behing client name. Set to 0 to ignore (same as not set).
- - Fixed expand/collapse indicator not showing when dragging folders in
- bookmarks manager.
- - Fixed possible crash when deactivating the G15 plugin. Updated Logitech SDK
- to version 3.06. Users running Logitech 2.x drivers should update their
- G15 drivers.
- - Fixed selecting first group when opening the permissions window
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta32 12 Oct 2010
- * Hotkey dialog got an overhaul and available hotkeys are more categorized
- * Changed that DEL key, when holding down in treeview is no longer autorepeated
- if deleting a channel or kicking a client
- * Respect our min/max size when creating or editing "Change Nickname" hotkey
- + Added that a whisper reply hotkey can be assigned in whisper list dialog
- - Fixed some loading issue, when image will be renamed in filebrowser but used
- in channel description
- - Fixed moving files from one filebrowser to another, when both are from same
- server and also same channel (means same file), then moving is prevented.
- - Fixed showing error message when banned uid was not found by the server
- - Fixed push-to-talk hotkey where PTT could be activated though VAD is chosen
- - When switching chat tabs while writing a message, all used WYSIWYG textformat
- options will be translated to bbCode
- - Fixed a crash when hostmessage dialog was OK-clicked when server tab was
- already closed
- - Fixed deactivated buttons when filebrowser folder is empty
- - Fixed client icon file not found errors after deleting an icon from offline
- user which will occur when icon is no longer in cache. Requesting the icon is
- now blocked until client reconnects.
- - Fixed bbCode URLs in Hostmessage dialog again which was deactivated by work
- on poke dialog context menu
- - Fixed possible crash on exit when whisper history widget has been opened.
- - Handle "database empty result set" server message when opening the servers
- icon view dialog without any icons available.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta31 27 Sep 2010
- * Handle server error when client version is too old for this server by telling
- the user why the connection failed and offer an automatic client update.
- * User context menu in poke dialog now opens by clicking mouse left or right
- * When opening a filebrowser dialog and its geometry is beyond desktop, it will
- be moved to the upper left corner to not get lost.
- + Added clientquery- sendtextmessage will open chattab when partner not in view
- + Added that complains can be removed with DEL- key and also forced when
- holding SHIFT- key (will suppress the confirmation dialog)
- - Fixed "database empty result" when entering empty directory
- - Fixed "database empty result" when client-/server group has no permission set
- - Fixed opening empty filebrowser
- - Fixed two clicks needed to deactivate glancebutton if subscribed to channel
- with clients inside
- - Fixed possible broken filetransfer stats at the end when overwriting files
- - Fixed that playback- and hotkey profile can't be activated on active tab via
- self menu when tab didn't get activated by mouse click
- - Fixed bbCode URLs in Hostmessage dialog, which were not clickable
- - Fixed showing an empty complain list when removing fails
- - Fixed a minor issue with 'drag & drop' in Bookmarks Manager
- - Fixed identities with "Umlauts" which weren't converted correctly
- - Fixed "Connection Info" menuitem in "Self" menu being deactivated when online
- and activated when offline. Fixed possible crash when closing client with
- connectioninfo dialogs open.
- - Reworked application shutdown mechanism to avoid corrupt configuration files
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta30 21 Sep 2010
- + Support sending and receiving unencrypted voice data. Added options to the
- create/edit channel dialog and to the virtual server edit dialog where this
- behavior can be configured. Only available on server beta29 and higher.
- + Support for ts3server:// on Mac OS X
- * Changed keyboard shortcut for webserverlist from Ctr+W to Ctrl+Alt+S, as
- Ctrl+W can collide with the standard window close shortcut.
- * Changed the behavior of user context menu in poke dialog
- * Permissions tree now includes permissions with grant power only when the
- "Show granted only" checkbox is enabled.
- - Fixed edit box for clientname could be larger than predefined
- - Fixed possible crash when server stops and permissions window is open.
- Permissions subdialogs (add/delete/copy group) are now non-modal.
- - Identities were trimmed on load
- - Renaming in treeview will no longer be interrupted when poke dialog or new
- message tab opens
- - Connect hotkey now only works if disconnected or previous connection has
- completed to avoid starting multiple connection attempts at the same time.
- - Adjusted path to clientquery docs on Mac OS X.
- - Fixed logging capture- and playback device name.
- - Fixed plugin loading when pathname contains non-standard characters.
- - Revertes changed to application path detection in beta29, so starting the
- client from a webbrowser via ts3server:// link works again properly.
- - Rename also the existing "ConnectTo" hotkeys when bookmark was renamed
- - Fixed offline message cache which could return wrong messages
- - Fixed size of host message dialog if it is a short message
- - Removed check for i_ft_file_browse_power when opening the filebrowser
- window, as this check is inaccurate as the value for i_ft_needed_file_
- browse_power is unknown to the client.
- - Fixed plugin dialog displaying wrong information for unloaded (wrong API
- version etc.) plugins.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta29 10 Sep 2010
- - Fixed opening an empty banlist
- - Fixed not writing logs and accessing sounds or plugins when path contains an
- apostrophe
- - Fixed selecting channel and server group items in 3D setup with same id
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta28 - 08 Sep 2010
- ! The way certain text message characters are escaped was changed, servers
- below beta28 will not be able to correctly display some text messages
- ! Plugin API version increased to 8
- + Added new plugin called ClientQuery which acts similar to the server query
- functionality, but can only be accessed via localhost (Port 25639). It is
- enabled by default and is useful to add TS3 related information into third
- party applications
- + Added getServerConnectInfo, getChannelConnectInfo, getChannelVariableAsUint64
- and setChannelVariableAsUInt64 functions for plugins, see the test plugin as
- example how to use them.
- + Added ts3plugin_requestAutoload to plugins API to let plugins request to be
- automatically loaded on client start, unless the user has manually disabled
- the plugin.
- + Added "Copy Nickname to clipboard" context menu to "List All Clients" dialog
- + When editing ban entries of another users fail, a messagebox shows that a
- modified copy will be inserted instead
- + Rewrote the updater it now also has a banner as an appreciation to the
- companies that provide bandwidth and servers
- * Some minor offline message text-tweaks which makes it more email alike
- * Added an improvement to highlight a bookmark item, if nickname has an
- invalid length
- * More improvements of server groups priority in 3D setup when a client has
- multiple server groups (particularly add and delete)
- * Improved priority of server groups in 3D setup
- * Plugin dialog now displays all plugins which failed to load including an
- error message.
- - Fixed playing sound "error" when filetransfer fails instead of "complete"
- - Fixed collapsing permissions list when insufficient permission modify power
- - Renamed mute microphone keybind for clarity
- - Added hotkey "Activate Microphone (current tab)"
- - Fixed missing error sound when connection to server fails
- - Fixed that self menu could set hardware mute on wrong tab
- - Fixed possible crash when reconnecting to a server while permissions dialog
- is still open
- - Fixed wrong flickering tray icon after server shutdown
- - Fixed sound and description when connection to server failed
- - Fixed using master volume when restoring client volume
- - Fixed client names with special characters, which could end up in "????"
- in offline message context menu (left-click)
- - Fixed wrong icon after server shutdown
- - Fixed drop file on a file in same filebrowser caused an empty line
- - Fixed deactivate Priority Speaker, which didn't work sometimes
- - Fixed visibility of "Offline Message Dialog" when opened via context menu
- - Fixed ban list buttons
- - Plugins API: Fixed sendPluginCommand function.
- - Added client-side check when loading nicknames from bookmarks or last used
- entry of connectdialog to prevent non-printable unicode characters.
- - Overhauled chatline cursor backup to restore cursor position on tab change.
- - Handle modal-quit message on servers with 0 max slots
- - Fixed string issue in whisper dialog when groupname contained html
- - Fixed that string "invalid" was out of bounds in capture sound setup dialog
- when combobox had an invalid capture device
- - Fixed filebrowser Drag&Drop from channel to channel on a file, we assume
- current path instead of a denied symbol
- - Fixed channelinfo template description field didn't use the hole width
- - Fixed sending Offline Messages to a disconnected chatpartner via context menu
- could end up in "Premature end of document"
- - Fixed some hotkeys did't respect different server tabs
- - Text tweak for warn-when-muted
- - Fixed parsing ts3server links with Unicode nicknames, channels etc.
- - Fixed whisper dialog not displaying the correct server or channel group when
- reopening the dialog.
