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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Matt Chisholm matt@theory.org
Copyright (C) 2008 Joel Holdsworth joel@airwebreathe.org.uk
for AP
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import copy
import inkex
import simplestyle
import math
import cmath
import string
import random
import render_alphabetsoup_config
import bezmisc
import simplepath
import os
import sys
import gettext
_ = gettext.gettext
syntax = render_alphabetsoup_config.syntax
alphabet = render_alphabetsoup_config.alphabet
units = render_alphabetsoup_config.units
font = render_alphabetsoup_config.font
# Loads a super-path from a given SVG file
def loadPath( svgPath ):
extensionDir = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join( os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__) )
# __file__ is better then sys.argv[0] because this file may be a module
# for another one.
tree = inkex.etree.parse( extensionDir + "/" + svgPath )
root = tree.getroot()
pathElement = root.find('{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}path')
if pathElement == None:
return None, 0, 0
d = pathElement.get("d")
width = float(root.get("width"))
height = float(root.get("height"))
return simplepath.parsePath(d), width, height # Currently we only support a single path
def combinePaths( pathA, pathB ):
if pathA == None and pathB == None:
return None
elif pathA == None:
return pathB
elif pathB == None:
return pathA
return pathA + pathB
def flipLeftRight( sp, width ):
for cmd,params in sp:
defs = simplepath.pathdefs[cmd]
for i in range(defs[1]):
if defs[3][i] == 'x':
params[i] = width - params[i]
def flipTopBottom( sp, height ):
for cmd,params in sp:
defs = simplepath.pathdefs[cmd]
for i in range(defs[1]):
if defs[3][i] == 'y':
params[i] = height - params[i]
def solveQuadratic(a, b, c):
det = b*b - 4.0*a*c
if det >= 0: # real roots
sdet = math.sqrt(det)
else: # complex roots
sdet = cmath.sqrt(det)
return (-b + sdet) / (2*a), (-b - sdet) / (2*a)
def cbrt(x):
if x >= 0:
return x**(1.0/3.0)
return -((-x)**(1.0/3.0))
def findRealRoots(a,b,c,d):
if a != 0:
a, b, c, d = 1, b/float(a), c/float(a), d/float(a) # Divide through by a
t = b / 3.0
p, q = c - 3 * t**2, d - c * t + 2 * t**3
u, v = solveQuadratic(1, q, -(p/3.0)**3)
if type(u) == type(0j): # Complex Cubic Root
r = math.sqrt(u.real**2 + u.imag**2)
w = math.atan2(u.imag, u.real)
y1 = 2 * cbrt(r) * math.cos(w / 3.0)
else: # Complex Real Root
y1 = cbrt(u) + cbrt(v)
y2, y3 = solveQuadratic(1, y1, p + y1**2)
if type(y2) == type(0j): # Are y2 and y3 complex?
return [y1 - t]
return [y1 - t, y2 - t, y3 - t]
elif b != 0:
det=c*c - 4.0*b*d
if det >= 0:
return [(-c + math.sqrt(det))/(2.0*b),(-c - math.sqrt(det))/(2.0*b)]
elif c != 0:
return [-d/c]
return []
def getPathBoundingBox( sp ):
box = None
last = None
lostctrl = None
for cmd,params in sp:
segmentBox = None
if cmd == 'M':
# A move cannot contribute to the bounding box
last = params[:]
lastctrl = params[:]
elif cmd == 'L':
if last:
segmentBox = (min(params[0], last[0]), max(params[0], last[0]), min(params[1], last[1]), max(params[1], last[1]))
last = params[:]
lastctrl = params[:]
elif cmd == 'C':
if last:
segmentBox = (min(params[4], last[0]), max(params[4], last[0]), min(params[5], last[1]), max(params[5], last[1]))
bx0, by0 = last[:]
bx1, by1, bx2, by2, bx3, by3 = params[:]
# Compute the x limits
a = (-bx0 + 3*bx1 - 3*bx2 + bx3)*3
b = (3*bx0 - 6*bx1 + 3*bx2)*2
c = (-3*bx0 + 3*bx1)
ts = findRealRoots(0, a, b, c)
for t in ts:
if t >= 0 and t <= 1:
x = (-bx0 + 3*bx1 - 3*bx2 + bx3)*(t**3) + \
(3*bx0 - 6*bx1 + 3*bx2)*(t**2) + \
(-3*bx0 + 3*bx1)*t + \
segmentBox = (min(segmentBox[0], x), max(segmentBox[1], x), segmentBox[2], segmentBox[3])
# Compute the y limits
a = (-by0 + 3*by1 - 3*by2 + by3)*3
b = (3*by0 - 6*by1 + 3*by2)*2
c = (-3*by0 + 3*by1)
ts = findRealRoots(0, a, b, c)
for t in ts:
if t >= 0 and t <= 1:
y = (-by0 + 3*by1 - 3*by2 + by3)*(t**3) + \
(3*by0 - 6*by1 + 3*by2)*(t**2) + \
(-3*by0 + 3*by1)*t + \
segmentBox = (segmentBox[0], segmentBox[1], min(segmentBox[2], y), max(segmentBox[3], y))
