inkex.errormsg(_("The JessyInk script is not installed in this SVG file or has a different version than the JessyInk extensions. Please select \"install/update...\" from the \"JessyInk\" sub-menu of the \"Extensions\" menu to install or update the JessyInk script.\n\n"))
# Find the script node, if present
for node in self.document.xpath("//svg:script[@id='JessyInk']", namespaces=inkex.NSS):
if node.get("{" + inkex.NSS["jessyink"] + "}version"):
inkex.errormsg(_("JessyInk script version {0} installed.").format(node.get("{" + inkex.NSS["jessyink"] + "}version")))
inkex.errormsg(_("JessyInk script installed."))
slides = []
masterSlide = None
for node in self.document.xpath("//svg:g[@inkscape:groupmode='layer']", namespaces=inkex.NSS):
if node.get("{" + inkex.NSS["jessyink"] + "}masterSlide"):
masterSlide = node
if masterSlide is not None:
inkex.errormsg(_("\nMaster slide:"))
self.describeNode(masterSlide, "\t", "<the number of the slide>", str(len(slides)), "<the title of the slide>")
inkex.errormsg(_("{0}\t\"{1}\" (object id \"{2}\") will be replaced by \"{3}\".").format(prefix, atNode.text, atNode.getparent().get("id"), autoTexts[atNode.get("{" + inkex.NSS["jessyink"] + "}autoText")]))
# Collect information about effects.
effects = {}
for effectNode in node.xpath(".//*[@jessyink:effectIn]", namespaces=inkex.NSS):