- - Permission check for Create-Subchannel contextmenu adjusted.
- - Added "ts3server://host:port" as alternative syntax to
- "ts3server://host?port=<port>". If both are given, "port=<port"> takes
- precedence.
- - Fixed always-on-top feature being lost after minimize to tray.
- - Fixed autoreconnect after standby to rejoin the previous channel.
- - Replace outgoing with whitespace instead of incoming text. Fixed
- replacement using UTF-8 0xC2 0xA0 instead of ASCII 0xA0
- - Added workaround to avoid assertion when connecting to server.
- - Removed log spam when checking channelcommander icon.
- - Fixed UTF-8 conversion error at client start
- - Fixed contextmenu operating on wrong table index when sorting the table
- - Close bookmark contextmenu when selecting an action
- - Plugin printMessage functions did not convert utf-8 strings properly
- - Updated permission texts, translation fixes
- - Reduced maximum lines to reload chat history to 1000.
- - Mac: Fixed problem that lead to jpg and gif images not being displayed
- - Fixed collapsing permissions list when insufficient permission modify power
- - Fixed crash when using "mute output on all servers"
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta26 - 10 Aug 2010
- - Fixed local unmute when client was muted by plugin.
- + Added "Copy permission name" contextmenu to permission overview.
- + Added tooltip information to each entry in the webserver list.
- * Changed default webserver list table, city and create channels columns are by
- default hidden, max clients and current clients joined into one column.
- + Added contextmenu to webserver list table to enable or disable table columns.
- - Tab close button never gets focus to avoid accidential closing of server tab.
- - Fixed client info HTML templates showing the application scanner line even
- if disabled.
- - Fixed grant permissions now being displayed properly in permissions tree.
- - Adjusted password and can-create-channels filter in webserver list window to
- make the behaviour more obvious.
- Hide full/empty servers filter and users filter no longer exclusive.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta25 - 06 Aug 2010
- ! Updated plugin API version to 7
- + Plugins can now add a line to the server/channel/client info frame by
- implementing ts3plugin_infoTitle, ts3plugin_infoData, ts3plugin_freeMemory.
- See the test plugin for details how to use this feature. This feature is
- optional, plugins can opt not to implement the new functions.
- Added new field PLUGIN_INFO_DATA to html templates to add the plugin info.
- + Some contact-actions can now be added to customized toolbar:
- Add as Friend, Add as Blocked, Remove from Contacts
- - Fixed possible crash on Linux when attempting to load a Qt style.
- - Fixed right aligned and centered spacers could have a wrong position when the
- deleted channel had a huge name
- - Fixed wrong servergroup positioning-priority in 3D setup
- - Fixed that selected client in 3D setup points to a wrong server group
- - Fixed crash when opening options dialog when Application/StatusDisplay config
- setting is missing.
- - Offline messages handling for escaped separators and also accept NUM- ENTER
- - Fixed another error message when creating an invitation
- - Fixed deleting server group in 3D setup
- - Tweaked offline messages again to add targets via autocompleter, combobox or
- just writing in. Suggesting new approach - open for discussion. (WIP)
- - Easy permissions work-in-progress
- - Server tree elide and icon position tweaks
- - Server tree now shows a horizontal scroll bar if necessary
- - Fixed opening the whisper list window which could lead to not being able to
- assign a hotkey
- - Fixed filename in filebrowser cannot be seen
- - Fixed renaming a file in filebrowser and using a huge filename
- - Fixed empty filebrowser (detailed view) header now has a fixed size
- - Fixed an error message when creating an invitation without having permission
- to open the privilege key list
- + Added hotkey to request Channel Commander
- * Overhauled offline messages
- + Removed the receiver list from the offline messages dialog and inserted a
- button to add receivers to new/reply message dialog
- - Fixed display of unread messages
- + Scroll through messages with the up/down arrow keys
- * 3D Sound improvements
- - Fixed crash on deleting item when channel- and serverGroupID are the same
- - When entering channel, a still existing uid's properties were overwritten
- - Respecting clients which are whispering
- - Fixed testsound was only played when item was moved by mouse down on client
- icon, not on client name
- + All known entries for current channel can be shown via context menu (WIP)
- - Fixed apply button didn't always enable when it should
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta23 - 02 Aug 2010
- - Fixed critical error when switching into a channel with a serverquery client
- immediately after connecting to the server.
- - Updated German translation, several typo fixes
- - Closing client with opened and changed 3D setup caused Discard/Cancel/Apply
- which blocks client from quitting.
- - Fixed wrong count of unread offline messages
- - Fixed typo when exporting identities
- - Fixed token generation for server groups when channel groups was previously
- selected.
- * Added required plugin API field to plugin dialog.
- * Updated server/channel/client info HTML templates
- - Fixed Windows not accepting banner URLs with a ":" within.
- - Fixed the 3D listener position could be set though 3D was disabled
- - Fixed whiper list hotkey rollback deleted too much
- - Fixed 3D setup apply button does not always enable on position change
- + Added a warning when exporting identities
- - Fixed closing 3D setup Discard/Cancel/Apply could be requested twice
- - Inform Mac users about enabling assistive devices, but show only once.
- - Fixed channel chat tab doesn't update channelname when channel was changed
- - Added search paths "gfx" and "iconpath", usable by HTML templates and style-
- sheets. e.g. "gfx:countries/fr.png or "iconpath:16x16_about.png"
- Iconpath will by dynamically set to the current iconpack path.
- - Save and restore last 3D dialog window position
- - Do not show whisper history window while a fullscreen application is running.
- - Enable and disable 3D sound didn't work properly
- - Temporary 3D settings no longer get lost when clicking apply
- - Discard/Cancel/Apply when 3D setup has changes and dialog close was requested
- - All positions in 3D setup will be resetted when dialog is just closed
- * Replaced end of chat history marker as QTextEdit has a problem displaying
- <hr> properly.
- - Fixed channel and client chat not reloading properly when connecting to a
- different server on the same tab.
- + Added country display for clients to the info area and optional in the tree.
- Displaying flags in the tree is disabled by default and can be toggled in the
- Designs options page.
- - Fixed a bug where 3D ini was cleared completely instead of current server uid
- - Positions in 3D setup will also be saved when 3D sound is not enabled
- - Fixed enabling 3D caused some sort of lag
- - Fixed avatar not reloading properly when connecting twice to the same server.
- - Fixed channel description images not updating properly.
- + Added context menu to delete an item at select client in 3D setup
- - A couple of 3D setup bugfixes when positioning the items
- + Added "Activate Microphone" to servertab contextmenu.
- - Fixed options dialog not opening properly from the invalid playback/capture
- device warning dialog on login or from whisper history window.
- + In 3D setup, the 3D positions of clients can be arranged for server- and
- channel groups or also for channel commanders
- - Fixed filetransfer crash when download folder does not exist and the file
- will be transferred to $HomeDir but the file is already there.
- ! Support for dynamic loading of third-party Lua scripts. Scripts should be
- put into subdirectory of plugins/lua_plugin and must have a file init.lua.
- For details see the example testmodule.
- File custom.lua was moved to testmodule/demo.lua
- ! Plugin API version increased to 6, added getDirectories() helper function.
- - Autosubscribe on login will not overwrite expand channel settings
- - Updater now only shows the messagebox warning about still running client when
- starting manually. If starting automatically, silently wait until the client
- has quit.
- - Fixed Delete-group shortcut using focus of complete permissions windows.
- - Adjusted whisper reply to support multiple whisper reply keys via multiple
- hotkey profiles.
- - Fixed whisper replies creating "ghost" profiles in hotkey setup dialog.
- - Fixed that channel spacer can cause a client crash
- - Fixed server and channel group menus adding empty menus at the end
- - Connect dialog now accepts empty port fields, in this case the default port
- is used.
- - (Un)subscribing channel family will include the parent channel on which the
- action was triggered.
- ! New mechanism to locate files from within qss files using the "url" command:
- Instead of "styles/<my_style>/<my_file>" use "styles:<my_style>/<my_file>".
- Check default.qss and bluesky.qss as example. This change is required so the
- images are found when starting the client using a non-standard working
- directory.
- + Added "center selected" to setup 3D
- - Added optional new channel commander icon displayed as client icon instead of
- replacement lamp. The behaviour can be changed in Options/Design.