last = params[-2:]
lastctrl = params[2:4]
elif cmd == 'Q':
# Provisional
if last:
segmentBox = (min(params[0], last[0]), max(params[0], last[0]), min(params[1], last[1]), max(params[1], last[1]))
last = params[-2:]
lastctrl = params[2:4]
elif cmd == 'A':
# Provisional
if last:
segmentBox = (min(params[0], last[0]), max(params[0], last[0]), min(params[1], last[1]), max(params[1], last[1]))
last = params[-2:]
lastctrl = params[2:4]
if segmentBox:
if box:
box = (min(segmentBox[0],box[0]), max(segmentBox[1],box[1]), min(segmentBox[2],box[2]), max(segmentBox[3],box[3]))
box = segmentBox
return box
def mxfm( image, width, height, stack ): # returns possibly transformed image
tbimage = image
if ( stack[0] == "-" ): # top-bottom flip
flipTopBottom(tbimage, height)
stack.pop( 0 )
lrimage = tbimage
if ( stack[0] == "|" ): # left-right flip
flipLeftRight(tbimage, width)
stack.pop( 0 )
return lrimage
def comparerule( rule, nodes ): # compare node list to nodes in rule
for i in range( 0, len(nodes)): # range( a, b ) = (a, a+1, a+2 ... b-2, b-1)
if (nodes[i] == rule[i][0]):
else: return 0
return 1
def findrule( state, nodes ): # find the rule which generated this subtree
ruleset = syntax[state][1]
nodelen = len(nodes)
for rule in ruleset:
rulelen = len(rule)
if ((rulelen == nodelen) and (comparerule( rule, nodes ))):
return rule
def generate( state ): # generate a random tree (in stack form)
stack = [ state ]
if ( len(syntax[state]) == 1 ): # if this is a stop symbol
return stack
stack.append( "[" )
path = random.randint(0, (len(syntax[state][1])-1)) # choose randomly from next states
for symbol in syntax[state][1][path]: # recurse down each non-terminal
if ( symbol != 0 ): # 0 denotes end of list ###
substack = generate( symbol[0] ) # get subtree
for elt in substack:
stack.append( elt )
if (symbol[3]):stack.append( "-" ) # top-bottom flip
if (symbol[4]):stack.append( "|" ) # left-right flip
#inkex.debug("found end of list in generate( state =", state, ")") # this should be deprecated/never happen
return stack
def draw( stack ): # draw a character based on a tree stack
state = stack.pop(0)
#print state,
image, width, height = loadPath( font+syntax[state][0] ) # load the image
if (stack[0] != "["): # terminal stack element
if (len(syntax[state]) == 1): # this state is a terminal node
return image, width, height
substack = generate( state ) # generate random substack
return draw( substack ) # draw random substack
images = [] # list of daughter images
nodes = [] # list of daughter names
while (stack[0] != "]"): # for all nodes in stack
newstate = stack[0] # the new state
newimage, width, height = draw( stack ) # draw the daughter state
if (newimage):
tfimage = mxfm( newimage, width, height, stack ) # maybe transform daughter state
images.append( [tfimage, width, height] ) # list of daughter images
nodes.append( newstate ) # list of daughter nodes
#inkex.debug(("recurse on",newstate,"failed")) # this should never happen
return None, 0, 0
rule = findrule( state, nodes ) # find the rule for this subtree
for i in range( 0, len(images)):
currimg, width, height = images[i]
if currimg:
#box = getPathBoundingBox(currimg)
dx = rule[i][1]*units
dy = rule[i][2]*units
#newbox = ((box[0]+dx),(box[1]+dy),(box[2]+dx),(box[3]+dy))
simplepath.translatePath(currimg, dx, dy)
image = combinePaths( image, currimg )
stack.pop( 0 )
return image, width, height
def draw_crop_scale( stack, zoom ): # draw, crop and scale letter image
image, width, height = draw(stack)
bbox = getPathBoundingBox(image)
simplepath.translatePath(image, -bbox[0], 0)
simplepath.scalePath(image, zoom/units, zoom/units)
return image, bbox[1] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[2]
def randomize_input_string( str, zoom ): # generate list of images based on input string
imagelist = []
for i in range(0,len(str)):
char = str[i]
#if ( re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9?]", char)):
if ( alphabet.has_key(char)):
if ((i > 0) and (char == str[i-1])): # if this letter matches previous letter
imagelist.append(imagelist[len(stack)-1])# make them the same image
else: # generate image for letter
