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Picasa Windows info | 2011-02-07 | 12.4 KB | 276 lines |
- <window mac_title="Preferences" win_title="Options" width="fit">
- <tabs name="tabs">
- <tab title="General">
- <labelgroup title="User interface:">
- <check title="Use special effects" name="UITransitions"/>
- <check title="Show tooltips" name="ShowTooltips" os="win"/>
- <check title="Show help tags" name="ShowTooltips" os="mac"/>
- <check title="Single-click to exit Edit View" name="SingleClickExit"/>
- </labelgroup>
- <spacer amount="1em"/>
- <labelgroup title="Files:">
- <check title="Detect duplicates while importing" name="autoexclude"/>
- <check title="Clear cache files" name="disposepreviews"/>
- <check title="Delete from disk without confirmation" name="DoNotConfirmDeleteFromDisk"/>
- <check title="Remove from album without confirmation" name="DoNotConfirmRemoveFromAlbum"/>
- </labelgroup>
- <separator/>
- <labelgroup title="Help improve Picasa:" width="fit">
- <!-- Stats Reporting -->
- <check title="Send anonymous usage stats to Google" name="usagestats"/>
- <link align="end" title="Privacy..." url="http://picasa.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=139492" name="privacy"/>
- </labelgroup>
- <separator/>
- <labelgroup title="Automatic updates:" os="win">
- <!-- AutoUpgradeCheck + AutoUpgradeAsk -->
- <popup name="autoupdate">
- <item title="Update automatically"/>
- <item title="Ask before downloading updates"/>
- <item title="Don't check for updates"/>
- </popup>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Language:" os="win">
- <popup name="language">
- <item title="System Default (en-US)"/>
- </popup>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="When a camera is connected, launch:" os="mac">
- <popup name="plugInCameraActionChoice">
- <item title="Picasa"/>
- <item title="no application"/>
- <item title="-"/>
- <item title="Choose application within ImageCapture..."/>
- </popup>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Save imported pictures in:">
- <browse title="Browse..." prompt="Select destination folder for imported pictures" name="importdest"/>
- </labelgroup>
- </tab>
- <tab title="E-Mail">
- <group layout="column" align="center" width="fit">
- <labelgroup title="E-mail program:">
- <radiogroup name="mailprog">
- <radio title="Let me choose each time I send pictures"/>
- <radio title="Use my computer's default e-mail program" name="defaultmail"/>
- <radio title="Use my Google account"/>
- </radiogroup>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Size for multiple pictures:">
- <group layout="row" width="fill">
- <slider min="0" max="7" ticks="8" width="20em" name="picsize"/>
- <label title="1024 pixels" width="8em">
- <bind source="picsize" attr="title" format="%s pixels" list="160|320|480|640|800|1024|1200|1600"/>
- </label>
- </group>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Size for single pictures:">
- <radiogroup name="EmailSinglePicture" width="fill">
- <radio title="Same as multiple (1024 pixels)" width="fill">
- <bind source="picsize" attr="title" format="Same as multiple (%s pixels)" list="160|320|480|640|800|1024|1200|1600"/>
- </radio>
- <radio title="Original size"/>
- </radiogroup>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Send movies as:">
- <radiogroup name="EmailMovie">
- <radio title="First frame"/>
- <radio title="Full movie"/>
- </radiogroup>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Output format:" os="win">
- <check title="Send inline photos and captions (Outlook only)" name="UseHTMLMailer"/>
- </labelgroup>
- </group>
- </tab>
- <tab title="File Types">
- <group layout="column" align="center">
- <label title="Display JPEG files and:"/>
- <group layout="column" os="win">
- <check title=".BMP" name="SupportBMP"/>
- <check title=".GIF" name="SupportGIF"/>
- <check title=".PNG" name="SupportPNG"/>
- <check title=".TGA" name="SupportTGA"/>
- <check title=".TIF, .TIFF" name="SupportTIF"/>
- <check title=".PSD (Photoshop)" name="SupportPSD"/>
- <group layout="row">
- <check title="RAW formats" name="SupportRAW"/>
- <spacer amount="0.5em"/>
- <label title="("/>
- <spacer amount="0"/>
- <link title="Supported Formats" url="http://picasa.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=15625"/>
- <spacer amount="0"/>
- <label title=")"/>
- </group>
- <check title="Movies (.AVI, .MPG, .ASF, .WMV)" name="SupportMovies"/>
- <check title="Quicktime Movies (.MOV)" name="SupportQuicktime"/>
- </group>
- <group layout="column" os="mac">
- <check title=".gif" name="SupportGIF"/>
- <check title=".png" name="SupportPNG"/>
- <check title=".tif, .tiff" name="SupportTIF"/>
- <check title=".bmp" name="SupportBMP"/>
- <check title=".tga" name="SupportTGA"/>
- <check title=".psd (Photoshop)" name="SupportPSD"/>
- <group layout="row">
- <check title="RAW formats" name="SupportRAW"/>
- <spacer amount="0.5em"/>
- <label title="("/>
- <spacer amount="0"/>
- <link title="Supported Formats" url="http://picasa.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=15625"/>
- <spacer amount="0"/>
- <label title=")"/>
- </group>
- <check title="Movies (.mov, .mpg, .m4v, .3gp, .avi, ...)" name="SupportMovies"/>
- </group>
- </group>
- </tab>
- <tab title="Slideshow">
- <check title="Loop slideshow" name="LoopSlideshow"/>
- <check title="Play music tracks during slideshow" name="PlayMP3Tracks"/>
- <group layout="row" width="fill">
- <bind attr="enabled" source="PlayMP3Tracks"/>
- <spacer amount="indent"/>