- - Removed client-side checks for b_virtualserver_servergroup_list and
- + Reply to an offline message has been improved
- + Fixed delete multiple offline messages
- - Removed client-side checks for b_virtualserver_servergroup_list and
- b_virtualserver_channelgroup_list, those permissions were meant for
- ServerQuery usage.
- Menuitem for opening the channelgroups of client dialog now checks
- b_virtualserver_channelgroup_client_list instead.
- + Offline messages new/reply window will save and restore its geometry
- + Offline messages are sorted by date (default)
- + Added options from MainWindow context menu to Option Dialog
- - Added notice to chat and client log when own client description was changed.
- - Fixed quotes in hotmessage dialog.
- - Fixed unread offline messages count could be wrong
- - Fixed offline messages reply window didn't open
- + Added 'DEL' key to delete offline messages
- + Offline messages can be marked as read/unread
- + Added server name in title of offline messages window
- - Fixed banlist adds nickname into ban after clicking reload
- + Added "Find client in channel tree" to client contextmenu in text chat (only
- available if channel of client is subscribed)
- - Fixed offline ban adds nickname
- + Overhaul of the offline messages sorting abilities
- + Added options from ServerStatusWidget to Option Dialog
- - Fixed deleting all identities at once
- - Whisper history widget updates entries when client changed its nickname
- - Fixed offline message reply can get sender wrong
- - Fixed receiving whisper not being properly block when sender was added or
- removed from contacts.
- - Fixed microphone can't be activated on active tab when capture profile was
- edited
- - Added options dialog to customizable toolbar
- - Lua plugin: Removed some unused or non-useful callbacks from ts3events.lua
- - Fixed problem when closing the last tab via "X" while "close all but this"
- isn't ready yet. The tabs were no longer able to play sounds.
- - Fixed that G15-Plugin affect main-toolbar/taskbar icon
- - Unmute clients when they come into view and were previously muted but
- meanwhile been deleted from contacts.
- - Fixed that lua affect main-toolbar/taskbar icon
- - Fixed closing client volume window which did not properly reset to the old
- volume.
- - When hovering icons in server tree, the tooltips have to be displayed escaped
- * Apply local muted state from contacts list when receiving a whisper
- * Attempt to apply volume modifier from contacts list when receiving a whisper,
- however this can currently be only applied when the whispering client is
- visible
- - Fixed that collected URLs search filter is case-insensitive
- - Fixed collected URLs date sorting
- - Fixed host button disappearing when another tabs disconnect/reconnect
- - Fixed copy privilege key to clipboard which was limited to key column
- - Fixed downloading subfolders via filebrowser where files ended in wrong path
- + Added new default_vista.qss to fix the bookmark manager toolbar buttons hover
- for Windows XP
- - Disabled toolbar client actions on ServerQuery clients
- - Disable identity security spinbox while improve operation is in progress
- - Fixed tab order for offline messages dialogs
- - Fixed whisper to Groups will reset to default settings in the whisper list
- + Added context menu "ban" in client database list viewer
- * -localconfig and -homeconfig commandline parameters now only available on
- Windows.
- - Fixed Qt style other than default not loading properly on Linux.
- - Properly select new group after adding new server/channel permission group
- - Pass UTF-8 strings from and to plugin.
- - Depending on the different webbrowsers, a ts3server link could have a "/"
- behind the host part after crop, which lead to "Unable to resolve ..."
- - Fixed invitation link with a channelpass was not build correct
- + The 'DEL' key can now be used to delete a whisper list
- - Fixed that "Away on this server" depends on amount of servers
- - Fixed permission confirm-delete-group-dialog group name
- - Fixed another crash when removing a whisper list
- - Whisper history window now longer automatically raises, interferred with
- fullscreen games.
- - Fixed editing a hotkey could probably crash if action type is "none"
- + When using an invitation, its url will be written to client log (scp request)
- - Whisper dialog got a rework and does not longer contain tabs (WIP)
- - Fixed a bug in whisper dialog, where comboboxes are not cleared when
- selecting another server
- - We now use a slightly different approach to handle file browser drag and
- drop. If some users still can't drag and drop into file browser, a warning
- text will be added to clientlog
- - New lines in welcome message from server are now respected by client
- - Fixed some typos in whisper dialog
- - Fixed showing a previously selected identity when identity changes while
- bookmark manager is still open
- - Fixed drawing a spacer as subchannel where its name should be shown as text
- - Fixed bad whitespace characters when passing chat messages to plugins
- - Don't include template and serverquery groups in client server/channelgroup
- context menu
- * Display filename if automatic (icons, images etc.) filetransfer failed
- + Added serverlist to connections menu displaying a list of registered servers
- - There was a typo at the special spacers. It has to be -.. instead of --.
- To have them all again: "---,...,-.-,___,-.."
- - Removed Mac TTS assert which might fire when exiting the client
- - Close permissions window when disconnecting from server
- - Fixed banner reappearing from cache when a banner got deleted and previously
- an interval was defined.
- * stop_talking.wav soundfile moved from soundpack to global sounds location
- - Fixed duplicate clients in servergroup permissions window
- + Collected URLs now also search for "Mentioned By"
- * Added reload button in Privileges Key Manager
- * Changing the nickname in the contacts manager now requires a Return or click
- on the apply button (the green arrow) to apply the changes, to avoid sorting
- the list with every typed character.
- * The server/channel groups in "add privileges key" are now sorted
- + Added context menu entry on server/channel groups to create a privilege key
- + Added permission help window to permissions window to view information about
- the currently selected permission. Also allows searching over all permissions
- name, description and information. Right-click on the search result list
- to find the selected permission in the permissions tree.
- * Prevent empty identity name in Identity Manager. Empty identity names would
- force bookmarks to use the default identity.
- * An identity which is still connected to a server can no longer be removed
- + Added right-click contextmenu to bookmarks. Behaviour on a bookmark menuitem
- is: Left click = connect, middle click = connect in new tab, right click =
- open contextmenu.
- + If adding a client via permissions to servergroup fails, you will be asked to
- create an invitation.
- * Show window close button in Mac setup wizard
- * Rewrote ts3server:// parser to handle some special cases like '?', '\' or '&'
- in the link parameters. Note: If you have a '&' or '\' in a channel name,
- it needs to be escaped as '\&' or '\\' or be converted in percent encoding
- like automatically done by the Invite Buddy dialog.
- - Fixed a few more translation issues with hotkey setup
- * Changed contacts manager sort order: Friends first, then blocked, last
- neutral. Within each type sort alphabetically.
- - Added new notification settings for playing sounds while output muted
- - Fixed switching sort clients above/below channels options while connected
- - Fixed selection issue in contacts manager when editing nicknames, thanks to
- -{HGH}-GEN.Skylab for the report
- - Automatically close permission tabs when reconnecting to a server and the
- required permissions are missing
- + Bookmarks now realize change or deletion of identity
- + Added individual (optional) phonetic nickname to contacts, overwriting
- existing clients phonetic nickname.
- * Contacts manager UI overhaul
- - Close clients list window when the associated servertab gets closed to avoid
- a possible crash.
- - Fixed a case when client window won't show up
- - Added invite buddy redirection
- - Fixed autoreconnect to current channel instead of default channel if current
- channel was renamed in the meantime
- - Fixed self-activating VAD when just switching through the options settings
- while whispering
- - Prevent edit channel and create subchannel dialog to be opened for the same
- channel at the same time
- - Changed the little whisper indicator from blue to red
- - Bookmarks, which autoconnect on startup are now shown bold
- - Fixed many fields which were wrong interpreted when containing html
- - Previously html- escaped server/channel groups have to be displayed unescaped
- - Added limitation for Away Preset Name
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta22 - 09 Jun 2010
- - Server and channel groups in permission dialog are now sorted by group_id.
- - Fixed nickname and identityname in statusbar, if both are visible at the same
- time and both contain html-tags.
- - Nickname label in connection info will only show plain text
- - Fixed Delete shortcut in permission groups list
- - Removed ServerQuery group type when adding channel groups
- - Strip html-tags from server/channel group names
- - Fixed linux drag and drop in whisper dialog
- - Check invalid server password error on connect and offer user a dialog to
- enter a new password
- - Disable standard codec slider when all codec/quality/latency sliders are
- also disabled
- - Support for new channel description view power permissions
- - Offline messages do now reply more like e-mails
- - Fixed mirror selection of updater
- - Typo and text corrections, updated German translation
- - Fixed use of current identity name in statusbar. If an identiy was removed
- but still used inside a bookmark, the old instead of default name was shown.
