3 Must specify target file to apply to each exported file (%d) (line %d of %s, (%s))
4 Copying items from %s\n
5 Unknown command: %s (%%d) (line %%d of %%s, (%%s))
6 Error %d at line %d of %s, processing\n%s
7 Error (%d) getting album indices
8 Picasa was unable to authenticate the file you downloaded.
9 Unable to download from %s to %s (%x). Check your Internet connection and try again.
10 Database Saved
11 Error persisting: %d
12 A Folder or Album must be selected to do this.
13 An invalid image was detected.
14 Must have selected images to rotate.
15 This feature only works for single images (UI note: hide the button from here)
16 Couldn't create a directory for your images
17 No images were available to send.
18 Reading %d images.
19 Drive %s is now available.\nSize %s\nUsed %s\n\nContinue monitoring?
20 Picasa was unable to read a Movie File correctly.\nMovie support has been disabled to prevent further problems.\nWould you like to locate the Movie File?
21 waiting for reply
22 checking for drives
23 Unloading your camera
24 Drive %s is now available.\nSize %s\nUsed %s\n\nWould you like to acquire images from this drive?
25 Acquiring %d of %d files
26 Acquired %d files
27 Media Detector
28 You have started the application with a special\nkey combination that will\nERASE YOUR ENTIRE DATABASE\nAre you ABSOLUTELY SURE you want to do this?
29 %d of your images could not be rotated.\nThis can happen when the files are read-only.
30 You must select a Folder or Album to export
31 Select Folder to Export to
32 Error %d exporting
33 You must have images in the Picture Tray to do this.
34 A printer must be installed in order to print.
35 Attachment was not found
36 Could not open an attachment.
37 Too many file attachments to send.
38 Unknown recipient.
39 The email could not be sent.
41 %d pictures for you
42 a picture for you
43 This will open %d images. You sure you want to do this?
44 This will open %d folders. You sure you want to do this?
45 \n%d x %d pixels\n
46 %d bytes on disk\n
47 Created on %s\n
48 Version 3.8.0
49 This application requires at least an 800x600 screen resolution with 16 bit color.\n
50 This application requires an MMX-capable processor.
51 The database is not available.
52 Exporting pictures
53 Writing image
54 Writing thumbnail
55 Finishing...
56 Building image HTML
57 Exporting target
58 Preparing to print
59 %d copies
60 Select a folder to add
62 General
63 Options
64 Filters
65 Select a file to add
66 Overview
67 Refresh "%s" now
68 Select a Folder
69 Export as HTML Page
70 Select a Web Page Template
71 GoogleMediaDetector
72 My Pictures
73 Path
74 Refresh "%s" now
75 (%d images)
76 Executing commands...
77 Bad path, removing.
78 Updating...
79 Excluding...
80 Add New Collection
81 Rename Collection
82 Printing Prefs
83 WARNING!\nAre you sure you want to clean the card of all files? This cannot be undone.
84 Template Name
85 Other Stuff
86 If you remove a watched folder, new items that you add to that folder on disk will not be automatically added to Picasa. Are you sure you want to do this?
87 Confirm Remove Watched Folder
88 My Albums
89 <Enter Name Here>
90 Enter Collection Name:
91 "%s" is not a valid collection name
92 You already have a collection named "%s."
93 Enter the new name of the collection:
94 Are you sure you want to remove the collection "%s"? All folders in it will be moved to the collection "%s".
95 "%s" is the default collection and cannot be removed.
96 New Collection...
100 Setting Up Watched Folders
101 Select Folders to Keep Automatically Up-to-Date
102 Include Other Folders You want
103 And Exclude Folders You Don't Want
105 "%s" already exists.\nAre you sure you want to overwrite it?
106 Exporting Image
107 Exported Pictures
108 Picasa %s for Windows(r) XP, Windows(r) Vista, Windows(r) 7.\n\nCopyright (c) 2003-2010 Google, Inc. All rights reserved. Picasa and Picasa Web Albums are trademarks of Google, Inc. All other product, service names, brands, or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.\n\nThis software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. This program is protected by U.S. and international copyright law.
109 (Build %1.2f, %s)
110 %s (exported %s)
111 Export Cancelled
112 Stop Watching
113 Scan Once
114 Watch the folder "%s"?
115 Send via
117 Specifying Folders
118 Including Small Pictures
119 You are about to close your last collection. No pictures will be shown in the thumbnail area. Do you want to continue?\n\nTo open a collection, double-click its name or click the icon next to it.
120 Close Last Collection?
121 Do not ask me again.
122 You appear to be already registered as "%s". Do you want to re-register?
123 Picasa Export
124 The directory "%s" already exists.\nYour export will be saved to "%s" instead.\n\nIf you still want to save in "%s" you must cancel the wizard and manually remove that directory.
125 E-Mail
126 Use
127 The serial number is invalid.
128 These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.\nTry it out here: http://picasa.google.com/
129 One or more images could not be rotated because of the file type.
130 This trial version has expired
131 Select Scanning Options
132 Customize which pictures Picasa includes by default
133 Folder...
134 Unregistered
135 Serial Number: %s
136 Select destination folder for imported pictures
137 Watching an entire drive can slow down the system. It would be better to select several sub-folders. Are you sure you want to do this?
138 Untitled
139 For %s
140 %d pixels (for large Web pages)
141 %d pixels (for Web pages)
142 %d pixels (for e-mail)
143 Connecting to Device...
144 Picasa HTML Exports\
145 The current user does not have sufficient permissions to run Picasa.
146 http://www.picasa.com/contact/feedback.php
147 You must select an image to edit.
148 A newer version of Picasa has already been downloaded.\nThe new version will auto-install the next time you run Picasa.