stack = string.split( alphabet[char][random.randint(0,(len(alphabet[char])-1))] , "." )
#stack = string.split( alphabet[char][random.randint(0,(len(alphabet[char])-2))] , "." )
imagelist.append( draw_crop_scale( stack, zoom ))
elif( char == " "): # add a " " space to the image list
imagelist.append( " " )
else: # this character is not in config.alphabet, skip it
inkex.errormsg(_("bad character") + " = 0x%x" % ord(char))
return imagelist
def optikern( image, width, zoom ): # optical kerning algorithm
left = []
right = []
for i in range( 0, 36 ):
y = 0.5 * (i + 0.5) * zoom
xmin = None
xmax = None
for cmd,params in image:
segmentBox = None
if cmd == 'M':
# A move cannot contribute to the bounding box
last = params[:]
lastctrl = params[:]
elif cmd == 'L':
if (y >= last[1] and y <= params[1]) or (y >= params[1] and y <= last[1]):
if params[0] == last[0]:
x = params[0]
a = (params[1] - last[1]) / (params[0] - last[0])
b = last[1] - a * last[0]
if a != 0:
x = (y - b) / a
else: x = None
if x:
if xmin == None or x < xmin: xmin = x
if xmax == None or x > xmax: xmax = x
last = params[:]
lastctrl = params[:]
elif cmd == 'C':
if last:
bx0, by0 = last[:]
bx1, by1, bx2, by2, bx3, by3 = params[:]
d = by0 - y
c = -3*by0 + 3*by1
b = 3*by0 - 6*by1 + 3*by2
a = -by0 + 3*by1 - 3*by2 + by3
ts = findRealRoots(a, b, c, d)
for t in ts:
if t >= 0 and t <= 1:
x = (-bx0 + 3*bx1 - 3*bx2 + bx3)*(t**3) + \
(3*bx0 - 6*bx1 + 3*bx2)*(t**2) + \
(-3*bx0 + 3*bx1)*t + \
if xmin == None or x < xmin: xmin = x
if xmax == None or x > xmax: xmax = x
last = params[-2:]
lastctrl = params[2:4]
elif cmd == 'Q':
# Quadratic beziers are ignored
last = params[-2:]
lastctrl = params[2:4]
elif cmd == 'A':
# Arcs are ignored
last = params[-2:]
lastctrl = params[2:4]
if xmin != None and xmax != None:
left.append( xmin ) # distance from left edge of region to left edge of bbox
right.append( width - xmax ) # distance from right edge of region to right edge of bbox
left.append( width )
right.append( width )
return (left, right)
def layoutstring( imagelist, zoom ): # layout string of letter-images using optical kerning
kernlist = []
length = zoom
for entry in imagelist:
if (entry == " "): # leaving room for " " space characters
length = length + (zoom * render_alphabetsoup_config.space)
image, width, height = entry
length = length + width + zoom # add letter length to overall length
kernlist.append( optikern(image, width, zoom) ) # append kerning data for this image
workspace = None
position = zoom
for i in range(0, len(kernlist)):
while(imagelist[i] == " "):
position = position + (zoom * render_alphabetsoup_config.space )
image, width, height = imagelist[i]
# set the kerning
if i == 0: kern = 0 # for first image, kerning is zero
kerncompare = [] # kerning comparison array
for j in range( 0, len(kernlist[i][0])):
kerncompare.append( kernlist[i][0][j]+kernlist[i-1][1][j] )
kern = min( kerncompare )
position = position - kern # move position back by kern amount
thisimage = copy.deepcopy(image)
simplepath.translatePath(thisimage, position, 0)
workspace = combinePaths(workspace, thisimage)
position = position + width + zoom # advance position by letter width
return workspace
class AlphabetSoup(inkex.Effect):
def __init__(self):
self.OptionParser.add_option("-t", "--text",
action="store", type="string",
dest="text", default="Inkscape",
help="The text for alphabet soup")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-z", "--zoom",
action="store", type="float",
dest="zoom", default="8.0",
help="The zoom on the output graphics")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-s", "--seed",
action="store", type="int",
dest="seed", default="0",
help="The random seed for the soup")
def effect(self):
zoom = self.options.zoom
imagelist = randomize_input_string(self.options.text, zoom)
image = layoutstring( imagelist, zoom )
if image:
s = { 'stroke': 'none', 'fill': '#000000' }
new = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path','svg'))
new.set('style', simplestyle.formatStyle(s))
new.set('d', simplepath.formatPath(image))
if __name__ == '__main__':
e = AlphabetSoup()