- - Fixed channel edit trying to change codec or latency when those were reduced
- due to permissions.
- - Enabled dialog to ask for joining the servers default channel when maximum of
- "max family clients" is reached.
- - No longer playing away notification when joining a server as "away".
- - Client was able to send an offline message to server.
- - Fixed G15 plugin which did not detect connections properly.
- - It is no longer possible to paste newlines into server/channel groups.
- - The identity name now has the same length limitation as a nickanme.
- - Fix bug in filetransfer where after a failed transfer a 0 byte file would
- remain on the receiver end
- - Mac: Fix issue that resulted in an outdated version of our updater being
- used
- - Linux: start scripts should now handle when they are executed from a
- different location than in the client installation path
- + When using globally away on a server tab, new clients will join and set their
- status also to away afterwards.
- + Added context menu to copy client uids to clipboard when listing all clients.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta21 - 01 Jun 2010
- ! Due to changes in the voice packet layout you require a server >= beta23 to
- be able to communicate via voice
- ! Plugins API: Added isReceivedWhisper parameter to onTalkStatusChangeEvent,
- increased plugins api version to 5.
- ! New whisper list system. Old lists are no longer valid. Please setup whisper
- lists and hotkeys again. Whisper setup was moved from Options to own dialog
- (see Tools menu). Instead of saving into common config file whisper lists
- are now located in seperate file whisper.ini.
- Who is allowed to whisper to you can now be configured in the new Whisper
- options page. Either allow or deny all, or configure indiviual clients via
- contacts manager.
- + Added high latency / low bandwidth codec option. View the new latency factor
- slider to channel create/edit dialog.
- + Added new easy to use codec setup slider. Experts can still configure things
- individually
- + Added option to sort clients above or below channels due to popular demand.
- See "Design" options page for the setting. Default is the new behaviour.
- + Linux: Native Pulse Audio Support is available and will be used in "Use best"
- mode automatically when available.
- - Windows Vista and Windows 7 now default to WASAPI when "Use best" is
- selected (Previous default was direct sound)
- * The quick access list in whisper dialog now always stays visible.
- - Fixed some UTF8 display issues in hotkey setup.
- * Banner code overhaul, fixing a possible crash when connecting to multiple
- servers with activated banner.
- - Fixed possible crash in hotkey dialog
- - Prevent message loop when server restarts and client is outdated.
- - Fixed wrong status messages when halt filetransfer.
- - Fixed toggle "Push To Talk".
- * The searchfield does no longer contain a clear button.
- + Added singleinstance check to updater
- - Fixed wrong tree icon when connecting while talking
- - Fixed wrong tab icon initially after connection but before talking
- - When adding new serverquery scripts to the library, increment the name in the
- form of "New script", "New script_1", etc.
- + If we detect that a hotkey with the mode "activate" or "deactivate" is about
- to be added, we will provide the opposite key.
- * Show custom nicknames of contacts in chatlog when custom nicknames are set to
- use for this contact in the contacts manager.
- - Fixed Switch to Server hotkeys
- - No whisper with missing talk power
- + Added a log- warning when disconnect from a server with active filetransfer.
- - Fixed away button was toggled on the wrong tab.
- * Icons in server tree will no longer overlap the server-/channel-/ clientname.
- - Fixed chat history when containing a new line (broken formatoptions).
- + Added Invite buddy dialog to autocreate a ts3server or http link to your
- current TeamSpeak 3 server, see Tools menu
- * Added channel spacers: Use "[?Spacer#]Text" to add one. Where "?" can
- be an alignment (r = right, c = center, l = left). If "*" is used, all chars
- after the spacer-tag will be repeated until the whole line is filled. Change
- "#" to get an unique channel name, the value doesn't matter.
- Example: [cSpacer0]a centered text, [rSpacer1]a right aligned text.
- Check also the five special spacer: "---,...,-.-,___,--.".
- * Set permissions of secrets config file to 0x600 on Linux and Mac
- + Added icon button to channel edit dialog
- * Windows 7 Thai font displayed properly.
- - Fixed hotkey setup in setup wizard.
- - Permissions overview adjusted for server change: Skip flag now skips channel,
- channelgroup permissions.
- * Added the amount of reserved slots in servers info frame
- - Fixed a possible crash when disconnect while upload is in progress.
- * Replaced "Serverinfo available in X seconds" in info frame with a simple
- "Refresh", which is inactive during the 5 seconds delay.
- Stylesheet authors need to adjust their serverinfo.tpl file:
- Use default style serverinfo.tpl as example.
- + Added ping and packetloss to serverconnection info
- * When trying to delete unsubscribed channels with clients inside, give user
- option to force delete the channel.
- - Fixed Always-on-top option so it works after client restart. You might need
- to enable it once again in the options dialog if you want to use the feature.
- - Fixed rare crash when clicking in the chat history.
- + Added reserved slots in virtual server edit.
- * New mechanism to check if another instance of the client is already running.
- - Fixed more hotkey translation issues
- - Fixed disconnect hotkey translation issue
- - In Privilege Key Manager, keys can also be copied as an invitation
- - Fixed a few typos (thanks to SgTRWE).
- - Showing the server group name inside message box when about to leave.
- - Muted icon takes precedence over whisper icon
- - Fixed channel/server group submenus not properly checking groups
- - Fixed chat history buffer trimming
- - Fixed the VAD Slider behaviour
- - Added missing tooltip for an enabled master volume widget.
- - Changed strings "Token" to "Privilege Key"
- - Changed the toggle quick access icon in whisper list dialog.
- - Fix filetransfer percentage, which could end up far above 100%
- + Using a token will always show a MessageBox.
- - Fixed filebrowser drag&drop files or folder with ] inside.
- + Added whisper icon to display clients currently whispering (thanks to
- DarkCode for the icon)
- * Awakening from sleep mode works alot better now but the user has to
- reactivate the capture profile manually.
- - Ignore "database empty result set" when querying empty client permissions.
- - G15 plugin: Fixed clients talking display disappearing from display.
- * Updated apps.ini
- - The changed icon appears red, when max clients is reached or is 0.
- - English text corrections, thanks to ZeroTKA
- - Updated TS3 logo image shown in about dialog.
- - Fixed empty lines in trayicon tooltip.
- * Added contextmenu to channelgroup clients dialog to remove displayed clients.
- - Fixed switching hotkey profiles. Activating another hotkey profile is no
- problem at all. Deactivating any profile switches all hotkeys completely off
- and can only be reactivated via context menu!
- + The assigned hotkey profile(s) will now be shown in whisper dialog.
- * Changed the directory label in filebrowser so it no longer uses a HTML link.
- Stylesheet authors can now access the label via QLabel#directoryLabel
- - Fixed "test voice" lamp.
- - Fixed the away button, which didn't show pressed when going globally away,
- using a preset.
- - Fixed banlist invoker name wasn't shown when nickname contains an html-tag.
- - Fixed Mac button text colors with Aqua style in bookmarks dialog.
- - Fixed Mac text formatting in virtual server edit dialog.
- - No contextmenu on server update available links
- - Bluesky updates and fixes.
- - Fixed possible assert in permissions widget when icon viewer is open.
- - Hotkey message box "Overlapping hotkey detected..." was shown too often.
- - Added minimum header width to some table and tree headers.
- - Changed serverinfo update text: Update available -> Serverinfo available.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta20 - 13 Apr 2010
- channel, not the old.
- * The connection info does no longer scale up an avatar if its size is smaller
- than 80 pixel. Avatars are only scaled down when necessary.
- - Stop the server info update timer when disconnecting.
- - Fixed percent encoded bookmark label from ts3server:// links.
- - Enabled chat contextmenu for serverquery clients again, apparently used by
- people regarding to forum.
- * Updated apps.ini
- * Translation updates and some minor text adjustments.
- - Fixed a case where an existing chat tab wasn't reused, when the disconnected
- chat partner rejoins a just subscribed channel.
- - Fixed host button icon URL in Edit Virtual Server disabled when no permission
- - Fixed using hotkeys when running as administrator
- - Fixed vanishing of "set server/channel groups" context menu, if an entry was
- added or deleted.
- + "Set server/channel group" context menu entries have been separated into
- "More..." sub menus every 15 entries.
- * Bluesky update for tree selection and hover
- + Don't play notification sounds when playback device is muted. Behaviour can
- be configured in the Notifications Options page, default enabled.
