<_param name="intro" type="description">This effect applies a value for any interpolatable attribute for all elements inside the selected group or for all elements in a multiple selection</_param>
<param name="att" type="enum" _gui-text="Attribute to Interpolate">
<_item value="width">Width</_item>
<_item value="height">Height</_item>
<_item value="scale">Scale</_item>
<_item value="trans-x">Translate X</_item>
<_item value="trans-y">Translate Y</_item>
<_item value="fill">Fill</_item>
<_item value="opacity">Opacity</_item>
<_item value="other">Other</_item>
<_param name="other-info" type="description">If you select "Other", you must know the SVG attributes to identify here this "other":</_param>