* @param dir direction the effect should be played (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards)
* @param element the element the effect should be applied to
* @param time the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the effect
* @param options a dictionary with additional options (e.g. length of the effect); for the view effect the options need to contain the old and the new matrix.
function view(dir, element, time, options)
var length = 250;
var fraction;
if (!options["matrixInitial"])
var tempString = slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"].getAttribute("transform");
if (tempString)
options["matrixInitial"] = (new matrixSVG()).fromAttribute(tempString);
options["matrixInitial"] = (new matrixSVG()).fromSVGElements(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);