- + Some contact manager tweaks to have a nicer look with stylesheets.
- + Added contact manager tooltips which shows the complete row.
- + Changing a server group does now look like changing a channel group. To
- change multiple groups, use the dialog (the old way) at the top of the menu.
- - Fixed entering channel after renaming and applying with Return or Enter key.
- * Added "DEL" key to remove entries in identity manager.
- * Added a default channel chat message when chat was newly created.
- - Fixed a case where chattab names could end up empty.
- * Inserted checks to detect bad characters in filenames for upload.
- - Fixed checkbox in ban editing dialog, to use regular expressions or not.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta19 - 31 Mar 2010
- - Updater fixes so updating Qt libraries works properly. Wait 2 seconds before
- autostarting update so the client can close first. Updater no longer closes
- when update is finished when it was started from the TS3 client.
- - Fixed scrollbar in server icon view.
- - Strip whitespaces from port when pasting ip:port into connect dialog.
- * Updated apps.ini
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta18 - 30 Mar 2010
- ! Qt version updated to 4.6.2. Stylesheets might need to be checked for
- compatibility issues. Translators should update to Linguist from Qt 4.6.2.
- Plugin authors using Qt need to recompile their plugins with Qt 4.6.2.
- + Support for Jaws screen reader. Feedback on this and accessibility support
- in general would be appreciated.
- * Use Return or Enter key as shortcut to switch into selected channel (should
- be easier for people using screenreaders)
- + Added support to fetch images from ftp servers. It can be anonymous (if the
- server supports it) and login users as well. Use the ftp- syntax e.g.
- "ftp://your.server/image.png" or "ftp://gfx:gfy@your.server/image.png".
- Be aware that the login part of URLs might is visible if someone opens the
- virtual server edit dialog.
- * Added update countdown in server info on the right
- - Fixed message indicator when client rejoins chat
- - Fixed overwriting recursive uploads caused crash
- - Fixed possible crash when disconnecting from server with banner
- - Fixed to poke dialog which would in some situations not be properly updated.
- * Added delay to reload/older/newer buttons in serverlog to avoid blocking the
- server with log request spam.
- * Renamed User volume modifier dialog restore button
- - Fixed downloads from a link which always used the first matching tab. Could
- lead to a dead end when tab had no permission while the actual tab did.
- + Added new hotkey "Disconnect from all servers"
- * Added list of all clients on the current server, see Permissions menu.
- Clients can be dragged into the servergroups client list (even if offline).
- - Fixed filetransfer asking for password, when downloading from a link.
- * Print standard permission error message when failing file rename or delete
- * Added new edit field in virtual server dialog to set an URL for the hoster
- button icon. If unset, the default icon is used.
- * Changed "Edit Virtual Server" shortcut to Ctrl+Alt+S as the old shortcut
- interfered with entering the Euro sign.
- - Updater: Start runscript on Linux when update finished. Make Linux 64-bit
- binary executable after download.
- - Fixed crash when running the setup wizard while current servertab has no
- valid capture device.
- - Fixed appearance of expiration, when reason is missing in banlist.
- - Fixed possible crash when closing the client with multiple servertabs open.
- - Fixed that two different PTT activate on same hotkey profile
- - The hotkey combination warning message was cut off when html- tag was used.
- + Showing avarage transfer speed and runtime at the end of transfer.
- - Fixed filetransfer speed label flickering
- + Added new download option "Only play sound when all transfers are ready"
- + Ongoing filetransfers can be saved before quit and also resumed after
- reconnect to the server. A messagebox will appear to ask for decision.
- - Fix: Clients can now be dropped to servergroup from all server tabs with same
- unique identifier, but no longer from different servers as before.
- * Drag&drop clients to servergroups disabled for default groups or when client
- already exists.
- * Use Delete key to delete selected permission group or client (depending on
- which widget has focus).
- * Automatically select added permission groups for convinience.
- - Fixed linebreaks in server hostmessage
- - Fixed broken linebreaks in channel description
- + Fixed hotkey "Connect to Server (current tab)". Now it only blocks reconnects
- and no longer connects to other servers on current tab.
- + Filetransfer got many bugfixes and improvements.
- * Moved some hardcoded stylesheets out to default.qss. Added default_linux.qss
- - Fixed memleak caused by appscanner
- * Update visible clients in tree when group icons have changed instead of
- waiting until the tree updates on mouse movement.
- * Channel groups per client dialog can now display channel groups of offline
- clients. Added "Display Channel Groups of Client" to Permissions menu in
- addition of the existing client contextmenu (just opening on "empty" client
- instead of the selected one).
- * Print some more meaningful message after using a token.
- * Updated German translation.
- - "Display Channel Groups" action in client contextmenu is disabled when
- b_virtualserver_channelgroup_list is missing.
- * Added hostname, IP and port fields to server connectioninfo dialog.
- * Added copy buttons to server and client connectioninfo, replacing the old
- somewhat hidden contextmenu.
- * Save and restore size of new channelgroup dialogs
- * Exported ts3Functions.startVoiceRecording and ts3Functions.stopVoiceRecording
- to plugins. Plugin API version increased to 4, bundled plugins upgraded.
- * Upload of remote icons is now queued, so it's possible to upload a whole
- directory of icons in one step.
- * Updated default TTS soundpack, adding ${servername} to more entries
- - Fixed that an offline ban is no longer bypassed by a simple rename
- * Added to plugin SDK: onCustomCaptureDeviceCloseEvent,
- onCustomPlaybackDeviceCloseEvent, onFMODChannelCreatedEvent
- * Adjust toolbar buttons on the fly when switching servers or current item.
- * Properly handle whitespaces in ts3server channel names, e.g.:
- ts3server://voice.teamspeak.com?&channel=This Is A Channel With Spaces
- * Sort servergroups in contextmenu dialog in the same order as in the
- servergroups permissions widget (by ID).
- - No more "database empty result set" when listing channelgroups of client but
- the client is not a member of any channelgroup
- - Fixed server chat was being blocked by contacts list.
- - Fixed accidently broken expand/collapse subchannels in channel contextmenu.
- * Overhauled Setup Wizard texts.
- - Fixed Umlaut in clientinfo_de.tpl
- * Added link to video tutorials webpage in Help menu
- * Server icons dialog remembers and restores its size.
- - Restore custom server icon on chat tab when switching between servers.
- - Fixed client templates after deleting server groups.
- * Client checks new PERMISSION_b_client_modify_own_description to allow
- changing the own description only.
- - Fixed servergroup dialog items not (de)activating properly when changing a
- group or someone else changed your groups.
- * Added "All files" to identity export dialog, enforce .ini suffix for exported
- identities
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta17 - 09 Mar 2010
- * Automatically lay out icons in server icon viewer on resize
- + Added popup menu to icon button of virtual server dialog to remove the icon.
- * Close virtual server dialog when disconnecting.
- * Bluesky style updates for new UI elements.
- - Chat autoscroll fixes when using multiline chat input.
- - Fixed logfile management of chat logging.
- + Added overview to display all clients within a channelgroup for each channel,
- see new button and contextmenu in channelgroup permissions window.
- + Added overview to display all channelgroups of a client, see new contextmenu
- entry on client menu (permissions submenu).
- * Updated German translation.
- * Disable password field in channel edit dialog for default channel
- - Update other servertab icons if connection failed (banned, invalid password)
- - Disable servergroups client contextmenu if permission is not given
- (b_virtualserver_servergroup_list).
- - Fixed bug when unsubscribing a channel manually while glance is active.
- - Properly display '&' characters in tab names properly
- * Show a more detailed explanation when trying to remove priority speaker via
- contextmenu and the permission was not set as channel client permission. The
- contextmenu can only handle channel client priority speaker permission.
- * Disable permissions tree for client and channel-client permissions when no or
- an invalid client is selected.
- - DNS lookup failure won't stop autoreconnecting anymore.
- + Use recently implemented remote server icon for bookmarks.
- - Fixed reappearing toolbar when window reappears from tray and the toolbar was
- previously disabled.
- - Fixed invalid whisper targets with whisperlists.
- * Virtual server edit dialog now honors b_virtualserver_modify_icon_id (Icon)
- and b_virtualserver_modify_name (phonetic nickname).
- * Overhauled server groups edit dialog.
- - Client honors max chat size and won't send messages which exceed length to
- the server anymore.