- <group layout="column" width="fill">
- <label title="Select a folder of music tracks:"/>
- <browse title="Browse..." prompt="Select a folder to play music from" name="MP3SlideshowPath"/>
- </group>
- </group>
- </tab>
- <tab title="Printing">
- <label title="Available print sizes:" align="center"/>
- <group layout="row" align="center">
- <group layout="column">
- <popup name="print1" width="10em"/>
- <popup name="print2" width="10em"/>
- <popup name="print3" width="10em"/>
- </group>
- <group layout="column">
- <popup name="print4" width="10em"/>
- <popup name="print5" width="10em"/>
- </group>
- </group>
- <separator/>
- <group layout="column" align="center" width="fit">
- <labelgroup title="Previews:">
- <check title="Use high quality previews (slower)" name="PrintProxyPreview"/>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Printer quality:" os="win">
- <radiogroup name="PrinterQuality">
- <radio title="Compatible (half-res)"/>
- <radio title="High Quality (full-res)"/>
- </radiogroup>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Print resampler quality:">
- <radiogroup name="PrintResamplerQuality">
- <radio title="General (Lanczos-3)"/>
- <radio title="Extra sharp (Lanczos-8)"/>
- </radiogroup>
- </labelgroup>
- </group>
- </tab>
- <tab title="Network">
- <group layout="column" width="fill">
- <labelgroup title="Proxy username:" os="win">
- <edit width="fill" name="ProxyUser"/>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Proxy password:" os="win">
- <password width="fill" name="ProxyPass"/>
- <check title="Automatically detect network settings" name="autoproxy"/>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Network log level:">
- <popup name="loglevel">
- <item title="Disable Logging"/>
- <item title="Log errors only"/>
- <item title="Minimal log information"/>
- <item title="Detailed log information"/>
- <item title="Log all network information"/>
- </popup>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Log:" width="fill">
- <pathbox width="fill" name="log"/>
- </labelgroup>
- </group>
- </tab>
- <tab title="Web Albums">
- <labelgroup title="Default upload size:">
- <popup name="PWADefaultSize">
- <item title="Original size (slowest upload)"/>
- <item title="Recommended: 1600 pixels (for prints, screensavers, and sharing)"/>
- <item title="Medium: 1024 pixels (for sharing)"/>
- <item title="Small: 640 pixels (for blogs and webpages)"/>
- </popup>
- <group layout="column">
- <bind source="PWADefaultSize" attr="enabled" transform="not"/>
- <check title="Use 1600 pixel size when sharing" name="PWAShare1600"/>
- <check title="When syncing large files, upload previews first" name="PWAStriped"/>
- <spacer amount="0"/>
- <group><spacer amount="indent"/><label title="(recommended)"/></group>
- </group>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="JPEG Quality:">
- <group layout="column">
- <bind source="PWADefaultSize" attr="enabled"/>
- <check title="Preserve original image quality (uses more storage)" name="PWAUseHiQualityJPEG"/>
- </group>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="New album visibility:">
- <popup name="PWAPublic">
- <item title="{confirmsync::public}Public on the web"/>
- <item title="{confirmsync::unlisted}Anyone with the link"/>
- <item title="{confirmsync::signinRequired}Private"/>
- </popup>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Syncing:">
- <check title="Sync starred photos only" name="PWAStarred"/>
- <check title="Don't confirm every sync (use the above settings)" name="confirmsync::disable"/>
- <check title="Sync photo order" name="PWASyncOrder"/>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Name Tags:">
- <check title="Include with photo uploads" name="enablefruploads"/>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Watermarks:">
- <check title="Add a watermark for all photo uploads:" name="haswatermark"/>
- <edit width="fill" name="PWAWatermark">
- <bind attr="enabled" source="haswatermark"/>
- </edit>
- <spacer amount="0.25em"/>
- <label width="fill" size="small" title="Stamp photos with your name, a web domain, or a copyright notice."/>
- </labelgroup>
- </tab>
- <tab title="Name Tags">
- <group layout="column" align="center" width="fit">
- <check title="Enable face detection" name="enablefacedetection"/>
- <check title="Enable suggestions:" name="enablefacesuggestions"/>
- <group width="fit">
- <spacer amount="indent"/>
- <group layout="column" width="fit">
- <labelgroup title="Suggestion threshold:">
- <group layout="row" width="fill">
- <slider min="0" max="9" ticks="10" width="20em" name="facethresh0"/>
- <label title="facethresh0">
- <bind source="facethresh0" attr="title" format="%s" list="50|55|60|65|70|75|80|85|90|95"/>
- </label>
- </group>
- </labelgroup>
- <labelgroup title="Cluster threshold:">
- <group layout="row" width="fill">
- <slider min="0" max="9" ticks="10" width="20em" name="facethresh1"/>
- <label title="facethresh1">
- <bind source="facethresh1" attr="title" format="%s" list="50|55|60|65|70|75|80|85|90|95"/>
- </label>
- </group>
- </labelgroup>
- </group>
- </group>
- <!-- TODO(clay): Disable persistance of face data until the standard is resolved. -->
- <!-- <check title="Store name tags in photo" name="persistfacetofile"/> -->
- <check title="Upload people album thumbnails to Google Contacts" name="uploadcontactphotos"/>
- </group>
- </tab>
- </tabs>
- <buttongroup>
- <button title="OK" type="accept"/>
- <button title="Cancel" type="cancel"/>
- </buttongroup>
- </window>