149 This will remove all edits you have made to the current picture. Do you want to continue?
150 Apply changes to current image before quitting?
151 Import images before closing Picasa?
152 Beginning Acquire
153 This will clear your entire tray. Are you sure you want to do this?
154 File Types
155 Slideshow
156 You have been sent 1 picture.\n\n
157 You have been sent %d pictures.\n\n
158 Red-Eye cannot be performed on pictures located on read only drives.
159 The destination directory could not be created.
160 Keywords
161 mom
162 dad
163 birthday
164 son
165 daughter
166 home
167 cool
168 bad
169 Export to...
170 Acquire from...
171 Filter...
172 Updated
173 \nYour free trial expired %d %s ago and we have disabled some features.\n Purchase a serial number today!
174 \nYour free trial has expired and we have disabled some features. \nPurchase a serial number today!
176 http://www.picasa.com/support/
177 Select folder to play MP3s from
178 %d pixels (for large monitors)
179 Are you sure you want to permanently remove copied files from the media card?
188 \nYour trial period is no longer valid and we have disabled some features.\nPurchase a serial number today!
193 PicasaEmailScanner
194 create dialog
195 Favorites
196 Folders
197 Confirm Edit
198 Apply changes to the current image?
199 Don't ask me again, always apply changes.
200 Albums
201 Recrop
202 Crop
203 New Filter...
204 Remove from Album Delete
205 Delete from Disk Delete
206 Locate on Disk Ctrl+Enter
207 Locate in Picasa
208 Confirm Delete
209 Don't ask again, always delete
210 Confirm Remove
211 Don't ask again, always remove
216 Move to New Album...
217 Move to New Folder...
218 Split Album Here
219 Split Folder Here
220 This will remove all edits you have made to ALL of the selected pictures. Do you want to continue?
221 Are you sure you want to delete the caption for this image?
222 Downloaded Albums
223 From Hello
224 Enter your friend's email address below, then click SEND. You may edit the caption above by clicking on it.
225 We could not make the folder name (on disk) conform to the name you have entered. This can happen on read-only volumes or when there are duplicate folder names in the same directory.
226 This will replace your Windows destop with a collage of the currently selected images.\nThe background will be the first image in the selection.\nDo you want to continue?
228 This will create a collage of the selected pictures as a new image.\nDo you want to continue?
229 This will create a contact sheet of all the images in the album as a new image.\nDo you want to continue?
230 Screensaver
231 This operation requires selected images.
232 Some images were not modified because of the file type. Note that effects cannot be applied to movies.
233 Are you sure you want to replace the existing caption with the contents of the clipboard?\n(This operation is not undoable)
234 runtime\hlpsys.dll
235 secure.hello.com
236 /master/feature.php
237 picasa_feature_manager
238 FeatureCache
239 FeatureCacheDate
240 Hidden Folders
241 %d file(s) selected for rename.\nPlease enter a new name for these files:
242 Red Eye
243 Desktops
245 Are you sure you want to discard this message?
246 Edited Pictures
247 Picasa Edits
248 The "Hidden Folders" collection is not currently password protected. Would you like to add a password now?
249 Cannot replace image. Please try again with a different filename.
250 Sorry, the collection "%s" cannot be renamed.
251 Sorry, the collection "%s" cannot be removed.
252 At least one image must be selected in order to perform this action.
253 The attached images are too large. Please remove some attachments, or select Options from the Tools menu and change your email preferences to send smaller images.
254 Login Incorrect
255 Login Unauthorized - Please try again later
256 Failed to connect to %s- Please try again later
259 http://picasa2.blogspot.com/
260 Some of the files you selected could not be opened.
261 Message body is empty. Are you sure you want to send?
262 Gmail
263 Gmail Account
264 Picasa Email
265 Hello Account
266 Please sign in again to send your message
267 Sent Email
268 Send failed
269 Please select a single picture to copy the effects from.
270 Are you sure you want to clear your saved contact list?
271 Add Password
272 The "Hidden Folders" collection is not currently password protected.\nWould you like to add a password now?
273 The disk folder "%s" is now empty.\nWould you like to delete it as well?
274 The images in the folder have been deleted, but the folder itself will not\nbe deleted due to the presence of additional files and/or folders.
275 An error occurred trying to send your message. Please try again later.
276 Are you sure you want to remove this attachment?
277 Attachments are too large...
278 Failed to send email. Please try again later.
279 You have less than the recommended free space on a disk used by Picasa.\nThis can lead to degraded performance while using Picasa.\nIt is recommended that you clear some disk space to avoid impaired operation.
281 Red eye fixes have been applied to %s.\nIf you remove all edits, your red eye fixes cannot be recovered with redo. \nAre you sure you want to remove the fixes forever?
282 This image's orientation has been modified by the Straighten tool and might not crop accurately.\nIf you encounter difficulty cropping this image, try undoing the Straighten fix, then recrop, and Straighten again if necessary.
283 Redeye fixes cannot be recovered with redo.\nAre you sure you want to undo?
284 Make Collage
285 This image's orientation has been modified by the Straighten tool, which can cause inaccuracies when selecting red eye rectangles.\nIf your redeye fixes appear to be misaligned (or non-existent), try undoing the Straighten fix, then reapply red eye fixes, and Straighten again if necessary.
286 This will replace your current desktop background with the current image. Are you sure you want to proceed?
287 http://forums.picasa.com/
288 Your cookie privacy settings are too strict to log in to Gmail
289 An album title is required.
290 Retouch fixes cannot be recovered with redo.\nAre you sure you want to undo?
298 Picasa %s for Linux.\n\nCopyright (c) 2003-2008 Google, Inc. All rights reserved. Picasa and Picasa Web Albums are trademarks of Google, Inc. All other product, service names, brands, or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.\n\nThis software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. This program is protected by U.S. and international copyright law.