- - Fixed possible crash when closing server groups dialog.
- * Replaced the red questionmark "no icon set" icon with a transparent pixmap.
- - When playing test sound in options->playback and switching to another
- section, the sound will stop. If changing mode or device during test sound,
- the "apply"-button will immediately play with the new mode/device.
- - Fixed possible crash when closing the client after using the test playback
- device button.
- - Context menus no longer affect the next current tree item when the item on
- which the menu was opened is deleted.
- - Fixed highlighting wrong server tab after moving it.
- - Changed that virtual server edit dialog shows an icon instead of icon_id.
- - The server groups dialog does now respond to changes on the server groups.
- * Hoster button now will only open ftp://, https:// or http:// URLs. When no
- scheme is given, like "teamspeak.com", http:// is always suggested.
- + Added server phonetic nickname for TTS via ${servername} in settings.ini
- * Servergroup icons displayed in servergroup edit dialog.
- + Added icons for server, channels and clients. Server icon is set in the
- virtual server edit dialog. Channel and client icons are set by i_icon_id
- in channel/client permissions.
- * Updater now starts update automatically when called from client.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta16 - 24 Feb 2010
- - Don't drag&drop a tree item on itself
- + Server groups will be updated on the fly
- * Minimum updates for Server info is now every 5 seconds.
- * Allow b_channel_join_ignore_password for server groups and global client
- permissions only, others make no sense.
- - Fixed possible endless loop when entering a password-protected channel with
- b_channel_join_ignore_password set on the channel.
- - Fixed edit-channel menuitem when calling from chat context menu.
- - Removed confirm close server tab option from Applications page
- - Fixed the missing context menus for channels in chatlog
- + New context menu to manage the server groups
- * For Windows Vista + Win7, also load <stylesheet>_vista.qss if it exists
- * Added option to setup delayed PTT and whisperlist release in capture setup
- page (by default enabled, 0.3 seconds delay)
- - Fixed possible crash when opening the customize toolbar window.
- - Fixed the Priority Speaker action state, reported by user in forum.
- + Client disconnects from all servers when entering System standby state.
- Reconnect on System resume can be disabled via options (Windows only).
- - Fixed crash when a client was assigned to a channel group but its icon
- wasn't in the local cache.
- - Fixed alternating row colors in default style when switching the skins.
- - Fixed that clients can use "<>" in their nicknames again.
- + Added hotkey "Switch to Server"-tab. If multiple server tabs are open, it
- will be tabbed forward through the servers. Without an opened tab, the hotkey
- does nothing.
- - Fixed respecting the port in URL for host banner and channel description
- images.
- * Hotkey "Connect to: Server (current tab)" will only be executed, when
- current tab is disconnected. So it does no longer reconnect.
- - Fixed that the hoster button jumps left, when master volume is hidden.
- - Fixed bug enumerating the server groups in client info template.
- - The toolbar now is limited to the width of the main window. Otherwise it
- could get very large when customized with many actions and moved outside the
- main window.
- + Some new values have been added to the templates.
- + Server groups are also shown in client info.
- - Fixed 3D test sound, which shouldn't play without moving a client. This
- includes a fix for looping the sound when closing the dialog.
- + The channel description images can be resized via channel info template to a
- predefined maximum (see channelinfo.tpl).
- + The avatar can be resized via client info template (see clientinfo.tpl).
- - Fixed reloading hoster banners, when client has multiple connections to a
- server.
- - Fixed the away status when switching back to online again.
- - Fixed crash when opening the "Create Channel Dialog" via customized toolbar
- and not connected to a server.
- - Fixed "Mute/Unmute" client actions in customized toolbar which do no longer
- toggle each other.
- - Fixed "Request Talk power" and also "Cancel Request Talk Power" in customized
- toolbar. They are always enabled but now act as intended.
- - Fixed icon "cancel talk request" at own client in server tree.
- - Fixed crash when clicking "Expand/Collapse All" via customized toolbar and
- not connected to any server.
- - Fixed crash when trying to ban clients via chat context menu and another user
- was faster banning the same client.
- + Added dialog to clear local disk cache. See "Security" options page.
- - Another fix to middle-clicking client to open connection info.
- - Adjusted detection of email links. URLs with login names no longer take
- precedence over email, except in the form of e.g. "user@www|ftp.foo.de"
- - Adding grant permissions to i_group_icon_id will not open the group icon
- dialog anymore.
- * Made the group icon window a QDialog so it opens centered on its parent.
- - Client makes use of i_group_max_icon_filesize before uploading the icon
- - i_client_max_avatar_filesize value of -1 means unlimited file size.
- - When adding bookmarks via menu or ts3server link, add the item as last
- instead of after current item (usually 2nd when the bookmarks window was
- closed, which was annoying)
- - Handle error if avatar couldn't get deleted on the server.
- - Fixed channel phonetic nickname not getting cleared when removing in the
- channel edit dialog.
- * Strip whitespaces from server label and address when adding to bookmarks
- * Added unique identifiers to bookmark folders
- - Reverted ServerQuery clear-highlight shortcut back to Escape, Backspace key
- did not work properly.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta15 - 08 Feb 2010
- - Fixed bug when middle-clicking a client opened own connection info after using
- the Self - Connection Info menuitem once.
- - Added nickname in ban info when unique id is set.
- - Max ban time will always be inserted in ban dialog when available.
- + Support for remote server/channelgroup icons in addition to the current
- method. Added dialog to manage remote and view local icons (see server
- contextmenu). Server- and channelgroups permission tabs offers the same
- dialog to select icons when editing i_group_icon_id
- IDs < 1000 are considered to be local files from the current gfx
- directory: group_<id>.png. NOTE: This has changed, the old form of
- servergroup/changroup_<id>.png does no longer exist. Instead there is
- one filename form for all icons now.
- IDs >= 1000 are considered to be the IDs of remote icons.
- * Updated German translation
- - Fixed possible crash when clearing channel passwords
- - The poke dialog does no longer get a higher priority than other dialogs.
- - Fixed scrolling tree with PageUp/PageDown and ArrowUp/ArrowDown.
- - Fixed that master volume slider works across multiple tabs when these tabs
- have the same activated playback profile.
- - Fixed a possible filetransfer crash when cancelling the overwrite question
- + Inserted a chat date marker to show the age of the log entries.
- - Fixed loosing the drop location marker when dragging a tree item outside of
- the tree widget.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta13 - 02 Feb 2010
- * Added automatic scroll to tree when dragging items to the top or lower margin
- - Fixed context menu for a downloaded directory.
- - Fixed a download bug where the actual channel folder wasn't respected.
- - When adding integer permissions and grant permissions, first let the user
- input the value and then send it to the server to avoid sending double data.
- - Added button to options to reset all "Are you sure...?" confirmations.
- - Added confirmation when setting grant permission to zero.
- - Don't ask "You are still connected to..." when closing server tab if you
- actually are not connected
- + Added option "Always stay on top" in application settings (Windows only).
- - Fixed "Channel maxclient reached" pop up menu doesn't save answer
- - Refilter permissions tree when "show granted only" is enabled and a
- permission is removed.
- * No longer check for "config" directory in installation directory when
- deciding the configuration location
- * Added server address and port to last-seen information in contacts
- - "User requested talk power" sound only played if user is in own channel
- - Fixed wrong TTS channelname with connected sound
- + Added customizable toolbar buttons (most icons are still too small. They will
- be updated with a later release.)
- * Updated German translation
- - Automatically unmute users when they are removed from contacts list
- * Added Edit virtualserver menuitem to Self menu
- - Closing edit virtualserver dialog with Escape will also trigger the discard/
- apply dialog
- - Fixed possible marking the edit virtual server dialog modified after opening
- - Fixed typo in hotkey setup, so "Status change - Deactivate" works again.
- * Individually handle permissions to view server/channel group tabs and display
- notification in the permission and client widget if they cannot be viewed.
- * Initialize only those permission tabs for which permission was granted to
- avoid invalid permission error spam.
- - Removed -enableallactions commandline option.
- - Fixed restoring server and channel groups on reconnect when keeping the
- permissions window open.
- - Fixed strange behaviour of toggle microphone hotkey in combination with auto-
- activate microphone when switching server tabs.
- * Reload chatlog when connecting to a new server in the same tab
- * Tweaked autoscrolling after reloading logs
- - Fixed creating hotkeys (no keys were accepted / gray box stayed always open)
- * Play talk-power-requested sound only if user has permission to grant it
- * Changed serverquery clear highlight button shortcut to Backspace, so Escape
- key is available for closing the window again.
- + Escape always closes hotkey dialog, even if hotkey input doesn't work.
- * Allow multiple whitespaces in channel description.
- + Added use of server-, channel- and client info templates. Look into
- the folder styles\default for premade templates, which can be modified
- for different styles and languages.
- + Added server address:port in server info.
- - Fixed pasting a text into hotkey rename field.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta12 - 20 Jan 2010
- ! Plugin API version changed to 3
- ! Lua scripts moved to plugins/lua_plugin/ instead of scripts/
- * Copyright label in About dialog can no longer be modified by translations.
- Instead translators can use the PLACEHOLDER label in the about dialog. If
- this feature is not wanted, keep "PLACEHOLDER" as text and the label will
- be hidden.
- * Added qParentWidget paramter to ts3plugin_configure function. Use this *only*
- when creating QWidgets or QDialogs as parent widget. Cast it to QDialog before
- using. For other UI libraries ignore this parameter and use the first window
- handle parameter instead.
- - Fixed pasting multilines in chatedit
- + Added dialog to join default channel, when favorite default channel is full.
- * Added new parameter to plugin function ts3Functions.printMessage
- * Added new plugin function ts3Functions.printMessageToCurrentTab
- - Removed plugin function ts3Functions.getCurrentChatServerConnectionHandlerID
- * Updated bundled apps.ini
- - Fixed pasting host:port in bookmarks address field (port of bookmark item was
- not updated properly)
- * Windows can now be closed with ESC in addition to existing Ctrl+W shortcut
- - Fixed a bug where setup wizard doesn't save the mic option correctly
- * Added input field to connect and bookmark dialog for one-time token.
- - Displayed elapsed time in improve identity dialog should no longer overflow.
- - Fixed a possible freeze when closing the improve identity dialog while an
- identity upgrade is in progress.
- - Text tweaks and German translation updates
- - Fixed some strings which didn't appear in the translation
- - Fixed toggling capture- and playback profiles
- - Hotkeys can be translated
- - Fixed possible crash when using "close-all-but-this" on tabs
- * Renamed "Password" to "Server password" in connect and bookmark dialogs to
- avoid confusion this might be a user password.
- * Reactivated hotkeys "Bring to front" and "Send to back" (Windows only).
- - Fixed possible crash on startup with Windows client
- - Fixed handling of b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions in permissions
- overview dialog
- - Fixed bug that denied you to create a channel when you did not have
- the permission b_channel_create_with_sortorder and somebody else created
- a channel while you were filling out the create-channel fields
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta11 - 18 Jan 2010
- ! A beta11 client is required to connect to beta13 servers
- * Handle "host:port" entries in connect and bookmark dialogs. Automatically
- jump into the port field when typing ":".
- * Added "Make current channel default" button to bookmarks manager
- * Added ability to drag&drop channels into default channel lineedit in
- bookmarks and connect dialog.
- - Autounsubscribe now takes effect when being moved or kicked out of a channel,
- not only when switching oneself.
- - Fixed opening filebrowser for a passworded channel, after password is
- entered correctly.
- - Added hotkey "Master Volume" to turn "up" and "down".
- - Deactivated hotkeys "Bring to front" and "Send to back". Because it didn't
- work as intended.
- * Use only one plugin API number instead of major/minor. Plugin authors, please
- check the now single ts3plugin_apiVersion() function in the plugin SDK.
- * Exported some missing clientlib_rare function to plugins
- - Reset use volume when removing user from contacts list
- - Reactivated plugins in setup hotkeys
- * Warn user when server version mismatches client version
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta10 - 10 Jan 2010 (never officially released)
- * Added new sound notifications when a user (not own client) requested talk
- power and when own client was granted or revoked talk power.
- + Added hotkeys "Bring to front" and "Send to back"
- - Filetransfer somtimes crashed on localhost server
- - Broken filetransfers in filetransfer manager can be restarted/resumed
- + Filetransfer downloads from other servers are deactivated for now
- * Added check if CPU supports SSE instruction set. If not, TeamSpeak will not
- start. This check can be disabled by passing "-nocpucheck" as commandline
- parameter.
- * Let user confirm when cancelling Identities dialog when there are changes.
- * Added warning when selecting MODALQUIT hostmessage mode in the virtualserver
- edit dialog
- - Removed assert thrown when opening options, reported by user on forum
- * More verbose output when .wav files failed to play (especially which file
- was not found). Should help soundpack authors.
- - Removed double quotes on channel creation
- - Fixed displaying images in channel info
- - Escape "]" in ts3file links when drag&dropping from filebrowser into chat
- * Updated bundled apps.ini
- * Removed some fields from info frame on the right
- - The chattab close button didn't appear when the tab was closed and a new
- message arrives on this tab.
- * Workaround for the occasionally broken horizontal line after reloaded chat
- * Bluesky minor fixes
- - Fixed crash in Lua plugin when using "/lua run" without function parameter.
- - Prevent chatlog from getting double entries
- * Added option to disable muting when locking screen. It is enabled by default.
- (Windows only feature)
- * Plugin can now decide if it wants the configure option called from a new
- thread or the Qt GUI thread. See the ts3plugin_offersConfigure() function in
- the plugin SDK for details.
- - ServerQuery window: If no login data was given in the "Manual" setting in the
- loginname/password input fields, skip login command instead of sending empty
- strings.
- - Token Manager now shows the creation time and also the description.
- - A token description can be entered, when adding a token.
- - Revert to default soundpack if the soundpack from config file does not exist
- - Fixed ASSERT thrown when uploading files with drag&drop on Mac OS X.
- - Fixed renaming client or channel. The rename box does no longer get smaller
- than the text if some changes occur in server tree.
- - Fixed capture URLs
- - Fixed use of bb- codes
- * G15 plugin now requests server variables once per minute instead once per
- second to reduce traffic.
- * Client no longer requests server variables on login but only on-demand to
- reduce traffic.
- - When in filebrowser list- mode are just directories, the header label "Size"
- was cut off when its not default (english) language
- - Removed double quotes when edited a channel. Inserted client clickable link
- in "renamed" message
- + Added hotkey "grant next talk power"
- - Talk Power can also be granted and cancelled by double clicking the request
- talk power icon
- * New ts3server:// parameters:
- - "token=<token>": Will send token to server on connection
- - "addbookmark=<Server label>": Requests to add the link to the users
- bookmarks (with confirmation) with the specified server label instead of
- connecting to the server
- * Added confirmation dialog when removing clients from servergroups
- * Display group name in the group-delete confirmation dialog
- - Disable bookmark autoconnect when starting the client via ts3server:// link
- - Fixed splitting escaped channel path string
- - Ensure connect-to hotkey is executed only once in current serverview
- * Updated plugin.h sample code for C++ compilers
- - Fixed possible crash when exiting the client while ServerQuery window is open
- - Ensure ServerQuery "quit" is sent only once when closing the window
- - The chat timestamp section will no longer be wrapped if someone sends a huge
- text without spaces.
- - Stripped out more bb- code to avoid the appearance of urls or images
- - Removed double escaping of meta data in clients info
- + Clients can also be banned when they are just gone offline. Click clients
- name at disconnected message.
- * Limit various client text input dialogs to server-defined max length.
- * Trim whitespaces of client and channel nicknames
- * Optimized banner animation code. Added workaround for image files with 0 ms
- animation delay to prevent them eating up all CPU cycles.
- - Adjusted add-ban dialog taborder
- - Fixed glance button not resetting properly when switching server tabs
- - Typo fixes, updated German translation
- - Fixed Escape key in Mac hotkey dialog, wasn't detected properly to abort the
- hotkey input
- - Fixed hotkey input window sometimes not getting the focus on Mac
- * Ensure at least the default hotkey profile is loaded when using voice test,
- else the PTT key might not be available for voice test.
- - Fixed possible crash with hotkeys when closing server tabs
- - Don't request channel description when subscribing channels with clients
- inside
- - Don't spam "Error getting channel from channel names in Action-SwitchTo"
- to client protocol when not connected
- * Show custom name from contacts manager even if recording. However, both
- custom and nickname are not shown, text would be too long.
- * Windows TTS now only uses one channel instead of five simultaneous voices.
- * Added sound warnings when users in your channel start/stop recording and when
- you switch into a channel where users are already recording.
- * Show special warnings when deleting template server/channel groups.
- * Improved chat autoscroll
- - Chat does no longer scroll history when a multiline text was pasted and arrow
- up/down was pressed
- - Some chat sections grayed out, where they shouldn't
- - When opening a text chat, the tab gets immediatly active
- - Fixed hotkey for start-/stop recording
- + Added hotkeys to switch to next/previous channel but be aware, if you change
- too frequently, the server will take antispam measures!
- - Various tweaks containing the chat - (history, bb- code, html, saving cursor
- positions)
- ! Plugin API increased to 2.0, all included plugins updated.
- * Added more functions to Lua plugin
- * Overhauled Token manager dialog
- - Fixed missing template groups when reconnecting to server (force reload from
- cache when needed permissions arrived)
- - Fixed grayed out channel chat and setting tabname when changing channel
- - Fixed formatting of "/help" output in channel chats
- * When automatically subscribing all channels on login, don't spam log with
- subscribe message for each channel, just print one line.
- + Improved chat text selection
- - Fixed that a ban entry gets deleted when its editing fails due to permission
- - Fixed chat tab order of server and channel
- - Fixed a crash when 3D Sound is still open and TS3 closes with STRG+Q
- * Visibility of toolbar and statusbar is now stored in configuration file.
- * Contacts window now stores and restores its geometry. The sector of clients
- will also take the largest possible size.
- - Fixed bug with request talk power that could lead to no talk power being
- requested even though the user issued the command
- - fix "Assertion "m_pChanClients" failed at
- client\clientlib\serverconnectionhandler.cpp:1196" bug
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta9 - 31 Dec 2009
- + In client context menu, grant and revoke talk power was separated
- - Whisper List can now be set up with identical names. The path will also be
- shown in the list to make clear, which channel is used.
- - Prevent showing of bb- or html- code in (meta data) info frame
- - Fixed a strange chat tab behavior
- - ServerQuery or other clients can no longer take over a chattab, when clientID
- of the recently gone chatpartner matches.
- - Fixed that users no longer can display local images in chat.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta8 - 29 Dec 2009 ===
- - Ignoring "file://" which can start local executables.
- - Fixed a bug while whispering and reconnecting
- - Fixed bug that could lead to the client sending UDP packets with the
- network interface max capacity. Only systems with a instable system clock
- were affected.
- - Fixed small memleak
- - Fixed invalid detection of racing/flight device equipment
- - Sort clients also by is_talker status in tree view
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta7 - 25 Dec 2009 ===
- * In the virtualserver edit dialog, show a warning when selecting a permanent
- server or channel group as default, as this will remove all users from the
- group.
- - Fixed bug with empty serverquery tree items
- * Support PHP banner URLs like for example:
- http://www.foo.com/image.php?img=bar.png
- - Fixed warn-while-muted setting not loading from config on application start
- - Disable autoreconnect on invalid password error to avoid ending in an
- infinite reconnect loop
- - ServerQuery can no longer take over a chattab, when clientID of the queryclient
- matches the clientID of a recently gone chatpartner. (wip!)
- - Fixed bad mirrors.ini
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta6 - 23 Dec 2009 ===
- - Mac: Fixed path to 3d_test.wav
- * Client no longer ignores i_client_serverquery_view_power permission.
- * TokenManager: Add Token ComboBoxes now preselect the default groups
- * Updated German translation
- - Prevent enabling VAD/continuous transmission via options dialog when
- force-push-to-talk permission is set
- * Dont raise TS3 windows except filebrowser when dragging a file over any
- client window
- * VirtualServerEdit: Save and restore window geometry
- * Added error message when creating folder failed
- - Fixed possible crash in whisperlistmanager when deleting channels which were
- added to a whisperlist
- * Permissions filter now case insensitive
- - Fixed handling skip flag in permissions overview
- * Display "Forced" in skip column of permissions overwhen when skip is enforced
- via b_client_skip_channelgroup_permission
- * Permissions filter now case insensitive
- - 3d Sound: TestUsers were no longer multiplied when toggling 3d sound
- - Channel edit event did not change the channel phonetic name
- - Updater: Added timeout for 5 seconds. Otherwise the updater hangs infinite if
- the update server cannot be reached.
- - Middle mouse button didn't work with bookmark submenus
- - Run disabled check on menus on server tab change
- - Fixed crash with invalid client links
- - Fixed all serverconnections being lost if you press a hotkey for Connect to
- Server
- - BookmarkManager: Fixed IDs and statistics of duplicated entries.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta5 - 22 Dec 2009 ===
- * Added "Logs" tab to virtualserver edit dialog to configure server logging.
- * When update or blacklist server cannot be reached, print info instead of
- warning log.
- * Added confirmation dialog when removing grant permissions
- - Whisper List: Some tweaks when the last list was removed
- - "Activate microphone automatically" didn't work correctly with PTT
- - 3D Sound: Prevent multiple "Cannot disband..."- dialogs
- - Filetransfer: Downloading a link does no longer crash
- - Don't show the permission error message when closing ServerQuery window
- * Added "Join Channel of Client" and "Move Client to own Channel" to context
- menu opened on client in chat log.
- - Do not show "Failed to open permissions cache file for reading" message when
- cache file does not exist.
- * Fixed checks in virtualserver edit dialog bandwidth and quota fields. Range
- is now from -1 to 2^64 - 1. "-1" means maximum value for convinience.
- * Added debug output showing config path when it cannot be saved
- * Implemented channel phonetic name. See channel edit dialog to set it.
- * Added option to disable middle mouse button shortcuts in tree (See
- Applications options page)
- * Bluesky update: Fixed toolbar and toolbar close buttons in bluesky_linux.
- Fixed broken labels in channel 3D sound widget.
- * Added default_mac.qss and bluesky_mac.qss to overwrite special Mac app bundle
- paths to the styles directory.
- * Add win32/win64 to dump filename
- * Added missing apps.ini to installer
- * Added new setting to select between "Subscribe to all channels" and
- "Subscribe to current and previously subscribed channels". With the first,
- you will subscribe to all channels on login and stay subscribed when you
- switch channels. While you can unsubscribe channels manually, you will
- resubscribe to all channels on next login again. With the second, you will
- subscribe only to the current channel on login plus any channels subscribed
- in a previous connection to this server. Switching channels will unsubscribe
- you, unless it was a "remembered" subscription.
- * Now unused Autosubscribe all and Autounsubscribe checkboxes removed from
- Design options page
- - When connecting via ts3server:// link, use default identity, capture,
- playback and hotkey profiles
- * Nickname length increased to 30 characters
- * Limit phonetics nickname length to 30 characters
- * Phonetics nickname simplified. Instead of entering the format phonetic
- alphabet name, just enter the desired name itself, e.g. "Peter", "Ralf".
- * Typo fix German translation ("Konflicht").
- * Changed German translation for "poke" to "anstupsen".
- * Removed detailed settings for warn-when-talking-while-muted, option by
- default on
- * Check if notifications sound is enabled for warn-when-muted, automatically
- enable and warn user if sound script is missing
- * Added checks to warn-when-muted activation: Not away, not headset muted, not
- disconnected
- * Check for update only once per day
- - Fixed a possible crash that could occure when the capture device was closed
- (for example when changing devices in local test mode)
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta2 - 20 Dec 2009 ===
- - Fixed a problem where the client could not store some passwords correctly,
- the stored version was always trimmed to only a few characters
- - When entering hostnames/ips with trailing or leading spaces this could lead
- to the client not being able to connect. We now ignore trailing and leading
- white space.
- - Fixed a crash while destructing tts
- - Fixed a crash with hoster banner
- - Fixed a problem where the "Glance" button could cause a client assertion to
- fail (which terminated your client).
- - fixed possible crash with whisperlist
- * Renamed sound packs to better (more descriptive) names
- * Replaced the previous default sound pack with a less verbose version
- - Play stop talking wav, even in TTS profile
- - Bandwidth limit when edited in virtual server edit dialog now accepts bigger
- values
- - Fixed a crash that could occure on connect when connecting with a hostname
- instead of by IP
- - Mute headphones now also stops you from sending, since this what casual users
- expect. The functionality to mute only your headphones and still be able to
- transmit will return in a future build.
- === Client Release 3.0.0-beta1 - 19 Dec 2009 ===
- * Initial beta release